• Published 29th Aug 2012
  • 3,338 Views, 77 Comments

Tornado Disaster - NintendoGal55

Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and the Main Six cope after a tornado

  • ...

Broken Down

The storm was finished by the mid morning, when everypony was out and about. As it turned out, a rogue tornado, an F-4 as it seemed, had struck Ponyville and the surrounding areas. So far at least, there were no casualties amidst everypony. However, the tornado did manage to cause substantial damage around the town. Fallen trees on the ground or having landed on homes, roofs torn off of buildings, some homes destroyed altogether.

Twilight Sparkle, with Spike on her back,wandered through the mess of debris and other kinds of structure elements, and even all kinds of objects and clothes. All around them everypony worked to do their best to clean up and repair the damage, doing what they could wherever they happened to be.

Since the night before, the panic had died down. Everypony was mostly quiet as they were trying to wrap their heads around what was going on. It had been a very long night, and now they had all of this on their shoulders. Twilight could only surmise that nopony had any energy left to be scared or even to scream.

Hammering, sawing, knocking, pounding, all kinds of sounds of construction intermixed with ponies giving orders and suggestions amongst each other. Certainly there were reasons to feel relieved, but even beyond that, the dread still hung in the air.

"Wow, a rogue tornado..." Twilight murmured, shaking her head. "Apparently one of those hasn't struck Ponyville in about twenty years!"

"That's longer than you've been alive, isn't it Twilight?" Spike said quietly to the Unicorn, shaking his head at the scene of damage. "I don't think we've ever seen one of those in Canterlot..."

"No, definitely not in Canterlot," Twilight frowned. "I don't think I've ever seen a rogue tornado-ever! Aside from the tornado the Pegasi made back on Tornado Day, I've never truly seen one."

"Me neither..." Spike looked saddened as he witnessed a pony family hugging each other amidst the ruins of their house. "I just hope we never see a rogue tornado like that, ever again..."

"You're telling me," Twilight agreed. "At least nopony was severely hurt, so that's good."

Looking ahead of them, she could see Rainbow Dash having a talk with the Mayor. She waited a few moments until the cyan Pegasus was free. When she was, walking away from their town leader, Twilight approached her.

"Rainbow...are you all right?" She took note of the worried, distraught look on her face.

"...I couldn't make it, Twilight." Rainbow Dash murmured, sounding almost shameful. "I tried my hardest, I was almost there, but the tornado...it was so strong, it caught up to me so fast...there was no time...I couldn't make it..."

"Couldn't make it?" Twilight repeated, confused. "What do you mean?"

"I managed to warn everypony else...everypony but Fluttershy..." Rainbow's ears drooped when she said the name, and her tail curled around her haunches. "I couldn't make it to her cottage before the tornado hit..."

"...Oh..." Twilight realized.

Heart breaking, the lavender unicorn just wasn't sure what to do. She had never seen Rainbow Dash this broken up before, at least not like this. And it was no wonder, Fluttershy was incredibly important to her. A crisis such as this was bound to shake her up. Then to see that she managed to warn everypony EXCEPT the very pony she wanted to warn the most.

"Oh, Rainbow..." Twilight placed a hoof on her shoulder. "I'm sorry you couldn't make it."

"I let her down, Twilight..." Rainbow moaned, pressing her hooves over her eyes. The unicorn was surprised to see tears streaming down her cyan cheeks. "The tornado got her first, and it's all my fault...all because I wasn't fast enough...I'm a failure..."

"That's not true," Twilight said sternly, shaking her head, "You did what you could, but you could only do so much. Straying that close to a rogue tornado is not only stupid, it's dangerous. It's a good thing you got out of there when you did."

"But...but Twilight, she...she's probably hurt or...or worse..." Rainbow sobbed softly, laying on the ground with her wings folded into her sides. "I...I should've gone to...to warn her, first..."

"Hey, don't cry!" Spike hopped down, coming to her side and patting her back. "I'm sure Fluttershy's okay! She can be pretty resourceful when she needs to be."

"Yeah!" Twilight agreed. "It's okay Rainbow, don't worry. It's really sweet that you're worried about her, but it's okay. Why don't we go to her cottage and see how things are?"

"I...I can't..." Rainbow sniffled, shaking her head. "I...I'm afraid of...of what I'll see if...if I go out there...I can't...I can't bear the thought of that..."

"Rainbow, if you don't, you're only going to hurt yourself even more. You need this closure," Twilight encouraged, "Besides, what if Fluttershy's okay? I'm sure she wants to see you. Don't you think that'd be kind of mean?"

"She's probably waiting for you now!" Spike threw in.

This only upset Rainbow Dash even more. "But what if she's NOT okay?! Huh?! What if we walk into her cottage, and there she is, mangled and unrecognizable?! Then what, Egghead?! Tell me!!!"

