• Published 12th Oct 2020
  • 475 Views, 30 Comments

LEGO Equestria Girls: Holiday Short Stories - Chronicler06

The Equestria Girls have some fun spending the holidays at a special place in the Lego World known as the Winter Village.

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Past Reflections

Past Reflections

Sunset Shimmer had a smile on her face as she walked through the snowy streets of the Winter Village on this fine morning that was only moderately cold. All around her, she could see both local residents and seasonal visitors walking by as they made their way to certain shops or were simply out for a relaxing stroll. For Sunset, the destination she had in mind was a simple café somewhere just a little further down this street, where she had arranged to meet with her friend Twilight Sparkle. They weren’t planning anything in particular or celebrating anything special. This was meant to be little more than a friendly get-together to share some idle conversation, and Sunset was perfectly fine with that.

“Good morning, Winter Village!”

Sunset turned to the source of that rather chipper voice and saw a guy with a cheerful expression on his rather generic face walk along an adjacent street with a bit of a skip in his step. He had the typical yellow skin and was wearing a bright orange construction worker’s outfit with reflective silver stripes that showed a few scratches in some places. Over that, he was also wearing a green scarf around his neck and a green holiday style hat on his head.

As this minifig strolled down the road, he took a moment to eagerly greet everyone he happened to pass by. “Good morning, carolers!” he said to a man and a woman dressed in a black suit and black dress respectively. “Can’t wait to hear your songs tonight!” As he turned away from them, he nearly bumped into a woman with long blonde hair and wearing a blue coat who was carrying a small wrapped gift. “Whoa! Nice to see ya! I bet you got that for a special someone in your life!” He then walked past a bald guy wearing glasses and a plaid red jacket. “Hey there, Big Jim! Love that new show you’ve been working on!”

With their paths about to cross, Sunset decided to stop walking and placed her hands on her hips as she had a bemused smile on her face. “Well if it isn’t the Special himself,” she quipped playfully. “Emmet Brickowski!”

Emmet stopped and turned to Sunset, then gasped and excitedly stated, “No way! It’s Sunset Shimmer! One of the Equestria Girls from Canterlot City!”

Sunset chuckled and remarked, “I guess we’re both pretty famous if we could instantly recognize each other right at the moment we just met for the first time ever.”

Emmet giggled and responded, “Yeah, well, I’m still getting used to this whole saving world from total destruction more than once. I mean, really, how do you girls put up with that kind of attention?”

Sunset just shrugged and replied, “Eh, we’ve gotten used to it by now. If anything, we’ve become desperate for a vacation that doesn’t involve defeating a force of evil magic from Equestria.”

“Well, when you put it like that, yeah, I don’t blame ya,” remarked Emmet. “So what are you up to today?”

“Oh, just heading to that café over there to meet with my friend Twilight,” replied Sunset as she pointed at the building in question not much further down the street. “Nothing special, just a friendly get-together.”

“Hey, would it be okay if I join you?” asked Emmet eagerly with a smile. “I was just on my way to meet with Lucy, but I can text her and see if she’d like to meet you and Twilight.”

“No problem,” agree Sunset. “I sure wouldn’t mind having an opportunity to meet Lucy as well.”

“All right! Thanks!” cheered Emmet with a leap of joy. “Let me just…” He pulled out his phone, sent a text message on it, then put it away. “And done! Let’s go!”

As the two of them began walking towards the café, Sunset giggled and remarked, “I have to say, your enthusiasm could give even Pinkie Pie a run for her money.”

“I just can’t help it,” confessed Emmet with a shrug and a smile. “I’m always so excited to see what awesome things each and every day will bring.”

Sunset and Emmet arrived at the café after a short walk. They were just about to enter the building when Emmet heard his phone ping, so he checked the text he had just received, then leaped with joy and cheerfully spoke up, “Awesome! She’s on her way right now.”

“Cool,” responded Sunset casually as she opened the door into the café. “I look forward to meeting her.”

Inside the café, in addition to several stools surrounding the central service counter, there were a few small tables set up along the windows at the edges of the room. A few of these tables were occupied by various patrons, and it didn’t take long for Sunset to find Twilight seated at one table not far away.

