• Published 22nd Oct 2020
  • 204 Views, 17 Comments

Fire and Water - Lugh the Deer

Twilight and her friends try to survive the worst maritime disaster in American history.

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It all started in Ponyville.

Twilight sparkle is in her castle trying to solve the mystery of an artifact she bought at a strange store.

Twilights friends come in.

“Hey Twilight” says every pony.

“Oh,” says Twilight,”hey girls, your just in time, I found this weird artifact in the market and I need you feedback on it.”

Twilight then shows the girls the artifact, the moment they lay eyes on it, they are confused.

Rainbow dash is the first to speak up,”Uh, Twilight, That just looks like a burned piece of wood.”

“Oh,” said Twilight,”you might think that, but the moment I found it, I could feel magic emanating from it.”

“But its just wood,” said Applejack.”How can there be magic coming from it, it looked like it’s been burned and buried.”

“I know, that’s why I’m trying to find out why there’s magic coming from it.”

Just then, Twilight had an idea.

“I know, I’ll cast a spell to look into the past to see where this came from, that way, I’ll learn why theres magic in it.

Twilight then turned to the piece of wood and cast the spell. Nothing happened at first, but then the wood caved in on itself, almost like a black hole appeared in the center. Once the wood was gone, A portal opened, The portal was to an unfamiliar place.

“What’s that?” Said Rainbow Dash

On the other side of the portal was what looked to be a storage room of sorts, filled with boxes, barrels, animals, and bales of something. The room was lit by only a few candles and the walls were made of white wooden planks.

“I’m not sure,” Said Twilight,”But whatever it is, it looks like the wood came from here.”

“So, what do we do?” Said Fluttershy.

“According to the description of the spell, we have to step through the portal to wherever or whenever this is and let history play out naturally while we observe.” Said Twilight,”but we need to be careful, we’’l be unseen to the ponies there, but the animals will see us and we can still be hurt.”

Fluttershy hid behind her hair after that last sentence

“Don’t worry darling,” said Rarity,”I’m sure everything will be fine.”

They then stepped through the portal, and immediately found themselves in a large room.

Author's Note:

Next chapter, Twilight and her friends arrive on earth.