• Published 18th Nov 2012
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The AppleDash Project: Wherever Life Takes Us - bookplayer

A look at a behind the scenes relationship between AJ and Dash set around episodes from Season 3

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Something to Do (The Crystal Empire)

Rainbow Dash floated along on a cloud. There was nothing to do, so she was wasting time. She'd already practiced every trick she knew, set the skies according to the weather schedule, and checked with each of her friends to see if they were doing anything interesting. They weren't. Then she took a nap for a while, but now she was awake again.

Dash picked a piece off of the cloud and rolled it between her hooves until it disappeared, leaving her hooves wet with rainwater. She dried her hooves on her mane, and poked at the cloud. It was getting thin, she kept doing that, picking it apart without thinking. Just last week she'd messed with a cloud until it couldn't hold her anymore, and she ended up falling through and landing in the park.

That was the most exciting thing that had happened to her in the past month.

She looked down over the edge of the cloud. This time she was over Sweet Apple Acres, and everything looked peaceful below. The foals were by their clubhouse, arguing about something; Mac was plowing a field of something, and AJ was carefully checking all of the trees for something. All perfectly normal somethings. It was the same all over Ponyville, like it had been since the wedding.

Dash laid back and noticed that she'd picked off another piece of cloud to play with. She rolled her eyes and shoved the piece back into the cloud. She was going to have to go be bored someplace else, before she had another exciting tumble out of the sky.

She took off and flew down to AJ, landing on the branch of the tree the cowpony was inspecting.

“Heya!” AJ said, glancing up with a grin.

Dash had to grin back. “Hey, how much longer do you have to work?”

“Well now, I'm just about done, soon as I finish this row.”

“Great! Let's do something.” Dash flew to the ground, walking next to AJ as she moved to the next tree.

“Okay, what do ya wanna do? Horseshoes?”

Dash rolled her eyes. “No way. Something exciting.”

“We could go for a run.” Applejack smiled at her. “I'll race ya'.”

Dash frowned, feeling a little guilty. Any other time, that would be cool. But any other time she would've been doing something awesome all day, not sitting on a cloud. “I said exciting. Come on, AJ, there has to be something.”

“Like what? I mean, it's still light out and there's fillies runnin' around, we can't-”

“Not exciting like that.” Dash considered it, and raised her eyebrows. “Though now that you mention it. . .”

“No,” Applejack said flatly.

“Okay. That wasn't what I was talking about anyway.”

“So, what were ya' talkin' about, sugarcube?” Applejack stopped and leaned against a tree.

“Nothing exciting ever happens around here anymore! When did we get so boring? It's like last week, when you weren't sure if I was mad at you for winning that race.”

“What 'bout it?”

“You just came and talked to me about it!” Dash said, exasperated. “You could've stomped around while I tried to figure out what was wrong.”

Applejack looked confused. “But you don't like it when I do that.”

“Yeah, but it would've been something to do! We could've had a fight about it or something.”

“You. . . wanted to have a fight?” Applejack asked, her look changing from 'confused' to 'my marefriend is out of her mind.'

“No!” Dash said quickly. She didn't want to have a fight with AJ. She thought she didn't at least. The idea actually gave her a little chill of fear up her spine, but it did sound exciting. “I just want something like a fight.”

“If you're wantin' to have a fight, I think you're on the right track. I love ya, it hurts when we have a fight,” Applejack said, still looking at Dash like she was crazy. Dash couldn't blame her right now.

“I know, AJ. I love you, too. I didn't mean we should have a fight.” Dash moved up next to her and gave her a nuzzle.

“You just said you want somethin' like a fight.” Applejack huffed.

“I know, but I don't really want that. I don't want to hurt you. I'm just. . . bored.”

Applejack looked at her for a minute, and her face softened. “Okay, so we'll find somethin' you wanna do.”

“Not just the same old stuff we always do though,” Dash warned. “Something totally different and exciting.”

On cue, Pinkie popped out of nowhere right in front of Dash's face, causing her to jump backwards with a yell, to the snickering amusement of AJ.

“There ya' go, different and excitin'.”

“Are you kidding? This is totally boring for Pinkie.”

Pinkie didn't seem to notice the conversation, “Guys! Guys! Guess what?”

Dash sighed. “You made some cookies? You're having a party? One of the Cake twins did some baby thing?”

“No, Twilight got a letter from Princess Celestia and now she has to go to Canterlot for a really big test that she never knew about!”

Dash considered this news. She considered Twilight, and how Twilight usually reacted to stress.

Applejack raised her eyebrows at Dash, seemingly thinking the same thing. “Well, Dash, we could go watch Twilight lose 'er mind.”

“I'm so there!” Dash said, taking off ahead of her friends towards the library. She was probably taking more pleasure in Twilight's discomfort than was really nice, but a Twilight Sparkle freak out was quality entertainment. Besides, it was all over nothing, Dash knew Twilight never failed a test.