Twilight was quick to notice her friend’s arrival, so she smiled and waved at her and she contently spoke up, “Hi, Sunset! Glad you could make it.”

“Hey there, Twilight,” greeted Sunset as she walked over to the table her friend was seated at. “Look who I happened to meet on the way here.” She gestured over to Emmet, who smiled and waved with a slight chuckle.

“Wow, Emmet Brickowski of Bricksburg,” remarked Twilight in awe. She then frowned and glanced away as she muttered, “Or is it Apocalypseburg now? Or rather should it be called Syspocalypstar?” She then showed Emmet a smile of amusement.

Emmet chuckled awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his head and acknowledged, “Yeah, I guess my home region has gone through quite a few changes over the last few years.”


“Oh! Our order’s ready,” Twilight spoke up. She turned to Sunset and asked, “Could you go grab it?”

“Sure,” said Sunset in agreement as she turned to the service counter.

“Oh, that reminds me,” noted Emmet to himself, “I should get something for me and Lucy.” He followed Sunset to the service counter, then once Sunset had grabbed two full mugs and brought them back to the table, he walked up to the person behind that counter and placed his order.

Meanwhile, Sunset sat down beside Twilight on one side of the table and passed one of the mugs over to her. She took a small sip of the hot beverage and remarked, “Nice choice of tea, Twilight.”

“I knew you would like it,” agreed Twilight before she took a small sip from her mug.

About a minute later, Emmet returned to the table with two full mugs in his hands. “I got two cups of coffee,” he contently noted as he sat down at the table opposite from Twilight beside the window. “One black for Lucy, and one with cream and sugar for me.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and playfully quipped, “Oh, you Bricksburg people are always ordering coffee. Not even a ridiculously overpriced brand would ever tempt you to try anything else.”

“Oh, like you’re one to talk,” Emmet playfully rebuked with a smile. “You Canterlot girls are so obsessed with tea, you practically make it part of your regular schedules.”

Sunset giggled and remarked with a sigh, “Ah, the old beverage rivalry between our home regions. May it never be settled…”

They then heard the faint ringing of the main door being opened. Emmet turned to look back towards that door, then smiled and waved as he eagerly called out, “Lucy! Over here!”

The minifig who had just arrived smiled as she saw Emmet and walked over to the table he was seated at. She had the typical yellow skin and was wearing a black jumpsuit with blue and pink scribbles all over the right side. Like Emmet, she was also wearing a red scarf around her neck and a red holiday style hat on her head.

As Emmet scooted over in his seat towards the window so Lucy could have a place to sit down beside him, he remarked, “Look who I just happened to meet today. It’s two of the Equestria Girls from Canterlot City! Sunset Shimmer and—”

“Twilight Sparkle!” greeted Lucy in sudden excitement as she sat down beside Emmet. “Wow! It’s been so long since we last met. How’s it going?”

“A lot better than the last time we saw each other, that’s for sure,” remarked Twilight with a smile.

Lucy kept her smile as she scoffed and quipped, “Tell me about it…”

With a baffled look on his face, Emmet asked, “Whoa, whoa, wait… You two actually know each other?”

Lucy chuckled awkwardly and hesitantly replied, “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”

Sunset smirked and asked, “You haven’t told him about that part of your past, have you?” She then took a sip from her mug of tea.

Lucy fidgeted with her mug of coffee as she replied, “If you’re talking about what I think you’re talking about, then can you really blame me for being reluctant about that part?”

“Lucy, I thought we agreed to stop keeping secrets from each other,” noted Emmet, sounding slightly hurt.

“I was gonna get around to it,” insisted Lucy. She then glanced down at her mug of coffee as she hesitantly added, “Eventually…”

Sunset set down her mug of tea and suggested, “Well, seeing as you’re here with a couple of friendly faces who already know about that part, now might be as good a time as any.”

Lucy sighed as she let go of her mug of coffee and leaned back in her seat. “Okay…” she conceded. She turned to Emmet and began, “Well, I’ve already told you about that band I was once part of.”

“You used to be in a band?” asked Twilight abruptly. “I never knew that part about your past.”

