• Published 11th Nov 2020
  • 323 Views, 11 Comments

Tales from the Rift - Fonzie

A group of stranded tourists listen to a strange Pony's tales of how they'll die, or do they?

  • ...

Filthy Rich's revenge

Author's Note:

This is story is my way of saying goodbye to this horrible year, and this might be the only story on here to be a musical.


Taken from

HOUSE OF MYSTERY #229 (originally titled "Sir Greely's Revenge")

Story by: me

It was a wonderful day in ponyville, the snow covered the ground, ponies were smiling, and they were making resolutions, for tomorrow was new year's eve, and they were very excited. they were so excited, that they expressed their joy, the best way they know.


Yes, everypony was very excited for the new year, well except for one little pony, he was staring through a glass window at a group of ponies.

That group happened to be equestria's rich and elite, among them was Filthy Rich, the wealthiest stallion in town, he and the rest of the group were making resolutions, swapping manly stories, and eating waffles.

Eventually they began to get ready for their journey home, the moment they opened the door, a voice came rushing into their ears.


They saw the voice belonged to the young pony, and a mischievous thought came to one of them the moment he walked up and asked, "please give me some money, or some food, I'm starving."

"Sure, here you go." He said, as he used magic to take an icicle off the ceiling, and force it into the colt's hooves, and he and most of group laughed at his joke, but they soon stopped when they saw Filthy approach him and give him a few bits.

"Thank you sir." He managed to say, before collapsing due to hunger and the cold, worried, filthy called for his butler, Randolph, and told him to "get him to my place, and don't stop until you get there." He nodded and as fast as he could, rushed to the rich family mansion.

The young pony woke up, and found himself inside a fancy looking living room, with Filthy on the chair opposite of him. "I don't think I got your name young one."

"M-my name is Thomas." He said.

"Well, do you have any family Thomas."

Thomas just looked at the floor with tears in his eyes, Filthy knew what this meant, "well, why don't stay in the guest room in my place."

Thomas looked up with astonishment, and then noticed a piano in the room next door, Filthy saw what he was looking at and asked him, "do you know how to play the piano Thomas."

"My mother taught me how before she moved on." Thomas said as he walked over and proceeded to play a little song.


"Is that the only song you know how to play."

"Well, my mom planned on teaching me how to play 'equestrian pie' but we never got the chance."

Filthy was clearly saddened by Thomas's story, and decided to do something about it, "I'll tell you what, after the new years celebration tomorrow, I'll hire someone to teach you, are you okay with that."

Thomas nodded in agreement, and then heard a voice that drifted from upstairs.


Thomas looked at Filthy and he said "that's my daughter, Diamond Tiara, she's rehearsing for her school's production of 'Annie' next week, I'll introduce you to her tomorrow, but for now, let's get some rest.

That night, as Thomas slept in the guest room, two pairs of eyes stared at him, one belonged to Spoiled Rich, the snobbiest pony in town and Filthy's wife, rumor is that she only married him for his money, the other pair belonged to his cousin, Richie.

"Look at that peasant, sleeping in my house." She said, "if word of this gets out, my reputation will be ruined."

"Don't worry about it." Richie said, "the moment your daughter sees him, he'll be back on the streets in a day."

The next day was new year's eve, and of course everypony in town began to party and celebrate for the beginning of a new year, but their smiles quickly faded as they saw Spoiled along with her family walking down the street, to the Apex Bowling Alley, where Filthy told Thomas to meet them, the moment they entered they saw him using the karaoke machine.


"Ah there you are Thomas." Filthy said, motioning to the little filly beside him, "I'd like to introduce you to my daughter."

Contrary to Spoiled and Richie's beliefs, the moment the two laid eyes on each other, their eyes widened, their hearts started beating fast, and time seemed to fade away from the two, if one saw them, they would say a spark formed between them.

"You have a great singing voice." Diamond said while blushing.

"Thanks." Thomas said as he rubbed the back of his head, "I actually heard you sing last night, but I don't suppose you could sing in public, could you."

Getting the message, Diamond walked up to the stage, selected a song from the machine and walked up to the mic.


Her performance earned some cheers from other patrons and employees, but no pony cheered as much as Thomas, "that was amazing." He said.

Diamond turned away so he wouldn't see her blush, "I don't suppose you're interested in singing a duet, are you."


For the next few weeks, Filthy set out to help change Thomas's life for the better, he started by hiring Octavia to help him rehearse with his instrument playing, which soon became his weekend tradition to hear him and diamond sing, much to Richie and Spoild's annoyance.

Every other day the two kids would go to the bowling alleys and perform there for the patrons, each day that little spark slowly grew into a flame, by the time hearts and hooves day came around, they realized they were falling in love.

Years passed and the two were now adults and were still hanging out with each other, and still performing but this time at concerts thanks to Diamond's, Father's showbiz connections.

"Great news guys." Filthy said, "I've arranged for you guys to perform at the new years eve celebration next month."

"That's great mr. Rich." Thomas said, "you will come and watch right."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

But one day an unwelcome guest arrived at their doorstep, and Filthy was bedridden and dying, Diamond was supposed to give him medicine but it was gone so she went to look while Thomas stayed to be with him in his final hours.

"Thomas." He said weakly, "I want you to sing my favorite song for me one last time, please."

Thomas nodded, and while trying to fight back tears, begin to sing what could be the last song he would sing for his friend.


Hearing his song brought a faint smile to his face.

And then... it happened.

His eyes closed softly, his breathing slowed, and the heart monitor that was in his room let out a noise as it flatlined.

When Diamond came back with the medicine, she saw it was to late, devastated, she threw herself onto Thomas, who patted her on the back in an effort to comfort her.

When everypony heard that Filthy passed away, they were upset, but you know who wasn't, Spoiled and Richie Rich. All they were thinking about, was what was in the will. In fact, on the day of the will reading, the speaker, who happened to be vlad, said something that would make Spoiled explode, but she kept it cool due to her blood pressure.

"I, Filthy Rich, being of sound, mind and body, hearby leave half of my fortune to my wife, Spoiled Rich as well as my cousin, Richie." The two knew what he was going to say next.

"The remaining half goes to my daughter, Diamond Tiara and her friend Thomas, last name unknown."

Diamond and Thomas stared at each other in surprise, but the other two stared in anger at them.

"If." That word got their attention.

"If they manage to perform at the new years concert perfectly and not make a mistake, then they shall prove worthy of my request."

The two ponies left but the others stayed behind as two evil grins formed on their faces, for there was still a chance for them to get the loot for themselves.

The next day, the duo were with Octavia doing their rehearsal.


At the end of the lesson, Octavia reminded them to "practice every day, this is important to you."

But as soon as she left, the terrible twosome walked up to them. "Come on diamond I'd like to take you to the factory." She said as Richie dragged Thomas to the other room.

The two eventually reached the factory, if you could call it that, after Filthy's death, Spoiled took over and ran it less like a factory and more like a... well, perhaps the song could explain it.


After that 'delightful session' with the workers, Spoiled led Diamond to the office where two mugs of cider were sitting on the desk, "how about a little drink to your future success darling." She said as she handed her a mug.

But what Diamond didn't know, was that there was a chemical in the drink that could mess up one's singing voice, she drunk it all down and they left for home.

Meanwhile Thomas had been helping Richie with working around the house, but when it came to mowing the lawn, that's where the trouble began, for the lawnmower was somehow rigged to release smoke every few minutes, Richie was confident this would mess up his singing and get him a chance at the fortune.

That night the two were sleeping in what was now their bedroom, until they woke up when they felt an unusual presence "who's there." Diamond said.

"I told you I'd see your performance." The figure said as it stepped into the light, "after all, I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Mr. Rich, you're back." Thomas said, overjoyed to see his father figure back, but not physically back because he was a spirit.

After that the two explained the situation to Filthy, as to how his wife and cousin were after his fortune, and want them out of the way, "you got to help us father." Diamond pleaded.

"And I will." He said, "you've got to outsmart those two, no matter what happens to you two, you've to keep practicing."

The next day, oblivious to the ghostly presence in the house, Spoiled and Richie were drinking to what was sure to be their victory, "we're gonna be rich sweetheart."

"I can't believe my idiot husband thought I loved him." Spoiled said, "and once we get those two out of the way, it's life in canterlot for us." And then the two moved in for a kiss, but were interrupted by a noise that to them, was dreadful to hear.


Hearing them sing made them realize that not only the smoke didn't effect Thomas much, but Spoiled had mixed up the drinks.

"That was excellent." Filthy said, "you two are going to win, I just know it."

Unbeknownst to them, the gruesome twosome began plan B, "Thomas I'd like you to help repaint my room, the color is just too terrible." Spoiled requested.

And so, Thomas had to paint what was now Spoiled's room, while Diamond drank some very sweet lemonade with Richie.

By the time they finished, Richie's hooves were too sore, and Diamond was unable too sing due drinking too much lemonade. Spoiled and Richie smiled, because by the time they would get better, the performance would be a few days away.

Seeing everything unfold made Filthy upset, and decided that he must do what he had to do.

The next few days the couple went through every inch of the house, but found nothing. "I don't get it we searched everywhere but couldn't find the loot." As if on cue, a sound from the cellar got their attention, and decided to investigate, unknown to richie, spoiled took out a knife and stared at it with an evil look, it was obvious what she planned to do once they got the dough.

They went down the cellar steps, and the noise started to sound like gold bits clinking against each other. "What are going to do about them once they recover." Richie said.

"Don't worry, once we find the money, we get those brats out of the way, for good."

Once they opened the door, they saw the bits lying on the floor, which Spoiled picked up to inspect, unaware that Richie reached for a length of rope that was nearby, but stopped when she turned to him and said, "the money was in here the whole time."

Greedily, they scooped up the bits in the pile, and put it in ther coat pockets, but then, Richie shouted "MORE!!!!", and that was the word that sealed their fates.

Filthy happened to be in the room, and with a wave of his hoof he put tears in the rest of the bags which the two quickly grabbed at, but the money kept coming down until it was up to their waist, upon realizing this, the two struggled to get to the door, but it was impossible due to the weight of the money, they tried to cry for help, but the clinking blocked out their cries, but they continued to cry out... but then, they stopped.

Randolph found them lying on the floor, and all the money was gone, so he assumed Richie had a heart attack, and Spoiled's blood pressure finally got to her. Diamond and Thomas would be devastated, but since they were cruel, they, the townsfolk and the employees in the Rich's factories, all had the same thing on their minds.


A few days after this, the will was changed so that Thomas and Diamond had to perform well at the concert or the money goes to charity.

On the day of the concert, they went onstage, it was now or never.


At the end of the performance, they were met with loud cheers and some creatures saying, "Bravo!, Encore!, Take it to Bridleway!"

Backstage, they were met by their friend, who was overjoyed by their performance. "You two did well." Filthy said, "and as my will says, you get everything."

Later, at the rich mansion, Diamond and Thomas threw a party with their friends to celebrate the coming of the new year and their victory. With the two dancing what could be their last dance of the year.


When midnight came around, they and some other couples did what they usually do at midnight. They kissed, while Filthy smiled with satisfaction.

And it was truly a happy ending for everyone.

Well... almost everyone.