• Published 16th Nov 2020
  • 1,661 Views, 316 Comments

Misty Morals - Dragonfire2lm

Mist Veil sees a red airship crashed in the field by her house, after trying to help the people inside, she joins their ranks as the First Pony Toppat. Henry Stickmin Crossover.

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Chapter 13: The Blue Moon Ball Part 2

Mist surveyed the room as she walked in beside The Moon Witch. Several guests watched her like a hawk and, out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Tempest lurking in the shadows. The way the unicorn watched her, studied her, it set her on edge, and Mist ignored her growing stress, hiding it behind a blank stare.

Mist knew she couldn't count on the guards or hired muscle if Tempest attacked, their priority was escorting guests to safety. She found Right in the crowd, standing next to Reginald as The Toppat Chief spoke with a young changeling in a cyan dress.

The Moon Witch addressed her. "I will give you a few minutes to prepare, I want to see what you're capable of. Do not hold back."

Mist took a second to process the command. She nodded. "Of course Your Radiance."

The alicorn departed with a nod and Mist walked over to Right.

"Looks like we got trouble." he mused and the two of them caught sight of Tempest watching them from the corner of the room.

"Might be able to deter her," Mist commented. "Tempest Shadow relies on intimidation, the arcane energy from her broken horn is far more dangerous and potent because it's in an unfocused, unrefined state. I just have to make myself out as a bigger threat."

Concern flickered over her friend's face. "You sure you can pull that off? Don' want you hurtin' yourself..."

"The gold I'm wearing will lessen the strain of casting, I'm just more worried about the reception," she admitted. "... I'm not a fan of having to show the more dangerous aspects of my talent. Still, I was ordered to not hold back so..."

"Show 'em you mean business." Right said.

"Yeah..." she sighed and Right followed her out onto the balcony. It overlooked the lake, the dazzling, glittering surface adding to the breathtaking view. The cool night breeze lazily drifted over them. As Right turned around to keep an eye on Reginald, Mist took the time to let her mind wander, to let the breeze dance over her closed wings.

All too soon, The Moon Witch made the announcement, the guests gathered curiously around the balcony entrance, and Mist spotted Reginald striding over to stand near his Right Hand Man, a mischievous glint in his eyes as Right faced the crowd, ever vigilant.

Mist took to the air, flying over the lake, the wind heeding her call. It was child's play for her, the calm night offered no resistance as she circled around to hover above the balcony, the wind whipped into a blustery frenzy, black storm clouds swirling into existence around the palace, and the magical static of the storm rolling across her fur. The crowd were confused and quickly became alarmed as the rapidly rising levels of weather magic in the air caused interference. Plates and drinks were dropped as their owners magic fizzled out, and a tense silence fell over the room.

Mist landed on the balcony, her wings snapping out in all their glory as a single bolt of lighting split the sky behind her, several guests taking a step back in shock. The pegasus stood quietly, gauging reactions as the storm rumbled ominously overhead, the wind died, the air warm and dry from the sheer density of magic her creation was generating. Her audience was awed and afraid, with a few exceptions. Sombra looked intrigued, impressed even, and Mist looked over at her boss to see he was looking at the storm in wonder.

Flying into the air once more, Mist dispelled the storm gradually, eyes skyward she let the clouds scatter slowly, shafts of moonlight pouring through the gaps as the night became calm once more. It wasn't the full extent of her abilities, she could conjure something far more unsettling, but Mist highly doubted The Moon Witch expected that level of power from her to begin with. The echoes of terror and hopelessness from all those years ago acted as a reminder to why she would never call upon her full power without a just cause.

She glided over to her fellow Toppats and landed in front of them. Weariness began to set in as her power receded.

She exhaled, adjusting her wings to rest more comfortably at her sides. "I need to sit down."

Reginald led her to an empty table on the balcony, taking the seat across from her as she sat down. As the other guests regained their wits, quiet murmuring and gossip spread like wildfire behind them. Mist was content to sit and quietly recover, nary a sign of the mild fatigue clinging to her present in her body language or expression. To the crowd, it was as if she was admiring the view.

Minutes ticked by, then an hour, a few had tried to approach but faltered at the calm, watchful gazes the Toppat Trio sent their way. Mist slowly felt rejuvenated, confident as she and Reginald people watched while Right stood guard.

