• Published 8th Jan 2021
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Ark: Friendship is Survival - Pomp-Neigh

Equus, a world of magic and many strange yet wonderous forms of life. However, is this world truly natural? Or could it possibly be... artificial?

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Chapter 70 - Wooden jaws and sibling's Maw

Fluttershy slowly regained consciousness, ears picking up the sounds of bird-like entities while the Ark’s evening artificial sun washed over her form with warmth. Her eyes groggily opened and closed repeatedly, and a sudden surge of memories flooded her mind…

The pegasus had tried every fathomable way to escape from her cell. Suicide, of course. She never wished for any living being to have to resort to such a thing, for life is too precious, but the Arks are unique. Here, death can be a release in more ways than one, compliments of the Respawn Feature.

Case in point: breaking out of one’s imprisonment.

But every attempt she made only failed severely. Her oppressors have admittedly creative ways of dealing with other survivors, most of which involved tranquilization via those darts they used on her to prevent every suicide attempt.

In some instances, they used a more ‘Up close and personal’ method, harshly zapping her with some type of melee weapon containing electricity surges after running into her cell. She recalled hearing the weapon’s name before falling unconscious from those attempts:

Electric Prod.

Other times, they simply clocked her with closed fists across the face, rendering her unconscious. She could even still feel a pulse of pain emanating from her right cheek via her most recent attempt.

Fluttershy suddenly comprehended her form dangling, her hind legs swaying back, forth, left, and right. And her eyes shot wide open as she realized she was resting over a larger variety of giganto’s left shoulder. She was so caught up in her sudden rush of memories that she only now realized that they had taken her away from her former containment.

She is being transported and treated like some kind of trophy, grains of sand and dirt kicked up by the brown-coated ape that carried her over their shoulder, who cackles amusingly upon noticing her rising. And due to her positioning, she could practically stare at the ape’s face while her bound hind legs pressed against their back.

Shitty evening, Equus.” The ape possessed a male voice, one somewhat familiar to the pegasus. “You know, of all the captives we’ve ever had during my time here, I’ve never seen one as determined to die as you are.”

Fluttershy tried to speak, but her voice became muffled by a thin gray cloth tightly wrapped around her head—a gag, her tongue tasting the parts that breached into her muzzle.

“Typically, they choose to go out fighting in the arena, but you’re one of those ‘Respawning types’ like me and some others. So you’ll require some…” His orange orbs meets Fluttershy’s widened and horrified pearls, a toothy, nearly maniacal grin stretching across his face.

Conditioning. Hmm, hmm, hmm. Name’s Bob, by the way. You know, the ape constantly putting your dumb ass down?”

Fluttershy’s body began to shake, pure terror exploding within her.

“M-mm-mf…” She tried but muffled and gagged.

“Now is not the time for fear, Equus.” Bob pats her on the back in mocking comfort. “That comes later. Besides, you’ll find sweet comfort in your new home. And hey! You might even get special privileges if you’re a good and obedient little combatant. Maybe go a day without whipping, hmm?”


The pegasus struggled with all her might but entirely in vain, and the ape didn’t even budge in response to her efforts, merely amused by it. It also didn’t help that her forelimbs and hindlegs were completely bound, her wings still cuffed together at their base, leaving an uncomfortable creak she so desperately wanted to crack.

“Atta mare!” Bob motivated. “That’s the kind of fighting spirit we like to see here! Maybe Craglorn was right to ‘hire’ you. Funnily enough, she and I have a bet going on—nothing much, just how long it’ll take to break your spirit.”

The captive equine’s struggles died down as her head dropped in defeat. She had tried everything she could to escape from these terrible beings, and whatever fate she was now being transported to fill her with dread.

Fluttershy’s newfound tears and her mane surrendered to gravity as they fell and reached toward the sand the ape had trodden upon, the last remnants of dirt vanishing as the clear signs of a beach presented themselves.

“Here we are, combatant!” Bob declared with a flourish. “Welcome to your new home! Ain’ it beautiful?”

Fluttershy’s head slowly rose to intake what stood before her, the pegasus’s defeated and half-lidded eyes widening from what she saw: It was far from beautiful. It was horrible…

Fluttershy instantly deduced a type of prison made entirely of stone, wood, and metallic compounds, like those spiked walls surrounding the structure. Her fears skyrocketed upon noticing those strange contraptions on the rooftop’s four corners, akin to watchtowers.

She hadn’t looked too far into the creations available to her via her implant, but from what she did know, those were turrets. And judging by the ergonomic seat at the base of the machination, it was a turret that required a driver.

“You see those brown and white flags?” Bob finished with a sly grin, having taken notice of the equine’s horrified observations. “Take them in—take it ALL in. Because from this moment forward, you belong to Lady Craglorn. You are one of her fighters; you are her property. All for the glory of Lord Threx’s arena. Never forget that, pest.”

Upon their approach, one of the two larger varieties of gigantos positioned on one of the elevated watchpoints, specifically to the left, waves at Bob.

