• Member Since 9th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


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This story is a sequel to Exploring the Castle

This fanfiction will function similar to a Tumblr Ask Blog or a comment driven CYOA. Events in the story will progress based on reader participation in the comment section. Please make sure to read the Authors Notes for rules or updates.

Henry Stickmin escaped Canterlot, low on funds he wandered across the Equestrian countryside and, somehow made it to Ponyville. With too much time on his hands, and with help from one of the locals, Henry posts the address of a post office box in the morning newspaper, and waits to see what he'll get in the mail.

A week later he gets his first letter.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 163 )

To: Henry Chapter: 1
Hello Henry, just testing this out to see if you get this, my question is how are you feeling about this world you've found yourself in?

Hey henry, what path did you take to get here? Like was it badass ending -> Just plain epic -> gspi -> convict allies?

To Henry: (Chapter 1)

Is there anyone or anything from your world you miss having around? Anyone or anything in the pony world you've taken a liking to?

Dear Henry, would you like if Charles and Ellie appear to keep you company?

To: Henry Chapter: 1
Hello Hey Henry, do you have any gagits that were reviewed by gagit Gabe?

To: Narrator, chapter-1
How does it feel to be narrating a story and trying not to get found by the local 4th wall breakers?

Chapter 1

Dear Henry

I know of your little shall we say adventures in the past...the Tunesian Diamond. A big red air ship and the topphat space station to name a few. Let’s just say there are individuals interested in you and let’s just say I’ve sent one your way you will know her by the compass butt mark...no Jerry stop talking I don’t care what they are called the speech to text is on... she will definitely want your skills for a certain adventure she is going on

Signed ¿Unknown

I'm not sure if I can answer this one just yet, it's too soon for Daring Do to make an appearance in the AU.

Apparently, he had mail.


To: Henry Stickmin.
Address: Golden Oaks Library.

Dear Henry;

I have been curious about a thing or two related to the valuable(s) you've obtained, what are you going to do with it(them) and where are you hiding it(them)?

To henry Chapter 1
In the event that this reaches you henry, I would like to inform you about something gigantic, you see this is not the first time the teleporter has given you a bad displacement (*in the stickmin collection if you go down one route there is only two instances where the teleporter works the other times he dies*) if you can recall there was that bunch of jetpack mech suit sort of guy's when the top hat clan was fighting the military, they are known as the Center for Chaos Containment, they monitor the world and if there is too much chaos they intervene, or if say some event in the past was in danger of destabilizing the multiverse like how you got that cake back when you were escaping the prison after you got arrested trying to break into that bank.

-From a lowly space marine stuck floating in space unable to die

To: Henry Ch. 1
Hello Henry, hope everything is good in Equestria. I wanted to ask, how many sentient robots have you encountered in your life. If you met a certain Gizoid named Emerl, then he probably didn't care that you were a criminal, since his aunt is also a criminal. If you have any robot suits/powerups that you gained during your adventures, I'd recommend using them to help Equestria, because hijinks and chaos will attack the denizens, and you'll be involved one way or another. Start training, get to know the locals, and just keep being you, even if you have to steal sometimes, though maybe you can explore ancient ruins, since I heard explorers can keep what they find, or sell them for money. Thank you for reading. Fireza.

To: Henry Stikmin, Chapter 1

HENRY! Did you know there's an entire province made of jewels and things in The North?! It's shiny! They don't like it if you shine colored flashlights through the crystal ponies to see what happens! They really don't like it if you line them up shortest to tallest only to find out you wanted to try to play them like wine glasses! Jack is not allowed to go there anymore! There's a spinning floaty crystal heart there that keeps the place terraformed! It's really cool! Are there any interesting places you've heard about that you'd like to visit?! Jack heard there's an underwater city somewhere that's still inhabited! Jack would like to see it one day!

From: Jack the Yak

No one knows about the Crystal Empire, it hasn't returned yet. I will add you mention about the underwater city though.

Ask Henry
Do you have any weapons that could do anything against the Timberwolves of the everfree?

hey henry, you might want to read up on this new world. Seems as if magic is real and replaces modern day technology. Though I bet you could make a fortune selling earth inventions.