Then, there was someone brave enough to approach. A pegasus stallion with a lean build, a messy orange mane and tail and fur as white as snow. Dressed head to toe in a brown military uniform he walked over to them with a friendly smile and eyes that gave the impression he was far more experienced than his youth led her to believe.

She knew him.

The cool night breeze carried with it a touch of foreign, yet familiar, magic as the stallion dipped his head in greeting.

"Greetings, Miss Meadows," he said. "Your performance out there was quite the show, I had expected something more...intense from one as skilled as yourself."

"Lucien," she greeted respectfully. "I didn't want to cause too much of a panic."

Lucien nodded in sympathy. "Power such as ours isn't one to be wielded without reason."

Reginald appeared to catch on. "You're a Sky Caster?"

"One of the last, alongside Lillian here," Lucien replied and sighed as he looked out at the lake. "Truth be told, I feel as if I should apologize... I am here to inform you of your next trial..."

"I figured as much, you don't usually go about official business in this form, Your Darkness." Mist said.

Lucien chuckled. "You are correct, I have not truly been Lucien in quite some time... I am playing a part, much the same as you, Fair Bluebird."

"Forgive my ignorance, but who are you exactly?" Reginald asked.

Lucien blinked. "My apologies, I presumed Miss Meadows warned you already, but I am in a different guise after all... I am Her Radiance's Enforcer, The Dark Djinn."

Lucien made a sweeping gesture with a wing. "I had no desire to unintentionally hinder your chances of success, so I took a far more unassuming form in order to observe tonight's festivities," he explained. "You certainly did not disappoint... As to your next trial, you and yours will face me and my domain. I trust you know what that means?"

The information was already at the forefront of her mind, resignation pooled in her gut, and her wings tightened at her sides. "The Forest of Hopelessness."

"Indeed, on the eve of The Summer Sun Celebration, I will summon you to the edge of my domain," Lucien stated. "Reach my citadel and prove your strength of heart to me before the sun sets the following day, and you will be one step closer to your desired freedom."

Right Hand Man watched the crowd warily, gaze darting over to Tempest as the mare spoke with a pink furred unicorn with a purple mane that had a teal stripe running through it.

They appeared to be arguing.

Good he thought, it looked like Mist's light show had them on edge, had them doubting if the job was worth it. He watched the unicorn walk away in a huff and Tempest roll her eyes.

He swept his gaze over the crowd as Lucien bid the trio farewell and slipped away into the sea of bodies. From the way Mist slightly sagged in her seat he could tell the worst was over.

There were more ponies heading their way, elegantly dressed mares and stallions that moved with purpose, studying them with calculating looks, and Right could practically feel the silent, vehement disgust rolling off Reginald in waves despite the pleasant facade the man had up. A blank stare rested on Mist's face and Right paid close attention to the exchange.

Or rather, he watched his friends reactions.

Introductions and pleasantries were exchanged, Reginald as polite as ever, Mist courteous at best. The ponies, Canterlot representatives, were nosy, pushy things. From asking why Mist was even present, to feigning sympathy for her condition. Reginald, a world-class actor in his own right, steered the conversation towards why Princess Celestia sent representatives in the first place.

To learn about the other races. Right saw Mist grin, emotion shining through as she offered to share what she knew.

From vampires being blood drinkers to eating certain colours, the history of a long-standing comradery between Lycans and Griffins, to how the Fae Court was further divided into different Families and their usage of word-based spells. It was both interesting and amusing, for as Mist explained, went on tangents, and was further encouraged by Reginald, the representatives slowly grew more disturbed. It was clear these representatives had no clue what they had signed up for as Mist cheerfully shared a story of her experience taking part in a joint hunt with a Lycan pack and a Griffin aerie.

"Hydras are nasty buggers, they eat anything that moves and their regenerative properties are insane, the only way to kill one is to cut off the heads and impale the skulls afterwards or else they'll just grow a new body," Mist said. "They can create new hydras whenever they want and are basically giant pests, their meat is really tasty though, good for omnivorous and carnivorous people too."

One mare looked a bit green as the group of ponies tactfully left.

"This is a ball with vampires in attendance, what on earth did they expect?" Reginald asked with an eye roll.

"Bragging rights or something? I dunno, I checked out of all that high society bullshit years ago," Mist said casually. "... I'm hungry..."

"Ah yes, that reminds me," Reginald reached into his jacket and tossed a packet of beast jerky onto the table. "I'm not risking you getting sick because you want something from the buffet."

