• Published 2nd Sep 2012
  • 2,508 Views, 51 Comments

Dark Souls - Prepare for Ponies - NahB

SPOILERS! Karen has defeated the abyss - but at what cost to Equestria?

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C3 - On Black Wings


“You need equipment.” Karen said this as a fact.

“Okay. Where do I get this said equipment?”

Karen looked around a moment, and sat again in front of the bonfire. She stuck her hoof in the fire, causing a gasp to come from her companion.

She pulled out a box that seemed to appear out of nowhere. She opened the box and looked inside.

Shining Armor only looked on with a gaping mouth. This Undead pony was unfamiliar with the most basic magic, yet could do such feats as this?

He opened his mouth to speak when he saw her push her hoof in… farther than was possible. His eyes widened.

“It’s… bigger on the inside?”

“Bottomless box. Some people hate ‘em, but for me, it’s essential. Alright. You look like a heavyweight, so I think we’ll go with this.”

She pulled out a large cuirass, gray and bulky. She tossed it to him and it hit the ground with an unpleasant “thunk.”

Shining Armor walked over to it and levitated it with his magic. “Seems heavy.”

Karen nodded, still rooting around. “Got it in Anor Londo. Came from a guy named Havel the Rock. Bastard gave me some trouble, but he got an arrow in the eye for his effort.”

Shining Armor glanced at the armor distastefully. “Um…”

She looked over to him. “Oh, don’t worry. That wasn’t him truly wearing it. He was a hollow outside of his time. He was actually dead long before I killed him, but I was the one that killed him. Make sense?”

Without waiting for an answer, she went back to rooting around in the box. Shining opened his mouth to say “no,” but figured out that she didn’t care if he understood or not. Her story didn’t make sense anyway, but here she was and here the messed-up world was. He just accepted it and placed the armor on himself.

“What. The. Buck.” Shining found himself severely restricted by the extremely heavy armor.

“Strongest I have. Heaviest, too. You won’t find better protection, though. Here,” she said, pulling out a giant club and tossing it to him. “Fully reinforced fire club. Heavy thing, but deals more damage than you ever could on your own. Also, I don’t know what you have a penchant for, so take these.”

She tossed him a little stick and a ball of… something tied up in a cloth. He looked at her and found her staring at her hoof. His eyes widened when the smallest ball of fire rose from it, then separated into two balls. She walked over to him, and deposited one into his upturned hoof. It sank into his body.

“Catalyst, Talisman, and Pyromancy flame. That flame came from a good friend of mine, and now from me to you. Take care of it,” she said, and approached the bonfire again. “Use whatever form of magic that feels natural. I doubt you’ll be able to do the things you normally would.”

Frowning, Shining tried to teleport to the other side of the clearing in order to test this. He closed his eyes, and heard a “pop”.

He opened his eyes and found himself staring… at the exact same location. He shook his head. “You’re right. Something about this place is damping my ability.”

Karen kept rooting around. “You ever worn a helmet, or would you prefer a hat of some kind?”

He frowned, and then thought a moment. “Neither. I need to see.”

Karen laughed. “Not like you’ll be needing it. He was Havel ‘The Rock’ for a reason. Also,” she said, tossing him something small, “this. It’s a ring, but I don’t know what to do with it. Normally, I wear a pair of them but dunno how to wear them now.”

Shining smiled, happy to be even the smallest bit useful. “Stick them on your horn. What’s this do?”

Karen nodded, pulled out a pair of rings, and settled them on her horn. She gasped, and her posture seemed to get a little better. “Just put it on.”

He slid it on his horn and gasped as well. Suddenly, the overbearing armor seemed lighter.

“Havel’s too. It helps with weight,” Karen explained.

“What are you wearing?”

“I’ve got the Ring of Favor and Protection, something I took from a backstabbing knight. Helps with weight and weariness. Also, I’ve got the Hawk ring. It makes my arrows fly further.”

Shining Armor nodded and looked again at the club she had tossed him. “Fire reinforcement?”

“Mmhmm. Look at the etchings of metal throughout it. It’s Titanite. When it comes in contact with a foe, it’ll burst into flame momentarily, hurting the enemy but doing no harm to the holder and the weapon itself. Pretty useful.”

He gave it a few swings(almost staggering at first, but getting used to the huge weight of the weapon), testing its mettle. “Heavy,” he grunted, “even my magic seems to have trouble with it.”

Karen gave a laugh. “I actually carried that stupid thing around for a while. Dunno why, seemed like a good idea at the time.” Shining laughed with her.

She finally got up though, and shook her head. “We best get moving. We’re not going to get anything done sitting around here forever.”