Admittedly, Twilight felt a shiver course across her spine at that image. She shuddered a little, trying to get over it. Now was not the time to assume the worst. Yet, she knew better than to think that they should expect everything to be all hunky-dory. Considering the damage all over Ponyville, she could only assume there was some kind of casualty in or around Fluttershy's cottage.

"Okay, look, we don't know what happened. We shouldn't jump to conclusions," Twilight said evenly, "Let's just go to Fluttershy's and see what's going on. Who knows, she might need our help."

"...Fine." Rainbow Dash gave in at last, picking herself up off the ground and spreading her wings to take flight.

"All right, then let's go!" Twilight said, helping Spike onto her back with her magic.

The two ponies and the little dragon departed, heading to the outskirts of the town. While the feeling of dread was still within them, they did all that they could to hope for the best. Fluttershy was likely counting on them, even. They had to be there for her, no matter what ended up happening.

As nervous as she was, Twilight had a good feeling. More than likely, she was going to be able to say one big “I told you so” when this was over.

The anticipation was short lived.

"See?!" Rainbow Dash snapped at the Unicorn, gesturing to the wreckage that was once Fluttershy's cottage. "What did I tell you?!"

"I know, you told me so..." Twilight rolled her eyes. Regardless, she looked on toward the damage with worry.

Pretty much more than half the roof was torn off, along with the walls and upper structure, leaving the cottage half exposed. Debris and all kinds of objects were strewn about on the ground, littering. Some animals were scurrying about, trying to fix things and most especially, trying to find things.

Fluttershy, however, was nowhere to be seen.

"What if she didn't make it?" Rainbow Dash said worriedly. "What if she was blown clear across the Everfree Forest?! What if she's on the other side of Equestria?! What if she's..." The cyan daredevil couldn't force herself to finish the last sentence.

"Rainbow, we won't know until we look," Twilight said firmly. "And that's what we'll do. We're going to search around for any traces of her at all. If we don't find her in the wreckage, we'll go back to town, ask around, and see what we can do. Then, if we don't find her then, we'll form a search party and find her. Don't worry, either way, we are going to find her."

"I sure hope so, Twilight..." Rainbow frowned, her ears drooping again. "Because if we don't..."

"Fluttershy!" Spike wasted no time as he hopped down to the ground, looking through one area of the wreckage. "Hey Fluttershy!"

"Fluttershy!" Twilight called out, moving things around with her magic.

"Fluttershy, where are you?!" Rainbow shot off like a rocket towards the wreckage of the cottage, determined to find the other Pegasus.



The two ponies and the little dragon were now frantically searching along the wreckage as best as they could. Many of the fallen objects were still salvageable, especially some bits of the structure, so they were careful. What was pretty much left so little of or just damaged beyond repair, they just tossed it aside.

As they looked about, careful of any broken glass, there came a small sound from above. A whimper.

"Fluttershy?!" Rainbow whirled around when she heard the whimper. "Fluttershy, can you hear me?!"

The sound came again, a little louder this time. Sure enough, it was coming from the remainder of the upstairs level.

"Check upstairs!" Twilight said, pointing. "I think it's coming from there!"

"Let's go!" Rainbow flew up to what was left of the upstairs, frantic by this point!

More whimpers were heard by then as the three of them reached the remainder of the cottage's upstairs. Most of the floor was either gone or broken, the bedframe remained, but was caving in, with the mattress set at an awkward angle. It was adding pressure to the entire collapsed bed frame, no less.

Beneath it, some strands of pink hair poked out from under it, along with a little pool of blood, and wisps of yellow.

"Fluttershy?" Twilight said gently.

"Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash looked relieved, but worried at the sight of blood. "I think she's hurt. Twilight, can you move the bed frame off her?"

"I'm on it!" Twilight nodded, already summoning her magic to do just that.

"D-Dashie..." Came Fluttershy's voice. A quivering hoof was reaching out from beneath the wrecked bed frame.

Twilight levitated the mattress and the bedframe, carefully, making sure neither one were somehow damaging Fluttershy. But as both of them were moved, there was the saddening sight of the beautiful Pegasus. She was laying there, on her stomach, with bruises, scrapes, bits of blood, and a messy mane. There were even bloodstains in her mane, which now revealed to be a head wound along the side of her head.

Even worse, her wings were bent at awkward ankles, the feathers ruffled and mangled. Clearly, they were broken.

Looking up, blood running down her face, Fluttershy smiled weakly.

"Rainbow..." Her voice shook.

"Um, Rainbow Dash? Are Pegasus wings supposed to bend that way?" Spike asked in worry.

