• Published 7th Dec 2020
  • 584 Views, 29 Comments

The chef's student - vincent789

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The Canterlot Court case part 2

It's still Friday. Twilight and Night are both on the move inside a train. They were heading to Canterlot from Manehattan. This is a six hours ride. Manehattan was after all on the border of the ocean, while Canterlot was surrounded by mountains and villages. Because of this, the train was usually quite empty as not many had the bits to move between the two large cities. Luckily, Twilight's family was quite rich in comparison to the price of a single ticket.

Twilight and Night were both casually reading cookbooks on the way to Canterlot. Night was busy reading a complex recipe for a french version of macrons. Twilight on the other hoof was reading some sauce combinations for Carpaccio.

Twilight was still improving the Carpaccio recipe day by day. Night meanwhile was thinking about taking a pastry chef side job. However even though on the outside they looked like they were enjoying themselves.

The truth? The were more anxious than ever. Night was worried about the court case. While Twilight was replaying if's in her head about Donut and Trixie.

However their small break in the train was about to come to an end. The train had arrived at Canterlot.

"Final stop! Canterlot! Do not forget your bags and please move slowly on the platform. Thank you for riding Manehattan express." The conductor shouts through the intercom.

"Well. Here we are. Canterlot." Twilight said.

"Let's go home first. Tomorrow will be a busy day for you." Night said.

"That it will be." Twilight said as they moved together towards Twilight's vacation home.

Once they had arrived they find Mom and Shining Armor standing on the front porch. They looked confused at Twilight and Night.

"You are a day early." Mom said.

"We wanted to be here early. Or we would have to first travel for six hours to get here tomorrow. Which would mean to wake up early." Night said.

"I see." Velvet said.

"With other words. You were lazy." Shining commented.

"That too. Besides, I had to get away from school for a bit." Twilight confessed.

"That is fine. I understand. School could be boring sometimes." Shining said. Twilight however bit on her lower lip.

"Well. Don't just stand out here. Let's get inside." Velvet said.

"Yeah. Will you make dinner tonight?" Twilight asked.

"Sure thing dear!" Velvet said happily.

After dinner, they all went to bed.

After one night cycle. It became Saturday.

Twilight woke up early after the whole night she was plagued with nightmares. Still tired, she stood up and went to the bathroom. Once inside she brushed her teeth and looked out of the window.

It was so early, she could just barely see the sun on the horizon. And yet that didn't deter her from waking up all the way. As she moved downstairs, she pushed a secret compartment, which revealed a sack of bits. Grabbing the bits and putting it in her pocket dimension. She headed outside, skipping breakfast all together.

Once outside she spots a park clock which read 7 O' clock. She had gotten in such a rhythm that she would wake up at seven by default. Class always start 10 minutes before 9 O' clock. But it would take her atleast one hour to get there.

Ignoring the sound of sleeping in the neighbors houses, she walked bravely towards one of Donut's primary bakeries. She looked at the business card that she got and it states that they always open at 6 O' clock. Each and every day.

While walking there. She sees a bunch of places which gives her some nostalgia. Sadly she had no time for any of them. Twilight calmly walks towards a bakery that had their lights on and you could already smell the fresh smell of bread right out of the oven.

Twilight opens the door, which cause a small bell to ring. Twilight watches as one of the staff members was sleeping right through the sound of the bell. Twilight could understand why she was sleeping, I mean it was so early. But that didn't stop one of the younger fillies to push the sleeping staff member off the chair. Waking her up immediately.

"Huh, Wha?" The staff asked sleepily.

"There is a customer!" The filly shouted loudly.

The staff's eyes widen. After which she stood up immediately. "Excuse me. I had a long night. How can I help you?" she asked.

"I was wondering if a certain Donut Lulamoon was here?" Twilight asked.

"He is. Would like to see him?" The staff asked.

"Please." Twilight simply said.

"DAD! Someone is here to see you!" The staff member shouts.

"I am coming!" Donut shouts in the distant.

"Can I ask why you want to see him?" The staff asked.

"I can't say. It's a bit private." Twilight said mysteriously.

The staff raised her eyebrow but said nothing.

"What is it?" Donut asked, he looks towards her customer and realized it's Twilight. "Twilight?!"

"Hey Donut!" Twilight said cheerfully.

"What are you doing here so early?" Donut asked surprised but happily.

"Oh I came to see you hard at work." Twilight said somewhat anxious. "And Trixie."

Donut's eyes widen, "I see. Please come in. We can have a small chat." he said, "Everyone Break time!"

Everyone else took a small break. Meanwhile Twilight and Donut enjoyed a warm cup of milk inside the kitchen.

"So. How are you holding up?" Donut asked.

"I am fine. Just at tat bit tired." Twilight said.

"What is the matter?" Donut asked worried.

"I have two things I need to do in Canterlot. The big meat court case and," Twilight paused.

