• Published 17th Nov 2020
  • 9,031 Views, 150 Comments

Anon-a-Miss: Alone no more - HarryBuilder

Sunset has no one left for her after Anon-a-Miss made everyone turn against her, even her friends. But perhaps she's not alone as she thought

  • ...

A Family Reunited

The Shine's resident Was a large yet cozy two story house located on in middle of town, with a balcony over the front door painted golden yellow with red roofs and white doors to compliment the family who lived there. The front lawn and roofs were covered by white blanket of snow, but an amber skinned woman in a purple coat, her red hair braided over shoulder, waited by the door outside for her son and husband to return home, safe and sound while her daughter was playing in the living room.

Golden Shine had come far in her modelling career. She practically on the cover of every fashion magazine in Canterlot, with the fortune she earned from her modelling she was able to afford her and her family a nice house in the city. But while her career did keep her busy she always managed to make time for her lovely family, she first met her husband Flame when he was still a rookie cop and he protect her from a pair of muggers. After that she and him worked around their careers, started dating, got married and had two of the most wonderful children, her son Helios Shine and her daughter...

She glanced downwards in sadness as she pulled out a locket from her coat and she opened it. On the left side was the picture of a little red haired, pinkish white skinned boy and on the right a girl's who's hair style resembled her own but had yellow stripes in it and aquatic green eyes. She rubbed her finger on the girl's picture as a lone tear slid down her cheek.

"My little Sunray." She whispered. It had been 12 years since her little girl had disappeared and had not been easy. Fortunately her husband, her son, siblings and friends helped her through it, and a few years after she had given birth to a new baby girl she named Honeyglow who had been told about Sunray and while she still didn't fully understand, she still comforted her mom when she needed it. She long since accepted that Sunray was probably dead, but she remember what Helios had said to her earlier. 'Could she really still be out there?' She thought, but immediately denied it, not wanting to get her hopes up she just looked on to the snowy road hoping to see a black and red car coming around the bend.

"Come on Helios, don't make me lose you too." She muttered worryingly. But her worries were put to rest when she saw her son's car roll on the drive way, she smiled and quickly walked across the road to meet her son and gave him a great big hug, "Oh Helios! I was so worried about you after you hanged up!" She said squeezing her son tightly, not even noticing his face was turning a bit blue.

"Mom! Too tight! Can't breathe! Ouch!" Helios squeaked. Golden noticed this and loosen her grip but didn't let go completely, "Thank you."

Golden chuckled, "Sorry son, I was just didn't want to lose you too, so close to Christmas." she felt a pair of arms wrap around her.

"I know." Helios said softly, as the two seperated he gestured to his car, "I got all the groceries but I also picked up a little surprise on the way back." Golden raised a brow when she noticed the way he said surprise.

"What sort of surprise?" She asked her son but he just gestured for her to open the door.

"See for yourself."

Golden opened the the car door and saw sitting next to the groceries was an unconscious teenage girl, her eyes widened at the girl before turning around and glared at her son "Helios! You brought a complete stranger back to our home!?" She yelled at him as he winced and took a few steps back, "What were you thinking?! The young lady's parents must be worry-"

"M-Mom just look closer. Notice anything familiar about her." Helios said, Golden looks back at the girl more closely and notices that she shared her amber skin and shockingly had a head familiar fiery red and yellow hair. Her scowl dropped completely and her eyes widened as she pulled out her locket and looked back and forth between Sunray's picture and the girl in the car. She finally set her gaze on the girl and realizes who she is. "Oh my god."

She takes few steps back.

She couldn't believe it.

After all these years of thinking her little girl was dead, here she was. Alive.

"Mom? You, you okay?" Helios asked, feeling a little uneasy by his mother's silence. Golden stood there for a few seconds before she turned to her son with serious expression, "You get the groceries. I've got Sunray." Heilos nodded and went to the other side of the car.

Golden then took Sunray into her arms bridal style and as her son held some the groceries she carried her to the front. She looked down at the girl in her arms, very surprised to know that this teenager was her little girl, yet she was so proud to see her Sunray grow into such a beautiful young lady and smiled down at her, "My how you've grown my little sunshine." she said as she and her son enter their warm and cozy home.

