• Published 24th Sep 2020
  • 2,397 Views, 42 Comments

MLP-Twilight's Journey - Tigerarrow

Twilight was known by many names. Celestia’s other student. Prodigy, powerhouse, unstable, crazy and in the darkest of shadows Monster. The lavender filly cared for none of it. She simply wanted to be left alone, but destiny has come calling...

  • ...

Into the Woods

Time pasted as the six fillies and one baby dragon huddled together in the dark. Each soaking in the comforting presence of the others as the remaining terror fled and dispelled like smoke. Finally feeling her strength return Applejack broke the silence.

“Is everypony aright?”

Mumbled affirmatives and quiet yes’s answered her question and the group began to untangle themselves.

“What was that?” Rainbow asked shuddering slightly. Her tail lashing through the air.

Bête Noire.” Twilight said quietly forcing trembling limbs to hold her weight. She gave herself a brisk shake before turning to check on Spike. “Otherwise known as the fear forest.”

“I wonder how it got that name.” Rarity muttered distastefully, flicking mud out of her mane with a grimmer.

Twilight simply shook her head, lips tight leaning down to nudge Spike onto her back.

“I’ve read about it before, trees that release a toxic pollen that inductions fear and hallucinations. First time I’ve even seen it in pony though.” Her ears went back eyes darkening as her mind seemed to drift.

“Never thought it would be so potent.” She muttered softly, her tail curling between her legs.

Rarity shuddered in agreement shaking her head.

“Yes that was just ghastly. Applejack darling I can’t thank you enough for getting us out of there.”

“Yeah how’d you know that water would have broken the curse or whatever?” Rainbow asked giving a full body shake before taking to the air.

Applejack tipped her hat humming in thought.

“I don’t righty know really. One moment I was running around screaming my head off the next I was soaked and mind clear. It wasn’t hard to put two and two together and herd everypony else but..” she tapped her chin brow creased in thought.

“I was kinda wondering where that pond came from. I was sure it wasn’t there when we walked by before.” She wondered absently.

“Well I’m super-duper glad you found it!” Pinkie cried bouncing in circles. “It was like really dark and super scary!” she slowed down looking thoughtful and slightly sad. “I was all alone and I couldn’t find anypony. I’ve never been so afraid..”

In the back of the group Twilight suddenly stiffen, her pupils dilating. Afraid…

“Pssf.” Rainbow scoffed rolling her eyes while pointedly ignoring the slight tremble in her wings. “It wasn’t that bad. I wasn’t even really scared. I was just screaming cause you guys were and I didn’t want you to feel bad.” She lied trying to look nonchalant.

“Yeah right!” Applejack snorted throwing the rainbow filly a grin. “Says the filly who screamed like a murder victim when I grabbed her tail!”

Rainbow squeaked as the others laughed and the flood gates opened wide, each girl sharing their experience within the terror filled mist. With each word spoked burden were lifted from weary withers and shared among those who were happy to help carry the load.

As excited chatter filled the air Twilight was silent, head slowly sinking to the ground as her eyes glazed over with memory. Spike watched her worriedly laying a claw on her neck as the unicorn began to tremble slightly.

A small purple filly


Too thin face soaked with tears.


Small body pressed into the corner shoulders shaking with near silent sobs


Light spilled fore, the small body shaking harder as hoofstep..


Twilight eyes flew open and she jerked throwing herself away from the concerned shout. Rarity startled at the violent reaction pulling back slightly.

“Twilight are you..” she hesitated noting the smaller unicorns wide eyes and heaving breaths. A white hoof reached out.

“Are you ok?”

Twilight eyes were wide, her breath coming too fast, her heart feeling like it was going to beat out of her chest as treacherous tears pricked her eyes. The others were looking at her and she couldn’t breathe her eyes darting from one concerned face to another.

It was too much; they were too close. The warm fur that had once brought comfort now making her feel trapped.

Fast working lungs heaved in a breath as her body swayed, vision going fuzzy as she couldn’t get enough oxygen to her brain. It was too much, the mist had torn through her mind, left it raw and bleeding, echoing with memories best left forgotten.

Rarity was saying something, getting closer. Twilight watched her mouth moving but couldn’t heard anything. Her body was frozen, but her soul was screaming.

The others were moving now, were coming closer, closer. They had to get away she needed to center, to rebuild the walls that were thrown down. She was shaken. She was vulnerable. She needed them to get away.

She knew how to make ponies go away.