"And?" Donut asked.

"Your reunite with Trixie." Twilight finished.

"I see." Donut takes a small sip.

"And honestly? That scares me more." Twilight said.

"Listen. It's alright. If nothing else, Trixie will know that I am there for her. If she ever needs me." Donut said.

"But is that enough?" Twilight asked surprised.

"It is. After our talk that day. I was thinking, what if Trixie doesn't accept me, after all that. Well I atleast want to be there for her. If she ever needs me, she could always just eat the bread that the family Lulamoon produces. And also if she doesn't accept that, then... I am prepared to not be called a proper father. All I want is to see my child. Nothing more, Nothing less." Donut said.

Twilight's face contorted into something she hasn't done so in a long time. Sadness. Her eyes were practically crying.

"You might accept that. *hic* But I. I can't accept that." Twilight said as big tears fall down her face.

Donut realizing that Twilight was crying at this point got his dad instincts kicking in. He uses his hoof to push away the tears and looked at her like a father, "For me it is enough Twilight. For me it is." he said.

"Stop lying! No filly could ever go without at father!" Twilight said as rage overwhelmed sadness for a moment there.

"I know. It will hurt me dearly. But-" Donut tried to reason, but it was met which deviance.

"NO! I won't let it get to that!" Twilight hiccuped, "For me it's enough to see the two of you in an proper family embrace."

"I just want you to be with Trixie. Nothing more." Twilight continued.

"I know. I want the same, nothing more. But it is not in my control. Trixie will decide it in the end." Donut stated.

"I know, I know." Twilight said as she did her best to remove her tears. It was not working, as she only started to cry harder.

Donut realizing that Twilight was trying to control her emotions, decided that the best course of action was to just hug her. And hug they did as Twilight let it all out.

All of the built up emotions that she had bottled got released all at once. Which caused Twilight to cry for the next few hours. Donut also trying to control his, had a few tears on his face. Which he had failed to control.

No one else dared to enter the kitchen while Donut and Twilight were crying. They could feel the heaviness in the air. But they knew that Twilight was crying for their sake. And although they weren't listening in all the way. They felt like they should drop a tear or two too.

Some did drop a tear or two. But most just waited for this sad session to be over.

"I think I cried every drop of water my face was holding until now." Twilight said as she regained herself from the crying.

"It's sometimes the best remedy against all the anxiousness you are feeling." Donut said.

"Yeah. I feel much better. Thank you for that." Twilight said somewhat happily.

"I am your teacher for a reason. But yeah. I also feel much better." Donut said.

"I think we should leave the kitchen. I am pretty sure you should be making some bread by now." Twilight said as her eyes turned wide eyed at the clock. It is 9 O' clock.

"Yeah. Break time is over!" Donut shouted.

"Let me buy some donuts for Trixie. Do you know what her favorite is?" Twilight asked.

"She loves Celestial Donuts. Let me get you some of those." Donut said.

"How much is it?" Twilight asked.

"Free. Just this once. You are going to use it as bait no?" Donut said.

Twilight smiled, "I am. I hope she likes these." Twilight said.

"Good luck. You are going to need it." Donut said.

"Thanks!" Twilight said as she grabs the donuts in her levitation and puts it on her back. She then proceeds to leave the bakery and heads for Canterlot Castle.

On the way there she heads through the market district. She could vaguely see an afterimage of Twilight meeting Vermouth for the first time. The current Twilight ignored it and carried on. She was on a mission after all.

Once she had arrived, she was about to enter when the guards stopped her.

"Halt! The throne room is under construction for the court case to come. No entry permitted." The guard stated.

"I am here to see Trixie Lulamoon." Twilight states.

"What is your name and proper reason to come here." The guard repeated.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle. I want to have a meeting with Trixie Lulamoon, Celestia's prized student of the school of gifted unicorns." Twilight said in full.

The guard studies Twilight, "Very well. They are in the garden. You will be escorted." he said.

"For what purpose? I know my way around the castle." Twilight replied confused.

"Even if that is the case. You are currently not a guest to this castle under Princess Celestia's name." The guard replied.

"Are you saying that Celestia considers me an enemy to the crown?!" Twilight asked shocked.

"Yes." The guard honestly answered.

Twilight just stood there, shocked. "Fine then! Give these donuts to Trixie. I will not enter Celestia's castle until she cooled herself down. But know this. It is not wise to make a noble family, which stood close to the twin princesses for thousands of years, angry." Twilight said angrily.

'Luna. You were right. She is still quite blind.' Twilight thought annoyed.

"Wait. I got the order to allow your access, regardless of the court case." The guard called out.

"It seems you are both deaf and blind. I shall not enter the castle until you and your cute pretty princess have calmed down." Twilight said annoyed.

'ooh, boy. The princess is going to be so angry.' the guard thought.