Honeyglow, a young pale yellow skin girl with reddish orange was sitting on a couch in her family's living room drawing a new picture with her toys next to her. The walls were painted peach, had pictures of her, her parents and her big brother having fun, at parties, visiting the police station or at one of her mommy's photoshoots hanging on them. On the brown wooded floor there brown leather couches and chairs next the walls and in the corners and in front of the couch she was sitting on was a flat screen tv with her brother's gaming consoles, more pictures and other things on the table underneath it. She was happily playing while her brother had to run errands for the family Christmas dinner coming up and waited for him and her daddy to come home, and she gladly passed time by doing some doddles and showing them to her toys.

"See, these shadows Grace? Just trace them like so and you can see how easy they blend." She said to a brown haired doll on her left as she pointed parts of her picture to it.

"Oh and Toby don't you worry. There'll be plenty of color in this picture." She assured the teddy on her right. As she continued to draw she thought about the new school she and her brother were going to. While she was a little unsure about going to new school, she was happy to know that they allowed middle school kids at Canterlot High, that way she could be with her big brother. She was looking forward to seeing Mrs. Celestia and Mrs. Luna there too, the two women had been close to her family since she was a baby, they use to babysit her and Helios when they were little and now they were gonna be their new principal and vice-principal.

She then heard footsteps as her brother came in with groceries and took them to the kitchen while her mother came in carrying a teenage girl that kinda looked like her. She raised a brow as her mother climbed up the stairs with the girl. Curiosity peaked as she got up and took Grace and Toby with here and followed her mom upstairs. She found her mom walking into her bedroom while her mom laid the girl down on the king sized bed after she took off he jacket, put her bag next to the side table and place a brown journal with red and yellow sun symbol on the cover next to the lamp and pull the covers over the girl.

Honey walked over to the girl and noticed that despite the yellow stripes and fiery appearance, the girl really did look a lot like her mom. She then notice her mom looked at the girl with somber look and gently brushed her hair. She moved closer to her mom and asked, "Mommy, who is this?" Her question seemed have made her mother realized she and the girl weren't alone. Golden turned to her younger child and smiled, "Someone who I thought your daddy and I thought was lost forever a long time ago." she said.

"Someone lost a long time ago," Honey repeated confusedly, before she looked back at the girl before it hit her like a ton of bricks. Though she only seen pictures of her as 4 year old the color of her hair and the resemblance to her mom was enough to make realize who she was. She turned to her mom with a still surprised expression. "Mommy, is-is she..."

Golden held her younger daughter shoulder, "My sweet Honey, meet your big sister, Sunray Shine." She said as Honeyglow stared at the girl, unable to believe that this was her supposed big sister. She was told about Sunray when she got older and how she strangely disappeared when she, Helios and her dad went to the park. They had told her she was probably, seeing her now asleep but alive was quite overwhelming. But once she shook her head a bit she looked at the girl and smiled as she hopped onto the bed, crawled over to the girl and smiled at her. "Hey big sis, it's nice to finally meet you." she whispered to the sleeping Sunray as her mother chuckled.

"So it's true then." A voice from the door way said. Honey and Golden turned to see Helios and standing next to him was his and his sisters' father and Golden's Flame Heart. The man had Goldish yellow hair, silver skin and wearing a dark blue police officer suit. He had an astonished look on his face as walked over next to his wife and looked down to the girl in bed gently stroked her cheek, "After all this time, I thought we lost you forever but now," He trailed off as wiped a few tears from his eyes and smiled. This surprised Honey as she never saw her daddy shed a tear before.

Flame turned to his Helios and Honey, "You two go downstairs and get something to eat, your mother and I will call you up when Sunray wakes up." Honey was about to protest when Helios grabbed her shoulder and shook his head telling her to leave them be. Honey sighed and nodded as she and Helios left the bedroom as the two adults were left with there sleeping long lost daughter.

Sunset wasn't sure what happening or if this was real. But what she did know was that she had to move.

"Where am I..." She said looking around her.

Everywhere she turned all she saw was black. She wasn't sure which way to go at first but then she saw something a brilliant white light, it shined so bright she felt she had to cover her eyes from it but instead she felt drawn to it so she decided to move towards the light. "May as well be my only way out."

