• Member Since 31st May, 2020
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I make both fanart and fanfic. I draw all my cover images myself, and I take art and writing commissions!


Luna has returned from her banishment to the moon, purified and reborn. She should be happy, but she feels lost. Who is she? She is not the Nightmare, but not yet the Princess of the Night that once she was.

Winner of the Quills and Sofas speedwrite contest themed on Princess Luna. One of my favourite princesses.

This story will eventually reappear as part of my behemoth origin story for the Princesses, but I liked it enough to publish it as a oneshot too.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 17 )

heresy! One of your favorite princesses? Why isn't she your favorite princess?
Jokes aside, great story as always!

I like this it is very passionately written. The craftsmen ship is excellent. I am moved and yet something holds back...

From loving it.


Often and I find rather strange that Luna even in her defunct state of being would joyful at the manipulation of her little ponys.

I assume tone was important and did not hit with flow of the work.


No, could acknodledge that generations were breed into existence. With the royal blood? As is in she had a child just to save her sister? Am I understanding that correctly.

I know I am supposed to gloss this fact but, when no names are mentioned. Little poniee are not as shown benevloently cared for but used?

That is tyranny. Who speak for the dead?

Is worth it?

It just that at the end of breeding manipulation centuries of cruelty. because it was a order under sweet promises no less.

That Celestia really has not changed. She usedher power to get what she wanted most in the world, her sister.

Screwed over sunset, blueblood, even twilight who all ALL could have had better lives. Celestia is very unimaginative if she figures she can only just throw money at a problem and make it go away....

I open to criticism, i enjoyed your work. These thoughts here are such that I have seen. We told Celestia is benevolent. Yet, often in some fics I bave read Celestia has cruely manipulated her little ponies way to give diginity to a people, or in some does not seem to remember her children names. Because that is a excellent sign of caring.

Have a good kind day and I open to discussion and dissagrement of the above points.

This was very interesting to read. The little details about how Canterlot has been furnished and the singing stars were fun to see and you showed them off with very nice prose. That said, it definitely earns the dark tag with the idea of Celestia selectively breeding her subjects via manufactured consent in order to get a destiny-says-so Harmony Hero and... basically everyone else, apparently.

You can also publish some segments of larger stories as standalone works. I’ve discussed this with site staff before and have done it myself.

Celestia hovered constantly. She was by Luna’s side as she ate and slept. She made anxious attempts at conversation and nervously showed Luna the things she had done while she waited for her. It seemed not a moment of Luna’s banishment had been spent idly. Celestia had been plotting her recovery from the very beginning. The construction of Canterlot, a new capital city for them to share. Forests planted on the mountainside with silver birch and oak, Luna’s favourite trees, to create an ancient woodland ready for her return. Experimentation with the Elements, to see if they would accept their old mistress. And after their failure, a programme of encouraged courtships, matching magically strong unicorn bloodlines together, even interspersing them with a selection of royal-born foals, spread carefully over the centuries. All to create a unicorn strong enough to have a chance at being able to wield the Element of Magic that rejected Celestia so firmly. That little project had many results, from what Luna could tell of Celestia’s slightly garbled explanation; one runaway to another dimension, a few rogue wizards, a defunct idiot of a great-great-great nephew, and a little pink unicorn talented enough to merit ascension at the tender age of fourteen, though not strong enough for Harmony’s tastes. But finally it had met its end in Twilight Sparkle and her five equally carefully curated and raised friends. Luna’s saviours, and the result of seven centuries of Celestia’s careful manipulations in the lives of her little ponies.

Okay, seriously. WTF are you high on when you came up with the ugeneics program Celestia had going on? That goes against literally everything we know of her.

I get it's an AU. But that only works up to a certain point, before the suspension of disbelief becomes too much. And it did here for me. It killed what chance I was going to give whatever this is meant to be apart of.

Story works fine on its own, don't get me wrong. But WHY?

I don't know, for me seeing how carefully Celestia trains and raises Twilight in the show, how many years she invests into her, and how she clearly was grooming her for alicornhood from the start suggests that she has done this sort of thing before. She has a school exclusively for personally tutoring the most magically gifted unicorns. When you're an immortal being with a lot of time on your hands, you can spend time choosing and raising your intended successor, and it seems to me at least that's what Celestia was trying to do with Twilight. A lot like how Discord engineered Grogar in the final season to be a test for Twi, I think Celestia could have solved a lot of the 'dangers' Equestria was in herself; I mean, she can raise the sun. And if she can do all that to train Twilight up, why not extend the premise a little further and have her planning for and working toward Twilight from a few centuries earlier?

Because that makes her no better than every other villain in some ways. Celestia may not be perfect, I agree. But this is pushing it for me.

No I'm not sorry about sharing my opinion, to those who will say that I should keep my mouth shut. I will never be sorry or apologize for saying what I think.

Take all of that away, I did like the story. Don't see many with Luna this far back.

I don't see how it makes her villainous honestly. It's an extensions of Celestia doing what Celestia does in the show - benevolently guiding and watching over her little ponies, suggesting what she thinks is the wisest course of action to them.

This is just my headcanon, and you're entitled to disagree. I'm glad you liked the rest of the story, and I'm always happy to debate equestrian politics and headcanons, even if someone's opinion doesn't mesh with mine :rainbowlaugh: But in future you might want to temper your language a little - your first comment came across as very abrasive, rather than opening a discussion.

Ok, I’m a little confused.

a thousand years must have took a toll on celestia’s brain.

I feel like it took much more of a toll on Celestia, honestly.

Am I fucking blind or did you change your comment? I could have sworn that said Luna before, my bad.


That is a somewhat callous outlook on the canon of the series nonetheless, mainly because it makes two assumptions: firstly, that understanding of genetics and heridatory traits is advanced enough in Equestria to make such a breeding program work; secondly, that Celestia successfully worked not only on Twilight Sparkle but on all others of Mane 6 and managed to get them all in one place and at a similar age in one timeframe.

It also challenges ideas of destiny at work, like the fact that there was no way Celestia could manipulate the sonic rainboom to occur, which had given the girls their cutie marks at the same time. Sure, she kinda sorta has prophetic dreams like that one time when she and Luna saw Tirek walking around, but that implies levels of control that pushes her beyond reasonable

Yes, it flies in the face of serious storytelling, and the treatment of Celestia in this story is valid. But that is how the MLP world operates, and it would be correct to not omit one fact in favor of others.

I went with a different explanation, where Celestia herself is merely a figurehead for the powers that be, because it better reflects her displayed characteristics and feats. She still is a flawed character though, through and through

This made me think of Celestia as an amnesiac Arisian. She's trying to breed ponies into Third-Stage Alicorns, but has forgotten a lot of the details, and her Visualization of the Cosmic All still needs a lot of work.


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