Rainbow Dash cringed when she saw Fluttershy's wings. "No, Spike, they're not supposed to bend like that." Frowning, she carefully reached her hoof out to the creamy yellow Pegasus. "Hey, Fluttershy...are you okay?"

"I...I can't feel my legs...." Fluttershy's voice quivered. She shook, trying to move. "And my wings...I can't feel them, either! Dashie...help me..."

"Hang on, Flutters...I'll get you out of there..." Rainbow promised. She hovered above the floor and came around behind Fluttershy, carefully reaching for her. "Twilight, think you can help me move her?"

"It'll be hard, we're not supposed to move an injured body...but we have to get her to the hospital!" Twilight said, biting her lip. "We should first check her for injuries and broken bones."

"Um...duh!" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, gesturing to Fluttershy's oddly-bent wings and the cuts and bruises all over her body. "We already know she's injured!"

"Right..." Twilight mumbled, sheepish. "Okay, so we know that, but let's see if any bones are broken."

"I think...my legs and wings are broke..." Fluttershy managed weakly.

"Can't you perform some kinda spell to check for broken bones?" Rainbow looked at the Unicorn with a frown.

"Well, I could try..." Twilight sat down next to the fallen Pegasus. "I think I know a spell that can do that. But I'll need Fluttershy to stay still and calm. Rainbow, could you keep her calm?"

"No problem!" Rainbow saluted, sitting down carefully next to her best friend. "Flutters? Hey, look at me. How are you doing?"

"I...I...I'm scared...I feel warm on my head..." Fluttershy trembled a bit. She looked at her best friend with tears in her eyes. "Am I going to...to..." Her lips quivered.

"Shhh..." Rainbow pressed a hoof to her lips, gently. "Don't talk like that, pal. You're going to be fine. ...What happened, though? I know you had to have heard the sirens. Why didn't you take shelter?"

"I...I..didn't know...why the sirens were going off," Fluttershy confessed. She began to relax a bit from her comfort, her trembling lessening. "I was trying to find Angel...he was under my bed. By the time I found him... and saw the tornado coming near..it was too late...and he wouldn't come out. I went under the bed..."

Frowning, Rainbow began to stroke her dishevelled mane. "Fluttershy, you know what those sirens mean. You should've gone for cover anyway. Especially if you saw that the storm was getting bad."

"I...I know! And I'm sorry..." Fluttershy sniffled, but leaned her head, gently, into the comforting strokes.

"Don't be sorry, Fluttershy..." Rainbow Dash sighed, still stroking her frazzled mane in comfort. "You couldn't help it, I guess...I just wish I'd gotten here sooner...then maybe..." She bit her lip, which was quivering, as tears pooled in her eyes. "...maybe you wouldn't be so messed-up..."

Fluttershy's own lips quivered as she looked up at her painfully. "Oh, Rainbow...please don't blame yourself..."

Twilight released the spell, looking worried. “She definitely has broken bones, but a doctor will need to verify it further.”

"Twilight, you should go and get help," Spike turned to the unicorn then, worried. "I'll stay here with them, you'll get there faster than I would."

"Okay, I'll even teleport to save time," Twilight nodded. "I'll be back, girls! We'll get Fluttershy to the hospital. Rainbow, keep Fluttershy awake. She likely has a concussion."

Not quite listening to her, Rainbow Dash choked back a sob, crying softly. "But...but how can I not blame myself, Fluttershy...? It's...it's all my fault that...that this even happened to you. If only...if only I'd been quicker at...warning Rarity and Pinkie...then maybe...I could've gotten here in time...to warn you, too..."

"Um, Rainbow?" Twilight tried to get the Pegasus' attention, but was failing. "Rainbow, did you-"

Spike placed a claw on her hoof. "Never mind, Twilight. I think she gets the message. Besides, I think she's a little too worried about Fluttershy..." He looked at the two ponies sympathetically.

Understanding, Twilight nodded before she hurried off, teleporting from sight.

Reaching up, Fluttershy shakily managed to nuzzle her beloved gently, "Shhh...it's okay, Rainbow...I could never blame you for this... It's all right...you did what you could..."

Crying more, Rainbow nuzzled her love back. "But...but if I'd been faster...then...then this might not have happened...I...I knew that you would be scared...especially because...you're still not used...to hearing the sirens sound...I should've...I should've tried harder...flown faster...anything to...to save you from...from this..."

"Rainbow..." Fluttershy's voice was shaky, she coughed a bit, but smiled again. It did hurt her heart to see Rainbow Dash cry, especially over her. Even right now, she just about forgot her own injuries and predicament because of it.

"I understand...I think anypony would feel this way...I would...the fact you feel this way now just says it all..." Fluttershy nuzzled her more, "I'll be okay.."