Her ears went straight, mouth settling into a vicious sneer as she slapped the offered hoof away.

“I’m fine didn’t I tell you not to touch me you little pervert.” She hissed, stepping back subtly. Rarity gasped in outrage before her eyes narrowed with temper.

“I was only trying to help you don’t have to be rude!” She snapped back letting her hoof fall to the ground. Twilight sneered tail lashing.

“I never asked for your help so keep your hoofs to yourself darling.” She mocked ignoring her pounding heart and short breath.

Rarity scowled and Spike reached out gripping Twilight’s mane.

“Twilight.” He whispered weakly “she didn’t mean it-“

“Shut up Spike!” she snarled jerking her head to force the little dragon back. “I didn’t tell you to talk.”

Watching the little dragon cower Fluttershy stepped closer blue-green eyes lite with anger. “You shouldn’t talk to him like that.” She said softly sternly. “He’s just a baby.”

“And its none of your business!” Twilight snapped immediately turning on the new target. “So why don’t you butt out!”

“Hey don’t you talk to her like that!” Rainbow snarled flying up into Twilight face. “Both of them were only trying to be nice to you and you didn’t have to bite their head off.”

Twilight shrank back at the Pegues approach her heart jumping as the inner screaming grew louder. The flash of fear only made her more aggressive pushing forward to head butt the blue filly.

“And you can get out of my face! What are you her mommy Rainbow Crash.” Rainbow snarled at the familiar nickname, wing bristling.

“Why you-!“

“Rainbow No!” Applejack tried to grab her, but Rainbow was too fast. She slammed into the small unicorn with brutal fury knocking her into the ground. Twilight cried out but used the filly’s momentum to plant her hindlegs into her stomach and buck her off.

“Guys stop don’t fight!”

Pinkie cried as the two fillies tore at each other with single minded fury. Rarity and Fluttershy backed away as Pinkie and Applejack rushed forward. The two earth ponies using their larger size and mass to force the two apart.

“You two stop it! We got enough problems of our own without you two trying to kill each other!” Applejack commanded forcing Rainbow back.

“She started it!” the blue filly yelled straining to get out of her hold. Twilight only snarled wiggling out of Pinkies grip on her scruff. She took a deep breath giving herself a full body shake.

“As much as I hate to admit it the cowhick is right. Stopping enteral night or whatever is more important than the walking pride flags ego.” She snorted walking over to Spike, who with the grace of experience had rolled out of the way the moment Rainbow had started her charge, and gathering him up.

The baby dragon happily reclaimed his spot on her back, glad the fighting was over. Making sure he was secure she trotted off into the forest without looking back.

“I ain’t going nowhere with you!” Rainbow yelled defiantly.

“Then stay here and get eaten by monsters for all I care. I never wanted your help anyway.” Twilight called back over her shoulder, disappearing into the dark of the forest.

The group watched her go with unease Fluttershy finally breaking the silence. “Are we just goanna let her go out alone?” she asked unable to stop her worry.

“Who cares! Let the ungrateful brat save the world on her own. She obviously don’t want our help. “ Rainbow said bitterly plopping onto the ground and crossing her hooves.

Rarity blew out a harsh breath running a hoof through her mane. “I have to agree with Rainbow darling. Twilight made it quite clear she doesn’t want our company and truly now that our heroics have cooled, I don’t know what we were thinking in the first place. Running off after a mad alicorn really.” She shook her head at the thought of their foolishness the others unable to disagree when they really thought about it.

They hadn’t really been thinking in that adrenaline pumped moment that seemed so long ago. Not about what they were truly getting into. They were a group of foals chasing a mad alicorn into one of the most dangerous forest in the world. This truly couldn’t have ended in anything but disaster.

Pinkie bit her lip shaking her head as she stared at the darkness where Twilight had disappeared. “We can’t just give up now guys. Twilight needs us!” she implored tail twitching nervously. Twilight had been mean, her words sharp but Pinkie knew that look..

Applejack pawed the ground shaking her head. “Rarity right Pinkie, Twilight don’t want us so why should we-“

“ No!” Pinkie interrupted all but vibrating in place. “She needs us she was just hurting and didn’t know how to tell us! We can’t let her go off on her own.” She shouted before taking off into the bush.

“Pinkie!” the others cried galloping off after her.