Lucy groaned and rolled her eyes before she grumbled, “Fine, I guess I’ll tell everyone the whole story.” She then reached up and removed the hat on her head, revealing her hair color to be multiple stripes of bright blue and pink.

“I see you’ve decided to dye the rest of your hair,” noted Twilight.

“Actually, it was more like the rest of my hair got un-dyed,” corrected Lucy as she pulled out her phone and began tapping on it. “It was also kinda done against my will, but that’s another story.”

“Hey, I’m not gonna judge you for your natural hair color,” assured Sunset. “I mean, look at me.” She pointed at her own hair, which consisted of multiple stripes of red and yellow. “I can’t tell you how many people have taken one look at my hair and couldn’t resist comparing it to bacon.”

All four minifigs seated at the table couldn’t help but giggle at that remark.

Sunset then suddenly glared at Emmet and Lucy across the table and firmly insisted, “Seriously, though. No bacon jokes around me, please. I can’t stand ‘em.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” assured Emmet with a nervous grin.

Lucy cleared her throat and spoke up, “Anyway, back in my late teens, I was part of a pop music band known as ‘POP-ular’.” She then turned her phone to show the image she had on the screen, which was the cover of an album showing the four members of that band.

Twilight and Sunset looked closely at that image and soon realized that the girl in the middle right of that lineup was virtually identical to the girl seated right in front of them. “I’ve heard of that band,” noted Twilight. “I can’t believe I was never able to make the connection between you and that Lucy.”

Lucy took back her phone and continued, “So yeah, that’s how my backstory started. I was part of one of the hottest bands in the world at the time, and I loved every moment of it back then. In fact, I’m the one who wrote our most famous song of all, ‘Everything is Awesome’.”

“I always wondered who was originally behind that one song everyone was always singing together just for the heck of it,” muttered Sunset.

“And that is where my backstory takes a dark turn,” continued Lucy, “because it was also back in those days that President Business was acquiring a whole bunch of different regions and claiming ownership over them. He was looking for ways maintain control over the lives of everyone in those regions, and one of those methods happened to be catchy music.”

“So he went with the most popular song at the time, which just so happened to be your song,” concluded Sunset.

“Yup,” confirmed Lucy bitterly. She took a sip of her coffee, then continued, “At first, I was thrilled that my song was able to stay so popular for so long, but as it stayed at the very top of the charts week after week, month after month, I started getting a little suspicious. It eventually occurred to me that it was because it was quite literally the only song being played in all the regions owned by President Business. I wrote that song as a way to just have fun anywhere at any time, so to see him use it as practically mind control over all those people really hurt me. I tried telling my bandmates about it, but they all dismissed it as me just being paranoid over nothing.” She took another sip of her coffee. “I won’t go into any details, but long story short, that triggered a series of events that ultimately caused our band to break up.”

“Aw, I’m so sorry, Lucy,” said Emmet sadly as he placed a hand on Lucy’s shoulder. “I bet you and all those bandmates used to be such good friends.”

“Yeah… we were,” acknowledged Lucy shamefully. “I have no idea where any of them went after that, and quite frankly, I simply didn’t care at the time. Instead, I was more focused on trying to get some petty revenge on President Business for pretty much ruining my life. At first, I struck out on my own, sneaking around under the cover of night, spraying graffiti, vandalizing public property, anything to commit any kind of sabotage wherever I could. I even dyed my hair black to help blend in with my surroundings. I never got far, but my rebellious actions did end up attracting the attention of a shady group of secret agents who called themselves the Shadowbolts. They were determined to overthrow the world order and place themselves in total control over everything, and since I assumed that would include President Business and his own plans for world domination, I accepted their invite without even a second thought.” She took another sip of her coffee. “Boy, did that turn out to be a horrible mistake.”

“Indeed,” concurred Twilight. “Abacus Cinch became very determined to get rid of the Playwell family after the humiliation of being fired from the old Board of Directors, among whom was also President Business. Naturally, they formed an alliance to work against a common foe. Business chose to do all those public takeovers, while Cinch organized a team of secret agents to persistently disrupt all organizations that supported the Playwell family, which especially included the LEGO Team.”