“Yo, Bob!” They were female, Fluttershy’s ears folding in response. It wasn’t elderly, but unlike Granny’s, this female’s voice lacked any trace of comfort. “What in Craglorn’s butt crack are you carrying there?”

“Hah!” Bob boomed, pausing and standing below the elevation, looking up to the female Giganto. “Don’t let her catch you saying that,” He pats the ever-fearful pegasus on the back, “This Equus is our lady’s newest fighter; it just needs some serious conditioning.”

“Crag’s shit, does that thing have wings?!” The other ape roared from the adjacent over watch in a young male’s voice.

“Sure does,” Bob answered. “But don’t worry, she won’t be needing them.”

If Fluttershy’s eyes could widen any further, she’d probably tear apart the edges of her eye sockets. She once again began to squirm and resist upon hearing those words that now echoed in her mind.

She won’t be needing them…

She won’t be needing them…

She won’t be needing them…

The pegasus screamed and kicked with her bound appendages, but to no effect. Bob’s thick coat of fur and muscular build made it no different than punching a brick wall. And that wasn’t even considering the Chitin Armor he wore.

“Aww, look, its struggles are adorable!” The female ape exclaimed downward, resting her arms on the stone railing. “Let me get the door for you, Bob. I’ll also notify the butcher to get those wings off of that Equus. Shame, she looks great with them.”

“Fighters don’t need wings, Val,” Bob responds. “I mean, after all,” He shifts his gaze to the struggling and crying equine draped over his shoulder, “Fighters EARN their freedom, not fly off to freedom.”

Val nods, shooting a saluting gesture before turning around and disappearing from view. Fluttershy continued to struggle, much to the entertainment of Bob and the other ape positioned on their elevation.

The double reinforced wooden doors soon part open, and Bob gestures towards his fellow ape before entering the structure. Fluttershy, through it all, continued to resist and fight back. It didn’t matter how effective it was; she NEEDED to resist.

-No, no, no, no, no!- She cried internally. And as she managed to look back at the doors behind her, they slowly began to close, the light and sights of the outside world disappearing before her very eyes.

Soon enough, the yellow pegasus is swallowed by the monster that is the structure itself—its ‘wooden jaws’ closing and claiming its newest prisoner. And as if the Ark installation had been wanting to add its own spice to the scenario, a single raindrop made itself known, followed soon by its legions of brethren.

-Eastern Swamp Biome-

The sudden rain shower over the Eastern Swamp Biome doesn’t go unnoticed by Rainbow Dash, Vanellope, and their large, mammalian escorts. Black and gray clouds soon formed just above, casting a shadow over the swamp and, probably, the island as a whole. It certainly made the cyan mare wish she could manipulate the weather like back home, it was just too random and, at times, didn’t even make sense.

“Looks like we’ll have to see if we can stay with Thrum and our children, dear,” Shirley said from the lead, rain droplets falling off her now-soaked form. “At least until the rain clears up. And after what we felt back there, I am not wandering around in the near dark.”

“Myes, quite,” Herbert agreed with a nod. A thought comes to him, lowering his head to the Raptor-mounted rainbow pegasus in front of him, the equine shielding herself from the rain with a wing over her head.

“Thrum is the leader of those traveling merchants we talked about.” Rainbow Dash looks back at the Paracer with perked-up ears. “Once he sees that you’re with us, he’ll be more open to speaking with you.”

“Thank you for that!” Rainbow expressed gratefully. “You guys are awesome!”

“Ooh!” Shirley suddenly roars merrily upfront. “There it is! Rainbow, dearie, allow me to introduce you to the Swamp Outpost of the Traveling Merchant.” The female Paracer finishes, coming to a stop, the rest of the group following suit.

Rainbow Dash willed Vanellope slightly around the large mammal, and her eyes intake several wooden walls seemingly wrapped around a gargantuan tree, all of which rested on a cliff elevation.

They continued their trek, heading up a grassy hill and, soon enough, approaching the outpost’s overwatch with a single ape positioned at its precipice.

“Halt!” The ape bellowed with a raised arm and a deep masculine male tone. “State your buis- wait,” The ape leaned in, placing his hands on the wooden railing. “Well, I’ll be a Paracer’s uncle! Is that you, Herbert - Shirley?!”

“The one and only~!” Shirley sang gleefully.

“Look at how much you’ve grown, Tharn!” Herbert greeted.

Daaamn right!” Tharn lowers and rests his arms on either side.

The group pauses before the outpost. Rainbow Dash then looked up at Tharn with Herbert and Shirley positioned on either side of the mounted pegasus, Vanellope keeping her senses on high alert. In truth, the dinosaur had been far more cautious since its senses flared from the earlier event.

She refused to let whatever that was catch them off guard, let alone get to Rainbow Dash.

Tharn turned his gaze to the inner portions of the outpost. “Hey, Harley! Moss! Your folks are here!”