It didn’t take long for them to reach the fleeing earth pony who had caught up with Twilight and was now happily bouncing at her side. Exchanging looks the group grudgingly fell into step with the other fillies. Twilight didn’t acknowledge their joining, but her ears did perk slightly, and Spike gave them a happy wave.

The march deeper into the forest was filled with somber silent. Rainbow and Rarity were still fuming white Twilight was ignoring them all the tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. Muttering under her breath Rarity took a step forward before suddenly feeling a wave of weakness crash over her causing her to stumble. Fluttershy ,who was the closest, turned rushing over once she saw her friend on the ground.

“Rarity! Are you ok?” she asked nosing her side. Rarity smiled weakly trying to pull herself to her hooves.

“I’m fine darling just a little tried.” She said sitting up. Fluttershy moved closer wanting to help her up only to stumble herself.

“Sorry.” She muttered suddenly dizzy. The others had noticed them lagging and turned back for them. Rarity lifted her head weakly only to see a small purple horn thrust into her face. The horn sparked, tiny beams of magic hitting her in the snout making her yelp. Twilight hummed pulling back before repeating the process with Fluttershy.

“Magical Exhaustion.” She declared ears flicking. “Or very close. The forest must have been draining us while we were under its spell. You need food and rest.” She said sitting back. Rarity gave her a small glare still anger at the smaller unicorn.

“I’m fine.” She insisted standing quickly. “I just stumbled for a moment we can carry on.”

“Hmm no.” Twilight declared bluntly. “More than likely everypony is just as drained and the effects are only catching up to us now. We’re resting.” Rarity grit her teeth angry at the other filly for giving her orders.

Angry at her for being right.

She could feel her legs shaking, exhaustion a cruel weight upon her withers. It had taken every ounce of strength she had just to get to her hooves, but she refused to admit weakness. Childish anger and pride had her jolting out her chin stubbornly even as her legs threaten to collapse under the force of her own weight.

“I told you I’m fine. Didn’t you yourself say we must be on our way to retrieve the elements and save the day. A little weakness is no reason to stop our quest now.” She protested. Twilight simply ignored her moving a little way from the group and laying down pulling Spike into her forearms. Without looking at any of them she began to pointy groom Spike’s head fin saying without word that she wasn’t moving an inch. Rarity fumed at the little unicorn blatant dismission but before she could say anything a impatient voice yelled back

“Hey what’s keeping you guys get a move on!” Rainbow huffed.

“Magical Exhaustion.” Twilight yelled back before Rarity could. “From the forest. Stay still long enough and you’ll probably begin to feel it too. We’re stopping for a rest. The orange and pink one will go get food. We’ll need it if we want to keep going.” She commanded getting more comfortable.

“And who died and made you princess.” Rainbow growled landing. The fact that, with fear and adrenaline gone she could now feel the tiredness creeping up on her only made her temper sharper. Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“Well Miss fly by night if you want to go running off into the forest be my guest.” She snarked continuing to groom Spike’s head fins absently. “Cause obviously sending the earth ponies who can gain strength from, oh I don’t know the earth as well as the one who herself admitted to her family having some kind of pact with this place would be a really bad idea.” She said, the sarcasm dripping so deep as to create a puddle on the floor. Rainbow flushed but Applejack bumped her flank before she could snap out a comeback.

“Chill RD you know she’s right. I see how you’ve been struggling to stay in the air even if you’re trying to hide it.” Applejack said giving Twilight a cool look.

“You guys rest up we got this.”

“Yeah!” Pinkie bounced forward, though even her endless energy seemed a bit drained. “We’ll be back licky-spit with lots of goodies!”

Giving a cheerful wave the two earth ponies disappeared into the forest the rest forced to sit back and wait for their return. Rainbow opened her mouth but decided against it and just snorted plopping down where she stood. She was soon joined by Rarity and Fluttershy leaving Twilight the odd mare out, not that she seemed to mind. The smallest filly had her head down eyes closed as she curled away from them with Spike talking softly in her ear. The four were quiet until Pinkie and Applejack returned bearing a few vegetables and, it shouldn’t really have been a surprise, some apples. Applejack divided up the spoiled briskly before she and Pinkie joined the other girls leaving Twilight alone.

Rarity ate with barely repressed fury. At much as she hated to admit it Twilight had been right. Now that the adrenalin from their little adventure had worn off she could feel the weakness catching up with her. Her body was so bruised and drained she was almost sick with it. The Everfree was just as dangerous as everypony said if this was what one of its creatures could do in only a few moments. She shivered at the thought of what could have been if Applejack hadn’t freed them when she did and she grudgingly admitted to herself a little admiration, and envy, of the little unicorn in their company.

