• Published 31st Oct 2020
  • 2,270 Views, 17 Comments

Dragon wings: The Vigorous Raptor - Kitsune_Kenshi

A pilot who tried to escape the Russians during WW3 ended up in Dragon lands.

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Chapter 1: Heart Of a Dragon

Nick is not quite sure whether he's dead or dreaming... But he hope neither of these were real. Fortunately, they're not. And though half of him is confused and frustrated as hell, the other part is in complete awe. He is walking along side with two dragons. Two living dragons... TWO ACTUAL FUCKING FIRE BREATHING DRAGONS!!!

Though his inside were soaring, his expression remains calm. There's silence during their day to the Dragon Lord's cave, Smolder decided to break the silence.

"So... Nick is it?" Smolder asked, "Care to explain your purpose here?"

"I have no purpose of coming this place," Nick said, "I arrived after getting chased by to god-damned Russian jets." There's a brief silence, Nick looked at Garble and Smolder to see their confused expression.

"Ok, Russian are people from a country name Russia, which is the worst enemy to America, which is where I came from. And those jets, "Dragon Wings" is a jet; to be specific, a fighter jet." Nick explained.

"Let me guess, they... fight?" Smolder asked, gaining a chuckle from the young pilot.

"Yeah, they do," Nick said, "there's lots of types of jets: Fighter jets, Fighter Bombers, Jet Bombers, Intercepters, AWACS; which stands for Airborne Warning And Control System, and lastly, Cargo Aircrafts."

Garble, who seems a bit annoyed due to all the facts rushing to his brain, but Smolder, surprisingly is intrigued; which his not like herself. Probably because the jets are cool. Just give her some notebook and a quill, she'll be the dragon version of Twilight Sparkle.

"Ahem, not trying to be rude but, I must go for some... stuff." Garble said, Smolder rolled her eyes, knowing what "stuff" Garble would do. Nick just shrugged, "Sure, go do your stuff." After Garble flew away, Smolder continued, "Can you explain each type of jets?"

"Gladly," Nick started, "We'll kick off with fighter jets. They'e known for their ability to counter the enemy aircrafts, they're the main force of an Air Force; For example, "Dragon Wings" is a fighter jet, there's also other fighter jets like F-15 "Eagle", F-16 "Fighting Falcon", and some other fighter jets all around the world. Their goal is tp gain air superiority, which means to gain control of a certain air space. Then we have Fighter Bombers; mix of a Fighter jet and a Bomber, which I'll explain in minute. Fighter Bomber is used to quickly and unexpectedly bombard or air strike a certain target that a bomber cannot. Some famous examples are the US F-4 Phantoms, Chinese Q-5, and F/A-18E "Super Hornets". Bombers were aircrafts that carries small or bug explosives called bombs. Bombers are rather he comparing to the others due to the amounts of bombs they carries. Some examples were the B-52 Stratofortress, Russian Tu-95, and B-2 "Spirit" Stealth Bomber. Many battle tactics involves bombings, so Bombers are extremely important. Intercepters, is a type of aircraft designed to defend an airspace against enemy bombers and fighter bombers. Like the Russian Su-15 or the US F-104 "Starfighter", but now they're retired. AWACS, they're some VERY VERY important aircrafts, almost as important as the Bombers; they have a huge radar disc attached to their back. They can help Fighter Jets to detect enemy aircrafts from a really far distance."

"Excuse me, uh... What is a radar?" Smolder asked, surprisingly quiet while listening to Nick's lesson.

"Radar is a detection system that uses radio waves to detect distant objects. If you need some easier explanation, just think of bats. They're basically living radars; they uses sonar to detect objects in the dark to prevent ramming into stuff." Nick said.

"Anyway, going back to the topic; Lastly, there's Cargo Aircrafts. They're not much of a fighter, more like a carriage that carries supplies." Nick said.

"Eh, Cargo Aircraft are NOT my type." Smolder commented, Nick smiled.