Twilight deciding that entering the castle is going to be off-limits for a while. Decided that Joe's donut shop is going to be the location where she would meet Trixie instead.

"Hey, Joe!" Twilight called out.

Joe looks towards the entrance and spots Twilight. "Hey, Twi! It's been a while!" he said.

"That it has. Say is Trixie going to be working here today?" Twilight asked.

"She is. Why, you want to borrow her?" Joe asked with a smirk.

"I am afraid so. It seems Celestia does not want me to enter the castle right now." Twilight responded saddened.

Joe's eyes went wide. "You got banned?" he asked surprised.

"No, she essentially used the crown to kick me out until further notice." Twilight said annoyed.

Joe looks shocked at her. "But that is Impossible!" he said shocked.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked curious.

"The princess comes here every Saturday on the same day and hour. She always talks about how she misses you and that although Trixie is a great student. She feels that the halls feel empty without you. How could she ban you?!" he said shocked.

"Is that so." Twilight said as inside her she feels a tad bit happier.

"Were all of that lies?!" Joe continued not noticing that Twilight doesn't care anymore.

"It may be. However she does have a decent reason for her action." Twilight said.

"She does?" Joe asked as he snaps out of his daze.

"You know of that court case coming up?" Twilight asked first.

"Oh boy. Yes I do." Joe said.

"You sound like you know quite a bit." Twilight said as she pushes him to continue.

"Yes. The princess went on and on about it. She sounded almost angry. Something about it not making much sense and all that." He said.

"What if I told you that I am the one that want it to succeed." Twilight suggested.

"Impossible" he responded.

Twilight smiles, "Actual I am the one that suggested the law rule in the first place." she said.

Joe blinked a few times at Twilight, "You created the court case." He stated.

"Essentially, yes." Twilight simply stated.

"Ugh. That does explain a few things." Joe said relieved, "I expect that are coming with an Ultimatum."

"I am." Twilight confirmed.

"I see." Joe said, "By the way, the princess will be here in about an hour."

"Perfect. Good chance to talk to her before the big day." Twilight said.

"Twilight, please. Try not to make her so angry that she refuses to come here anymore." Joe pleaded.

"I was not planning on doing so." Twilight replied without missing a beat.

"Good. Now, how about I make your favorite donut, beef jerky special." Joe said.

"If you would. Gladly." Twilight said as she took a seat near the window. Her favorite spot.

After a few minutes, Twilight enjoyed her donut before meeting Celestia. After about an hour. Twilight sees a familiar carriage. It had Celestia's cutiemark on it.

'There is the queen.' Twilight thought sarcastically.

As Celestia steps out of the carriage, she looks hopeful towards Joe.

"Hi Joe!" Celestia said casually.

"How can I help you, your highness?" Joe asked.

"The usual please." Celestia said.

"Very well. There is a guest at the window that want to have a small chit-chat with you. I will slowly make the usual." Joe said as he disappears in the kitchen.

"A guest? Very well." Celestia said as she happily walked towards the spot. However when she finds an annoyed looking Twilight Sparkle on the spot she grinds to an halt.

"Take a seat, princess." Twilight said calmly.

"Twilight." Celestia said as she takes a seat.

"So, how is the castle?" Twilight asked as she attempted to do some small talk.

"You would know, had you entered." Celestia said as she added the last part late.

"Funny that you say that. When you should know that I am kinda, well, banned. You know." Twilight said with passive-aggressive tone.

"You are not." Celestia denied.

"Oh? Me, who is an enemy to the crown, is not banned from crown property? What a surprise!" Twilight said sarcastic.

Celestia rolled her eyes, "Twilight all you have to do is pull out of the law case." she said.

Twilight then laughed thunderously, "I see what you did there." Twilight said with some wheezing at the end.

"Twilight." Celestia stated.

"NO." Twilight said as she closed in on Celestia. Then Twilight's smile calmly returns.

"Why not?" Celestia asked surprised.

"Because I am the one that proposed it." Twilight simply replied.

Celestia's eyes went wide at that fact. "What?" she said.

"I am the one that will also bring an ultimatum to the table tomorrow." Twilight stated.

Celestia just looked at Twilight, she was blinking slowly to make sure it isn't a dream. "So the one that trusts my sister is going to turn it's back on her?" she asked.

"It seems you knew a lot less about your sister. Then you thought." Twilight said.

"That is not true." Celestia denied.

"That is not for me to decide. You will find that out when you push me too far in court." Twilight said.

"What do you mean?" Celestia asked.

Twilight simply smiled at her as she stood back up. She walks towards the counter.

"Joe, tell her to meet me home. I will pay extra if you do." Twilight said as she adds an extra 50 bits to the pile.

Joe looks at the large amount of extra bits and before he had the chance to refuse her. Twilight exits the building. Leaving Celestia at the seat alone.

Twilight then walked back home in the hopes that Trixie will make it to Twilight's vacation home.