• Published 25th Aug 2023
  • 503 Views, 4 Comments

Soft Lips and Hard Vows - kalash93

Cadance loves Shining Armor. How could she not love her new husband with every fiber of her being? She does love him, but, there is someone else she found, just a little too late.

  • ...

Loving Too Much

Chapter 1

Music pounded throughout the grand ballroom of Canterlot Castle. Beats thudded through the flood, amplified by the pounding hooves of the partiers. Cadance danced to the beat with Shining Armor, her new husband. His eyes still spun a little, but the big smile on his face said he didn't care, and neither did she. They pressed their necks up close and kissed. It was a good kiss, plenty of tongue and not held back. He was warm, strong, and masculine. It made the girlish part of the alicorn whinny as she leaned back, inviting him more into the kiss.

They broke the kiss and they danced, hoof in hoof. He twirled her around and let her spin, seeing the whole world happy for them. Ponies were smiling. Cadance and Celestia, Twilight Sparkle and her friends, both of Shining Armor's parents, and so many party guests, many she distinctly knew had not been on the list. Strong feelings of love were overwhelming her, overwhelmed in no small part by the circular thrum in her head from champagne.

She looked at her husband with love as he smiled at her. She laughed in her joy, just as he pulled her back in and planted a deep kiss while she pressed her barrel against him, feeling a heat rise within her. He looked so great in his military dress uniform, and she in her feminine gown. He took the lead and broke the kiss, waltzing her around in a circle as if to show off his blushing bride.

She had him. But this felt wrong. Great, but wrong. Perfect, but wrong. Was she not the princess elevating the commoner?

She smashed it down with a smile, returning to Shining's side. She coiled her forelegs around him to lock him in a close embrace. A jolt of gravity made her open her wings as she fell backward, only for his arms to stop her, and then his lips to kiss her again. She kissed back as she dangled.

The song clanged in her ears. She pulled him down to nibble at her neck. Upside down, she saw his family, now their shared family. They were all so happy. So she was. Twilight looked fit to squee.

The song finally wound down, and Shining let her go. She kissed him hard again on the lips and retired for some more champagne and refreshments, and a bit of quiet for the next round of pounding music.

She levitated her glass over with her as she went to the window. Below her from the high window was the city of Canterlot, it was looking better than she's though. She guessed her and Shining's love explosion that had driven out the changelings had ended things before they'd gotten too bad, but she knew better; just because it wasn't plain to be seen by all...

She took a gulp of champagne. Focus on the happy.

Princess Cadance felt herself let out a huge sigh. This was better, so much better. She heard the dancing in the background and swayed her hips with it. She recognized the song and came along. The DJ was doing great work, mixing withmixing with with the bombastic tunes of horns and some added bass on the drums. She stamped her hooves on the lacqueredlaquered marble, her clack dying out to the electronic noises and the furor of the joyous celebrants.

She sang along, sang herself silly and hoarse. It was her wedding, and she'd be a sight if she wanted to. Her husband was certainly doing it, now dancing with his mom. The wild mare was outdoing her, despite being nearly thirty years her own senior. Good for her, never losing that love of life. Her husband was lucky to have such a mare be the mother of his children. Cadance had him for her father-daughter dance; sixteen years of being orphaned had barely still lost their sting when she remembered Night Light, for all the kindness he'd shown her, words they'd shared, and years of warmth, was not her true father.

She had lost her family. She drained chugged the glass dry. No, the Sparkles were her family now, in both the eyes of the law and society.

She smiled. This day was going to be just perfect. In the end, it had been, close enough.

Not bad for a day begun being immured in a cave.

"So, has this been just perfect, the kind of day you'd dreamed since you were small?"

Cadance turned, expecting to see Twilight Sparkle. Instead, she saw Twilight Velvet. "Better than it had seemed."

"Could have been worse, could have been worse?" Why was Velvet apologizing to her? She was having the grandest time of them all, bride of the wedding and all.

"I've had worse."

Velvet nudged against her wing. "Are you sure?" No expectation, save honesty.

The princess sighed slowly, "Well, truthfully, it was the worst day of my life. I woke up today, thinking I was going to starve to death in a dark cave while a monster took my place and husband, and poised herself to take the throne of Equestria."