Shining would have shrugged, but the damn armor was too restricting. “Lead on,” he said, letting the mare go ahead. “I may be captain of the guard, but you obviously have far more real combat experience.”

She turned back to him and gave a thin-lipped smile that obviously held no joy. “Yep,” was all she said in reply. She sauntered ahead, not bothering to see if he followed. Of course, she didn’t really need to – all the clinking his armor was making told her that he in fact was.

The pair slowly moved forward, eyes open for anything dangerous, and finally came to the crossroads from before.

Shining Armor nodded towards the coliseum. “That’s where I fell?” He asked.

Karen nodded the affirmative. “Yep.”

He looked at the light-colored mare, eyes narrowed. “Why were you in there, anyway?”

She frowned. “Well, I figured since the bonfire was relatively close, I could afford to fight a tough enemy.”

“That big biped? How did you know it was there?”

“I didn’t know exactly what was there,” she began, stopping and turning towards him completely, setting her bow down. “I just saw the white fog.”

Shining Armor started, and looked at her strangely. “So… white fog signifies that there’s something tough behind it? That explains my encounter…” he trailed off.

Karen nodded. “Yes, or a bonfire.”

He looked at her, brows furrowed. “Bonfire? But there wasn’t one back in the clearing.”

She grimaced. “There would have been were we to have been invaded.”

“Invaded?” Shining asked, confused.

Karen sighed and sat down, realizing she’d forgotten an important part of her lecture on Lordran. “Occasionally, undead from alternate worlds would break through the barrier between us and invade my world as a ghostly, red spirit. Their arrival would signify a fight to the death between us, without access to a bonfire. It’s also there if I have summoned a friendly spirit into my world to help me defeat a tough enemy.”

Shining Armor tried to grasp it. “So what you’re saying is that there are alternate worlds where there are undead like you, but not nearly so nice?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying,” she said. “They can’t speak to me, but I can tell that if you had met one of them instead of me here, you could have easily had your throat slit instead of being given armor.”

The stallion shuddered at the violent nature of Karen’s world, and the fact that it was actually here in Equestria.

“Time to go,” Karen announced, again rising to her feet and grasping her bow with her sorcery. “We shouldn’t stay in one place.” With that, the mare walked to the bridge and began crossing the gorge, unaware of the huge depths below her. With a frown, Shining armor followed, glad it was a large stone bridge, instead of a rickety wooden one.

However, halfway across the bridge, Karen halted her movement. “Stop,” she ordered him. She pointed a hoof out. “See that? At the end of the bridge?”

Shining squinted, but finally picked a dark shape out, different from the dark forest behind it. It was bipedal, and seemed to be wearing ragged pieces of armor haphazardly placed on it.

“That’s a hollow,” Karen said, concern in her voice. “I wondered if they’d been turned into ponies like me, but apparently not. Maybe it’s good – I’d rather your world not be affected by the undead curse.” Following her speech, she raised her bow and nocked an arrow. Shining watched as she squinted her eyes a moment, and the arrow was let loose. The stallion watched in amazement as the arrow flew straight into the hollow’s head, and it crumpled down.

“Never fight up close what you can bring down from afar,” she said, probably quoting a mantra she held dear to herself.

“Nice shot,” Shining said, impressed. She turned to him and gave a quick, toothy grin, and resumed movement.

Within a few moments, they had crossed the entirety of the bridge, and the vast Everfree forest stretched ahead of them.


“Well?” he asked, concerned.

“Left. Skirt the edge of the forest as much as possible, I think I see some ruins,” Karen said, moving forward. “Keep your eyes open, not sure what kind of foes are going to be lurking here.”

Surprisingly, there was no presence there to stop them. Glancing around constantly was wearing, but kept Shining fresh, knowing that a moment’s distraction might lead to his death.

Suddenly, Karen stopped again. “Wha-“ Shining began, only to be stopped by a massive roar.

“Drake!” Karen yelled, running ahead. Not a moment later, a giant dragon swooped in, belching out gouts of great black flames. Shining skirted them, staying close to Karen. After a moment, the drake swooped ahead of them and landed, staring at the duo.

Karen gritted her teeth. “Kalameet. I killed you.”

The dragon raised its muzzle and laughed, a strange and very scary sound. It wasn’t like anything the dragons Shining Armor had seen – it exuded dangerous from its very looks.

Karen nocked another arrow and prepared to fire, but the dragon suddenly flared its wings and the two ponies were knocked back.

“Undead from the future. I will be waiting at the citadel. It is only there that I will grant you your death.” The dragon swooped into the air, banking away from the forest.

They got up slowly, examining the burnt trees around them. They stared at each other, frightened by the dragon’s appearance.

“Since when do dead drakes talk?” Karen asked Shining, obviously rattled.