"Don't judge yet, an army's ammunition, food, equipments, and members depends on the Cargo Aircrafts. For example, back on Earth, I'm a Captain of a fighter squadron, there's this mission where my squadron have to escort a Cargo Aircraft through the enemy line, and guess what? When we got there. our men were dying of hunger, lack of ammunition and equipment. That lasted for about two weeks. After resting for about a week, they;re back in action again."

"Whoa, so they does sound important; can't imagine not eating Gems for two weeks straight." Smolder said, gaining Nick's attention.

"Wait, you guys... Eats... Gems?" he asked, surprised.

"Yeah, we do. What do you expect?" Smolder asked, curious about human diets.

"Uh..." Nick knew this is coming, what if he told her that they eat meats? Will Smolder be disgusted? Will she reject him? But Nick decided to try it.

"We humans are omnivores; we eat both meat and vegetables."Nick said.

"You... You don't eat dragons... Right?" Smolder asked, a bit hesitation in her voice.

"WHAT?! HELL NOT!" Nick nearly shouted, but apologized after his outburst, "Sorry, I don't. Dragons are one of my most respected mythological creatures."

"Mythological?" Smolder cocked her head.

"Yeah, back in my world, creatures like dragons and Pegasus exist only in myths and legends." Nick said, "I suppose... They're real here?"

Smolder smirked, "Sure am. I have some friends that are 'mythological'. A Griffon, and a hippogriff. The rest were a Yak, a Changeling, and an Earth pony."

"Griffons and hippogriffs?!" Nick's eyes widened, "DAMN!!!"

"Ah, we're here." Said Smolder. They stopped in front of a huge cave decorated with glittering gems and golds.

Smolder led Nick into the cave. They arrived in a throne-room kind of cave, there are mountains of sparkly stuff, mostly gems.

"Smolder, how do dragons even eat gems?" Nick asked, "They're hard as fuck."

"Hey! Watch your language in front of the dragon lord!" Smolder quietly whispered at him, nodding her head forward towards the throne-like stone. Nick realized that there's another dragon sitting on the throne with a blood-red staff in her claws. She's kind of skinny, but not bone-like skinny, just perfectly balanced. Her eyes are ruby red, her scales were light blue with ocean blue wings.

"Well, you must be the creature in a flying metal bird that my fellow dragons told me about." She said, "I'm Ember, the Dragon Lord."

"Oh, shoot." Nick scrambled for a bow, "Where are my manners, my name is Nickolas Smith; but call me Nick."

"You may stand," Ember said, Nick did what he was told, "tell me about you and your species."

Nick spend the next thirty minutes explaining stuff about Earth, humans, their technologies, and the sociality. But the next question Ember asked is not in his expectation.

"So, Nick, were your parents worried when they haven't seen you for 8 months?" Ember asked.

Nick's smile froze, so did his body.

"Uh... Nick?" Smolder waved her arm in front of Nick's eyes, "You okay?"

"Huh? Oh... My parents..." Nick sighed in sadness, Ember frowned, "Nick, you don't have to say it if you don't want to."

"No, there's a wise sentence from my world saying that the best way to heal your past is to share them." Nick said, "My father was divorced with my mother when I was born, and my mother abandoned me and my big sister. We're adopted by a kind-hearted family. When I'm 10 year-old, we ran into a terrorist suicidal attack, my step-parents were blown into pieces right in front of my eyes, my sister were shot to death, but... somehow... the ignored me and moved on... Then I was adopted again by Military... And when I as 18 I joined the USAF. I made some really good friends there. But a month later... We went on a escort mission, we encountered enemies and... and....... We were outnumbered... I watched as my friends getting killed one by one... while I can do nothing to help... I... I... I'm just so useless.... I lost everyone I cared, loved... I lost all my friends... because... I'M JUST SO FUCKING USELESS!!! I'M AN ASSHOLE!!!" Nick couldn't hold back the tears as he burst into a sob.

To his surprise, he felt someone hugged him. Nick opened his eyes and saw the dragon lord herself is hugging him. She's too, tearing up.

"I'm... I' so sorry..." she said in between tears, "I ne... I never knew you went through so much..."

Smolder pat him on his shoulder, "Hey... Big guy... listen, you still got us."

"Thanks... But every time I made some new friends... I just loose them someday... Unexpectedly..." Nick said, drying his tears.

"Then I'll make sure we'll never leave your side." Ember whispered into his ears, before anyone can react, she gave Nick a quick peck kiss on his cheek. She then let go gently, blushing. Nick's cheek turned red, he scratched the back of his head, feeling awkward. Smolder had a fake smile on her face while moving away from the cave, "I... I have some... studies to do... heh heh... Enjoy yourselves."

Now, Nick and Ember were left alone in the cave.

"Uh... So... Where am I going to stay?" Nick asked, breaking the silence.

Ember suddenly wrapped her arms against his, "Well, since some dragons around here are mostly the quick-to-judge type..." she winked at Nick, "You'll be staying with me."

Nick felt his cheeks getting warm again, "Uh... Are you sure Dragon Lord?"

Ember giggled, "Just Ember is fine, and yes, I don't mind sharing bed with another creature... What are you again?"

"I'm a human." Nick answered, still blushing.

"Yes, a human." Ember said as they walked into smaller room, decorated with gems, a golden armor (The armor Ember used during the Trial of Fire), and some gold. And in the middle was a mid-sized bed.

"Lord... I mean Ember, is there a shower?" Nick asked, expecting the answer to be a no.

"Yeah, there is one," Ember said, surprised Nick, "It's at the end of the hall way. I have a friend name Spike who's raised by ponies; so he take shower whenever he came for a visit."

"Thanks." Nick said before he went towards the bathroom. Behind him, Ember is staring at his back with a dreamy look on her face, but she quickly snapped out of it, blushing furiously at some thought about the look of Nick's body.

After 20 minutes, Nick came out of the shower, though there's no shampoos or anything like that, Nick could still live on without it. He'll just make sure not to sweat too much during the day.

He found Ember already asleep on the bed, he quietly set aside his flight suit as he climbs onto the bed and tucked himself in. Suddenly, he felt something on his back, Nick turned and saw Ember cuddling him, he felt his face heating up again, and... Is that a blush on Ember's face too?

He shook the thought off and, too, cuddled her. Ember's arms tightened around Nick as she felt Nick is cuddling her too. That left with a thought.

Oh dear lord, he thought, what have I gotten myself into. Welp, the dream's gonna end soon... I hope not.

With that, Nick slipped off into sleep, with a blushing Dragon Lord next to him.

Comments ( 6 )

awesome chapter look like ember got a future husband:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

lol nice story but when will the next chapter come out?:heart:

I hope theres more soon.

are you going to continue this or is it dead

"Gladly," Nick started, "We'll kick off with fighter jets. They'e known for their ability to counter the enemy aircrafts, they're the main force of an Air Force; For example, "Dragon Wings" is a fighter jet, there's also other fighter jets like F-15 "Eagle", F-16 "Fighting Falcon", and some other fighter jets all around the world. Their goal is tp gain air superiority, which means to gain control of a certain air space. Then we have Fighter Bombers; mix of a Fighter jet and a Bomber, which I'll explain in minute. Fighter Bomber is used to quickly and unexpectedly bombard or air strike a certain target that a bomber cannot. Some famous examples are the US F-4 Phantoms, Chinese Q-5, and F/A-18E "Super Hornets". Bombers were aircrafts that carries small or bug explosives called bombs. Bombers are rather he comparing to the others due to the amounts of bombs they carries. Some examples were the B-52 Stratofortress, Russian Tu-95, and B-2 "Spirit" Stealth Bomber. Many battle tactics involves bombings, so Bombers are extremely important.Intercepters , is a type of aircraft designed to defend an airspace against enemy bombers and fighter bombers. Like the Russian Su-15 or the US F-104 "Starfighter", but now they're retired. AWACS, they're some VERY VERY important aircrafts, almost as important as the Bombers; they have a huge radar disc attached to their back. They can help Fighter Jets to detect enemy aircrafts from a really far distance."

bug??? did you mean big? and the super hornet is American, not chinese, at least clarify that so nobody gets confused. Interceptors not Intercepters, They're, to

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