• Published 10th Jan 2021
  • 490 Views, 16 Comments

Spiders and Loyalty: Deadly Vengence - Alvaxerox

Spider-Tsundere comes to Equestria, and will soon face a familiar foe along with the villains of Equestria

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Chapter 9: The Deadly Alliance is born... Part 2

The next day...

Tirek, Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, Mysterious and Black Fox worked together to reach the very top of Mount Everhoof, the pod that was with the supervillains earlier had a cloaking device on as it followed them.

After getting pass intensive obstacles, the villains reached their destination, the top of Mount Everhoof, and what they saw surprised them.

They reached a cave at the top of the mountain, Chrysalis flew into the cave, but it blocked and reflected the bug pony away. Tirek and Cozy Glow walked and flew closer to the cave, and as Tirek touched the barrier, it burned his hand. The barrier must've been created to avoid ever snatching the bell. Gusty had thought of everything back then to stop Grogar.

"Can't you absorb it and make it go away?" Cozy asked the centaur.

"I can only absorb magic from living beings." Tirek replied, thinking to do.

Cozy Glow then smiled. "Like them?" She pointed at both Chrysalis and Black Fox.

"BETRAYAL!" Chrysalis yelled, ready to defend herself.

"No, it's not a betrayal, hear the filly out, buggy." Black Fox said.

"Listen to the fox mare, it's not a betrayal. Teamwork" Cozy Glow stated, taking Tirek's arm to form a muscle flex. "If Tirek absorb yours and Black Fox's energy, he might be strong enough to break through."

"And then...?" Chrysalis asked.

"Then... He gives it back." Cozy finished.

"I do?" Tirek asked. Cozy Glow nodded which made Tirek disappointed.

"How do I know you won't take my magic and leave me?" Chrysalis asked, not trusting Cozy Glow's plan.

"Would we do that to you?" Cozy Glow asked. Chrysalis was distraught, she then pointed at the filly and Tirek.

"Uh... Duh!" Black Fox said.

"Pretty much." Mysterious said.

"Okay, normally yes, we would." Cozy quickly replied.

"I'll give you both with magic back." Tirek said in disappointment.

"Wait, I know this may sound silly but I don't have any magic." Black Fox said.

"Yes you do." Cozy Glow said. "Your an Earth Pony."

Black Fox simply replied, "So."

"So, you have magical strength. And your strength added to Tirek, he'll be strong enough to break through the barrier easily." Cozy said, she was confused. "How do you not know that?"

"Of course not." Black Fox said. "I didn't even know if I have any. And strength is not magic, it's a feat or a superpower."

"You talk like you really don't know why magic work within ponies." Chrysalis said.

Mysterious realizing this, tried to stop the conversation. "She has amnesia." He said. He then whispered in Black Fox's ear. "Just say yes, across your compromise our secret."

Unaware, Cozy Glow was hearing on Black Fox's either ear. "Secret, what secret."

"Nothing really. Honest." Black Fox said.

"For supervillains, your not supposed to be honest. You don't know about magic, or that earth ponies have magic strength... Are you even real ponies?" Cozy Glow asked.

"If you were, you would've known about how things work here in Equestria." Chrysalis said, glowing her horn with magic.

"Your hiding something from us are you." Tirek said, he was activated his magic between his horn.

Mysterious then used his powers to blast snow from his robot claws. Chrysalis and Cozy dodged it but it hit Tirek and he got zapped by the barrier's magic. "We can't, it's not time yet."

As Chrysalis and Cozy Glow fight Mysterious, the pod, while invisible, talked to Black Fox. "Might as well tell them the truth... They can be useful for when we destroy Spider-Tsundere... I don't think they'll care that we're from another world."

"Okay love. Okay." Black Fox said. She then threw a smoke bomb at the villains. And they stopped. "Okay! We'll tell you." She yelled. "We are creatures from another world, a world where ponies are hairless monkeys called Humans."

"Humans?" Tirek and Chrysalis said in confusion.

"Humans, oh, I think I heard you." Cozy Glow said. "Princess Twilight once said she went into another world where everypony are humans. And when Twilight entered that world, she also turned into a human being. So your saying your from another dimension."

"Yes." Black Fox said. "We are."

