• Published 25th Mar 2021
  • 886 Views, 33 Comments

Spike Pie: Scrapbook of Memories - Silver Butcher

Spike Pie and Pinkie Pie return from the Grand galloping gala and show Limestone, Maud, Marble, Aloe, and Lotus an Old Scrapbook from when the two were younger and spend the night retelling old adventures from their childhood.

  • ...

The Scrapbook

The magical carriage was still taking the duo of Pinkie and Spike home when Pinkie blinked and poked her brother.

"It's not time for season 2 yet right?" She questioned, Spike thought for a moment before shaking his head.

"No, I'm pretty sure Discord was at the beginning of Season 2 why?" Pinkie stared at her brother for a moment before he blinked.

"Oh hey," he said as he looked around "Were in another story," Spike scratched his chin in deep thought before turning to his sister and saying with absolute certainty "I don't what's happening," as the Duo pondered why they were in another Spike Pie story that wasn't the direct Sequel Pinkie got a random Idea, a Plot related idea.

"Spike I got it!" She cheered shaking her brother with gusto as she declared "Let's Show Maud, Marble, Aloe, and Lotus our Scrapbook!" Spike looked at his sister for a moment as she continued to shake him before smiling and shaking her back.

"You mean the one we filled with key moments from our childhood? Moments that were skipped over in the original because the author didn't know what they were doing back then?" The Duo, now grinning ear to ear, were even more pumped to get home than they already had been and began making plans on were they should start and if they should tell the stories in any particular order, in their excitement they ended up breaking the logical flow of the story and jumped ahead so that they would already be home 10 minutes ahead of when they should have been. Much to the surprise of Limestone, who had refused to go to the gala, but had been won over in spending the night.

"Where did you two come from?" Limestone demanded as the two popped out from behind the counter of Sugar cube corner.

"Questions later," Pinkie said "Limestone can you wait outside for the others to get here? We have a surprise in store,"

Limestone shook her head, not one to question her odd sibling, and waited outside, by the time their guests arrived they had already polished up their plans and were lying in wait as Limestone opened the door and entered with the group from the Gala, as soon as Lotus closed the door behind them Spike appeared and locked it, making the Spa pony jump in shock and getting the others attention as he made sure the sign was switched to closed and turned happily back to his friends and family.

"Guess what time it is!" Spike said as he squished his own face and rapidly jumped from foot to foot.

"Time for Something absurd?" Limestone asked with a sigh as Pinkie slowly rose from beneath one of the booths and tapped it, revealing it had been set up with drinks for the party, resting on the table was an old book. Maud was the first to make it to the table and her expression did not change in the slightest as she looked at the book.

"Wow," she said, her voice as dull and uninterested as ever "I haven't seen this old thing in years,"

"Mmm," Marble said excitedly as she took her seat, Spike slid out from under the table and took the spot next to her. Limestone and the Spa twins looked at the cover of the book, it was a picture of the pie sisters with Spike floating above them with the aid of a few balloons.

"Isn't this your old Scrapbook?" Limestone asked as she sat next to Maud, who had taken resident next to Pinkie on the table. Lotus looked mildly upset she didn't get to sit next to Pinkie, Aloe was already seated and as close to Spike as she could get. Lotus took the last open space next to Limestone and Pinkie turned the book so it was facing her.

"Behold," She said as she waved her hooves over it dramatically "Me and Spike's Scrapbook of Memories!" There was the sound of a slid whistle and Spike was instantly caught blowing into it. "Spike you were supposed to play the Xylophone,"

"I told you I don't have one," Spike shot back "Rainbow took it away when I figured out how to play the Song of the Rain and kept causing cloud bursts,"

"Oh yeah, a hefty loss, but it was worth it, really made our Rainy Day Party perfect," Pinkie put her hoof over her heart and sighed, there was a long moment of silence as the remaining Pie sisters and the Spa ponies looked at one another and their hosts, suddenly Pinkie reached beneath the table pulled out an origami Ninja star, and threw it at Spike, it crumpled against his nose.

"Why?" Spike demanded.

"Play a more ominous instrument,"

"The only other musical instrument I can use right now is a Banjo,"

"Spike, continue with the ominous whistling!" Pinkie said without skipping a beat, once Spike continued blowing into the slide whistle Pinkie continued talking "Within its pages are pictures, lots and lots of pictures, of all the stuff me and Spike have done basically ever," The whistling stopped and Spike added.

"Except for the Galla, those Pictures are still developing in the Party cave,"

"The what now?" Limestone asked.

"Forget about that, we'll explain it in one of our stories of the past," Pinkie said as she waved to Spike and he continued whistling "Anyway, within these pages are so many stories, stories some of the residents of this table might know, but none of these stories are known to all 5 of you," The whistling cut off and Spike added.

"Except that time at the spa, and the Gala when we added in,"

"Spike I won the Origami contest, I get to be the narrator," Pinkie said angrily as she threw another Ninja star at Spike, Spike retaliated by throwing an Origami Ninja star that fell to pieces before it even got close to Pinkie, "See, your Ninja stars keep exploding before they can touch anything,"

"Pinkie," Limestone said before Spike could defend his exploding origami ninja stars "Can we just get on with this,"

"Just let them have their fun," Maud replied casually "They just went to the Galla, I told you on the way here they were gonna be filled with too much energy to sleep tonight,"

"Maud I will not argue with you in front of our siblings and their dates,"

"I'm not arguing, I'm just telling you why it's pointless to tell them to, just get on with it, as you say,"

"If I don't say something they'll start making Origami Ninja swords and other Origami Ninja stuff,"

"Spike I just had an amazing Idea for a party," Pinkie said instantly "Origami Ninja Party,"

"You're just fueling their flames," Maud pointed out casually, the sound of suppressed chuckling could be heard and the table turned its attention to Marble, she looked at Spike and pointed at their sisters.

"Mmm," She said with a smile, earing a Grin from Spike and a frown from Limestone.

"No," Limestone said turning to Pinkie "You do not have pictures of that, there's no way!"

"Your right Marble," Spike said as he started chuckling to "Hey Pinkie, pass me the book, I know what story to start on," Pinkie slid the book to Spike and he flopped it open to the exact page and smiled as he presented it to Pinkie, who grinned when she saw it.

"Alright Lotus, Aloe this is the story of..."

Author's Note:

Before you start worrying, nearly every Story in this...story, is based on something said to have happened in the past during the Spike Pie story, from things mentioned multiple times, to one-off jokes.