Velvet pressed against, side to side. "Sorry about that."

"It's fine. It's all fine."

"I know it is," said Velvet with a smile as Cadance hugged a wing around her.

Cadance hid it, but her heart wentwas going for a jog. It must have been the alcohol. She may only have eyes for her husband, Shining Armor. This mare against her side felt nice. Obviously, she wouldn't hug her if she was at all worried about anything.

Velvet tossed her mane carelessly, a few strands falling across her face. It wasn't a beautiful face or a pretty face. Actually, it was very plain, almost totally unremarkable, but also nice. It was the kind of face Cadance would not have minded seeing smiling down at her on a rough day... With the harsh lights of the dance floor, the older mare's wrinkles were softened and hidden for brief moments. Call it a trick of the light, but Cadance couldn't help but like it.

She crushed it.

Twilight Velvet always knew just what to say to make her feel better. Twilight Velvet always knew just what to do to make her feel better.

Velvet’sHer son was entertaining the guests right now. It was just sensical that his mother was over here to provide comfort while he made sure the wedding festivities all went off without any further problems. There he was at that very moment, carousing with the guests and revellers, telling a joke that made them all laugh, some of them spilling champagne in their drunkenness.

And here were his mother and his bride with empty glasses.

"I'm sorry it went this way, Cady."

Cadance gave a waggle of the eyebrow. "What do you mean? I married my groom, saved the realm, and here I am enjoying your victory." It was meant to be provocative, to get a response, but she saw in the other mare's face that it had gone too far and expressed veiled hostility.

"No, no, you won all that," Velvet answered defensively, "I meant to say I care about you, Cadance, and I wanted to make sure you were all okay after everything.”

Cadance flagged for a server with a flourish of sparks from her horn. "How could I not be? I got to marry the love of my life and vanquish a sworn enemy of Equestria on the same day. What more could a mare want?"

Velvet sipped at her empty glass and nodded. "Nothing more at all. I just wanted you to know I'm here for you. It must have been hard in that cave."

"It was bad." Cadance lowered her head. "Thank you for asking." They met eyes and smiled. "How was your wedding, Missus Sparkle?"

Twilight Velvet laughed a hearty laugh. "Twilight or Velvet to you, dear! Anyway. Ann-yyy-waay, it was horrible." First, I woke up early and had to wait for so long. Then my makeup took foreversoo long, I nearly died of boredom. And could you believe it, the hotel breakfast was all out of honeydew? Honeydew! Oh, and thanks to the night before, and I forgot the sponge, so part of Night Light leaked out of me and got on my dress. The horror! White on white! The horror!"

Cadance laughed, "You had it so much worse," The glass was refilled now, but she didn't touch it. "I'd've told you to just swallow!"

"Devil!" Velvet chorused at the princess, nipping audibly.

"Alicorn. And don't let him forget it."

"Never, Yyour Ggrace."

"Is the new prince doing well?"

"He's got one mad headache, but he'll manage."

"Just his head? By the end of ourend our party, I had Night Light aching from snout to tail, and he was begging me for more."

Cadance asked, "Begging for more?"

"How do you keep a stallion for twenty-one years? Hmmm!?"

Cadance said, "Incessant nagging so he can't think to run."

"Use that all the time, but the true language of love is spoken with hips. Until it isn't."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Velvet looked past her. "Nothing, nothing, just something silly." Her face was getting red. "It's just nice to know someponyone cares, someponyone who's always been there."

"Yeah, it's nice." She wasn't lying to the other mare.

"My son is so lucky."

"What number glass is that?"

"Wasn't counting.; nNot like I'm paying."


"You know, Cady, you should have seen my wedding dress."

"Should I have?"

Velvet stumbled. "Well, duh, it was nothing like yours. I couldn't compete with the royal treasury when it comes to dress shopping. The hoofmade silk, the sheer lace across your haunches, the diamond texturing down your back, the hoof embroidery, sewing pearls into the collar, the rose quartz crystals that draw attention to your flanks, but also the classy veil and luxurious train and satin shroud, all with an ivy weaving of gold thread in! Your dress was simply to die for, Cadance! You were one damn fine mare in it! Really fuckable!"


