• Published 3rd Oct 2020
  • 4,833 Views, 625 Comments

As the Spring Bloom Withers - Jinzou

Apple Bloom was nervous about the upcoming derby, but she never thought there'd be so much to lose.

  • ...

The Final Chapter

I spent the next several minutes running around the Everfree Forest, getting myself thoroughly lost in the process.

I kept imagining finding my sister’s messed up corpse, mangled and bloody after timberwolves had gotten to her.

She’d gone out after I messed her up, and still tried to find a cure for me. What if she didn’t make it? Her death would be all my fault! And I couldn’t even find her to warn her! Or help her!

I was useless to her.

I heard a scream.

Sprinting toward the sound of the voice, I made it to the top of a nearby hill. I finally spotted Applejack several yards away, near the bottom of the hill, being chased by one of the timberwolves, who was hot on her trail. The timberwolf’s breast was heavily splintered, and Applejack’s rope was lassoed around its neck, weakly flopping behind it. Applejack was running with a slight limp, and I could see the fur on her right shoulder and some of her back damp and tinted red with blood. She was biting her lip and her eyes were shot wide open, betraying a look of… fear.

No, not just fear. Terror.

Applejack was terrified.

But what could I do?

All I had were weak filly forelegs and a back end supported by… wheels…

I spent a moment pacing back and forth, my breathing growing rapid.

She's going to die.

I blinked back tears as I caught her eye. If she died tonight the last thing she would have seen is her sister watching her ripped apart uselessly.

Applebloom, if you don't do something she will die. Do something!

A memory of me trying to climb the stairs, and shooting backwards once my wheels were the only thing touching the floor flashed through my mind, and a plan started forming.

It was crazy. It was going to kill us both.

It was all I had.

Doing my best to gauge how soon Applejack and the timberwolf would reach the bottom of the hill, I turned around, closed my eyes, held my breath, and lifted my front half into the air as my wheelchair started careening down the hill.

I’d like to say I yelled out a war cry, or a really heroic sounding one liner. But in reality I was screaming the most terrified, high pitched scream my lungs could manage. As my wheelchair made contact with the side of the timberwolf, my eyes shot open and the timberwolf let out a squeal of pain. I grabbed for the lasso as both the timberwolf and I tumbled to the side, barely catching it. In a moment the timberwolf was back on its feet and chasing Applejack, yanking me along with it.

I looped the other end of the rope around my right shoulder and threw my weight to the left, throwing my left forehoof around a fledgling tree in a vain attempt to slow down or stop the timberwolf. Instead, I felt a screaming pain as my right shoulder was ripped from its socket, freeing the rope from my leg and sending me flying toward the beast.

Feeling tears well up in my eyes in response to the pain, I saw the rope in front of me again. Seeing as I could barely move my right foreleg, I made a grab for it with my left foreleg. When that missed it flew right in front of my face, and moving quickly, I grabbed it in my mouth.

The timberwolf ran on, undeterred, bouncing me behind it. I felt an explosion of pain every time I hit the ground, made even worse when I landed on the freshly dislocated shoulder.

But still, the timberwolf was advancing on Applejack.

It was going to kill her. It was going to tear my sister apart, then it was gonna tear me apart, and there was nothing I could do.

I was still....


Peering ahead, I saw Applejack jump through a tree that was split near the base, having two trunks growing right next to each other. She landed awkwardly, her legs starting to give out from under her, and I could see her start to fall. Time seemed to slow down as I saw the timberwolf pounce, following her through the split trees.


I bit down harder on the rope. Applejack hit the ground and started to roll.


Ignoring the intense spasm of pain, I extended both of my forelegs.


My hooves found purchase on the twin trunks, and I was almost ripped immediately off by the force of the timberwolf.


I felt tears stream down my face as my right foreleg threatened to give out. My arm felt like it was on fire and it was about to tear itself off my body. I screwed my face up in concentration, shut my eyes tightly, and yanked my head back.


Everything stopped.

The timberwolf stopped, vicious maw inches away from Applejack’s throat. For a moment, all there was in the forest was the labored panting of the beast, and the intense waves of both pain and adrenaline wracking my body in tandem.

The silence lasted only a moment longer as Applejack scrambled to her hooves and landed a precise buck right into the face of the timberwolf with both hind legs. As the timberwolf fell to pieces, I dropped the rope, landing on the ground right on my injured shoulder. I let out a cry of pain and the floodgates finally opened as the adrenaline started to wear off.