"Sir! It's an offence to the host to bring your own food!" Mist exclaimed.

Right snorted as he kept watch. "You think we care 'bout that? Yer 'ealth's more important."

"Indeed, we don't want another sunflower oil incident," Reginald added. "A dietary condition is a perfectly valid reason. Especially tonight with this little test."

Right heard the pegasus sigh and grab the offered packet.


Reginald was thoroughly enjoying himself, he had people eating out of his hand, Mist's display was spectacular, and the his foresight was paying off. Here at his seat on the balcony, he could observe the gestures of heated business deals, the giggling of flustered females and the way males strut around like peacocks. Lingering gazes and quiet conversations were just as keenly spotted by The Chief, and the looks of curiosity sent his way was satisfying in its own right. He was in his element.

A glance over at his "date" saw Mist completely ignoring her environment to focus on her food, at first. The mare's ears were facing Right, and there was again that doll-like stillness in her body language. Reginald saw yet more looks sent their way and he exchanged respectful nods with the more agreeable people he'd met, gave a pleasant smile to those who turned their noses up at him, and cheekily saluted the still spiteful Queen Chrysalis.

His rather brief interaction with the changeling had happened after Mist had been summoned by The Moon Witch. The Queen had taken a good long look at him and appeared to instantly take a disliking to him. The young changeling girl was the complete opposite of the Queen, a curious girl and Reginald had admired her intelligence. A pity the changeling's mother was such a sourpuss, Chrysalis treated the poor thing like a servant as opposed to her own daughter.

"Mist, have you met Queen Chrysalis' daughter?" Reginald asked.

Mist pulled herself out of whatever state she was in to focus her full attention on him. "Ocellus? Yeah, a nice girl, bit of a fan of mine."

Mist was thoughtful as she explained. "She was pretty young, out on her first "hunt", my goggles picked up her magic, I intimated her enough to show her true form, and I taught her a more harmless way of getting love. Never caught on with her kind, Chrysalis doesn't see the value in less potent, but more stable forms of love, and I wasn't in a position at the time to do more to help, wish I could though, they're not getting enough food, you can tell by the holes in their legs."

"Well, what about now?" Reginald asked.

Mist scoffed, voice oozing dry amusement. "Ocellus is a Changeling Princess, Chrysalis keeps her daughters on a tight leash to stay in power, Ocellus won't leave unless we kidnap her."

"Have you asked her if she wants to leave?" Reginald smirked at the confusion on the pegasus' face.

"No..." Mist stared at him, then sighed in resignation as she set her packet of jerky down. "...Fine...But I'm blaming you if Chrysalis tries to kick my arse..."

Reginald saw Mist approach and begrudgingly strike up a conversation with the small changeling, the excitement that lit the girl's face was quickly squashed as Queen Chrysalis swiftly put herself between Mist and Ocellus.

"I'm just offering, all the unconditional familial love she could eat, a place to start a hive of her own once she's older, figured you'd want what was best for your youngest daughter." Mist drawled as Chrysalis loomed over her.

Mist met the Queen's sneer with a blank stare.

Chrysalis scoffed. "This again?" she looked at her daughter. "Ocellus, do you want to leave the hive?"

The younger 'ling shrunk back at the piercing gaze of her mother. "U-um... maybe? I-it would be nice to not be hungry all the time..." Ocellus glanced at Mist. "And Miss Bluebird is really nice. I... I think she's really cool!"

"You what?" The Queen whipped around to glare daggers at Mist. "What did you say to her?"

Mist was beyond caring at this point. "I said Hi, remember me? I'm Bluebird, wanna join the Toppat Clan?"

"And why did you even care to make the offer in the first place?" Chrysalis asked. "The last time we had this discussion, you turned her down when Ocellus asked to stay with you..."

"... Because my roommate was a volatile, emotionally unstable person that would make even you physically ill," Mist deadpanned. "I may not have realized it at the time, but I knew it wasn't a safe environment for a child regardless of species."

"And you want to take her in now."

"Yeah, I got approval from my boss."

Chrysalis was quiet for a moment, the rage melting away to a look of contemplation before stiffly asking. "You will, look after her? Provide food?"

"Yes, I know Equestrian Changelings can eat all forms of love, and there's no shortage of friendship and familial love within the clan." Mist explained.