"Oooh! Excuse me."

Cadance couldn't stop blushing, even as her eyes went up and down Velvet. "But you know what? You should have seen me in my wedding dress. It wasn't anything traditional, just something from a friend. Black lace, some ribbons, nearely sheer at some points. It hugged my body. I swear, when Night Light took me in it, I never felt him pulse harder. I'll have to show you sometime. Won't you let me?"

"I—- ah—- I will, Velvet."

"Good." Velvet smiled, eyeing for a way out. "One of Twi's friends is asking for me. Thanks for the chat, Cadance, it's good to know you're well."

"Thanks for the chat," Cadance said, feeling Twilight Velvet brush heavily against her.

Maybe it was the booze, but the image of Velvet remained in her head for a long time.

"Cadance, there you are!" Shining yelled, approaching her.

"Yep, me, Cadance, here," she responded.

He kissed her again, swaying around her neck. She smelled the alcohol on his breath, the musk coming from his body under the dress uniform. He asked, "So, saw you hanging out with Mmom. Everything alright?"

He was looking at her kindly.

Her face tried to rebel into a frown.

Just turn those corners... down a little...

No, she was happy. This was great, perfect perfect. She didn't know how, but it was, never mind her feelings. The princess gave a practiced smile, her royal smile. Relax the chest and throat, let the jaw fall a little, chin up, wrinkle the eyes, and bring her lip up. There, perfect. He was smiling back. "I'm fine, Shiny," Cadance said, "Just a little overwhelmed with everything. It's been a big day."

"Yeah. Just the first day of the rest of our lives."

He headbutted her. "When you say it like that, it makes it sound so heavy, like it's something that's gonna suck. Forever isn't so long if it's with someponyone you love, isn't it?"

"It isn't. I guess I'm just getting jitters. It's a big step, we're both young, and—-"

"Cadance!" Her husband pled into her eyes. She shut up, looking straight into Shining Armor's innocent blue eyes. "Do you love me?"

She tenderly reached up a hoof and cupped his face in it. "Yes, Shining Armor, I love you, yes I do."

"Then we have nothing to worry about."

"Forgive me, it's stupid for me to be worried about love.; I am the princess of love., I should have more faith in it."

"It's nothing at all, Cady," Shining replied, "I'm your husband, it's my duty to see to you as a mare." He kissed her again and then nibbled at her neck. "And my duty as your guard captain to see to you as a princess."

Cadance giggled, clacking her hooves. "Would you like to retire for the evening?"

"Let's. But don't count on much sleep." Shining traced a line of kisses down her jawline, her neck, and along her back

"Don't worry, I won't let you sleep, either."

And soon enough, his dress uniform was on the floor, discarded while the exquisitely soft and supportive cloud bed made delicate flumphing noises, though theyre were drowned out by the moans and words of the two ponies. She still wore her dress. Their bodies moved faster, their sounds grew louder. Cadance felt her heart swelling.

It was amazing. All her troubles were forgotten in the close embrace and the heat emanating from her husband, compounded by her brain still swimming in a sea of alcohol. In the way of their ancestors, she was mounted and he was rutting. He cried her name one last time at a fever pitch. She felt him bite on the back of her neck and groan into it. Something hot was pumping into her. She called out to him. He could barely pant a response before fainting, still atop her, something still contaminating her insides.

"Shining? Shining?" she asked. But she was alone. The princess shut her eyes and waited for the release of sleep.

Author's Note:

Greetings, Kalash here!

Happy birthday, Shakespearicles! I hope this was pleasing and has enough potential to be worth making a full story.

This first chapter has actually been sitting on my shelf for a very long time. A combination of circumstances led to me finally doing some writing and putting it out here. Chapter 2 will be coming out tomorrow.

For yall, I figure this is going to be a little controversial, femslash shipping aside, it's a soft NTR fic, if that's not your thing, I understand.

This story was originally born from the dynamic between Velvet and Cadance during the final chapters of Nights In Pink Velvet, and well, I couldn't help myself in wanting to play with my favorite sexy princess and best MILF together a little more, playing off the melancholic themes in that story more prominently.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy.