• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 6,752 Views, 132 Comments

Homeless Sunset Shimmer - Sunny Solaire

  • ...

Confessions and Commitments

You're sitting down on your couch, just pondering to yourself about the days events.

The TV is on, but you're not paying attention to anything that's happening. Family Guy is on, so it's not like you're missing anything funny or worth watching.

You're feeling down about this whole thing that happened today with Sunset. You just don't know what to think. You sincerely hope it was just a spur of the moment where Sunset just kind of lost it for no real reason. She was probably just so glad to finally get food in her after so long that she just let herself keep going and lost control.

Understandable, but that doesn't make it okay.

She really made you feel off, which, in turn, made you feel kind of down. The fact that you almost burned down your kitchen earlier only exacerbated those feelings. You hate feeling like this. You don't want to do anything at all right now.

Your thoughts are cut short when you hear your door creak open. Looking up, you see Sunset rubbing her eyes as she walks out.

She gives you a little smile, her cheeks a rosy color as she does so.

"Hi Anon." She says.

You give her a fake grin. "Hey Sunny... Sleep well?"

She nods at you, her tiny grin still on her face.

"Good... Can we talk for a bit, please?" You ask.

Her smile fades and she nods again. You pat the couch beside you and scoot over, turning off the TV. She slowly sits down beside you, looking like she's ready for a lecture.

You ease her fears right off the bat. "Sunset, I'm not mad. Don't worry."

She looks up at you, a little surprised. "You're not?"

You shake your head at her. "I was at first, a little. I'm not anymore though. In case you're thinking that I am mad, or if I'm going to kick you out, don't worry. Neither of those things are going to happen."

She looks back down for a moment and exhales, clearly feeling much better.

"I only want to know your reason behind acting that way." You say. "Not to criticize or scold you at all, but so I can understand."

She doesn't answer right away. She just continues to stare at the ground. Its okay. You've got time. She shuts her eyes and puts her head in one hand.

You reach over and rub her back softly. "Take all the time you need to answer."

She just stays there, slightly leaning toward you as you rub her back.

She stays quiet for a few minutes before finally speaking up. "I'm not sure exactly... I just... lost control."

You stay silent for a moment. "Has this been an issue before?"

She nods. "When I was younger, I was always like that. I was just a mean, selfish little bratty girl who wanted to be a princess."

You listen to her intently, and remain silent.

"I was spoiled and I felt like I deserved to be a princess, even though I hadn't done any real work to deserve any kind of special treatment... Eventually my teach-" She cuts herself off and pauses for a moment, clearing her throat. "Erm... My parents... kicked me out of the house. So I, uh, I stayed with this other girl for a while..."

You keep rubbing her back softly.

"Pretty soon though, I ended up on the streets. Homeless... They kicked me out too... I didn't have a job or anywhere else to go, so I... I tried my hand at petty theft to get money for a while...

"Sunset..." You stop rubbing her back, feeling a little appalled.

She gets a little defensive. "Look, I know! I was stupid and selfish. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and there was no way I was going to 'stoop low enough to get a job', so I figured, why not?"

You take a deep breath and shut your eyes.

"Like I said, I was a spoiled little brat back then..." She says.


She crosses her legs on your couch and continues to pout sadly. "If it makes you feel better, I only did it once..."

It doesn't, but you're glad she isn't a "serial thief" in hiding.

She continues. "I stole a few hundred dollars from a small store and lived on the streets... I would travel from place-to-place, looking for someone to give me what I thought I deserved just by existing... It never worked and eventually, I ended up in this town..." Her countenance becomes dark and she closes her eyes. "...Which is where stuff got bad..."

She stays silent for another long moment. She's being extremely vague, which means she has secrets she does not want to divulge right now.

"I'm not going to judge. I promise." You say.

She remains silent. She doesn't seem convinced right away.

"I'm glad that you trust me enough to share all this with me..." You tell her. "It makes me feel special."

You reach over and grab her hand in yours. She looks down at it and gives a little squeeze back.

"When, uh, when I got here, lots of the others living on this street took an interest in me almost immediately... I admit, it felt good being the center of attention at first, but pretty soon I found out why..." Her grip on your hand slowly begins to tighten. "Turns out, I was the only homeless girl lots of those guys had probably seen in a while... I was definitely the youngest and smallest they'd seen too... Lots of those guys have drug problems and were really old and gross... Eventually, they got me into a corner one day..."

