• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 5,296 Views, 428 Comments

I am my own OC - KittyrinnAiko

It started out as a blatant self insert and then morphed into something more.

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Chapter 7: I wasn't ready!

Mrs Sparkle located the file for Nova and entered into the grand audience hall where a number of applicants and senators were already gathered. Each in turn waiting their turn to argue for something they wanted. She went forward and waited a few paces behind the pony that was in the dock. The 'hot seat' it was sometimes called even though there was no seat.

“That’ll be all thank you, I will take your petition into consideration. Thank you.” Princess Celestia said in a tone of voice that came very close to I wish you would just buck off already. The pony in the dock, their ears now flat, backed up, bowed, turned, and went to sit in an open seat.

“Velvet, have you something?”

“Yes, your highness. A petition by one Kitsumi Nova Moon...” Velvet looked over the file. “She wishes to go to flight camp and apply to your school for gifted unicorns. Apparently, she’s on a special needs scholarship, but it doesn’t allow her to pursue both avenues of education.”

“She’s an ambitious little filly, wants to fly and learn to cast magic?” teased a wit in the court.

“She was brought up straight away by the guard ahead of her assigned group.” Velvet informed her.

“What...” Celestia’s interest had been piqued. “Commander Steadyhoof, what’s going on?”

“I’m to understand the filly in question has both horn and wings and is sporting a genuine royal herald's medallion of the Night Court. A moon medallion to be exact. The Captain of the gate thought it best to declare a possible pinnacle alert, and she was brought straight here.”

“Nova, did you say?” Celestia asked.

“Yes, your highness,” Velvet offered, took a glance at the paperwork, “..daughter of one Luna Moon. The family name is Athelas.” Claiming the name Athelas was certainly new. "I believe she's the same filly Twilight wrote me about."

“Mostly white with some black?”

“Yes, Ma’am. Another black and white. She isn't claiming to be anyone, and it seems that all she wants is her scholarship.”

Celestia’s eyes grew wide, “Where is she?”

“Waiting in the alcove across from the reception desk.” Velvet informed her.


Hi, what’s your name?” asked a pink young mare at the door. I looked up to see both wings and a horn. This just had to be Cadance. She had a big smile for me.

Cadance?” I know her, of course, I know her, but do I know her from the show, or … how do I know her outside the show? That shouldn't even be possible? Age-wise she could be an elder sister or even old enough to be my own mother. This being post return of Nightmare Moon she's likely in her early twenties.

Funny, that’s my name too.”

Oh, no, sorry, my name is Nova. I just recognized you, that’s all. Want to be friends?” Recognized her. – I’d swear we were foal hood friends. The same age even. Just what exactly is going on here? Why is she so much older than I am now? Who am I kidding, she's been here longer.

Yes,” Cadance said and trotted into the room. “I’d love to be your friend.”

I got up from my seat, met her halfway, and then she froze.

Funny, you kind of remind me of a little pegasus I knew a long long time ago.” Cadence offered.

I can still remember how that music used to make me smile,” I replied in song while extending my wings out from under my cloak to show her. Meanwhile my mind is filling in holes again. Yes I do know her.

What?” Her eyes grew wide. “I know you, I’m sure. I don’t understand?”

I don’t either. - But how? I mean I’d heard there was a Princess Cadenza here, but you, that is the Cadenza I knew vanished with the Crystal Empire? And I’d say it’s a safe bet that I was that filly you remember. My mom got in a big fight with Aunt Tia, I got in the line of fire, and found myself transported hundreds of years into the future. Maybe it was something similar with you?” My mind was rapidly putting broken pieces together to form a seemingly impossible story. And no, I’m not about to tell her about my human life.

Then I guess you just might be my old playmate.” Cadance offered but had nothing more she could say so decided to let a hug do the talking for her.

You two know each other?” Lofty asked.

Apparently. I think we are cousins.” I offer as I slowly break from the hug. “She’s Princess Amore’s daughter, and if I’d have known she was the same pony I’d have tried to see her long before now.”

