• Published 16th Nov 2021
  • 1,177 Views, 44 Comments

Gielinor's Visitor - Hilord17

A veteran Oldschool Runescape player unlocks a brand-new continent: Equestria.

  • ...

Prologue: The Summon




What happened?

I'm... pretty sure I was... somewhere. Yeah. Somewhere doing... something.

Oh yeah! I was in my room. I was... playing Runescape, yes. Training... fishing? I think I was fishing south of Edgeville, right next to Barbarian Village.

And then...


Then what?


Hold on.

This doesn't feel like the floor of my room. It's kinda cold, and it's not flat. Wait. Did I... pass out? Really? I don't remember being THAT tired.

Oh my God. What if I...

Am I dead? Did I have a freaking heart attack or something!?

"I see you are awake."

I heard a female voice. Somehow it feels gentle and even soothing. How odd...

Wait. Why do I have my eyes closed? Damm, I'm not working properly right now...


There we go! Much better. Now I see that the floor is definitely not the one from my room. In fact, I should call it 'ground' because it's mostly dirt and stone. It's also very dark, but I can still see a bit, even if there are no torches or any kind of light source.

It seems I'm in a... cave?

"Come here, Lord Euris."

Huh? That's my... Runescape username. The same I've been using since the beginning. For the voice to call me that... maybe this is a dream? Wow. It would be a first to experience a lucid dream. Let's just hope I remember about it once I wake up. Looking at my body now... I see that I have the same gear when I was playing the game: the Firemaking skillcape, an Amulet of glory, and a Ring of dueling. I can't see enough to know if my current body is my real one, or my avatar's.

"Where Am I?" I asked. Yeah. It's a cave, but that's pretty much it. I don't know anything else. I'm still not sure if this is a dream or not, but I'll take this chance to act like my Runescape avatar.

Wait. This cave actually looks familiar. For some reason, it feels like I've seen it before. But where?

"Don't you remember this place? How strange. You come here every week to receive the blessing of my master."

Every week? Hang on... this sounds like... oh.


Of course, I get it now! No wonder it was a cave. It's the place where the Tears of Guthix minigame is located! So that means the gentle voice must be...


(Optional BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3R6bKGOq4TU - feel free to use the 'loop' option if you want)

Looking further ahead, I manage to get my own answer: I can see the giant snake looking at me and... smiling? Man, this dream is very... detailed. Like Runescape in VR.

And hey! I can hear music! It's like I'm playing the game!

"Indeed. It is a pleasure to see you again."

Well. I'm pretty sure this is a dream now, so I'll keep acting like my avatar. Now that I'm paying attention, It seems like the cave, while it looks like the minigame cave, it's not the same. I don't see those floating energy orbs around the place or the big chasm in the center. I also don't see the... well, tears in the walls.

"Ok. I'll ask again. Where exactly are we?"

"A hidden area in the caves of my master. You are now the third being in all of Gielinor that has seen it."

So it's like an instanced area, then? Interesting. This dream looks promising so far. Let's see how much I can make of it. Maybe it will be an enjoyable experience.

"Did you bring me here Juna? I was fishing in Barbarian Village and the next thing I remember is waking up here."

"My apologies for bringing you here without notice." said the snake of Guthix, getting a bit closer. "But it was an order from my master."


"From Guthix?" I ask as I start to remember the quests related to Juna. "Is this about the Dorgeshuun goblins? Is Zanik in danger Again?"

"Not at all. My master knows she is safe for the moment. Sigmund of Lumbridge will not be a threat for a long time."

"If you say so..."

Well, she's not wrong. Unless Jagex decides to make a new quest about Zanik and the cave goblins, or that 'Land of the Goblins' quest, they are officially safe now. Also, this is a dream. It just works.

"However, we do require your assistance, Lord Euris." she got serious again. "My master has been watching your endless journey through Gielinor. Every action, and every word."

"I hope he's not disappointed."

This is just me, but out of all the gods in Runescape, Guthix is the one I like the most. Saradomin and Zamorak are basically the 'Christian God' and 'the Devil' of this game. While I think Zaros is an interesting one, he really needs more lore outside of minor quests and the Desert Treasure quest. As for Armadyl and Bandos, most players only know their names because they are interested in the God Wars Dungeon, or just the Godswords.