To: Henry
Henry, have you ever fought a Keyblade wielder, or gone to the Keyblade graveyard and tried to pull one of the weapons out. Even though you would at most get a neutral/anti-hero type Keyblade, you could sell some if that doesn't work out, or keep them as souvenirs.
To: Narrator
In the future, will we be able to send stuff to Henry, because there are certain items that I may want to gift him, nothing too broken, since in similar situations the askers can send stuff. Also, will henry be able to access any files or items from other routes, or maybe we can gift him certain items from said routes, otherwise I'll ask this, will there be occasional cross-overs with other series and/or stories. That would be cool in theory, but it would be difficult for you to maintain, so I'm not really expecting it to happen, but that does mean that you'll surprise us one way or the other. Have a great day/afternoon/night you two.

To Herr Stickmin:
A word of warning, there are a great many semi dangerous entities that will sooner or later cause chaos for brief time so self defense skills that (probably) won’t fail might be a good thing to learn if you can find one you can use.

To Henry chapter 2 in response to the response
I apologize if the news is a bit dated on my last message was hanging around a black hole at the time and only learned you were in equestria, but this information is something I think you don't know of yet, the top hat clan and the airship have crashed in equestria!
-from the same Lowly Space Marine floating in space

henry are you meet pinkie pie yet?

Chapter 2

Dear Henry

The pink one probably knows about this letter already and the time shenanigans that occurred to get it here anyway be prepared to shortly be ambushed by confetti and an entity slightly less chaotic then you who won’t judge you on your past.

Also you will get my first letter at the appropriate time

Signed ¿Unknown

P.S don’t break a pinkie promise

Chapter 2

Dear Henry,

What do you think of the Toppat Clan and of Reginald Copperbottom and Right Hand Man?

And how would you react if you ever crossed paths with them again? Y'know just in case.

Timberwolves are wolves made of sticks that have the ability to reform when scattered, some strange magic causes this- Red mage Alain(the name is to blurred to make out the rest)

Chapter 3:
Dear Henry,

Do you have any plans on returning to Canterlot Castle? If so, do you think you will get in trouble if you get back there?

Chapter 3 question
Hello again its the Space Marine in space, yeah uh kind of floated too close to a white hole and now I'm about four or five lightyears away from equestria so, yay? Anyway this question is for the narrator, how many other narrators do you know, like the narrator from "There Is No Game"

Lowly Space Marine Floating in Space

Third chapter


welcome to ponyville mister Stickmin

You’ve been avoiding me for a while so I thought I’d send a letter instead after all those guys in the comments were doing it. Please please please come to sugar cube corner (the building that looks Delicious) I promise it will be fun (cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye) :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy:

<what happened to my letter? ¿Unknown>

Chapter 3

Dear Henry and Narrator

Which Hogwarts house would you two be in?

Chapter 3:
Dear Henry,
Who does twilight remind you of back in your world
(Examples include Charles, Ellie, Reginald, etc.)

Dear Henry;

I am a friend, so - because of that and the fact I care for you - I must tell you that the one who you stole the valuable(s) is Princess Celestia herself! Twilight's teacher and Equestria's Princess, God of the Sun, and MANY MORE THINGS! Though, she's not famous for fighting well at all; this might mean you get a chance against her next time you bump into her.

Good luck, mate.

Sincerely, a friend.

P.S: Anything you need (as information about Equestria), I'm here to provide it.

Chapter 3:

Oh how delightful! A new intelligence steps into the wonderful land of Equestria! I can already see potential and many shenanigans to be had... Particularly with The Pink One. Enjoyable as a friend, invaluable as an ally, and positively terrifying when angered. Truly the perfect mix.
If it is ever approved for us to send you items, I'll be sure to send you a couple of my own.

- Samsara Lotus, Void Thaumaturge.

This wasn’t asked by the first letter but how did you escape the prison?

