• Published 23rd Sep 2020
  • 6,143 Views, 310 Comments

Red's Looking Sus - Calex Winteridge

I don't know about you man, but Twilight said he vented in Library.

  • ...

I'm Skipping...

Twilight was now at a break neck galloping speed. Pillars, rooms, and doors passed her on either side as she continued to get away from her pursuers that she knew were hot on her trail. She wouldn't dare look behind her back to confirm this, for fear of running into a wall. Plus she knew what was behind her, 9 very angry and armed creatures of varying colors with firearms and knives. She needed to get back to her library at all costs, for some reason she thought if she got back to her study cave, all these problems would go away. In fact she was counting on it! She didn't want to die at the hands of these creatures! Especially that Blue one who was screaming every expletive in the dictionary at her. She needed to get away and she needed to do it fast, because if she didn't they were going to catch up to her, and do who knows what!

Kill her? Violate her? Force her to read YouTube comments? She just didn't know! And quite frankly she didn't want to find out.

As another shot rang out from behind her, she spun around a corner and looked for a place to hide. Luckily for her, directly to her left was an open broom closet. She wasted no time and threw herself inside while using her magic to quickly and quietly close the door behind her. She hid amongst the cleaning supplies, brooms, and buckets and she listened to the mini foot falls pass by the door. She quieted and steadied her breathing as she listened, she could tell by the way they stopped they were confused by her sudden disappearance. She heard mumbling and arguing as the group figured out what to do now.

Then... the voices stopped and the group went away. Finally silence washed over Twilight, she didn't hear any more footsteps, she couldn't hear any more talking, and as far as she was concerned she was alone again and safe for the time being.

Twilight let out a deep sigh as she used her horn to illuminate the closet just so she could see what was around her. And as she did she spoke to herself.

"I need to get out of here and call for help... But who could help me? Spike? Starlight? Celestia? I have no idea, I don't even know where these creatures came from or what they really are," She sounded destitute...

"We're called Crewmates," A voice answered Twilight. She quickly spun her head to where she heard the voice and increased the brightness of her horn. What she would find is a purple crewmate sitting in the broom closet with her, its hands were clasped over its knees as it sat next to some cleaning detergent. Twilight went to yell in surprise but it immediately jumped forward and put his hand over her mouth while putting its finger on it's glass dome while it let out a hushing sound as it spoke while trying to keep her quiet.

"Alright look, you to Listen and trust me... I'm the only actual crewmate here, well besides White and Yellow... But, I'm sure they're both dead by now and if they aren't, then these impostors are more incompetent than I first thought. But what's important is that you are in grave danger, we both are, and if we don't get out of here soon, those impostors are eventually going to find us and they're going to kill us and take this castle for themselves. And yes... I'm sure you have many questions, and I'm sure I could answer them but we don't have much time so I'm going to have to ignore those questions for now and just give you the crash course of what's happening, and I'm also going to need you to go along with it. Okay?" It said to her.

Twilight with her mouth still covered while also having not many options left, decided to give in and listen instead of indulging in her curiosity. She shook her head up and down has she kept her eyes planted on this crew member.

"Alright so... For some reason this game decided to have a glitch, and spawn way more imposters than their were crewmates at the start of the round. And while normally that would result in an imposter victory right off, the game continued forward like normal. At first it was fine, I did all of my tasks, I hung around security and watched the cameras with Yellow, I went to the admin office and watched over the complex from there and everything seemed hunky dory," The crewmate would remove his hand from Twilights mouth and she stayed quiet as she listened to his story.

"But when I witnessed Pink and Teal starting to argue with each other about either of them taking the last slice of Pepperoni Pizza from the cafeteria, and both of them pulled out knives, I was convinced something was wrong and that both of them were imposters. I went to run and press the emergency meeting button but Blue barged into the room and threatened both of them with a firearm. This game only had one imposter scheduled... yet somehow, we ended up with 7. And to make it worse, all of them are getting more and more violent and aggressive as the night goes on," Twilight was at a loss for words. Not only did she find out that she was trapped in some sort of game, but she also now knew that these imposters we're getting more and more aggressive as time continued forward. Which meant, it was only going to get worse.

"Well, what can we do?" Twilight asked the purple crewmate. The astronaut put a hand to his chin as he thought. He then lit up like a light bulb as he snapped his fingers.

"I got it! We need to trick the imposters into voting each other off so that the number of imposters and crew members become equal enough for us to turn the tide on them and get the upper hand," He said. Twilight thought about this.

"Okay... But how are we supposed to convince these impostors that their fellow imposters are imposters..." She asked, questioning the wisdom of her crewmate friend. He would think for a minute before hatching another idea.

"We need to play with their emotions through mental gymnastics. We need to create false narratives for them to try and convince themselves that their crewmates so that the imposters will have no quarrel with either killing them or voting them out," Twilight would quickly interject.

"You know you keep mentioning voting people off but I don't know what that means," She said, scratching the back of her head in confusion.

"Okay so... when you vote somebody off you convince everybody else in the party that they are an imposter. They hold a vote and if the votes outweigh either skipping or somebody else getting kicked off, that person is chosen to be shot into space, or kicked off a building, or thrown into lava," Twilight would Grimace at all three of those options.

"Dear Celestia... So violent. Can't we just turn them over to the authorities?" She asked, the dome on the purple crewmate would become cross with her.

"Trust me... These things are dangerous and need to be destroyed. If we continue to allow them to live they will wreak havoc on this world. They are beyond redemption or rehabilitation by any institutionalized organization. I've seen many like them before now, they can't be trusted," It said while pointing a finger at the door as if gesturing to the whole group in general.

"Okay okay... It just, doesn't feel right..." She said, while she sheepishly looked over her shoulder.

"Believe me... once these things are gone you'll be able to sleep better knowing that this filth has been rid from your world," He came back.

"Alright, I believe you. Plus once they're all gone I'll be able to get my castle back, which I'm not too happy about it being changed the way it is. And I still don't know how they managed to do so much construction and under two hours... it's just physically impossible for anypony to move that fast," The crewmate would then smile proudly as he put his hands on his hips while he boasted to her.

"I wouldn't underestimate us. We can be quite quick with our repair and construction work if we really get down to business. After all we built a research base on the planet Polus in less than 24 hours and it has every amenity under the sun. Then again everything we construct usually needs to be repaired shortly after... It's like Chinese bootleg construction... Eeeeverythings made in China," It said as a few sweat drops slid down its head, while it looked off to the right as if avoiding eye contact with her. Twilight became confused again.

"Uuuh... What's a China?" She asked, as she rubbed the back of her head again in confusion.

"It's uh... Uh... Not important. What is important is that we start with our plan, just follow my lead and we should be okay," The crewmate said as he stood up holding a hand down to her offering to help her to her hooves. Twilight looked at his hand then accepted his offer standing up shortly after him.

"Alright, I'm trusting you let's do this!" She said as she shook his hand with her hoof.