She walked closer and closer the light as glowed even brighter but she didn't block her vision from it. Soon she was in reach of the light, she took a few steps closer to the light, she hesitantly reached s hand to the light before it suddenly burst out causing her to shut her eyes

When she opened them again she discovered she was in cozy hallway she turned left and right in confusion. for some reason though the room seemed to hold some form of familiarity to her, "What the...? Why am I?" She asked before she heard something.

🎵 "Sun goes down and we are here together,"🎵

It sounded like... singing. Singing the same song she remembered when she was found in Celestia garden and it was sung by a voice that seemed to make her feel safe.

🎵 "Fireflies glow like a thousand charms,"🎵

She turned to see the crying came from a the door behind her, walked cautiously towards the and pushed in open. Inside she saw the walls were dark blue with yellow fireflies and stars painted on them, she saw toys and plushies that littered the floor and a wooded crib. Finally she turned to the source of the song.

🎵"Stay with me and you can dream forever,
Right here in my arms tonight."🎵

There sitting in a rocking chair was a red haired woman in a yellow robe, holding small baby wrapped in white blanket singing a lullaby. Sunset walked closer to see them as the mother continue to hum to her child but stop where she was when she got a look at the baby.

It was a baby girl with yellow skin and soft red and yellow striped hair. She looked like a baby version of herself, in fact it was her. "W-Wha, but how she."

Then Sunset realized that the woman had stopped humming and turned to see her hair style was very similar to her own.

"Who, who are you?" She asked with a hint of nervousness

She turned her to Sunset with her eyes still closed and she saw her skin was yellow too but a bit paler. Sunset breath also hitched when she saw the woman face looked almost like her own.

But before she could finish that thought, she saw the mysterious woman was about open her eyes, another bright light flashed and blinded Sunset again as everything faded to white.

Sunset groaned as her eyes fluttered open as she woke up from her rather vivid dream. She looked up to see a ceiling over her, confused as groggily sat up she saw that she was in room she didn't recognized there was dark brown furniture against honey yellow walls and pictures she couldn't see very well. Once she realized what was happening she started whipping her head every whichway panickily, "W-what's going on?! Where am I?! What is this-"

"Whoa, whoa! It's sweetheart, your somewhere safe now!" A feminine voice said interrupting her.

Sunset froze at the sound of that voice for it was same voice she heard in her dream, that voice that held a sense of safety and love that felt very familiar to her.

Sunset slowly turned her head to see a silver skinned man with blonde hair and a policeman suit and next to him with a nervous expression was the very same woman from her dream. In her heart Sunset felt something that told her to hold these two close and never let go but she pushed that feeling aside for the time being and asked the first question that came to her head, "Who, who are you?"

The man and woman looked at her in surprise with a hint of hurt before they looked at one each other. It was almost as if they knew her, while she didn't know them. The couple turned back to her, "S-Sunray, don't you recognize us?" The woman asked in concern.

Sunset raised a brow. Sunray? Why did she call her that? Did she just resemble someone else who had that name and they just mistook her for that girl? If so then why did name sound so familiar Deciding to answer she turn herself around completely, pulled her legs off the bed and sat on the bed as she spoke again, "I'm sorry ma'am but my name is Sunset Shimmer."

The woman looked worried and more concern at that before the man whispered something into her ear. The woman listen careful before her eye widened with realization, "Oh right, she probably wouldn't remember." she said to him as he nodded.

"Perhaps you should say something to job her memory?" The man suggested.

Sunset watched as the woman put on a thinking face, before a smile came to her and nodded as she turned back to her, "Um, Ms. Shimmer do you mind if I ask what you remember at the age of 4?"

Sunset was taken back at that question and that she didn't call her Sunray again. However she decided to try and remember but nothing came up, "I'm sorry but everything that happened before I turned 4 is just a big blur," She answered before she remembered one thing, "Well there was this one song I could never get out of my head for some reason."

That last statement made the woman make a face of hope, as she breathed in and out as the man held her shoulder, "Would you mind singing it for us?" She asked.

Sunset shrugged and nodded as she cleared her throat and began to sing.