"You..." Rainbow sniffled, her ears drooping, her cheeks and snout wet with tears. "...you promise, Fluttershy...? I...I can't lose you, pal...I just can't...not like this...I'll never forgive myself if...if you don't...m-make it th-through th-this..."

"I-I will, Rainbow...I'll be strong...for all of you. I promise you," Fluttershy whispered, placing her hoof over hers on the ground, "I love you, and I promise..." She coughed up some blood, trembling a bit in doing so.

Seeing this, Rainbow Dash couldn't take it anymore. She broke down into full-blown sobs, laying down and leaning her head against the other Pegasus. She said nothing as she cried, only nuzzled her and opened her wings over her battered form, promising to protect her now as much as possible.

Stricken, Fluttershy felt tears of her own coursing down her face. Having known her a good lot of her life, she hadn't seen Rainbow crying very often. Especially when she was trying to be strong, despite that it was clear she was ready to burst into tears. Right now was not one of those times. Fluttershy felt saddened, and yet, glad to see her just letting go. She cried softly, but nuzzled her and kissed her muzzle, offering little comforts of her own.

Spike watched the scene sadly, close enough to keep an eye on Fluttershy's state of health, but at a fair distance to give the two lovers privacy. Angel had since come up and nuzzled up against Fluttershy, clearly worried and concerned for his caretaker.

Rainbow continued to sob and sniffle, heartbroken by Fluttershy's condition, and the state of her half-destroyed cottage. She couldn't help but blame herself for this, even though she knew she wasn't truly at fault. She couldn't have possibly beaten the tornado; if she'd tried, she'd have probably ended up the same way, or worse. But she still felt that if she'd been faster, then this disaster probably wouldn't have happened...

Comments ( 23 )

This dialogue seems so real to me. Living most of your life in the shadow of the funnels, as I have, will do that, I guess.

Oh god I'm cruel! I tried NOT to laugh imagining Fluttershys conditions! But it's still sad, so it was easier to not laugh, and sad doesn't make me laugh, mabye blood and gore, but not sadness. Never sadness.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand Fluttershy is a quadriplegic!

No, that's not right. Sexriplegic maybe? She has 6 "limbs" I guess...

1209700 XD Nnnnope! She'll be okay! It's only for a while. Plus...MAGIC! It's just her hind legs and wings, though.


Uh huh... yeah... magic... right... :rainbowwild:


Don't ask me why, but when I saw your comment, the first thing I thought of was this quote...

Wow ... that was amazing to voice act... :scootangel:
You see... This here is a shining example of why I think you are one of the best Flutterdash writers around. Fluttershy and Dash's interactions were so D'aww and because of her injuries were also tearful reading.

Poor Spike must want to go wash his eyes out after the display.. especially if they get any more intimate. :moustache:

I can't wait to see what happens next. This is seriously such an engaging read. Keep up the awesome work. :yay::heart::rainbowdetermined2:

This made me cry.................... :fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry: It is so detailed! I hope she gets better. I'm sure she will with magic but what if? AGG :fluttercry: I need to know what happens! Is she ok or not? But really great chapter and this really did make me cry.

As always, remember to stay :pinkiehappy: GREAT! :pinkiehappy:

Damn you're good.
No tears though =\
Heartless bastard much...
Here's a song that perfectly describes me.

Wow it's surprising to see Fluttershy is still alive and in decent shape after all that, being on the second floor during a violent tornado increases your chances of death or sever injury, remember like I said before when it comes to those things you want to be below ground or on the first floor with as many walls between you and the outside as you can get. :fluttercry:

Fluttershy did do one thing right though, taking cover under the matress even if it was on the second floor was a good idea, a matress, table, or staircase can act as a shield against flying debris which causes the most fatalites. The matress probably saved Fluttershy's life. :yay:

I was afraid of what I would see in this chapter, but I just needed to read it, to see what happened to Fluttershy. :fluttercry:
Why that had to happen to her?... :raritycry:
I coudn't stop reading it, even though it was so sad... Because it was so beautiful at the same time! :pinkiesad2:
The words of Dashie and Fluttershy, and their feelings... it was written so great! You could just feel their love for each other!

I'm waiting for the next chapter!
I hope, things will get better for Fluttershy. :pinkiesad2:

I love it. The feels shine through the tragedy so well.

Hi. Have you forgotten about this?
Just wondering.

2254786 Nope! We have not, I assure you. We have a lot of plans for this story, we just have to get them off the ground. :pinkiehappy:

*whines* Why is there no more.
*Flails at the keyboard and cries* I want a happy ending! :(

I know this is a stupid question and it's pretty much not related to the story but... what does On Hiatus mean?



Off to a good start. Really want to see more... if it ever comes.

why have you made a hiatus???!?!!!??!!???:flutterrage::twilightangry2::raritydespair:

*grabs pitchfork and torch*UPDATE!UPDATE!


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