“Applebloom!” Applejack yelled, instantly at my side. She helped me up to my hooves, and I ended up leaning most of my weight into my left forehoof, three out of my four limbs useless at this point.

“Oh Celestia! Are you alright?” Applejack fretted, inspecting my dislocated shoulder.

“Don’t you DARE!” I yelled, my body moving on its own as I reared back and slapped Applejack across the face as hard as I could with my injured leg.

Applejack reeled back in surprise as I bit back a scream of pain.

“I don’t CARE how angry I am at you! Don’t you DARE run off into the Everfree Forest and get yourself killed!” I found myself sobbing, broken down from the anger and the pain. Instantly all my fatigue hit me at once and my one remaining limb buckled, sending my face directly into the dirt below. I didn’t even care, shaking and sobbing loudly. I pounded uselessly on the ground, not even sure what I was angry about at that moment.

A few moments passed and I felt somepony pick me up, and the familiar, bittersweet warmth of Applejack’s embrace. I could smell the alcohol on her breath, and could feel a stream of her blood make its way down and start staining my fur, but I didn’t care. I threw my good hoof around her back and started wailing into her neck, my body convulsing as sour sweat drenched my coat.

“I-I was s-so scared w-w-when I went into y-your room an’ s-saw the b-book an’…” I finally managed. Applejack responded by pulling me closer and started rocking me back and forth, something I remembered her always doing when I was upset during the early years of my life.

“It’s okay Applebloom. Applejack’s got you. Big sis got you. It’s okay now.” Applejack whispered into my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. I let out a loud wail and buried my face deeper into her neck, somehow feeling completely secure for the first time since the injury.

Everything wasn’t okay right now. Everything was as far from okay as it could be.

But right there, stuck in the embrace of the sister I had focused so much hate and anger towards in the last two months, I knew that they would be.


A couple hours later I was pacing outside the room in the hospital holding Applejack.

I had recently been cleared myself. It wasn’t a lot I had to do. A doctor popped my shoulder joint back into the socket, gave me a “numbing agent”, and after a final x-ray, told me I was good to go.

All I had to do were some light stretches every day for the next week.

I didn’t know how Applejack was doing though. My stomach was all twisted up as I tried to think of something to say when I saw her.

I still didn’t know how I was feeling. If anything, my feelings now were even harder to decipher than ever before.

But I know that we needed to talk.

Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door. A moment later it was swung open by Twilight, who wordlessly stepped aside and let me in.

Granny, Big Mac, and all Applejack’s friends were already in there with her. All of them, including Applejack, silently watched me, waiting for me to make the first move.

As Twilight closed the door behind me, I caught her gaze. I silently pointed at myself, then the wheelchair, and finally the bed Applejack was resting in. After a moment Twilight understood what I meant and levitated me onto the bed.

“Can I… get a moment alone with Applejack?” I asked quietly.

Everypony else quietly filtered out of the room as I gathered the courage to look Applejack in the eye.

“Applebloom…” Applejack hesitated. “Before you start yellin’, I jus’ wanna say-”

“No,” I interrupted. “No more yellin’. I jus’... wanna talk.”

Applejack let out a slow, relieved sigh. “Okay, let’s talk.”

I took several moments to try and come up with the words to say, then just decided to throw caution to the winds.

“I’m… still mad.” I managed, sadly noting the instantly crestfallen expression on Applejack’s face. “After today… heck, ever since the accident, I’ve just had all this… emotion. I ain’t gonna lie, I’m a mite confused about… jus’ about everything. But… In that moment I saw you bein’ chased by that timberwolf… and the look on your face…”

My voice cracked as I felt my eyes start to burn. Tears started welling up in the corners of my eyes.

“I jus’ wanna tell you I’m… I’m sorry. I’ve been so dang stupid about this whole thing, an’ I know it was an accident, but I didn’t listen when you were tryin’ to help…”

A tear slowly made its way down my face as I stared at the blanket below me, idly picking at a fold.

“An’ I know I was hurtin’ you, but… I was still so mad, an’... but you were…”

Another tear traveled down my face, falling from my chin and making a mark on the blanket right next to Applejack.

I took several moments to try and compose myself, to think of what to say.

“Like I said… I’m still mad… but…”

I looked up and stared straight into Applejack’s eyes. Those green eyes that had watched over me my whole life. The eyes that were always so full of love, but in the last two months, only showed hurt. Those green eyes that had always spelled out safety and protection, and that special bond we used to share that I found myself so desperately wanting back.

And with that thought, my final decision was made.

“I forgive you.”