• Published 11th Sep 2012
  • 15,583 Views, 741 Comments

Hired Gun - Gyvon

A Private Military Contractor unknowingly agrees to a job offer that takes him to Equestria

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Chapter 2: The Merc and the Ponies

I don't know how long I was standing there with my jaw open before one of the locals decided to approach me. This one was a somewhat normal color at least, being a light tan with a blonde mane and tail. I assumed it was a stallion. Is that the proper term? Do pastel colored ponies use the same terms as humans? I'll get that answer later, this guy looks like he's about to say something.

"Howdy stranger!" he said in a gruff voice, confirming his gender. He stood at a little over four feet tall, and was wearing a stetson on his head. On his flank was the image of an old-timey sheriff's badge. "Welcome to Land's End. Mah name's Bronze Star, and ah'm the Sheriff of this here town." At least they talk normal around these parts. If I'm not careful, I'll slip into a Texas accent here.

"Greetings sir," I said, laying it on a little thick. "If it's not too much trouble, could you point me to the nearest hat store and the End of the World?"

I wanted to call shenanigans when Star started rubbing his chin with his hoof. I may have failed biology, but I know that an equine's foreleg is not that limber. Then again, I also know that they can't talk, so who am I to argue?

"Well, the tavern's just down the street there," he said, pointing in that direction. Sure enough, in big, neon letters (my anachronism senses are tingling) was a sign indicating the tavern in question. "As for a hat, the general store just five doors down from here should have something in your size."

"Thank you. Have a good day, sir." With that, I was off.

Walking down the main drag was a surreal experience to say the least. From the wood and brick construction work and dirt roads, it looked like I had stepped into the middle of a Western. If it weren't for the ponies, I wouldn't have been surprised if Ben Cartwright came walking up to me. I was so engrossed in the scenery that I didn't notice at first that ponies were not the only ones walking around. Across the street, I saw a pegasus chatting with a pair of griffons. Seriously, real live griffons out of mythology! I also saw something that looked like a cross between a pitbull and a gorilla walking down the middle of the street.

Before long, I found myself standing in front of the general store. It was a one story mud-brick building with a swinging door and a large window, through which I could see a whole mess of hats. One of them definitely looked like it would fit me. I strolled in like I owned the place and grabbed the hat out of the window display. Trying it on, it felt like it was custom-made for my head. Untying the money-pouch from my belt, I approached the clerk, a bored looking, yellow-coated unicorn mare who seemed to be completely focused on filing her hooves. I filed away the fact that she seemed to be levitating the file in a pale yellow aura for later.

"How much?" I inquired.

"Twelve bits," she replied, turning to face me. When she got a good look at me, she gasped and the file dropped as the aura around it disappeared. I tried, and failed, to not look smug at her reaction, and set twelve coins down on the counter. The mare levitated them and dropped the coins into the till.

"W-w-will that be all, s-sir?"

"Yes, thank you." Feeling like I'd traumatized her enough, I promptly walked out of the store and headed for the tavern. Despite how cool I'd been acting, dealing with talking ponies definitely made me feel like having a drink.

"So, where is this mercenary your Queen was supposed to hire?" asked the lavender mare. Twilight Sparkle was in Land's End in a seedy tavern on the personal request of Princess Celestia, even though she'd rather be anywhere else. The reason for her trepidation was the two ponies sitting across the table from her, if you could call them ponies in the first place. Underneath their fuzzy exterior was a black, chitinous exoskeleton.

"He'll be here," the male said. Going by the name Wasp, he was disguised as a red, blue-maned unicorn stallion. His job was to protect his sister, Princess Wisp, the current heir to the changeling throne and envoy to Equestria.

"How will we recognize him?" asked Twilight. "Did she say what he'd look like?"

"No, not exactly," replied Wisp. Disguised as a cornflower-blue pegasus, her luxurious, silver mane reminded Twilight of her friend Rarity. "All mom told us was that his name was Mr. Clark, and that we'd know when we saw him."

Grumbling to herself, it took all her willpower for Twilight to not slam her face into the table. It was bad enough that she had to meet with changelings, but now their Queen was being cryptic? This was the last thing she needed. Just the prospect of meeting with changelings was bad enough. No matter how curious she was about them, Twilight could not find it in herself to completely forgive them for foalnapping Cadence, brainwashing her big brother, and invading Canterlot. Sure, that happened under the old Queen, but it was the principle of the matter.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the door open violently, slamming against the wall. Grumbling, Twilight turned around, ready to berate the careless pony. She didn't get a chance, as her jaw nearly met the floor upon seeing the new arrival.

It was bipedal, and stood straight and tall, about as tall as Princess Celestia minus her horn. It was dressed in what appeared to be armor, but not made of any metal she was familiar with. She doubted it was metal at all. It also wore a large, leather duster, and on its head was a new Stetson. It appeared hairless, save for eyebrows, a scraggly beard, and brown hair under the hat, and its face was scarred.

Wasp chose that moment to speak up. "I think that's our guy."

Damnit! I opened that door way too hard. Now everyone's staring at me, and it was bad enough walking down the street. That damn door ruined even the remotest possibility of stealth.

Shrugging to myself, I strolled on over to the bar and sat down. The bar was like any you'd find in an old western, complete with big-ass mirror, and only slightly lower than what I was used to. It was far from uncomfortable to sit down. The bartender, a unicorn stallion whose coat was a rich golden color, gave one look at me, and just huffed.

"What cannae git ye?" he asked, in what sounded like a Scottish accent.

"Tequila, straight." The accent is just another on the pile of shit I'll figure out later.

The unicorn grunted, and levitated an unlabeled bottle filled with a clear liquid. He poured me a shot, which I quickly tossed back. "Another." The stallion grunted again, and poured me another shot.

I have to be careful. For some reason tequila, unlike any other spirit, goes straight to my brain. Two shots is all I can usually handle without going, to use a clinical term, "bat-shit crazy." I learned that the hard way in Kalamazoo.

"Excuse me, sir," called out a feminine voice to my right before I could finish my drink. Turning, I saw that it was a lavender unicorn mare, with an indigo mane and tail that had a violet and pink stripe running through it. Her flank had a pink starburst surrounded by five white stars. "Are you Mr. Clark?"

"That depends. Who wants to know?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, that was rude of me. I'm Twilight Sparkle, personal student of Princess Celestia." At this point I began to wonder if all ponies had such strange names. "My, er, 'friends' and I were told to wait for a Mr. Clark about escorting us to Canterlot."

"Ah, yes, that'd be me then." I wanted to be a jackass right here, but decided against it. I wanted answers, and doubted I'd get any by being rude. Besides, the smile on her face was worth it.

"Great! Would you mind coming over to our table so we can discuss the details?"

"Sure thing, kid. Just let me finish my drink." I went to grab my glass, and froze.

Ever wonder why old-time saloons had large mirrors? It was a way to tell everyone that the owner was rich as balls. You see, mirrors back in the day were fucking expensive. That's also where the belief that breaking a mirror would bring seven years of bad luck came from.

Why am I going off on that non-sequiter? Because, thanks to this bar's mirror, I managed to spot one of those dog-apes sneaking up behind me, wearing a red vest and carrying a long, wicked knife in its paw. As it approached, it raised the knife high. My armor was rated to stop a knife, but I didn't want to take a chance.

In one swift motion, I reached for my holdout, drew it, and spun around, The canine's eyes widened in shock as it stared down the barrel of my weapon, before I pulled the trigger twice. Two sharp cracks split the air, as two bullets pierced the dog's skull. The creature dropped like a sack of potatoes.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Twilight's jaw drop, and I could hear gasps from the other patrons. Soon after I heard galloping outside, and Sheriff Bronze Star barged into the tavern.

"Alright, what happened here? What's all the ruckus?"

Before I could get a word in edgewise, the bartender spoke up. "Ach, Sheriff, this diamond dog tried to knife this fine stallion here," he said, waving a hoof at me. "But he dinnae count on his intended victim to defend himself."

"Is that true, ma'am?" he asked, casting a suspicious glance at Twilight.

"Er, y-yes sir." she said. " I-it was s-self defense."

Bronze Star simply snorted. "Very well, then. Ah'll take the body away then." He turned to face me. "Ah'll also need you to come by mah office. Just a formality."

"I have business to take care of first, but I'll be along shortly." With that, Bronze Star grabbed the diamond dog by the collar of its vest and dragged it out.

"Thanks for that," I said to the bartender.

"Nae problem, lad. I jest told the truth. Besides, I should be thanking ye. The little blighter's been givin' me trouble fer weeks."

With the threat dealt with, I slipped my .22 back into its holster, and tossed back my drink. "So, with that interuption dealt with, could we meet with your friends?" I asked Twilight, shooting her a confident smile.

"Y-yes! This way please." She turned and walked shakily over to a table with two other ponies, a unicorn and pegasus, and sat down. I definitely traumatized the poor mare. She looks like the bookworm type. Hell, this is probably the first time she's seen anything die.

Oh well, not my problem.