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Time to write some fanfiction! Yay! If you have any thoughts comment! I find reading them fun!


Though they no longer live near each other Twilight's friends are always there when she needs their advice. Especially on their once a year friendship day, of course. Though not even for friendship day does the princess' work stop, they do get the end the day with a picnic dinner.

More 1k weirdness, enjoy!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )
Jhoira #2 · Oct 5th, 2020 · · 2 ·

Well, that's some impressive speed reading... Oh, wait...

I liked the story,👍 but felt bad for poor Twilight.

Jhoira #4 · Oct 5th, 2020 · · 1 ·

*Claps happily* But the point is to not feel bad! *Cries!*

I feed bad anyway. Her whole destiny has been decided for her by someone else and she’s been forced to abandon the good life she’d made for herself in Ponyville.

It is? Oh. I was thinking Twilight was in denial of how sad she was deep down. but was trying to force herself to smile and be happy.

Hehe, it's meant to be along the lines of "those we love never truly leave us." Kind of thing.
Got the idea from this song. (Warning, country music.)


Ah, I got it now. More often than not, when a story with Twilight being the last of the mane 6 to be alive, it tends to be that she's acting happy, but really isn't.

A rare story where she really is threw me off. In which case, I don't feel so bad for Twi now.

Which is why her moving back to Canterlot makes no sense. If she decreed she would stay in Ponyville, then who is going to tell her no? Celestia and Luna can't. They have no political power.

The bureacrats? Does anypony actually care what they think? They're no more useful than they are in our world it seems.

Heck, Ponyville might have even asked Twilight to stay, and she just flat out ignored them. Her friends, and Celestia and Luna probably said she should stay in Ponyville, and she just ignored them.

Seems all the reasoning Hasbro gave.

Twilight hummed softly as she stepped into her special, rather fancy shoes. It had taken her quite a while to get used to wearing them instead of just going around shoeless. And that strange little breastplate that she also wore. She rubbed at it for a moment, frowning, wondering if it was a holdover from some older times, but there wasn't really a long period where Equestria was at war and the princess' would have worn armor so it didn't really make much sense. Then she grimaced as she looked at the crown that had been commissioned for her over her protests. She liked her simple crown but a small group of nobles had protested that she needed something far fancier and had made her this... Monstrosity. She floated the new one and her normal, simple crown to reflect in the mirror.

I'll give you the peytral (which is what the chest piece is called by the way), but this seems to ignore that Celestia and Luna merged their crowns into one, for Twilight. Nopony commissioned anything.

Unless Twilight knew that the sisters would do that, and protested that they didn't need to, but they did it anyway. This also makes Twilight look weak if the nobles can get away with it.

Just a thought though. It is a nice story. Too short though.

Yeah, I wasn't referring to her actual crown, it was more of a "they wanted her to look fancier so the nobles had a new fancier one made." So that I could have Rarity give her advice on it :D And they can't seem to get away with it since she just ignored them in the end. This fic takes place well after the coronation (I mean, the other five are all dead so it's been a while.)

As to your other comment, my only thing would be that upending her entire countries governance for her personal convenience doesn't seem like a move Twilight would make.

And yeah, I'm weird and write very short fics. Though this is one of the ones that I legitimately don't think needs to be very long since it's mainly about just her remembering them, not what's actually happening when she's remembering them.

That bit about the crown makes sense now. Didn't really get that from the story though, but that's just me :p

And Twilight moving back to Canterlot, from the town that made her into the pony she is now, doesn't seem like something she would do either. But Hasbro forced us to go along with it in The Last Problem.

I don't always translate my thoughts perfectly so it very easily could not be just you. :D

The communities are close enough that they'll probably consolidate in a few decades as Ponyville grows, a la New York and Brooklyn.

Personally, I feel bad for Equestria, having a leader who is incapable of having her own thoughts, but who can only think in terms of her friends.

If they were that close then her moving wouldn't have mean much.

So long as you remember the lessons they teach you, the people you care about will never really die.

So is Twilight possesed by her friends, or is it just her memories of them that kept talking? I honestlt couldn't tell. It's nice to see a non weepy Immortal Twilight story for once though.

I mean, it pretty clearly didn't mean all that much in the end.

Loved this, always nice to see a positive take on Twilight’s immortality and it was very sweet as well. Nice work

This was so heartwarming. At first I thought they were actually there giving her the advice, but as I kept reading I realized that they probably gave her that advice as either ghost or when they were having the picnic.

That was sad but wholesome at the same time (if that's possible). Yeah I've read a few fics dealing with Twilights immortality but this just built upon itself as each friend gave their advice until the end where my heart sank into my stomach. Probably didn't help that I was listening to chant of immortality at the time.

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