"Then, why are you here in Equestria? Our dimension?" Chrysalis asked.

"We'll explain after we get that stupid bell." Mysterious said. "Now that the cat's out of the bag anyways,"

"Fine, once we get the bell, and I give your magic back, you better tell us why are you here in Equestria." Tirek said.

"Deal." Black Fox said.

"So, shall we get started?" Cozy asked Chrysalis.

Chrysalis then closed her eyes. "Do it."

Black Fox stood beside her. "Let it rip."

Tirek activated his magic and absorbed the magic from both Chrysalis and Black Fox.

And to Black Fox's shock, there really magic inside her, out from her mouth she sees her magic being drained by Tirek, he grew in size and his horns extended. Both Chrysalis and Black Fox fell to the snowy ground. As they opens their eyes. Cozy Glow sees their eyes turned blank and foggy. Even Black Fox's cutie mark which resembles a black Fox was gone.

Tirek reveled as his body was back to its 3rd and original form once more. "So.... Much... POWER!" He yelled, kissing his double jacked physique.

"Welcome back baby!" His magic was now strong enough to open the barrier. Unfortunately, he only created a small opening. "It's not big enough for me." He said.

"Maybe not you." Cozy Glow said, as she flew through the opening. "Keep it open, or I'll be trap forever!" Cozy Glow then flew inside the cave.

Chrysalis weakly said, "Would that be so terrible?"

"Unless you wanna go to jail for child abuse." Black Fox said, but she was still weak from having her Earth Pony magic drained. "It feels like a piece of your life force is gone."

Tirek chuckled but then he struggled. "Can't... Hold... Much... Longer..." He said, sweating like crazy"HURRY!"

The center gave in but luckily, Cozy Glow got out fast, the barrier was closed and she fell into a snow pile. She then emerged from the snow pile to reveal she got the bell. "Ta-da!" She said with victory.

Chrysalis and Black Fox were shaking. "My magic." Chrysalis said.

"Please give it back." Black Fox asked. "A deal's a deal."

Tirek looks at his bulky form, but he had to fulfill his part of the bargain. He used his magic to spit out the magic he drained and it went back to Chrysalis and Black Fox, restoring the bug pony's magic and the fox villainess's strength. And reverting Tirek to his second form.

"That's better." Black Fox said.

Chrysalis was surprised. "I wasn't sure you were going to give it back." She said.

"Neither was I. But working together seemed... Smarter then continue fighting." Tirek said.

"When we helped each other, it seemed better somehow." Cozy added.

"I haven't felt like this since before I lost my hive." Chrysalis said. "Having other who will be there for you is... Pleasing."

"All these years... Taking power from ponies..." Tirek was feeling like he regrets his actions.

"When you use your power to help others..." Cozy added.

"Yeah it feels..." Chrysalis was about to finish her sentence but then Mysterious clicked his claw and the bug pony sees the supervillains looking confused and cringe.

"Uh... Guys, are you okay or something?" Black Fox asked. "Because it kinda looks like your have a moment."

"Yeah, its like you gotten soft." Msyterious added.

Chrysalis then realized what was happening and she yelled "NOOOOOOO!!!"

Tirek and Cozy Glow snapped back to reality, which scared Black Fox a little. "The magic of friendship is like a disease. An infection that spreads to those around you! I've watched it infect my hive. I will not let it get me!"

"Same!" Cozy exclaimed.

"Obviously!" Tirek added.

Cozy then looked at the bell. "But... Grogar said we have to work together."

"And what's so wrong about that. Don't think of it like friendship, think of it like a partnership. Like an alliance." Mysterious said. "Sometimes bad guys team up for the common goal."

"Its not good enough. That's not how we work here in Equestria." Chrysalis said to the robot scientist. She then turn to Cozy Glow and Tirek. "Grogar is too powerful, something must be done about that." Tirek started to think and Chrysalis had an interesting idea. "Let Grogar think we're his loyal servants. In the meantime... We'll hatch our own plan." She exclaimed with a sinister grin.

"Ooooh, I love a good backstabbing!" Cozy said, giving the evil smile too.

"After that, we can go back to trying to destroying each other." Tirek said and the villains agreed.