🎵Sun goes down and we are here together,🎵

The couples eyes widen as a smile and tears slowly appeared on the woman face as Sunset countinued to sing,

🎵Fireflies glow like a thousand charms,🎵

The woman then took Sunset hands in her own causing her to stop singing and look at her in confusion but the woman started to pick up where she left off.

🎵"Stay with me and you can dream forever,
Right here in my arms tonight."🎵

Sunset stared in shock at the woman as she heard her sing the last verse of the song. She was now greatly confused, this woman was holding a baby her in her dreams, sang the last part of the only song she remembered when she was only 4 years old, her voice sounded like she could be safe and loved around her, she resembled her so much and called her a different name that felt familiar to her. All those facts lead to one possibility, "No. It-it can't be." She trembled as she looked into the eyes of the woman as she made a teary smile back and while she delicately placed a hand on her cheek spoke the six words that would forever change her life.

"I'm right here my little sunshine."

That was the straw that broke the camel's back. Suddenly flashing through her head were memories she had lost the night Celestia found her at the age of 4. She as a baby sleeping peacefully in the woman's arms, playing with a little boy, eating with them at a restaurant, seeing fashion shows and photoshoots of the woman, visiting the police station with the man, celebrating her birthday with other people and finally going to the park with the boy and man where they played hide & seek and where she stumbled about a hidden lake putting a hand into but ended up falling into it and landing in the regal garden of Princess Celestia. She remembered everything, how she ended up on in the castle gardens, she was really a human who ended up in Equestria. That it explained why she never saw this world's Sunset, she WAS this world's Sunset. And if she was the human world's Sunset that definitely meant that this woman standing before her was indeed her...

"M-mom?" She said nervously as her eyes watered, fearful she was wrong and the woman nodded, "Yes."

Sunset couldn't believe it. After all this time, she had finally found her. The one person she's wanted to meet since day one. She then let out some heavy breaths flung her arms around Golden and hugged her tightly, to make sure this wasn't another dream. As she felt her hair and shirt, she heard her heart beating.

It was real

SHE was real.

Her eyes watered and then She wailed loudly, "MOM!" and started crying her eyes out into her shoulder letting out all of the emotions she bottled up ever since she wanted to find her mother again. Her mother just held her tightly as well while releasing tears herself as she rubbed circles on her back and whispered sweet words and reassurance into her ear. Sunset turned her head to the man next to them and he gave a teary smile as well, "It's so good to see sweetheart." he said making Sunset's heart burst even more than it already had as she knew who this man was as well. "D-daddy." She whimpered and it was greenlight enough for him as he joined in on the hug and Sunset wrapped one of her arms around him while keeping the other on her mom.

'Please, PLEASE don't let's this be a dream.' She mentally begged.

Just then two blurs rushed into the room, jumped onto the bed and hugged from behind. Sunset turned her head to see a teenage boy with red and orange hair and pinkish white skin and a pale yellow skin 10 year girl with orange hair hugging her too. They both looked at her and said in unison, "Welcome home sis."

Sunset wasn't sure how much more her heart could take. She just found out she had parents and now she had two siblings too. Then she remembered the wish she made out in the streets, to have a real family. 'My wish did come true.' She smiled as tears continued to run down her cheeks and the four people held her close as her wish came true. This was the happiest moment of her entire life even before the whole Anon-a-miss mess began. 'I guess there is such a thing as Christmas miracles.' She thought as she enjoyed the warmth and love she felt around her and inside her.

It looked like things were looking up now.

Author's Note:

Chapter 2 complete.

Sorry for the delay everyone. But I had a lot of work to catch up on.

But in any case, in this chapter a happy reunion has come these holidays for Sunset and her family as she finally feels happy after so long. I decided to use a picture of a decently large house for the Shine residents cause I figured that a Police captian and a fashion model do make a lot but not enough to afford a mansion or something.

I chose the lyrics of a song my friend showed my a couple days ago but I can't remember where's it from if anyone does know could you please put it in the comments?

Also next time the Shine family tell Sunset everything about what happened to her and Sunset explains where she has been all this time and also about CHS, her friends and...Anon-a-miss. How will her family react to it and how they will help her. stay tuned.

Don't forget to Like, Comment and Follow me of Fimfiction.

stay cool, stay friends and I'll see you on the website.