“Wow,” said Emmet in astonishment. “I can’t believe you actually used to be one of those evil secret agents.”

“Of course I was,” confirmed Lucy. “I mean, this black jumpsuit I always wear started out as one of their standard issued uniforms, which I later customized myself after I got away from those guys. And besides, where else do you think I learned to be so good at kicking butt?”

“I always wondered about that…” muttered Emmet.

“So, yeah,” continued Lucy, “as soon as I realized the Shadowbolts were actually in league with President Business, I knew I had to get away from them. Much easier said than done, because the thing about joining the Shadowbolts is that, well… let’s just say they never allowed anyone to leave alive. Either you stayed loyal, or they sent someone to get rid of you for good.”

Emmet gasped in shock and asked, “You actually risked your life by just walking away from them?”

“Crazy, but true,” confirmed Lucy. “But you see, after how my life had kept getting worse and worse by that point, I figured I didn’t have much left to lose, so I went for it. I was lucky enough to end up being taken in by Vitruvius, the legendary Master Builder. While he sheltered me from being captured by both the Shadowbolt agents and President Business’s Super Secret Police, he taught me how to become a true Master Builder. When he told me about that prophecy about the Piece of Resistance, I knew I had to find that ancient relic so I could finally bring down President Business once and for all. I searched many places, often risking exposing myself to those who were after me, so I protected my identity by frequently changing my name. I eventually managed to track down the Piece of Resistance to that construction site in Bricksburg and, well…” She smiled as she lifted her mug of coffee. “You know the rest of the story from there.” She then took a sip of her coffee.

Twilight giggled and noted, “Ah, yes, your habit of changing your name several times. I certainly remember that. In fact, there was a running joke among the other agents that Lucy changed her name about as frequently as I changed my base of operations, and I can confirm that I was so insecure that I never stayed in one place for more than a few months.”

Lucy smirked and remarked, “Glad I’m not the only one who was insecure at the time.” She then frowned and asked, “Wait, how did you guys know that was me behind all those names?”

“Facial recognition software,” answered Twilight casually, “yet another invention I ended up providing to the Shadowbolts. Though, to your credit, by the time we got suspicious enough to utilize it, you had already moved on and switched to a different name.”

“How many different names did you go through?” asked Emmet innocently.

Lucy suddenly got notably anxious and glanced around nervously as she hesitantly replied, “I, uh… don’t remember?”

Twilight pulled out her phone as she playfully noted, “I still have the complete list that was compiled by the Shadowbolts.”

“Oh, this I’ve gotta see,” remarked Sunset with a naughty smile as she leaned over to glance at Twilight’s phone.

“No! Please don’t!” Lucy urgently begged as she tried to reach forward, but Twilight used her telekinetic magic to grab Lucy’s hood and pulled on it to yank her back into her seat.

Meanwhile, Sunset read through the list of names and within seconds, she burst out laughing and asked, “Seriously? You actually used these names for fake identities?”

Lucy rested her chin on the table and held her arms over her head as she groaned in embarrassment and grumbled, “Go ahead and tell the whole world while you’re at it.”

“Relax,” assured Sunset as she calmed her laughter. “Your secret’s safe with me. Trust me, as the one who can read minds, I’m already keeping plenty of other secrets.”

“How about I let you in on one of my secrets?” offered Twilight as she put away her phone. She leaned across the table towards Lucy and quietly stated, “As I’m sure you can guess, someone among the Shadowbolt agents had the assignment of trying to find and eliminate you. Well… that agent was me.”

“Wait, what?!” asked Lucy in astonishment.

“Okay, this is news, even to me,” admitted Sunset.

“But here’s the real shocker,” continued Twilight with a grin. “Unbeknownst to my fellow agents, every time I got close to reaching you… I allowed you to escape.”

Emmet gasped and breathlessly muttered, “Mind. Blown.”

“Why would you do that?” asked Lucy as she sat up. “You had to have known that defying such an order would put you in some very serious trouble.”

“Of course I did,” acknowledged Twilight. “You see, when I was assigned that mission, one aspect of tracking you down involved trying to understand your motive, so that I could try to anticipate your next move. But the more I followed you around, the more curious I got about whether you knew something I didn’t, so I became tempted to simply stand back and continue observing, just to see how far you would actually go.”