Chrysalis then turn to the supervillains. "And you two, your going to help us. Grogar doesn't expect that you helped us fulfill our mission. You will make perfect wild cards when we double-cross him." She said to Black Fox and Mysterious.

"Make that 3 wildcards." Another voice said.

"Who said that?" Tirek asked.

Just then, the pod uncloaked itself. "I did." It was a stallion's voice inside.

"And who is this?" Tirek asked.

"That... Is my boyfriend. And... My boss." Black Fox said. "Mysterious and I brought him here to Equestria to help him with this dimension's magic."

"So I can get my revenge on that little girl who ended my life." The pod said.

"Very well then... You 3 will help us turn against Grogar so we can exact out revenge on Twilight and her friends and allies." Chrysalis said.

"And in return... We'll help you get Spider-Tsundere." Cozy Glow said. "After all, you helped us, and getting rid of your enemy so the least we can do

The supervillains laughed. "Looks like we finally have a deal." Mysterious said. Shaking Chrysalis's hoove. Black Fox did the same with Cozy Glow and the pod did the same with Tirek.

"In the meantime... What do you do with this?" Cozy asked, showing Grogar's bell.

Back at Grogar's lair in the swamp...

"YOU FAILED TO RETRIEVE THE BELL!" Grogar yelled in a thundering voice as the villains kneeled before him.

"We're sorry almighty Grogar." Cozy said in a sad voice.

"We worked together as you asked." Tirek added.

"We just aren't as powerful as you." Chrysalis finished.

Furious, Grogar screamed as he used his horns to shoot his magic at a near wall, breaking it. Which shocked the villains. "Obviously, at least you finally did what you were told and work together." He said as she walks away.

"Of course." Cozy said with a fake smile.

"Whatever you command." Tirek said, looking innocent then he and Cozy Glow give sly smiles to Chrysalis.

"Forget about that old bell, you were right, we're so much more powerful when we work... As a team." Chrysalis finished as they all looked at the bell, and the new allies they made.

After Grogar left, Black, Fox and Mysterious emerged from the shadows. "So that's the ancient emperor Grogar." Black Fox said. "I expect a bulky body."

"So what's the deal with thing." Chrysalis asked.

"That thing, is a healing pod. Our boss has something interesting to tell you three." Black Fox said.

“Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, Cozy glow… I see that the ancient emperor has promise you a chance of revenge against Twilight Sparkle and her friends.” The the pod said.

“Yeah, so what?” Cozy asked.

“Well, since we have the bell, we have the advantage.” The pod said.

“If you plan trading it. You can’t!” Cozy glow said as she blows a raspberry.

"Quiet!" Tirek said.

“No no no, I’m not planning on taking it.” The pod said. “As we agreed on the mountain, we'll join you all and help you turn against him and finally get your revenge on Twilight Sparkle and your bothersome friends. and in return....”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "And just like we agreed, in return, if this Spider-Tsundere does indeed return to Equestria, we'll help you deal with her, permanently."

"Excellent." The pod said.

"Mysterious, go find some supervillains from our world that can help keep Spider-Tsundere busy." Black Fox said.

The pod then showed eyes. "Our plans for revenge will be set into motion, once my allies find a way to restore my body, and we find out how to activate the bell."

"It's only a matter of time." Chrysalis said.

"Soon, Twilight Sparkle will finally meet her end." Tirek said. "Sweet revenge at long last."

"And all of Equestria will be ours!" Cozy Glow said. Laughing like a psycho.

"And maybe after we conquer Equestria, I'll give you the dimension we come from... Earth." The pod said.

"Conquer another world after Equestria?" Cozy Glow asked. She and the other villains smiled. "Ooooh, I like it!"

"Another world with so much power, I would be unstoppable!" Tirek said.

"A new world where I can new hive of other worldly creatures..." Chrysalis said. "So be it."

"My allies, this is gonna be one... Hell of a Deadly Alliance." The pod exclaimed.

"The Deadly Alliance... I like name." Cozy added.

And just like that... Villains of two worlds are now on the same side with one goal, revenge. And as a bonus, world domination of both Earth and Equestria. Spider-Tsundere and the Mane 6 will have their hands full, for soon... They will face their greatest enemies...

The Deadly Alliance have been reborn...

Next: After the events of Web Warriors 2: Spiders Forever...