• Member Since 15th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen 59 minutes ago


Someday, I'll stop writing silly comedy stories. However, today isn't "someday".


Starlight Glimmer tried to deny it. A LOT. You have no idea.

However, the signs were there. She had feelings for Sunburst. Unfortunately, no matter how much she had grown as a pony since learning friendship, Starlight could never act on her feelings for her foalhood friend.

So, Starlight's Great and Powerful best friend, Trixie, decided to step in. She WILL have Starlight confess to Sunburst, even if there was more to her unusual insistence than it seemed.

This story was requested by superfun, and it is a special 2-year Fimfiction anniversary story to celebrate me being a writer on the site for 2 years.

Miracles do happen sometimes!:rainbowlaugh:

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 28 )

This came out even better than I was expecting

“Two, before Twilight talked some sense into me and offered me her hoof, I wasn’t trying to destroy Equestria.”

Thank goodness you made that known, it was clearly never her intention but many will say otherwise just to make Starlight look worse than she was.
No offense Starlight haters.

This was freaking adorable! My shipper heart was singing the whole time I was reading. Good work!


Thanks! Thinking about it, Starlight is similar to Twilight, so maybe that's why some of the stuff she did was similar to how Twilight acted in your story.


Glad to hear this story exceeded your hopes for it!


Yea, I made sure for Starlight to point out she wasn't actually trying to lay ruin to Equestria. She was furious and wanted payback on the mane 6, but she wasn't omnicidal.


Thanks, and glad you enjoyed it!

Very good, my good sir/madam. I needed a good StarBurst story. I could see this happening in the show, too, if only they went this far.

Congratulations on two years of writing on the site, btw! :twilightsmile:



Thanks, and glad you liked the story!

Nice. I have them married in my headcanon.


Thanks. I read that "SunnyStar Wedding" story of yours a while back and it was nice.

Yeah even at her worst I think she'd feel guilty if Twilight died, she felt remorse over the dystopian future so in my opinion she'd also feel remorse over that too.

It's a cheesy and lighthearted romance and I love it, here have a fav.


Thanks, and glad you liked it!

“Good question. Let me go ask her that.”

I thought about this.



It's been years since I've seen one of the Shrek movies, or I probably would have thought of it too when I was writing the story.

Also at the end of the day, Starlight didn’t cause any actual harm, well she does, but those alternate timelines were gone by the end of the episode, the Many World Interpretation doesn’t work here because the episode is trying to point out that they only alter the future, not create new universes.

A few ponies in the area wiped tears from their eyes.

:rainbowlaugh: Love it when background characters get emotional. This is a great fanfic! Thanks for writing it!


Thanks, and glad you liked it! I thought the background ponies reacting was a nice touch myself, and I always like seeing background characters be used in ways that's more than them just being there, and that's it.

She was still an omnicidal maniac. All because she had her shoved up her ass about a lot of things. Namely, wasting the time spell on revenge instead of trying to fix her thing with Sunburst. Like, you know, go out an celebrate with him when he got his cutie mark, trying to keep in contact with him when he left via letters.

You know? What a real friend would do? But nope. Starlight refused to do anything, and just blamed cutie marks for her own faillings as, supposedly, Sunburst's friend.

And I love Starlight as a character. But Season 5's finale just showed how much of an immature brat Starlight was. Until Twilight slapped her silly with reality.

Sunburst wasn't much better. But that's a different story.


She was still an omnicidal maniac.

I was going by intention about Starlight not being one since she wasn't trying to destroy. Don't get me wrong, it was messed up what she was doing, but a true omnicidal maniac is a villain that meants to destroy the world/universe with their plans, not do it inadvertently because they didn't expect and/or want it to happen. She almost did tear the scroll with Starswirl's upgraded time spell, but that was more of her being stubborn and not wanting to believe what Twilight showed her in the destroyed version of Equestria, not because she just didn't care or was trying to.

But if others do want to count the season 5 finale Starlight at that same level as a villain that intended to destroy worlds for one reason or another, they can. They just aren't going to get me to see it that way, given what I saw the season 5 finale show. Not that I would try to make Starlight look like she wasn't trying to do anything wrong in the season 5 finale, and I even admitted elsewhere on the site that I thought she got off easy.

On a different note, I'm surprised to see you here. I thought you hated the Starburst ship and wouldn't be anywhere near a story that had it in such a big part of the story.

Oh, I hate it with a vengeance. And no one will ever convince me that it's canon. But when you have Trixie playing matchmaker like she is here, I'll read that, and enjoy the fireworks.



Ah, so Trixie playing matchmaker was enough to overpower your hatred for Starburst I see. No complaints from me!

The picture of herself and Sunburst hanging on a wall, smiling, oddly didn’t relax her.

When I first read this sentence, I thought Starlight was imagining herself and Sunburst literally hanging from a wall, suicide-pact style. It was a little jarring 'till context cleared it up, no surprise!


When I first read this sentence, I thought Starlight was imagining herself and Sunburst literally hanging from a wall, suicide-pact style.

Now that image is in my head now. What can't be unseen when you see it...

Trixie is the best wingmare. ^^


Yep, somehow surprisingly.

Great short story.
Might be nice to see a bit of Sunburst & Starlight actually together as the story was more focused on Trixie and Starlight.
Still, always nice to see more Starburst


Thanks. The story was more focused on Starlight's and Trixie's feelings, so Starlight and Sunburst getting together at the end and their little moment together as boyfriend and girlfriend was about as best I could do with the premise as it was.

She wiped the sweat that had accumulated from before. “Uh, yes, you could say that. I want to ask...uh…” Starlight looked Sunburst up and down, then asked in a deeper voice, “How you doin’?”

Friends reference?

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