• Member Since 7th Mar, 2015
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If only I could be as grossly incandescent as the sun..

Comments ( 25 )

"It killed it." The larger, blue horse stated, staring at him with strange intent. Intent, that he didn't want to know.

You do know he killed a Zombie, right? You should THANK him for stopping the spread of the G-Virus and causing a Resident Evil Version of the Zombie Apocalypse in Equestria. 😒

Oh Crap! WHY THE HELL ARE THERE ZOMBIES IN EQUESTRIA???!!! And WHERE are they coming from??!! I thought it was only one zombie that somehow got teleported with HUNK to Equestria????

NOT FRICKIN Over 20 to 30 Zombies in Equestria???!!! Now, their are Pony Casualties and Deaths. :fluttershysad:

Plus, can you please make HUNK STOP trying to calling for command. Doesn't he realize he is not on Earth anymore. And is in a another world. So of course he can't call for help. BECAUSE your are on a different dimension/world, dummy! :facehoof:

Interesting, I think it could be pretty good. You are amazing at writing as well and that's all that I need to get onboard

With multiple guards trying to stop him from his sprint, he wondered why they would try to stop him. Do they not understand? The zombies? The abominations? They seem to only focus on him, before being overtaken by the zombies chasing him. Pathetic.

I know right?! Those guards are retarded idiots!

Seriously, will the Ponies stop FRICKIN chasing Hunk. When the real threat is the MOTHER F********* ZOMBIES!!!!!!!!!! 🤦 :-[

This is getting exciting keep it up I would like to see more and if you can make them longer only if you can though don't put to much work on yourself

Magic and radiation not playing nice or is Discord fucking around?

My boi HUNK. Cold like a fridge.
Good chapter👍

Hey keep it up I love the resident evil series resident evil 4 with leon was my favorite

Mr. Reaper is going to talk to them about his Extraction Point.:trollestia:

Well, to begin with, if this is not your priority fic, you should make it priority.
2: I literally like it, I really love it, but the plot line should have been done differently.
Hunk should have managed to escape, being he should have continued moving, until the point where he reaches a place where he can rest to think about what happened and then keep moving and away from his place of arrival, by H or by B, That he reaches the EverFree forest and there he survives alone for days or months while he thinks about what to do now that he realized he is not in his world.

Meanwhile, with Equs now contaminated by the living dead and with no information about them, his city falls, how the virus spreads I don't know, since each city is quite far away ... except perhaps where the elements live.
With all that, the argument would be much better and when they found he again they would be less hostile and more receptive ... perhaps after a heated chat.


Come on! NO MORE hostilities with the Ponies. :ajbemused:

Hunk is their Best Hope for taking down the G-Virus Zombie Threat.

And Celestia? Stop being a Naive, and Paranoid Bitch!!!! And listen to the guy that deals Bioweapons, and Zombies. Otherwise, you will just kill the only one that could Save your World, Dumb ass! :facehoof:

Plus, I doubt Hunk will be killed by a 'pacifist' Princess like you!!! :twilightangry2:

Actually Hunk is acting as himself, alittle bit more emotional than usual though.

In RE, Doctor said he no longer has Humanity inside him but replaced with 100% Soldier.
That would mean he would choose Survival than morality, hence the hostility and cruelty presented to other humans/creatures. And his title is the "Grim Reaper" for a reason

Glad that this has return. Anyway, screw Celestia ( And possibly Luna and the others )!!!!!!

Without Hunk, she is going to get her Ponies KILLED!!!!! Due to her prideful, prejudice, and dumb stupidity!!!! And with little to no knowledge of the Resident Evil Zombie/Bioweapons is no better to help them.

Hope a Bioweapon or a Zombie finally bite her in her stupid ass and infect her. As Karma for being a hostile bitch to Hunk. :facehoof: :pinkiecrazy:

I feel like writing celestia will difficult due to how the fandom writes her as a hypocrite, xenophobic tyrant, or naive.


Very much true!

This is sadly a common trope within most of the fan stories in here.

You know the story, "Misunderstandings"? That one portrays her as the one from the show. Also another one is that she's too fucking dense or doesn't want to admit that she's wrong.

The G & T virus are water borne.

And so, it concludes. Is there gonna be a sequel? I quite enjoyed this short story

Hot damn!!!! This is so quick and sudden?! Surprised that you finished this story early, and want to make a sequel out of it.

Now then, Hunk successfully gotten back to our world ( With the G-Virus Vial safety secured, AND also captured Twilight herself for Umbrella's nasty hands. )

That part was actually a major f*** you to Celestia and Luna!!! This is WHAT you two get for antagonizing him, and trying to KILL him!!! F****** Idiots! :facehoof:

Anyway, I don't know HOW they can control Twilight without their Mind Control methods?! But nevertheless, Equestria/Equis is frickin screwed right now! :pinkiecrazy:

Question? Since that this takes place after Resident Evil 2/3 ( Raccoon City Disaster. )

Will the other Games and the Characters ( Including Resident Evil 4, 5, 6, 7, and especially Resident Evil 8: Village ) be included and involved later on?!

And besides Hunk, will he command a couple of Bio Weapons like the Tyrants? Like Mr. X, and a newly revived Nemesis?

That will forever traumatized the Ponies and other MLP Races for sure.

Damn mate you truly surprised me on this I left off on chapter 3 but now all I got to say is damn this is interesting

There will be a sequel eventually. This story was always meant to be short, and never was meant to be thousands upon thousands of words long.

The question upon whether other games will be introduced: The plan is that, for now, Resident Evil 2 will be the main focus. But don't be surprised if other characters or storylines pop up from the other games, especially 7 and 8.

This is hopefully going to be an on-going series of short stories combined into one mega-storyline.

I like what you got planned for this fic I'm rooting for you keep up the great work

I can just imagine the pilot showing up and hunk being gone. Poor dude.

Nah discord wouldn’t do this, despite the fact that he causes chaos wherever he goes willingly, he never does it to do harm.
So him spreading a deadly infection all for the sake of causing chaos wouldn’t make sense in the slightest. (Or would it)

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