• Member Since 26th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago


I'll just pretend I know what I'm doing.


It was never the goal of the nightmares to make the dreamers fear them, and they always were doing their best to stay away from dreams.
But recently, something has been hunting and killing the nightmares. It has much power and glows a pale, sickly, light blue color, and therefore was nicknamed 'the presence' by the nightmares. One could sense and see it from far away.
This is what pushed the nightmares to become active for the first time, to try and intentionally hurt another being, instead of just scaring them.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 8 )

However, they returned from time to time, so that they could show the weaker ones how to gain power. Search a pony and make them scared and become stronger yourself.

Wait, so they scared people on purpose?

But there was something around the dreamers that hunted nightmares. It did not kill them outright often, but rather comforted them, meaning they would be able to fight the nightmares would they return.

So Luna comforted the nightmares

Then, the wise nightmare picked out some more leaders. A strong fighter, the second fastest nightmare, and the one that was the wisest after it. They would hide with a number of others for the duration of their plan so that the nightmares would still exist if they failed.

Why the second fastest?

I changed it so that it's easier to understand.
Luna comforts the dreamers, not the nightmares.

As soon as it only faltered a little, every single nightmare clung to her, sealing her movement, except for the strong one that fought her before. It seeped into it , into the hated presence.

What do they mean seeped in?

The others felt that it was not strong enough to beat the presence fully, so it did something genius as well. It turned itself into a single, precise strike at the Presence, and it hit it perfectly. A shockwave flowed through the dream world, showing how deeply the intruder had rooted itself, and then vanished from it.

There are a lot of it’s so I don’t know what “it” is.

But the wise nightmare reminded them of two facts. One, the presence could return next dream cycle, as many, many creatures did. There were even nightmares that could reappear after being killed, by just waiting a dream cycle.

What other creatures can return? Also, if the nightmares could come back, what are they so mad about?

And for a dream circle, the nightmares decided to help the dreamers for once. Not to show them how to overcome their fears, that would have been stupid, but by giving them good, nice dreams.

Is it because they felt bad?

Their biggest enemy was gone, and they would not have to hunt so much anymore, to make up for those that died every night. Some would still vanish into oblivion, because dreamers overcame them, or because they forgot to feed, or because they got tired of their existence, but now, for the nightmares, life was peaceful.

But, they can comeback, right?

No longer required to enter dreams that often and having always enough energy with them to save themselves, no nightmare had died in a long time. But for some reason, the wise nightmare was carrying that exact amount of energy to the quick nightmare.

Will the reason be revealed?

By now, it was carrying messages, and paid in energy for that, so it wondered what the wise nightmare could want. The wise nightmare led it to a strange dreamer. The dreamer could control its dream, and emitting energy available for the nightmares, while not having a bad dream at all.

When it says “pay” does it mean currency or punishment?

“Presence… not. We dead then,” it said, getting a shrug out of the dreamer.

Why are they dead if Luna isn’t there?

Oh, what a joyous occasion! There were dreamers that enjoyed bad dreams!

So, the thelestrals enjoy bad dreams?

If one defeated a nightmare, they overcame their fear! But if someone has a bad dream not related to fear, dreamers could learn from it, and nightmares could live from it!

I don’t get it.

The real advantage was that this was something originating from the dreamers and nightmares, not from wherever the dreamers came from. That meant, those dreamers would not simply disappear, but stick around for thousands of cycles!

What does that mean?

A dreamer would fight a bad dream if it was off . How off was to define was hard to say, but the wise nightmare realized that things that were the same in many dreams were not off . So, the less off things a dream continued, the more likely it was that the dreamer would not fight the bad dream.


The wise nightmare tried to talk with the dreamer that talked with the quick nightmare and eventually learned that the more fear a dreamer showed, the more they wanted to fight a bad dream. But if they had no fear within a bad dream, they would never fight the nightmares that came.

How can you not have fear in a bad dream?

That was the last thing the wise nightmare did, and it would be remembered by the nightmares as the ‘white nightmare’, the one who had lead the nightmares into a golden age, and when it eventually became a dreamer, the energy it provided was slightly higher than that of other dreamers, showing how important it was even when it no longer was a nightmare.

Wait, is the nightmare turned into a dreamer, does that mean it’s a creature born in the real world, like ponies, dragons and other creatures?

For some three hundred and twenty thousand dream cycles, everything was good, and the nightmares became both stronger and more numerous. The quick nightmare watched as most of those that fought alongside it became dreamers themselves, but none was ever as good of a dreamer as the wise nightmare, now known as the white nightmare, was.

In what way is the white nightmare a better dreamer?

The quick nightmare found that it could hide from it by using normal dreams, but it was gradually losing its strength.

Are there different types of dreams?

However, it was surprising when it realized that it could grasp this terror and feed on it. It theorized that it had stayed a nightmare for too long and was supposed to have become a dreamer already.

So, dreamers can feed on terror?

Every nightmare would search a dreamer they knew to sometime have bad dreams and enter a state of hibernation. The bad dreams would provide them with barely enough sustenance, but it would keep them alive.

What about the dreamers that like having bad dreams?

However, it seemed like for some reason, even though it knew the presence had to notice it by now, it decided to ignore it. Why? If for any reason, the presence was scared of this dream, then that would be a great thing!

How did she know?

Trapped with someone like the Presence, but it’s enemy nonetheless.

Is that the being saying that?

Also, what happened?

I’m confused

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