Twilight had been trapped within the forest the longest which mean not only had she been rapidly drained of magic, but she had been throwing around some serious power while doing so. Rarity knew her own limit and wouldn’t call it bragging to say she was comfortably above average, but Twilight was obliviously on a hold other level. Munching slowly on an apple she cut her eyes at the other unicorn and blinked in surprise.

Twilight wasn’t eating. The purple unicorn had pushed her share of food to Spike, watching with a faint smile as the baby dragon ate with gusto.

Rarity ears flatten and she chided herself silently for having not thought of the youngest member of their group. Spike was just a baby and had been trapped with those monster plants same as them. The drain would have hit his system much harder than the older foals and he would need a lot of food to recover what he lost. She looked back to Twilight feeling a sense of grudging thankfulness. Truthfully, she had always been silently disgusted by the way Twilight treated the infant but had keep her peace with the everything going on but now she couldn’t help but wonder. Watching Twilight care for Spike so tenderly.

She shuffled her hooves, thinking deeply. The little unicorn was rude there was no getting around that, her tongue as sharp as any blade but.. She looked down at her few pieces of fruit feeling a warm slowly built in her chest, her eyes slowly beginning to glow with rainbow light.

In the old castle a stone rocked once releasing a gentle purple light as it hummed softly.

She was still hungry, weak, hurt anger buzzing in the back of her mind but.. she stood up slowly making her way toward the younger filly. She could feel the eyes of the others on her back but she ignored them for the moment stopping in front of Twilight downed form. When purple eyes met her own, she dropped the apples at her feet.

“Here.” she said softly. “You need to eat too.”

Surprise lit the too thin face chasing away the ever-present scowl and glare.

“Wha.what!” Twilight stuttered completely confused. She knew she’d hurt the other unicorn it was practically her special talent! Finding just the right button to push to make others go away but here she was giving her food. Rarity pawed the ground nervously those rainbow lite eyes meeting hers shyly.

“You said it yourself did you not darling. We all need food and rest. I saw how you gave your share to young Spike without taking any for yourself sooo.” She nosed the apples closer and out of the eyeing dragons reach. “A gift from me to you.”

Twilight blinked at her truly speechless. She knew the white filly was mad at her, had hear her anger mutters and seen the fury rise in her face and now she was giving her a gift. Her hooves shuttled restlessly, and she could feel a nervous tension rising in her chest. This wasn’t right, this..this wasn’t how things went and she didn’t know what to do, she didn’t- warm flowed through her, draw from though rainbow eyes, the flame Applejack had lit growing a little bigger as she reached out with her aura.

“I don’t eat much.” She said quietly breaking the fruit in half. She gave Rarity the other pieces. “Thank you.” She stumbled over the unfamiliar word, her smile small and shaky but true.

Rarity gift had broken the tension and Twilight quietly apologized to each of the girls for her earlier words. Forgiveness was given even if some of it was grudging and Twilight slowly, almost shyly, joined the rest of the group.

“What will we do now.” Fluttershy asked quietly. Twilight closed her eyes, tail flicking up to cover her and Spike like a blanket.

“Rest.” she said “Sleep if you can. Eternal nights not going any where and we won’t be any use to anypony if we kill over from exhaustion.” Everypony could see the truth in her word so settled down for a short rest. Twilight tensed as Pinkie pressed against her side but didn’t snap at her, allowing the other filly close. Peace settled over the group, pounding hearts slowed and the fillies began to relax, regaining their strength for the fight ahead.

The first hint of danger came from a shift in the wind.

Rainbow twitched slightly, her wings rustling. She lifted her head ear perking straining to pick out any sounds in the sudden silence.

“Guys.” She whispered, slowly rising to her hooves. “I think you need to get up.”

The fillies grumbled pressing closer together and Rainbow reached out with a wing shoving them in the back.

“Guys you really need to get up something out there.” She said urgently eyes darting around the dark. Ears straining she could hear the silence where the bird song used to sing and the tension in the forest. Her eyes scanned the trees trying to bend shadow into shapes. Something was stalking them. “Guys we really need to-“ with the force of a hurricane it exploded out of the underbrush charging at the sleeping ponies with sharp teeth and gapping jaws. Rainbow cried out kicking off the ground to streak into the air, but the others were too slow, reflexes lagged down by warm bodies and exhaustion, they wouldn’t make it in time.