"Fear not." Juna was smiling again. "My master knows about your many skills, and how you use them to improve yourself and help others. It is because of this that you are the best candidate."

This sounds like the beginning of a quest! At least this means that my brain is trying to give me an honest Oldschool Runescape experience.

"Well, this sounds like you need me for something. You have my attention."

"Before we continue, we must contact someone else."

Ok? that's a first. But this is a dream so I can't complain. Juna started to move her tail. She also closed her eyes for a moment. For a few seconds, she stood perfectly still. I was about to ask what was going on, but suddenly, a white sphere of energy formed in front of her, with 4 energy 'lines' moving up and down, but never touching one another. There was a particular sound. One that I've heard many times before.

It took me a second to figure it out: Juna was using NPC Contact! Screw the rules, it's a dream. Honestly, since the Lunar Spellbook is the one with the most non-combat spells, it would suit her.

"It is time."

"I'll be there soon."

That was a male voice. I don't know who he was because... well, it's Oldschool Runescape. No voices during dialogue.

Not even five seconds passed, and some kind of black energy with a similar texture to water started to materialize itself next to the giant snake. It started to grow and increase in height.

"Ahh... Lord Euris. So you are master Guthix's choice." said the same male voice Juna was talking with.

Suddenly, the dark energy started to change to another form. It resembled a human, but it was a bit taller than me. When the transformation was complete...

I saw death.

As in, the man with the scythe.

"Grim Reaper!?"

"In the bone and cloth." was the answer from the being that I've seen during many Halloween events, and recently in his lair when you are unfortunate enough to lose your items with the new death mechanics.

"It is good to see you again, Harold." Juna said. Harold? Was that his previous name before being Death or what?

"I wish I could visit you more often, but in order to regulate life in Gielinor, I need to watch this land at all times. If this was not an emergency..."

"Am I missing something?" was the only thing I could ask. I'm honestly confused. I can't remember any information about these two in the official wiki.

"We had the honor of being chosen by Guthix himself during what you mortals often call 'The Third Age'." said Death. I'm missing some lore... or I can't remember it, and my brain is giving me hints. "We started as eight, but now... only Juna and I remain. Guardians of his philosophy and important locations, such as these caves."

I definitely like where this is going.

"We, the Guardians of Guthix... require your help, Lord Euris."

I knew it! This is totally a quest! I wanted to answer immediately, but I took a few seconds to look like I was thinking about it.

"Well... if the God of Balance and his guardians need my help, then count me in." I've played Runescape enough to know this is the point where the name of the quest changes to yellow, indicating that it has been started or it's incomplete.

Death got closer to me, raising his left skeletal hand a bit, almost like... a handshake?

"We are glad to hear that. You are indeed worthy to be one of us."

What? One of them? What is he saying? I don't...


Wait what?


Juna must have seen my face because she was chuckling... somehow. I tend to forget that 'dream > anything'.

"Congratulations Lord Euris. You are now a Guardian of Guthix." Oh, man. She's serious about this. "For a long time, we were looking for a human adventurer to be a Guardian. As much as I hate to admit it, we needed proof. If at least one human could understand the true value of balance, then our efforts were not in vain."

"And you just proved it, Lord... no. Guardian Euris." And now Death is praising me. What a dream!

"I am... feeling many things right now, but I'm also a bit confused. It sounds like you don't trust any veteran adventurer to help you."

"You are right. We do not." Wow. That was fast, Juna. "My master chose you not only because you have many talents, but also a powerful, yet kind soul."

"Can you tell me why so many adventurers murder every Falador guard?" asked Death, with a very convincing tone of curiosity. "I don't say this every day, but my job would be at least a bit easier if I knew why."

I'm sorry Death. I do know the answer but I don't know what would you say if I tell you that it has to do with something called 'Treasure Trails'.

"Now that you are a Guardian of Guthix, we can finally discuss the reason you were summoned here." Juna did a quick movement with her tail, and an orb of pure energy suddenly appeared. This one was bigger than the last one, so it's not the same lunar spell. The orb is transparent, but soon it started to show an unknown figure. I'm assuming it's a monster. Judging by the shape, it's definitely not in the game. I can't even begin to describe it, because it's like looking at a weird photoshop project with a thousand layers in it. It's purple though.

"A few hours ago, we discovered a... unique being. Quite troublesome too." Death said, looking at the orb, just like me. "We discovered something both phenomenal and unnerving: It is an otherwordly being."

"You mean it's not from this world?" Great. Now we're adding aliens to the mix. "You mean like another plane like the Gorak's plane? Or maybe the Cosmic entity's plane?"

"I'm afraid not." Juna was the one to answer. "This particular being is from... very far away."

Jesus. Is she saying it's from another universe entirely?

"So it's an outsider in every sense of the word. What about it?" I guess this is the part where I get the whole info about the quest.

"We studied the unknown being for a bit. We obtained some valuable information in return." said Death. "The first thing we discovered is that the being can mimic other creatures and monsters. We are not sure if it acquires the power and abilities of those he transforms into."

"A shapeshifter, huh? I remember dealing with something like that in a quest." I still remember that quest in Taverley. "I had to kill the weird experiment of a witch. That thing shapeshifted into six different beings."

"We also discovered that it uses magic never seen before in Gielinor." added Juna. "It's only natural since it's an otherwordly being. The problem is... shapeshifting is not its only ability."

Of course, this is not going to be an easy quest.

"This creature... can also create a variant of those it copies." said the Grim Reaper. "What is worse is that these creations follow the creature as a soldier follows its leader."

Oh. Now I see what's the problem.

"I'll take a guess and say you need me to take care of the unknown creature and its followers."

"Precisely," said Juna. "We do not know how many monsters this creature has mimicked, but it needs to be stopped."

"Alright. I'll get to it." I said. This is getting exciting! "Any ideas on where I can find the creature?"

"We know where it is right now... and that's the problem." said Death. "It is the reason why you are the only one who can help us."

"The creature came to our world thanks to a magic portal from its own dimension. We saw the creature return to its dimension a few minutes ago." Juna got closer to me. "As ancient guardians, we cannot leave Gielinor... but you can."

"You need someone who can move freely." It makes sense once you think about it. "An adventurer."

"That's right. This is why we need you, and only you... Guardian Euris." Death was completely serious now. "Among all the adventurers in Gielinor... you are the one chosen by our master. We need you to go into the creature's dimension, and contact their sovereigns."

"Lord Euris." Juna used my avatar's name instead of 'Guardian'. This is really important. "We want to establish a friendly relationship with the sovereigns of that dimension. Show them that we want to help them."

"You want to build trust." Oh, yeah. It's all coming together. "And you don't need a bloodthirsty warrior for that."

"Like we said before, Guardian Euris." Death offered me one of his skeleton hands. "Our master values you because you are strong in body, mind, and soul."

"Alright. I get it. Now... Do we know anything about the creature's dimension?"

"We were only able to see a very small portion of this land. We saw a forest, a town, and a city in the distance. The city is up in a mountain. Most intriguing!" It's kinda weird to see Death itself being interested in something regarding the mortal realm.

"But the most fascinating fact about this land is that there are no humans at all. It seems that the dominant species are equines." added Juna.

...Ok? Is this the portion of the dream where my brain mixes everything I know and makes it as weird as possible? Of all the things I've seen in my life... and I choose horses? Why? It's because of the running joke that there are unicorns but not horses in Runescape?

"Well, that is... different. Considering that I've seen demons, fanatics and many monsters. Horses sound like a break."

"We have managed to move the portal to a nearby chamber." said the big snake. "An acquaintance of yours is there waiting for you."

Huh. I didn't see that door to the west. Obviously, a door made of stone, with many decorations depicting the 'tears' of this place.

Out of nowhere, an image manifested in my head, and it seemed to show me something very similar to what I saw when I was going to start certain quests in the game.

Start the Gielinor's Visitor quest?

What kind of question is that? The answer is obvious!

"Juna. Death. Just leave it to me. I'll make sure to stop the creature, and create a friendly relationship with the new land."

Both ancient guardians looked at each other for a moment, both nodding at the same time.

"Good luck, Guardian Euris. Do not worry about your items and belongings. Everything you need is in the portal room." said Death, moving his skeletal arm to show the door.

With a nod of acknowledgment, I made my way to the portal room.

When I entered the room and closed the stone door, the first thing I saw was a square, purple thing in the wall. No doubt that's the portal. In the center of the room, there was a big round stone that looked like a table, as if only the chairs were missing.

And on top of the 'table' was a small spider.

One that I know and love. The only free-to-play pet of the game.


I can't believe Eek is here too! But even weirder is the fact that I saw his name in my mind. The same way it shows in the game. He even has a combat level now!

[walk here Eek (level-30)]

"Hey, pal!" Aaaww, what a cute voice. Definitely a young kid. "I was guarding your bank items just like you asked me to!"

Well... that was my 'excuse' when I put you in the bank. Once again, a proof that I'm dreaming and my brain is using my own bit of lore. Eek was in my inventory during the many quests I completed. It was one wasted inventory space, but I didn't care. I felt like the pal my avatar promised to be.

"But then the snake lady and the big skeleton in black brought me here! They said you needed my help again!"

"That's right. I'm about to travel to a whole new dimension! And it seems they thought you would be the perfect companion for me."

"Wow! Another dimension? That's so cool!" Eek literally did a backflip. Heh, I remember that animation. "No wonder they gave me that ability."

"What ability?" Truth be told, even if I bring Eek with me, I still need my items.

"You see, the first thing I told to that Guthix fellows is that I have the important mission of guarding all your items in the bank. They told me that you would need your items later, so they did this 'blessing' thing, and now I have a neat ability that you'll like a lot!"

Alright, now I'm very curious.

Suddenly, Eek started to glow, like he had a small green aura around him, but what does that-

[The Bank of Gielinor 794/816]

No way...

I can see the bank interface in my mind!

It's a bit weird but also pleasant! It's weird because I see the image in my mind, and pleasant because it doesn't obstruct my actual vision like some VR menu.

"Now I'm THE guardian of your bank items, pal!" Eek sounded proud. "Now that you're going to a new dimension with no banks of Gielinor, I'll help you with that. Just say the word, and I'll let you access your bank account."

"Eek... this is amazing! You have no idea how powerful this ability is, and it's no exaggeration to say this is every adventurer's dream!"

"Only the best for my pal." was Eek's response. "So, take everything you need, because hero Lord Euris and his sidekick, Eek of the Spider Realm, are going to a new dimension!"

The cheerful spider did a surprising jump and landed on my right shoulder. I wonder if Eek counts as an item in this dream...

I hope not.

Let's see... if the interface is in my mind, then maybe if I think about moving the tabs and the actions...

[Tab 2]

Yes! It worked! The tab with all the melee gear. It's a good thing that I have combat gear for all combat styles. And since I don't know what kind of enemies there'll be on the other dimension...

Void melee helm
Void knight top
Void knight robe
Void knight gloves
Dragon boots
Dragon scimitar
Dragon sq shield
Ring of wealth


Oh? Is that my inventory? I didn't notice before. And it seems that Eek is not considered an item. Even better! And if the interface is working, then I should be able to...


Nice! Let's equip everything.


I almost didn't feel it, and it took less than a second. The equipment looks so... real. It's honestly wonderful. Heh. Using void knight equipment for a mission in the name of Guthix. Kinda fitting.



Ring of dueling
Raw trout x7
Raw salmon x6

I think I need certain items just to be sure.

[Tab 3]

Rune pouch
Smoke battlestaff
Mud battlestaff
Chaos rune x500

[Tab 4]

Rune crossbow
Black d'hide shield
Broad bolts x500
Rune axe

[Tab 5]

Mushroom potato x5

[Tab 6]

Rune Pickaxe


I'll equip the broad bolts... there! Now I have half inventory space free. The fact that my inventory is in some pocket limbo is a bonus. I only feel the weight of the equipment, and even then, it still feels quite light. Maybe it's because of my skill levels?

"This equipment looks awesome." said Eek, who is still on my right shoulder.

"And guess what? We are ready to go." I added with what I believe is my happiest smile yet.

"Then what are we waiting for?"


As we cross the portal, a single thought crosses my mind...

I hope this dream lasts a long time.

Author's Note:

Hello there!

Like I said before, this prologue is mostly Oldschool Runescape-oriented.
Chapter 1 onwards is where the crossover gets in.

I know there are a few Runescape stories here, but most of them are from the Runescape3 version. As an OSRS player, I think I have to rectify this, even if it's just a bit.