The Queen cast her gaze over the two Toppats out on the balcony, searching for something. "I see... Very well, Ocellus is exiled, and I name you as her legal guardian," Chrysalis said bluntly. "I'll have the papers sent to the Mercenary Guild along with her belongings."

With the deal made, Chrysalis turned her attention back to the ball and left Mist with the excited Ocellus.

"I can't believe that worked!" Ocellus said, eyes bright as her small wings buzzed happily. "You're awesome Miss Bluebird!"

"You can drop the "Miss", I'm not a teacher." the pegasus said as the two of them headed back to the balcony. Reginald was smirking, pleased as punch, and Mist couldn't help but smile back as she neared the table.

Then, she was shoved aside as a deafening crack split the air and lit up the room behind her. The shock set her on edge as she looked back to see Right disappear over the balcony ledge, sparks dancing across his body.

She moved.

She grabbed him midair, the magic skirting across him jumped to her own far more conductive body. Her wings seized up as pain blossomed in her chest. The glittering lake drew closer, her wings wouldn't cooperate, and the wind rushed by her.

And oh by the stars, they were falling. She felt arms wrap around her, Right held her to his chest as he maneuvered her above him, and she could see from the grim determination on his face that he knew what was happening-

They hit the lake with a loud splash, it wasn't water Right felt soaking his clothes, clinging to his skin, and threatening to drag to the unseen depths. It was smoother, like liquid satin, cloying and making his stomach turn and mind buzz with the horrid combination of feeling horribly unwell and feeling far too alert all at once.

He still had a firm grip on Mist as he broke the surface, hoisting the mare's head above the lake.

A sharp bolt of panic stabbed through him at her unfocused stare.

He found his hat and frantically used his free hand to activate an inflatable dingy. He wasted no time hauling himself and Mist into it, he ignored the distant sounds from above and checked for a pulse.

Thank God.

She was alive, still breathing, but her glassy eyed stare still unnerved him. It was as if the lights were on but there was nobody home. And Right himself was feeling worse by the minute as he resisted the urge to vomit.

He barely noticed the armored guards flying down with stretchers until they tried to move Mist, and Right had to reel in the white-hot surge of aggression, that instinct to protect that had served him well as Reginald's Enforcer, just so Mist could get to safety.

He was coaxed onto a second stretcher and he fought whatever the hell the dunk in the lake was doing to him. He had to keep it together.

The slight jostling of the ponies flying him to safety churned his already upset stomach, he rolled to the side in time to expel his most recent meal over the side and into the lake, and afterwards he still felt as crook as a dog. He held his hat by the brim, letting it sit on his chest as he rolled onto his back and forced himself to lie down. Fury quietly simmered in his veins, directed at whoever dared to attack, and at himself.

He looked over at the ballroom as it came into view, heart skipping at the sight.

Reginald had Tempest pinned to the floor, face twisted into an utterly furious visage as guests fled the scene. Right could only muster a surprised blink, he hadn't seen The Chief fly into such a rage since the man had overthrown Terrence Suave in a fit of righteous fury. As he was carried past, more guards entered the room, and Reginald caught sight of the state Right and Mist were in. The Chief's anger melted away to be replaced with heartbreaking concern as he scrambled to follow the two.

Reginald was worryingly quiet as he walked beside Right's stretcher.

"Not dead yet..." Right said.

"No but-" Reginald gestured at the still unconscious Mist.

One of the guards spoke. "She has arcane oversaturation, exposure to such a large amount of magic all at once knocked her unconscious, and this is easily treated by the medical team. People fall in every year, so we're well equipped to treat any injures or ailments."

"And Right?"

"Magic Resistance Sickness, his body is rejecting the magic in his system, a common issue non-magical races face when exposed to more magic than their bodies' natural resistance can keep up with," the guard replied. "Again, something staff know how to treat."

"See?" Right added, slowly sitting up to properly look at Reginald. "Jus' feel a bit sick, an' Mist'll be fine soon enough, nothin' to worry 'bout."

"I'll stop worrying when we're all back home, hale and hearty." Reginald said firmly.

Author's Note:

This was a bit of a slog to write, mostly because I had too many ideas for the scene where Tempest attacks and figuring out the bits in between took a bit longer because of writer's block, along with my mood taking a nosedive due to a thing I won't get into here, let's just say I was not okay for couple of days, I wasn't in a good place emotionally.

The ball was originally going to be one chapter after all but I'm proud of how this turned out.

Feel free to comment or ask questions, I always enjoy talking to you guys!