Rainbow reacted in a second.

Folding her wings she dived, racing at the charging beast with a snarl. “Hey ugly over here!” she screamed beating her wings furiously. The monster roared crouching as its thick tail came up slamming into the pegasus side to drive her out of the air. Rainbow flew into the trees hitting the bark with a sharp crack before slumping to the ground. The monster snarled taking a step toward its downed prey only for a tree to knock him off his feet.

“Rainbow!” Twilight cried ripping another tree from the ground and hitting the beast again. It snarled catching the tree in its jaws and smashing it into splinters before it roared.

“Fluttershy get Rainbow out of there! We’ll hold it off!” She barked uprooting another tree.

“What is that thing!” Spike yelped hiding in Twilight’s mane. “Not the time Spike and get down!” Twilight snapped swinging her tree like a club.

Pinkie and Applejack ran forward, rearing as one they slammed their hooves into the earth driving their magic into the soil. The ground rumbled and shook great crack opening under the beast’s feet trying to draw it in, but he jumped. With a slap of his tail, he flung himself off the ground landing beside the two fillies and batting them aside with a roar. Pinkie and Applejack cried out as they landed in the dirt their bodies skidding across the ground as the monster closed in on them. Twilight swing with another tree but the beast side stepped only to be hit in the eye with a branch.

“Get back you brute! Get away from them!” Rarity yelled tossing branches, sticks and anything else she could get her magic on.

The monster snarled stepping toward her only to be hit in the head with another tree. To the side Fluttershy nudged Rainbow to her feet the rainbow pegasus flinching as her wing bend the wrong way. Fluttershy gasped

“Rainbow your wing..”

“No time for that Fluttershy can’t you use your talent to stop that thing. You control animals or whatever don’t you.” Rainbow said urgently eyes on the battle raging on. Fluttershy shook her head ears folding back.

“Not on something like this. It wouldn’t work. I’d need to-“ the conversation was interrupted by a pained yell as Applejack soared past them crashing through the dirt.

“Well we need to think of something quick.” Rainbow growled rushing toward her friend. Swinging her tree again Twilight kept Spike firmly pressed against her back as her eyes darted about looking for another opening. Pinkie and Rarity were working together, the white unicorn detracting the beast while Pinkie would run in for a powerful buck but their effort seem to be doing nothing more than making the creature mad. Applejack was down with Rainbow and Fluttershy trying to get her out of the line of fire and her own effort weren’t yielding anything more than broken branches. Her heart sank as the realization set in. They wouldn’t be able to win this they were too young and nowhere near strong enough. They had to get out of here.

“Pinkie, Rarity this way!” she tossed the tree like a spear the lefty foliage slamming into the breast side and knocking it to the forest floor.

“I’’ll hold it off get into the trees!” she ordered gritting her teeth as her magic lanced forward to surround a massive boulder. Sweat poured down her face as she heaved the stone into the air chucking it at the monster the moment the two were clear. Not wasting time checking the damage she immediately turned and broke into a gallop the six of them clearing the tree line just as the breast let out a roar and erupted from the earth. Snarling it charged after them plowing through trees like they nothing in a single-minded determination to catch his prey. The fillies raced ahead pumping their legs harder than ever. Applejack was flung onto Pinkie’s back, the pink earth pony barely noticing the weight as she ran for her life.

“Get to the river!” Twilight commanded hearing the tell tell rushing of water. The group followed her instructions without thinking soon coming upon the banks of a raging river.

“Its too deep to cross!” Pinkie cried throwing a frantic glance at the rain of fury charging toward them.

“Then we have to swim it.” Rainbow snarled shoving the cowering Fluttershy in before jumping in after her. Knowing they had no time to find another way across the group jumped in, the icy water like a shock to their system.

“It’s so cold!” Fluttershy stuttered struggling to keep herself above water in the raging current. Bruised and ragged the icy water was rapidly draining what little strength the group had left as they struggled to make it to shore.

“Keep going! Don’t give up now!” Twilight yelled Spike clinging tightly to her neck. The beast had made it to the river and snarled at the fleeing ponies. He paced at the edge but wouldn’t enter the water. Struggling against the current the group pushed their way across finally making it to the other side. Pinkie made it first. The earth pony heaving Applejack onto shore before turning to help Fluttershy.