“Did you wear that old astronaut suit you later used for stalking me and the rest of our friends?” asked Sunset with a smirk of amusement.

“Not initially,” replied Twilight, “but after my brief stay on Mars, I realized how effective it was at concealing my identity, so I started using it for most of my missions from that point onward.”

“Are you saying my search for the Piece of Resistance actually encouraged you to consider leaving the Shadowbolts like I did?” asked Lucy.

“When you look at the big picture, I suppose that might actually be true,” confessed Twilight. “Sure, I had secretly questioned my loyalty to the Shadowbolts ever since the laser beam incident that permanently damaged my eyesight, but witnessing your tenacity and determination out there really inspired me to believe that perhaps being part of the Shadowbolts might not have been the preferred means to achieving that better life away from the Castle Region I had so desperately desired.” She took a sip of her tea and continued, “In hindsight, my frequent failure to eliminate or even capture you may have contributed to Cinch’s decision to later force me into working with a team of other fellow agents.”

“I know where the story goes from here…” muttered Sunset uncomfortably.

Twilight gave Sunset an assuring smile, then turned to Emmet and Lucy and continued, “I’m not sure how much you’ve heard, but the brief version is that, after I had accidentally collected all the Equestrian magic from Sunset and her friends, I found myself caught between the choices of either staying with the Shadowbolts or joining the LEGO Team.” She turned her gaze down at her mug of tea and bitterly added, “I selfishly chose a third option, and unleashed that magic upon myself.”

Twilight hesitated to continue speaking, so after a few seconds of uneasy silence, Emmet asked, “What happened?”

Twilight took a sip of her tea and let out a sigh before she shamefully answered, “I literally turned into an overpowered magical monster. She called herself Midnight Sparkle, and her only desire was to understand everything around her, even if it meant tearing apart anything and anyone that got in her way.”

“Whoa,” muttered Lucy in shock. “Talk about going all mad scientist to the extreme.”

“That experience gave me horrible nightmares for weeks,” continued Twilight. “It still haunts me even to this day, but I’ve learned to move on from it. I’m just glad I had a good friend like Sunset Shimmer to help me come to my senses.”

“Thanks, Twilight,” responded Sunset with a smile. She turned her gaze down to her mug of tea and frowned as she sadly added, “At least you had immediate support from everyone who would become your new friends. I had to spend six months in prison before I could be given my second chance.”

“Oh yeah, you also once turned into a magical monster,” noted Lucy. “If it’s not too personal, do you mind telling us what that was about?”

Sunset leaned back in her seat and sighed before she explained, “Well, I’m sure you already know by now that I’m originally from the alternate universe of magical ponies known as Equestria. What you may not know is that I was once the personal prodigy of Princess Celestia, absolute ruler over all of Equestria. She taught me everything I know about magic, but the younger me was very arrogant, and I foolishly convinced myself that I practically deserved to become a ruler like Celestia, no matter what. When Celestia told me I was not yet ready for the most advanced lessons, I secretly tried to study those subjects myself, but I was caught and Celestia expelled me from her castle. That’s when I made the fateful decision to cross the magical mirror into this world. Even though I eventually adapted to this world, the old me still had plans return to Equestria and seek vengeance against Princess Celestia. I stole a magical artifact, which turned me into a raging she-demon who practically enslaved an entire city in a futile attempt to use them as an army to conquer Equestria.” She took a sip of her tea before she casually finished, “So yeah, Twilight needed only a helping hand to overcome her dark side, while I had to get smacked in the face by a rainbow friendship laser to overcome mine.”

“Wow,” said Emmet in astonishment. “And here I thought I was the only nice guy with an evil alter ego who tried to destroy everything in existence.”

“You had a dark past, too?” asked Twilight in confusion.

“Well, technically, it was more of an alternate future, but it was still scary enough for me to consider that other me to be evil, no doubt about it,” explained Emmet. He took a sip of his coffee and asked, “So tell me, girls… have you ever heard of a guy named Rex Dangervest?”