My emotions are on edge. Good god, they are on edge. I feel like I could come unglued at...


Princess Bucking Celestia just walked into the bucking room!

Right about now is when all the tabloid headlines speculating on Princess Luna's present state go flooding through my mind. Half the articles had Luna under house arrest while others suggested that the reason she hasn't been seen is because she'd been added to a garden. They didn't actually say in what state mom had been added only that she was now part of the garden. Others were saying that she was still Nightmare Moon and had to be locked away while others claimed that sources within the Castle said that she wasn't in her right mind. My rational mind knew that supermarket newspapers were not the most reliable source of news, the trouble was that my rational mind had decided to take a leave of absence at that precise moment.

My mind snapped. It just snapped. Pretty sure the pupils of my eyes just went down to pinpricks because I’ve got tunnel vision big time. Hell, the last time I saw her she was bent on the destruction of my whole family. At least that's what it looked like to the eyes of a foal who could not comprehend what was going on.

I was prepared to face her in the court where there would be witnesses, but having her walk in on me like this before I’ve got a chance to steal my nerves. I’m not ready for this! Why is she even here?

Images of the fight between Celestia and Luna are flashing through my mind, and I find myself doing the one thing any self-respecting fox would do in the presence of their betters. I collapse to the floor, cry, and grovel as I’m hit with a full-blown panic attack. I’m probably babbling too. A moment later Cadance is by my side covering me with her wing. Lofty lays down by my other side in an effort to reassure me that everything is going to be alright.

Princess Celestia, please, you’re scaring her.” Cadance pleads.

“Well, that certainly could have gone better.” Offered a white unicorn pony with a dark brown mane and tail.

“Raven, I don’t want to hear it,” Celestia replied softly. She is presently in her tea room with a pot of tea. Court has been recessed for the rest of the morning. Her mane and tail are uncharacteristically droopy.

“So, you know that filly?”


“And when was the last time she saw you?”

“I was banishing her mother to the moon.”

“You don’t mean to say she’s Nightmare Moon’s daughter?”

“Luna, her name is Luna.” Celestia corrected sharply. “And it was my fault. It was all my fault. I’d been conned into thinking my sister was plotting against me.”

“Was she?”

“She was out of control,” Celestia said defensively. “She definitely had leanings towards the dark side… and no, not unless you count planning a surprise party. Is it any wonder why she has secluded herself in her rooms?” Her tone had gone soft. “I was inexperienced in the ways of politics and back door intrigue. There was a plot, but it wasn’t being orchestrated by my sister. In the end, I was the one who pushed her over the edge.”

“Perhaps if you could explain this to Miss Nova?”

“How am I to explain it to her if she turns into a quivering mess every time...”

“Stop!” Raven glared at Celestia. “She was obviously prepared to face you, but on her terms.”

“I blew it didn’t I?”

“You did indeed.”

“Princess Celestia?” Cadance inquired from the doorway.

“Cadence, come in. And haven't I told you to call me Aunt Celestia?”

“Why didn’t you tell me Princess Amore was my mother?” Cadence asked as she slowly entered.

“Cadance?” Celestia asked.

“Nova and I were friends when we were very small. I remember her. She remembers me. Why is she so afraid of you?”

“I’m sorry.” Princess Celestia replied. “I suppose it’s time for that discussion.” She placed her tea down. “How is Nova?”

“She says she’s sorry, and that she just wasn’t ready.” Cadance offered. “Other than that, she is resting in my room. Ms Lofty is with her.”

“The thing is, her mother is my sister.”

“You mean Princess Luna?”

“Princess Luna, though I don’t know if you remembered her or not.”

“I remember Nova, but I only remembered her after I saw her. Princess Luna… She’s not the mare I remember.”

“Luna had all her power stripped from her by the elements and was reduced to the age of a filly. I never told you about your mother because I didn’t think you needed to know about a pony that is long gone.” Celestia offered.

“What happened to me?”

“You’ve read up on King Sombra, haven't you?”

“I have.”