“Did everypony make it?”Applejack coughed trying to pull herself to her hooves. The group gathered themselves together and looked around.

“Waits where-?!”

“Rainbow!” Fluttershy screamed wings flaring. The soaked blue body was bobbing under rapidly the filly’s struggles growing weaker as the current carried her away.

“Rainbow hold on!” Twilight cried running toward the edge. Froth foamed in the lavender coat as the unicorn’s horn sparked releasing a few harmless glows before going dark. Gritting her teeth, she pushed harder eyes glowing white as she delved into the delphs of her power and brought out whatever stores she had left. Her horn glowed magic lancing out to surround the fading blue body and pulling it to store. The moment Rainbow touched the dirt Twilight collapsed, breath harsh and labored.

“Twilight!” Spike cried rushing forward. He ran his hands over the fast-heaving side claws taking fist full of the soaked fur.

“Twilight get up.” He pleaded voice small and lost.

“I’m fine, I’m fine.” She coughed pulling herself onto trembling hooves. Struggling to get her breathing under control she turned wobbly. “Rainbow, did I get her?”

“I’m good.” Rainbow Dash hacked sitting up. She winced as she tried to fold one of her wings and everypony could see the bend, unnatural shape. Rarity gasped in horror, reaching out a hoof.

“Oh darling your wing, its-“ a roar had all their heads turning. The monster on the other side of the bank pacing restlessly furious eyes locked on it prey.

“We need to move away from here.” Applejack stated coming up to help Twilight stand. “We don’t want to give that thing any encouragement to get over here.”

The others agreed limping there way deeper into the forest. The migration was quiet, the exhausted group eventually stumbling upon a deserted clearing, sinking into the soft grass. Using the last of her energy Twilight dragged herself into a small patch of moonlight before going still, her chest barely rising. Spike curled into her side and in the silence, it was easy to hear his soft weeping.

Rainbow wing was shot. The hit from the monster as well as the pounding of the river had broken the bone and shredded the feathers. Fluttershy did the best she could, but she was no doctor and her soft reassurance fell on deaf ears. Rainbow’s face had gone blank, and it was clear she was only hearing the echoes of when dreams died. Applejack and Rarity had simply laid in the dirt the white unicorn too tried to even complain about the grime getting into her coat. Fluttershy pressed herself against an unmoving Rainbow, trying to offer comfort while Twilight simply lay unmoving.

Pinkie watched them all sadly, ears falling limply. She hated seeing her friends looking so defeated. Unable to sit back and do nothing while they were hurting, she pulled herself to her hooves. Twilight didn’t move when she nosed her cheek, but she gave Spike a reassuring smile. Nuzzling away his tears and giving him a quick lick across his head fins.

“She’ll be ok Spike.” She muttered softly giving the infant a few more tender licks. Nosing Twilight’s tail to curl around him she raised her head to check on her other friends. Applejack and Rarity were quiet, their faces wore and hollow, but her heart clenched when her eyes fell on Rainbow’s bowed back. Biting her lip, she trotted over to Rainbow Dash.

“Hey Hey Rainbow knock knock.” She said putting a large grin on her face. The blue filly didn’t answer still staring off into space and Pinkie nudged her with a hoof.

“Come on Rainbow knock knock. Knock knoc-“


Pinkie shrank back as Rainbow slapped her hoof away rounding on the other filly with a furious glare.

“Nopony wants to hear your bucking jokes Pinkie! If you haven’t noticed Twilight half dead, we all look like we’ve been shot to hell and your over here trying to make bucking jokes!’ Pinkie dropped to her belly scrambling back as Rainbow advanced on her. “I just..I just wanted you to laugh-“

“DO I LOOK LIKE I NEED A LAUGH!” Rainbow screamed kicking and stomping the dirt.

“The world is freaking ending and we’re in here running around like a bunch of idiots who really thought we could do something!” She clenched her teeth, tail lashing through the air.

“We’ve done nothing but get our butts kicked since we walked into this Celestia forsaken forest! We’ll never see the Sun again, we’ll never see our home or our families and I’ll never get in the Wonderbolts-“ she stopped biting her lip so hard it bleed as she turned away before the first tear fell.

“Just shut up Pinkie.” She muttered softly walking away. Pinkie blinked back tears never moving from her spot on the forest floor as she looked pleadingly at her friends. Fluttershy wouldn’t look at her, mane hanging low over her face, Applejack and Rarity only watched silently and Twilight still hadn’t moved. Rainbow shuffled to the edge of the group, curling in on herself and Pinkie could see her shoulders shaking no matter how tightly she held them.

She bit her lip swallowing back her own sob. The dark emotions swirling around the clearing seem to choke her, pressing down on her mind and urging her to give into despair. “No.” She thought to herself as her eyes began to glow with faint rainbow light. “Don’t be sad. Don’t give in.”

In the castle a petrified stone rocked and bounced happily before releasing a giggling laugh.

Eyes narrowed with determination Pinkie settled herself in the dirt brought her hooves up and began to clap. Then she began to sing.

If your happy and you know it clap your hooves.”

Clap clap

“If your happy and you know it clap your hooves.”

Clap clap

“If your happy and you know and you really want to show it if your happy and you know it clap your hooves.”

Clap, Clap

As the song ended her only response was Rainbow’s anger snarling while the others just stared blankly. Eyes hollow and sad. Not giving up Pinkie began to sing again.

“If your happy and you know it clap your hooves.”

Clap clap

“If your happy and you know it clap your hoove-“

Clap clap

clap clap.

Pinkie started her head shooting around to look for the source of the timid claps. Right at the edge she spotted Twilight sitting up slightly her eyes half closed while Spike, curled between her forelegs, timidly clapped his hands again. Green eyes brighten slightly by childish joy. Pinkies smile widen and the glow in her eyes grew brighter as she sat up and began to sing with more enthusiasm.

“If your happy and you know it..”

Around the camp the other fillies tried to tune out Pinkie’s gleeful singing and Spikes stumbling attempts to sing along but it was a losing battle. Then Twilight joined in at Pinkie’s insisted probing, face as red as a cherry as she mumbled out the unfamiliar rhythm while her hooves clapped to the beat. Watching Twilight embarrassed stuttering the others couldn’t help but crack a smile and Pinkie zeroed in on the grins like a bear scenting prey.

“Come on girls! Don’t just sit there join in!” she giggled bouncing over their backs. She leaned down to their ears and mock whispered. “Between you and me I think Twilight could use a little help. She not very good this at.” She chucked.

Twilight growled glaring at the bouncing pink menace even as her face heated in another intense blush. Applejack broke first a little snicker leaving her lips. Twilight swung her head around, narrowed eyes all but daring her to laugh. It was too much Twilight glaring eyes and red face, Pinkies oh so innocent whistling as she trotted around them. The dam broke and helpless laughter spilled into the night. It was probably more than the scene deserved but after a night of terror and heartache it feel good to laugh. Rainbow glared at them all gritting her teeth as her broken wing ached.

“Why are you all laughing!” She shouted unable to take it. “We’re lost in this dumb forest, fighting some dumb god alicorn! We’re weak and beaten and my wing is broken-“ soft fur pressed against her side stealing her words.

“We know.” Pinkie said softly, rainbow eyes soft. “Everything is dark and scary and seems really really bad right now but sometimes..” she looked up at the darken sky and gave a lopsided smile. “Sometimes when everything is dark you just need a little joy.” She giggled lightly nuzzling her cheek.

“Sometimes it feels good to laugh.” She smiled gently bumped her hip careful of the wing.

“Come on Dashie sing with us!” Then she was of again singing that stupid childish song. There was bouncing and faces and notes sang deliberately off key and.. they were laughing. They were all laughing, and it didn’t make everything better. Rainbow’s wing was still broken, some of the laughs were a bit too loud and everypony politely ignored the few tears. But they were here they were together and sometimes when the world was dark and lonely the only thing keeping the shadows away was the light of a little childish joy.

Deep within the castle a dark alicorn watched the scene play out with an small frown before waving a wing to dismiss the image. Nightmare tapped a hoof absently thinking on what she’d just seen. They were no threat to her truly, merely foals playing at heroes and the Everfree would most likely take care of them long before they ever reached her doorstep.

She hummed in thought, wings rustling at her side. They didn’t have a sliver of a chance but.. serpent eyes looked to the dormant elements and her eyes narrowed. She stomped a hoof bringing the image back, looked at the group of six.

“Mmm maybe I should take care of you personally.” She purred eyes glowing black.

Author's Note:

I am back! Twilight's Journey is back on. I'm sorry the update took so long life has been..hard. I'm thinking deeply about posting a blog just to kinda explain myself but we'll see. I hope you enjoy the chapter still without an editor so I did the best I could. Comments and feedback are always welcome.