“Ooh!” An expressive female voice responds. “Mommy and daddy are here?! Hehehe, comiiiing!”

Rainbow tilted her head sideways. “Huh, wow,” She began. “They sound about as expressive as Pinkie Pie.”

“Pinkie Pie?” Herbert inquires, ears perking up.

“One of my friends, I’ll explain later,” The rainbow pegasus responded with a shrug.

The dark clouds above began to relent, and the rains slightly showed mercy. It was enough to mildly irritate Rainbow, her desire to control the weather only further being amplified. But a sudden giant head peeked over the wooden wall following thunderous approaching footsteps from beyond the barricade, garnering Rainbow’s attention:

“Hi, mom! Hi, dad!” Harley greets, then gasps loudly upon noticing Rainbow Dash and Vanellope. “Oh, my mossy swamp! You guys didn’t tell me you brought some new friends!” She gasps again, “That Equus has a rainbow mane, and they’re riding a Raptor, and has wings, and riding a raptor!”

Herbert chuckles. “You said that twice, sweetie.”

Harley rapidly turns her neck. “Moss!” She beckoned to someone within the outpost’s confines. “Come look at what mom and dad brought!”

“I heard you the first time you screamed, sis.” An echoing, deep voice with a slight hiss effect made itself known. An earth-shaking phenomenon goes off, concealed from view and beyond the wall.

Rainbow Dash chuckles. “Yup, he’s even got the voice of somecreature who’s awesome enough to beat Spi-NOOOOS?!”

The pegasus’s eyes widened in shock, her muzzle dropping as another gargantuan peered over the wall and alongside Harley:

“Mom, dad,” The revealed Spinosaurus greets, its crimson eyes overlooking them before resting on Rainbow Dash. “Huh. Weird looking Equus you’ve got there.”

“Hi, son!” Herbert greeted lovingly, his ears wiggling.

Rainbow was simply too stunned by what she saw, Vanellope looking back at the pegasus with a smirk. The Raptor had seen rare occasions of herbivores raising a carnivore during her life on the island, and even vice versa. But Rainbow didn’t need to know. It was funnier that way. Besides, they raised Spike, well, Twilight did. So once the shock wore off, Rainbow would submit to the normality of the situation. So easily predictable, you ponies are.

“How’s my sweet boy today?” Shirley inquired.

“Meh,” Moss responds, his claw raised and tilting side to side. “So and so. I recently beat an Allosaurus pack that tried to attack the caravan during our previous travels. But aside from that, nothing much.”

“Hah!” Tharn cackled. “He’s being modest. Those Allos came at us in a pack of ten members strong, each one over level eighty, mind you! But Moss here slapped the piss out of them.”

“Ooh, ooh!” Harley excitedly interjects. “Tell them about what my brother did to their pack leader.”

“Honestly, it was pretty overkill,” Tharn said.

“Biting my sister was its last mistake,” Moss comments. “If anything, It wasn’t ‘overkilled’ enough.”

“You picked it up by the neck, walked over to a nearby cliff of the central volcano, and threw it off while laughing,” Tharn deadpanned. “How is that not overkill?”

“I didn’t get the chance to feast on it before throwing it off,” Moss fired back. “If anything, I should’ve tossed it into the volcano, let the lava finish it off.”

“Woo!” Herbert exclaimed proudly, stomping a hindleg. “That’s my boy!”

“Your father and I are so proud of you, sweetie,” Shirley states. “The only reason I can even rest at night is that I know you’re there to protect your sister. Thank you, dearie.”

Moss looked away and propped up his head with a claw, leaning against the wall. “You two are unbearable…” He finished, fighting back embarrassment on his features.

“Thank you for always looking out for me, brother.” Harley nuzzled the Spino’s side just before the starting portion of his sail.

Moss grunts. “Whatever.”

During the entire exchange, Rainbow stared with an agape muzzle, dumbfounded by this whole scenario.

“Careful, dearie,” Shirley began as she took notice of Rainbow’s state. “You’ll catch a Meganeura in that mouth if you leave it open for long.”

“Wha… how… b-wha-” Rainbow struggled, finally managing to speak.

“Sorry about her, sweetie,” Shirley says, turning back to the dinosaur, “She’s really nice, just a bit stunned, it seems.”

“In other words, the usual,” Moss responds simply. “Give them a minute. The shock should wore off in three… two… one…”

“Your son’s a Spinosaurus?!” Rainbow screamed, Vanellope faceclawing.

Seriously, Rainbow... Twilight raised Spike, for goodness sake! How is this so shocking? Do you girls just forget things sometimes?!

“And there it is,” Moss said.

“Y-you’re a Spinosaurus!” Rainbow shouts.

Moss adjusts himself while leaning against the wall, lifting a claw and forming a ‘shooting gesture’ aimed at the pegasus.


Author's Note:

I know I'm being harsh on Flutters, but trust me on this one. :raritywink: That title of Beast Queen means far more than just being great at taming stuff, and I'll leave you with that. :twilightsheepish:

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