You know what this is leading up to, but you don't want it to lead up to it...

She slowly curls herself into a ball on your couch, not making any eye contact with you. "There was three of them... All of them were old and disgusting old men... They tried... They almost..."

She doesn't say the word, but you know exactly what she's getting at.

Your eyes are glued to her. This poor girl.

"D... Did they...?" You ask softly.

She shook her head. "No... I never gave them a chance."

A huge sense of relief washes over you.

"Still, they got close though..." She says. "I started pushing and yelling and kicking as hard as I could. I even bit one of them a few times..."

Good. No such thing as fighting dirty in a situation like that.

"But they didn't appreciate me fighting back..." She continues. "Pretty soon, their... uh, lust I guess, turned into frustration, and they started to... beat me..."

You can just imagine a group of three scraggly old guys punching and kicking a girl under a bridge somewhere for defending herself. It makes your blood boil.

She continues. "I shielded myself as best I could with my arms and legs... One of them got me just under my eye... Pretty soon though, they were too tired to try and rape me and so I took off running as best I could... One of them grabbed me by my arm and tried to pull me back, but he just had me by my coat. So I took it off and ran down the road as fast as I could... Eventually, I ended up on this street... I stayed hidden in that dumpster for days, eating rotten food scraps and crying a lot..."

She shuts her eyes and a single tear falls down her cheek.

"I spent those days hiding and thinking to myself about everything... I had a chance to think my life over and really look at what I had done to everyp-... everybody I've ever known... I felt incredibly guilty and wanted to just do everything over again..." She looks up at you, tears brimming in her eyes. "That's where you showed up, Anon..."

You watch her slowly sit up and leans towards you, not taking her eyes off of yours for a second.

"I was the problem... I was in the wrong... I acted like a horrible person... I finally saw that, and I was begging, pleading, praying for a second chance..." She places her hand on your shoulder and pulls herself closer to you, a grateful smile creeping to her face. "...And you gave it to me."

Your heart pumps fast and you feel your face get hot.

You gulp once. "Sunset... I j-"

"Shhh..." She places her finger on your mouth, shutting you up before taking it away.

Both your eyes automatically close as your lips eventually meet each others. Her hand moves from your shoulder to the back of your head and holds you there. Your hands find their way down either side of her body until they reach her waist.

You pull her towards you and lie back with her on top of you as the kiss continues. You move one hand up to stroke her beautiful hair as both of your breathing intensifies. Her tongue make its way into your mouth some as she lays on top of you. You return the feeling by feeling every part of it with yours, eventually entering her mouth.

You run along the front of her teeth, feeling every one before retreating into your own mouth. In turn, her tongue moves deeper into your mouth. You close your jaw on her tongue very gently, grazing it a bit before opening up again. Her tongue retreats back a bit to lick yours once more before kissing you again.

The kiss ends and you both slowly look at each other. Her cheeks are bright red and she looks at you with half-lidded eyes.

She smiles at you and leans forward to hug you gently, yet firmly. "You saved me, Anonymous... And I can't thank you enough..."

You hug her back and smile. "You're welcome, Sunset Shimmer."

You kiss her cheek and shut your eyes, enjoying each others' embrace. You stay still for a few moments before she turns her head to adjust on your chest. She's asleep again.

You smile and kiss her nose.

Sleep finds you also and you drift off with her in your arms.


You take in a breath as you wake up a couple hours later. You reach up to rub your eyes and let out a yawn. Your stirring causes Sunset to wake up also.

She gives a yawn before opening her eyes and looking up at you. You both smile at each other.

"Hi." She whispers.

"Hey." You reply.

You lean forward and kiss each other for a moment. Man, her lips feel nice.

You separate and she sets her chin on your chest, staring at you with a smile. "How was your nap?"

You grin back at her. "Oh, it was nice. Probably one of the best naps I've had in a while."

She gives her cute little giggle that makes you almost have a heart attack. "That's good to hear."

You smile wider at her. "How was yours?"

She shrugs. "Same deal here. Can't complain too much."

You chuckle and lean forward to boop her nose with yours. "Fantastic."

She gives another small giggle and kisses you real quick. "So... I guess we're a thing now, right?"

You give a sarcastic shrug before smiling at her. "Meh. Sure. Why not?"