“Yeah, but not much,” admitted Sunset. “As far as I’m aware, he was this macho space guy with a crew of raptors who tried to completely destroy the entire Systar System, just for the heck of it.”

“Along with all the territory owned by President Business in the process,” added Emmet, “though he didn’t really care about that part at all.”

“And you’re saying that guy was your evil side unleashed?” asked Twilight.

“I know it all sounds crazy, but believe me, this is all true,” explained Emmet, his voice now sounding less enthusiastic than usual. “While the rest of the world was wondering what happened to Bricksburg, all of my friends were captured and brought to the Systar System, so I rebuilt my house into a spaceship to go after them. Now here’s where things start to get a little weird. In an alternate timeline, that other me crashed his ship and ended up in a place called Undar of the Dryar system, where he was incapable of moving and could do nothing but watch everything that was happening in the universe. He saw his friends welcomed by the Systarians and enjoy their stay there, but none of them ever bothered to go back to look for him. He was completely abandoned for so long that he let his hatred take over, allowing him to finally escape on his own, but he also remade himself into the kind of tough guy seemingly everyone had wanted him to be. He then collected and dismantled practically every time machine he could find and rebuilt them into a new spaceship, which he then used to not only gather his crew of raptors, but also to go back in time to save me from that crash.” He took a sip of his coffee and continued, “I still don’t really understand what he was thinking, but as far as I could tell, he wanted revenge against everyone who he was convinced had completely ditched him, and he wanted to really hurt them by tricking me into doing it for him, which he also somehow hoped would make me turn into him in the process.”

“Seriously?” asked Sunset skeptically. “Seems a little overly complicated just for some petty revenge. And coming from me, that’s saying something.”

“You know, now that I think about it, you’re probably right,” agreed Emmet. “I guess all those years he spent completely on his own might have caused him to go a little nuts.”

Lucy scoffed and retorted, “A little? That guy barley even resembled you, both physically and mentally.”

“So what happened to Rex Dangervest?” asked Twilight.

Emmet leaned back in his seat and answered, “Well, unlike what happened to him, my friends were quick to realize the trouble I was in, so they came to rescue me, despite his crew of raptors standing in their way. With my friends — especially Lucy — there to support me, we destroyed the time machine part of his ship and I swore I would never become like Rex. Of course, with time travel being involved, my declaration right then and there caused him to just… fade out of existence.”

Twilight and Sunset glanced at each other for a moment before Twilight remarked, “Somehow, I should’ve expected that.”

Sunset smirked and noted, “Come to think of it, that whole experience sounds like it could be an interesting friendship lesson worth sharing with Princess Twilight in Equestria. If I had my journal with me, I would’ve offered to let you write an entry in it.”

“Really?” asked Emmet as he sat up. He smiled and excitedly prattled, “Wow, that’s gotta be quite an honor. Is it, really? Oh, who am I kidding? Of course it’s a huge honor! I mean, this is a princess in an alternate universe we’re talking about here. But what should I write about? Does she want just the basic lesson? Or should I go in depth with every detail I can remember? Where should I even start?”

As Emmet continued babbling, Twilight leaned close to Sunset and quietly asked, “Is this what I’m like when I get overly stressed about something?”

Sunset giggled and quietly replied, “Yeah, pretty much.” She then turned to Emmet and spoke up, “You know, if you’ve really got that much to talk about, then maybe you should consider writing a whole book about your life experiences.”

“You mean like an autobiography?” asked Lucy. She glanced away thoughtfully for a moment, then smiled as she turned back to Emmet and contently noted, “That’s actually not a bad idea.”

Upon hearing the suggestion, Emmet cheerfully remarked, “Awesome! I love that idea! ‘The Autobiography of Emmet Brickowski’!” His smile fell as he then pondered, “No, wait, that might be more appropriate as the subtitle. I should use a title that’s more iconic, more catchy, more special.” He suddenly gasped and excitedly declared, “That’s it! The Special! No, even better! ‘You are the Special!’ And by ‘you’, I mean whoever happens to be reading it, which kinda fits in with that other friendship lesson I learned while going up against President Business, before that whole mess with Rex Dangervest.”

“I think it’s a great idea!” stated Twilight. “I look forward to reading it, once it’s complete.”