To Narrator: Hello, hope all is well. I wanted to ask if he will encounter more characters in the future from his old world. Also, how many worlds has Henry been to? Did he travel to any of the worlds that the teleporter took him to? Lastly, will he gain items from other routes? Also, have you determined what we can give henry, if anything at all, or do you need more time?
To Henry: Hey henry, hope you're doing great. I wanted to ask how your research was going, and if you have found any useful magic or trinkets, and if you were going to start exploring ruins. There is one person which you can meet which would be awesome, which would be grogar. Though he may be evil, I think that you, with the help of others, can help him be a better person, and with all that knowledge, he can benefit pony kind over all. Not to mention other people who are also very ancient and powerful would be cool to meet as well. You should ask the narrator for some names, that way you can plan for the future. Thanks for reading, and have a great day.

To: Mr. Stickmin,
I have a package containing 50 Equestrian Bits but it seems that there is an issue and I cannot send packages to Ponyville, so would you like them HALO inserted instead?

From, A very bored being.

dear henry hi so you meet applejack yet? i hope you meet her one day she is kind and funny pony i know - rainbow light

ps: don't lie to her ok ✌️

Can I send him a 1-use grenadine made a glass ball and storm cloud?, if so, can you add it to my letter.

In regards to your Decision, as twilight would say, friendship is magic,
are your top hat friends worth losing your current simple life for?
A Concerned mage, Alain(the rest of the name is blanked out

Ps, it is dangerous to go alone, take this.(add grenadine if it is allowed, if not, than add a rusted sword (this is simple, right?), actually I think it would be nice anyway.

To: Herr Stickmin,
Uh oh, m'thinks I broke reality a little, give me a moment... There, now do you happen to know if there are any ponies that seem odd? If so, excepting the Pink One, have you managed to avoid them?
From a Really Bored Being.

Post Script: To Narry, HALO needs a parachute. High Altitude Low Opening.

Note: the words on this letter seem to be flickering in and out of existence.

Dear Henry;

Just one more thing before I stop writing to you for a while... DON'T GO INSIDE SUGARCUBE CORNER! SHE'S MAD! PINKIE IS MAD! TOO MAD FOR MANY OF US! I CAN BARELY HANDLE HER LAUGHTER!... Oh no, SHE'S HER-

Hello again! Remember I'll host a party for you!... I'LL MAKE CUPCAKES!

Chapter 4
Dear Henry hello I’m Jerry from ¿management I snuck into the writing system when my boss wasn’t looking to send you this letter along with this little guy he may look like a small flower now but he is a sentient carnivorous realtive of the plunder vines which should be helpful in case of parasprites also he will act much like a puppy so be careful with valuable things because he might try to chew em. Oh god my boss is coming hopefully I’ll get another chance to message you bye.

From Jerry from ¿management

Chapter 4

Dear Henry,

I'm sending you a little care package. Inside are a couple of freshly baked apple pies. With Applejack being a apple aficionado giving her one of these would be a good way to gain some rapport with her. You can use the other as a snack if you feel like a snack or maybe just throw it at someone's face if the situation calls for it. Up to you of course.

Also, I'm giving you an MP3 player (with a set of headphones) so you have something to listen to when if you feel bored. It only has two songs loaded on it right now, so you'll have to either scrounge up more songs for it yourself or have others send them to you. That said, I think you'll like the tunes put in. (^-^)

Take care, Henry.

(Songs loaded in MP3)

Dear Henry,

I was wondering, what exactly you wear? How many set of clothes do you have right now? If you are interested in getting some more clothes you can ask Twilight to introduce you to her friend, Rarity. She is a seamstress and can make you a good set or two.

dear henry: i hope you have fun and here i gave a apple cupcake from rainbow light

Dear Jerry,

This is Demi from the Higher Powers Association.

The guidelines specifically state items (objects, currency or food) can be sent to one Henry Stickmin and not living things.

Furthermore, Plunder Vines are a creation of Discord and not readily available nor native to Equestrian. Any species created from cross breeding Plunder Vines are illegal and classed as contraband.

Your gift has been denied and returned to your department.

Sincerely, Demi.

The Mp3 player has been denied. Equestria doesn't have the technology to make it (despite the show's spaghetti tech, this au is more inline with the idea that Equestria isn't that technologically advanced, with magical inventions and spells the solution instead. The Toppats are the most technologically advanced group on the planet.)

The pies have been accepted.

i misspell henry name right

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