• Published 13th Dec 2020
  • 813 Views, 60 Comments

My Final Pony Fantasy II - Vimtrust5

Twilight, Spike, Fluttershy, and Princess Cadence take on the Palamecian Empire.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Aftermath/Self Sacrifice

An imperial messenger dressed in purple robes came onto the eighth floor of the castle and entered the throne room, kneeling before Emperor Mateus.

"Report," said the Emperor.

"Sire!" said the messenger, rising. "The Dark Knight wishes me to let you know that the Dreadnought is a success. It has attacked four areas thus far: Gatrea, Poft, Paloom, and Altair."

"Excellent," Mateus said, nodding in approval. "And what of the ponies I've heard of?"

"One of them tried to stop us, but the Dreadnought countered, sending it the ground."

"Good. Although, there is the possibility it may survive..."

"But, Your Majesty--"

Mateus silenced him with a glare that would kill even the strongest monsters. "I do not believe it is your right to question your Emperor."

"M-My apologies, sire."

The Emperor simply smirked. "No matter. Now that they have experienced the might of our newest weapon firsthand, the rebels will have no choice but to surrender and kneel before me. You are dismissed."

"Yes, sire."

The messenger bowed and exited the throne room, leaving the evil tyrant with a weeping Flurry Heart.

"No need to fret, little one," he said. "I'll deal with your fellow ponies soon enough."

*music fades out*


At the local inn, our heroes placed Princess Cadence on a hotel bed and as they did, Minwu cast a healing spell on her.

"How long will it be...?" asked Firion.

"Her injuries are not quite severe; she will come around in a few minutes," Minwu replied.

"Princess Cadence..." said Maria.

Cadence groaned, slowly opening her eyes.


She finally woke up, looking around and seeing her human companions.

"F-Firion...? Minwu...? M-Maria...? Guy...? Where... am I?"

"We in Bafsk," said Guy.

"Bafsk...? But I remember chasing the..." she said, then gasped in realization. "The Dreadnought! Twilight! Fluttershy...! Spike..."

"We need to get back," said Maria.

The party left the inn to find the villagers trembling in fear; one even dropped to his knees. The group knew exactly what made them afraid, so there was no need to ask. After all, they unwillingly aided in the construction of the weapon that now wrought havoc upon the world.

As soon as they left the village, the smell of smoke pervaded their noses, and they saw a horrible sight: the town of Poft was besieged by the Dreadnought.

When they approached the ferryman, he too was terrified of what he had seen. They boarded the ship and found Paloom, and to their horror, it too suffered an assault from the Empire's latest weapon. One of the villagers lamented the loss of his daughter.

Please be alright, everypony...

The group finally returned to Altair, shocked upon seeing the town in ruins, the same as the other villages. The imperial airship's arsenal left behind craters on the ground and several of the buildings were missing parts; only the rebel hideout remained intact. They went in and found Twilight unconscious once more, surrounded by her dear friends.

"Oh, Twilight!" Fluttershy cried.

"C'mon, Twilight! Please get up!" Spike begged.

"Twilight!" Cadence screamed, rushing over to her dear friend.

"What happened?" asked Firion.

"We were under attack," said one of the Crystal Ponies. "The Dreadnought lay siege... and she tried to protect us somehow..."

Just then, the purple alicorn woke up, seeing her sister-in-law. "Cadence...?"

She got up and embraced the taller pony.

"I'm so glad you're all right," said Cadence.

"What happened out there...?"

Everyone looked on the ground.

"The rest of Altair..." Firion said hesitantly, "...was attacked."

"No..." said Twilight. "No no no no no no no no no no no!"


"Not just Altair," said Minwu. "Poft and Paloom were also in the warship's path."

"I couldn't... I couldn't save them!" she wept. "I'm so sorry..."

The rest of the Equestrians comforted their friend.

"I still can't believe it. The Emperor must have known," Firion realized. "The Dark Knight being called back to Palamecia... being replaced with Borghen... it was all a ploy."

"Princess Hilda," said Cadence. "What do we do now?"

"That, I do not know, Cadence," she said. "Many people were hurt in the Dreadnought's attack. My father is heartbroken and his condition has worsened. He thinks himself near death..."

Maria gasped. "Minwu... is there anything we can do?"

Minwu merely shook his head. "All living creatures are bound to die," he spoke. "It cannot be helped. However, my duty is to save those who are suffering. You must go and continue your journey. I will remain here and take care of the injured ones."

The white mage turned to Firion and Twilight.

"Firion, Twilight. The Dreadnought must be destroyed. We cannot endure this much longer."

"What about your canoe? I know that was a bad question, but..."

"You may keep it," the white mage answered sincerely.

"We understand, Minwu," said Twilight. "And thank you for all the help you've given us."

"You are welcome, