• Published 29th Oct 2020
  • 516 Views, 8 Comments

Sombran Lullaby - voroshilov

An enraged Celestia marches upon the Crystal Empire, where the beloved King Sombra and his allies prepare to make their final stand.

  • ...

IX. A Thousand Years, Secured

The Companions' bodies had vanished. All the better, really. Sombra wasn't quite sure what he would have done had they not. As it was, he could pretend they were still alive, or that the weight of his failure hadn't taken absolutely everything.

He thought of Amethyst Maresbury, of Doctor Glow, of Fleur De Verre. Two had made it out - he had decided they had - whilst the latter had - Sombra wasn't quite sure what she had, so he preferred to leave it blank.

He, meanwhile, was trapped. In essence. Had it been worth it? He had decided yes. Worth it to deny Celestia access to the Crystal Empire and its resources; worth it to deny Celestia access to the magical nexus - who knew what she could have done had she had access to it.

He was alone. But, what matter was it, really? Better alone than dead.

The Crystal Empire was secure and at least the majority of its inhabitants had been evacuated to the north, where they would safely board the waiting Griffon ships and escape. Those that may have remained behind - Sombra didn't want to think about them.

He wasn't exactly sure what the spell had done, only that it had made everything shadowy. Though his surroundings took on a fluid form, everything still felt solid. The ground beneath his hooves had not changed its consistency at all, nor did anything appear to have been moved around.

He felt tired, likely a consequence of the initial magical sacrifice. His legs ached, but no part of his body felt heavy. If anything, he felt incredibly light. Rising to his hooves fully, he swayed slowly from side to side.

He groaned as he took a step, the ache in his legs made it difficult to stay upright. The spell had weakened him badly, had the spell failed then Celestia would have killed him long before he was able to recover. That was perhaps the only upside of being alone in this shadow world, Celestia couldn't get the jump on him.

"Well, well, well," Celestia said, tone both mocking and impressed, "isn't this interesting."

Sombra felt his legs give out, but he couldn't feel the impact on the floor.

Celestia chuckled, "you would rather plunge your entire Empire into darkness than face justice." She shook her head in what seemed to be disappointment. "I almost admire your dedication."

"How? How?"

"Your spell did not discriminate," Celestia said, "everypony in the Empire is in this shadow now."

She looked at him with what could almost be considered pity, though there was a clear hatred and disgust behind it.

"You took my sister," she muttered, before raising her voice once again, "and now you would trap thousands of ponies in this place? I suppose I should thank you, though. Before all of this, I had no idea that the harmony of Equestria was so degraded. Had it not been for Starswirl's accidental vigilance, I might not have discovered it until it was too late. What drove you to do this? What possessed you to start this rebellion? To corrupt my sister and so many good ponies?"

Sombra couldn't answer - his throat felt like it was being constricted.

"Will you not answer me?" Celestia's anger wasn't at the forefront anymore. She just seemed sad. "Please, at least tell me why?"

The invisible noose became tighter, until Sombra's vision began to disappear.

"Please," she asked again, until she shook her head and rose to her full height once again. "History will condemn you, King Sombra, as so many already do."

She brought forwards an object, a light blue carved crystal. It was quite beautiful in a simple way, clearly carved by a master. The Crystal Heart pulsed slowly, almost as if beating.

"There is a spell," Celestia continued, "one that will take away the magic of the ponies you led astray. They will become reliant on the Crystal Heart." She seemed almost disgusted in herself. "Then, over a thousand years, they will realise the pain that you brought them." She didn't seem sure of what she was doing. "And they will become good ponies, away from your dangerous influence."

Sombra wanted to say something. He was desperately trying to say something. Not even a groan could escape his throat, only a terrible silence that made him painfully aware of his coming death.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled, turning to leave, "I don't think I can stay here much longer."

"Help me," Sombra screamed, though it came out as little more than a hacking wheeze.

Celestia straightened herself up. All that Sombra could see was her vague outline through the darkness.

"Goodbye, Sombra."

Comments ( 5 )

And it's done!

I hope you all have enjoyed this little side project of mine. Feel free to leave a comment on what you liked and what you think could be improved.

wow,this story really need a sequel
so,sequel? :fluttercry:

This story is essentially a sequel - though written in a very different style and mostly focusing on other characters

I'm assuming Burgundian Lullaby which is music from a HoI4 mod that basically turns it into a horror game, not through jumpscares but through the actions and atrocities that are normalized in the bleak Last Days of Europe

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