“Sombra wasn’t always a bad pony, but he was obsessed with becoming an alicorn. Obsessed with immortality. How you came to end up in that little village you’d been living in I can only speculate. I don’t even know by what process you became an alicorn. And it appears Nova became an alicorn as well.”

“I can’t quite be certain, but I think she’s always had a horn.” Cadence offered. “Just a really little one no pony ever paid attention to. I always had a little horn as well. It just got bigger when I overpowered Prismia, and then I found myself on the ascension plane where you found me.”

“I see,” Celestia replied as though she had an epiphany.

“What of Nova? What caused her horn to grow?”

“Nova got caught in the crossfire between myself and my sister. I’m unaware if she’s fully ascended or not.”

“I didn’t even know you had a sister until you brought Princess Luna home. - So much of my past is nothing more than little snippets of information that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense without the proper context.”

“I was so determined to punish my sister that I no longer cared who got caught in the crossfire. Nova got caught in the spell that sent Luna to the moon.” Celestia said as she looked down at her teacup. “That’s why Nova had a panic attack when I walked in on her unannounced. The last time she saw me I wasn’t being a very nice pony.”

“Hang on, if Nova is back? Were there others involved?”

“She was on the periphery. Luna was dead center. Luna even tried to use her magic to push Nova clear. Even under the full sway of Nightmare Moon, her last act was an attempt to keep her foal safe. I have had nightmares about that night ever since. And yes, there were others. Our new captain of the Night watch is one of Luna’s Shadowbolts.”

“Oh,” Cadance said quietly.

“Hang on, Kibitz?” Celestia called.

“Yes, your majesty?” Asked a light alabaster unicorn in a dark green foot colt’s uniform who’d been standing by in the hall.

“Kibitz, go and see to it that Commander Mouse is informed that Princess Nova Moon is on the premises and could use a familiar face who she trusts.”


“Go on. She’ll not likely bite at the sound of this news.” Celestia pressed.

“Y-yes mam,” Kibitz replied, turned, and hurried out again.

“Who is this Commander anyway? I hear she’s been running the guard ragged. Is she really a Shadowbolt?” Cadance asked.

“She came within hooves of assassinating me,” Celestia replied, her mood now lifted. Raven just rolled her eyes.

“What? So you reward her by putting her in charge of the night wing?”

“She’s a genuine Shadowbolt, not one of the fakes we keep having issues with, but the real thing. The best of the best.” Celestia began. “She had been caught in the beam from the elements of harmony as well. Stole into my chambers in the middle of the night with thoughts of doing me harm when she realized she couldn't do it.”

“Are you saying that once she had the opportunity, she didn’t have the will to commit murder?” Cadance was horrified at the thought that any pony would even contemplate such an act.

“I’d have to say it was more along the lines of coming to the realization that any harm done to me would affect all of Equestria. Whatever her opinion of me and my actions may have been, she has a duty to protect the innocents of Equestria.”

“Oh. - Aunt Celestia?”


“Let's put aside the fact that Nova is going to have trust issues. Don’t you think you should maybe tell Luna about Nova?”

Celestia let out a long-drawn-out sigh.

“And possibly praise her once in a while?”

“But I do?”

“Not that I’ve seen. Any time I’ve been there when she’s accomplished something it’s like you expected her to accomplish her task.”

“Well, I do expect her to accomplish her tasks. About the only thing she seems incapable of accomplishing is making friends.”

“Any time she is not otherwise buried in a book the only ponies around her are royal court staff or stuck up nobles who just want to use her as a stepping stone. It’s Sunset all over again. And don’t think I don’t get my fair share of nobles and ladder climbers with wealthy families who just want to use me to bolster their own standing. I’d like to say I have friends, I do try, but I can’t really say I have true friends. Not like I had back … back home. If this horn on my head were to suddenly evaporate, and you dismissed me from the castle, I’m fairly sure the vast majority would drop me like a hot rock covered in spiders.”

“I’m sorry. I guess I never realized how difficult it must be for you.” Celestia offered in a consolatory tone. “And your right, I should tell Luna … it’s just, I’m not so sure she will even remember Nova.”

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