“And I’m sure Princess Twilight in Equestria would love to read it, too,” agreed Sunset. She then chuckled and added, “Heck, I might even order several copies to be delivered to Equestria, in case if she wants to use it for some classes in that School of Friendship she recently started up.”

Lucy laughed a little and playfully remarked, “Okay, let’s take it easy there, everyone. We’d better take this whole thing one step at a time. I mean, it’s not like you can just write a best-selling book in only one day.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” conceded Emmet as he relaxed in his seat. “If I’m gonna go for it, then I might as well go at whatever pace I’m more comfortable with. Some awesome things just can’t be rushed.” He then took a sip of his coffee.

Lucy stared down at her mug of coffee for a moment before spoke up, “You know, it’s kind of ironic, now that I think about this. I once tried to make my life as dark as possible, yet, out of the four of us sitting here at this table, my experience has probably been the least traumatizing of all.” She gestured at Sunset, Twilight, and Emmet as she continued, “I mean, you turned into a raging she-demon, you turned into an overpowered psychopath, and you met a version of yourself who’s practically a heartless jerk. Me? All I ever did was dye my hair black and change my name a lot.”

“Just because you never saw yourself become a rampaging monster doesn’t mean you haven’t changed for the better,” Emmet pointed out. “The girl I met who called herself Wyldstyle is hardly anything like the girl named Lucy who I know today, and personally, I’ll take Lucy over Wyldstyle any day.”

Lucy giggled and playfully retorted, “You really didn’t have to say that.”

“But it made you feel better, right?” asked Emmet with a goofy grin.

Lucy just rolled her eyes and lightly punched Emmet’s shoulder.

Sunset and Twilight both giggled at the more than friendly exchange between Emmet and Lucy.

“But seriously, though,” Emmet spoke up, “I think we can all be proud of how much better we’ve become over time.” He then raised his mug of coffee and declared, “No more Wyldstyle. No more Rex Dangervest. No more Midnight Sparkle. And no more… uh…” He trailed off awkwardly as he stared at Sunset.

That made Sunset realize that her darker alter ego was apparently the only one among those four to never be given a name, so she hesitantly raised her mug of tea and awkwardly suggested, “Sunset Satan?”

There was complete silence at the table for a moment, then all four of them suddenly burst out laughing together. “Okay, yeah, I think we’re all glad we don’t have to worry about calling ourselves such ridiculous names anymore,” quipped Lucy as she raised her mug of coffee.

“Absolutely,” agreed Twilight as she raised her mug of tea.

Sunset smiled as she fully raised her mug and declared, “Well, here’s to putting a dark past behind us, and to looking forward to a brighter future.”

The four minifigs then simultaneously tapped their mugs together over the table, signifying their acceptance of past mistakes and sharing those experiences to learn from them together.

Author's Note:

As has been the case since quite literally the very first story, the events of the Lego Movie (and now its sequel too) took place in this Lego World, even though things work a little differently in this world compared to the official version from the movies (so I guess you could say a slightly different version of those events took place in this series, much like with all of the Equestria Girls content). For the record, I came up with with the idea for this brief story shortly after I first saw the Lego Movie 2, originally intending to have it be a one-shot story taking place between the ninth and tenth main stories. However, we later got the Equestria Girls holiday shorts, so I started thinking of how to incorporate them into my fanfition series. Although I was able to adapt some and come up with original ideas to replace others, I struggled to figure out what to do with this third part of these short stories, but since I still wanted to include that idea of Twilight and Sunset meeting Emmet and Lucy, I decided to simply use it to fill in this gap. Anyway, as you may recall from the prologue of the sixth story, Twilight had informed her friends about being familiar with Wyldstyle/Lucy back when they were both Shadowbolt agents. While the final scene of the Lego Movie 2 revealed that Lucy was part of the band that wrote the "Everything is Awesome" song, further information such as how that song's misuse by President Business caused the band to break up and Lucy to darken her attitude was explained only in the movie's official commentary, but all of that seemed like such fascinating aspects to Lucy's backstory that I had to include it here. And yes, you can expect to see a reference to Emmet's autobiography at some point later on in this fanfiction series.