• Member Since 9th Jan, 2020
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Boopy Doopy

My writing slowly improves, I believe. I hope to be an even better writer tomorrow. Feel free to join my Discord.

Comments ( 12 )

I'm unsure how to respond to this but it definitely deserves a response.

The scary reality for some people. Very well written, if heartbreaking.

Well I...

I don't know how to even comment on this.

We can only hope Ocean Breeze recovers.

wow that read's feel's way too real, the hospital staff acted like idiots ore it all was just in her head.

i know i could never even try to smuggle something like that behavior past my doctor

Unfortunately it is way too real...
Thank you for reading this, for what it's worth.

I hope that bastard's liver fails. That must have been so disgusting. I cannot ever imagine what that must have been like. Remember though that no amount of alcohol changes who a person is, it just brings it to the surface. If he did that drunk then he was thinking about it while sober and that is sickening. Alcohol is NOT an excuse to act like a sack of sh!t.

I'm so sorry that happened to you... not that my sympathy helps you any. It should not have happened at all. Did they ever catch the bastard?

No, they did not. Police never got into contact with me again after I signed my statement. They didn't even go inside to look in my apartment.

11180277 That is some bullshit. There should have been an investigation. You can take that to court, you know. If nothing else they shirked their responsibility and added to the mental and emotional damage that event caused you. That is not acceptable to me, but I cannot do anything about it. I am sickened that it happened to you though. I hope that scumbag dies slowly knowing he won't be missed and knowing he is utterly insignificant and completely unloved and will be quickly and easily forgotten. Don't give him power by even thinking about him. Scum like that isn't worth it.

Thank you, I appreciate your words.

11180286 You're welcome, I guess? I don't really know how to respond. Apologies. I'm just glad you found a way to keep on keeping on. That takes a strong person. My wife was abused by someone close to her and she managed to forgive him before he died (he choked to death on a marshmallow, yes seriously).

Talk about a horrible experience. Absolutely not okay all around. Systematic failures with police, nursing and medical staff and family. I'd give a lawyer a call and sue for damages from the police and assailant. If they aren't punished they sure as hell won't stop from doing it again.

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