She smiles and makes this adorable squeaking sound that can only be described as "squee" before jumping up and kissing you hard. "Yay!"

You laugh and kiss each other playfully on your couch for a little bit before you both stand up.

Sunset walks over to the window and gasps. "Anon! Anon, look!"

You walk over to the window and stand next to her, smiling. "Well look at that..."

"I know!" She grabs you in a hug and keeps looking outside. "I love snow."

You hug her back and the two of you stand there, watching the snow fall. It's early November, so its a little soon this year, but you don't mind. You love the snow too.

You notice it was starting to get dark outside. It's already about 4pm. Other than going to IHOP, you and Sunset had done nothing all day today.

You got to spend all day together doing nothing. You aren't complaining one bit.

As you're thinking back over the past 24 hours, you remember something you had told to her the night before.

You turn to her. "In the mood for some hot chocolate?"

Her eyes light up and she turns to you with a smile. "Oooh! That would be great!"

You kiss her once more and head into your burnt kitchen. You open a few blackened cupboards and find two mugs.

"But, uh, don't bother making me any food." She says sheepishly. "I'm not hungry."

That makes you laugh. "Shit, I sure hope not!"

As you're filling the mugs up with water, you feel her arms wrap around your waist from behind. "Sorry again about that."

You grab one of her hands and give it a squeeze. "Its okay, Sunny. I forgive you. Don't you worry about it."

She hugs you tight once more before walking back into the living room. "Can we put in a movie or watch TV together or something?"

"Of course." You reply. "Turn on whatever you're in the mood for."

She walks out of the kitchen and you put the mugs in the microwave. No working stove to properly make hot cocoa. Once they're warmed up, you grab the mix and pour them in the mugs, stirring them up.

As you walk into the living room, you see Sunset is crouched over, looking in your movie case that chuck-full of DVDs.

"Find anything good?" You set the mugs on the coffee table and walk over to her side.

"Maaaybe..." She looks on the bottom shelf and pulls one out. "Oh, this one has a dog on it!"

You look at the title and quickly snatch it from her hands. "Oh, no. No way are you going to see the movie Cujo."

She cocks her head. "Why not?"

"Because its about this dog who gets rabies and he goes around killing all these people."

She covers her mouth with her hands. "Oh, that sounds horrible!"

You shrug. "Yeah, well, that's Stephen King for you."

You set it back on the shelf and she keeps looking. "Well then, what do you think we should watch?" She asks.

You think for a moment. "Well, The Princess Bride is always a good one."

She takes it off the shelf and looks at it. "Sounds like a kissing movie, but alright."

You cock an eyebrow as you take it from her. "Okay, first of all, this movie is so good because it's hilarious, not because its 'kissy'. Second of all, what's wrong with kissing? You don't seem to mind kissing me."

She giggles and plops on the couch, crossing her legs in the process like an excited kid. "Well, of course kissing you is awesome! It's just not as fun watching other people kiss."

You think that over for a moment before nodding. "Fair enough. Kissing IS more fun than watching other people kiss."

You pop the movie in and sit back on the couch next to Sunset. You both cuddle up together nice and warm and push play.

She looks up at you. "Could you get us a blanket to cuddle under or something? I'm kinda cold."

You grin at her before answering. "As you wish."


You both sat on the couch watching movies, drinking cocoa, laughing and cuddling together all night. Neither of you were tired so you stayed there for hours. It was so much fun. Being with her made it even better.

Eventually, 2AM rolled around, and that's when you both got tired.

You turn off the TV and sit up and stretch. "Welp... Time for bed."

She gives you a tired smile followed by a hug. You then walk her to your bed and she crawls under the covers.

"Goodnight, Sunny."

You give her another kiss and try to walk out, but she doesn't let go of your hand.

"Anon?" You turn back to her. "D-Do you want to sleep in here? With me?"

You smile at her and approach her side. "Sure. I'd love to."

She smiles and scoots over. You take off your shoes and get under the covers with her. It feels nice to be back in your own bed.

You lay back against the pillow and Sunset cuddles up next to you. You wrap your arm around her in a hug and she nuzzles into your chest.

"Goodnight, Nonny." She says.

If your heart wasn't warm before, it sure as hell is now.

You kiss her head with a smile and stroke her hair. "Goodnight, Sunny."

You shut your eyes and quickly fall asleep with her in your arms.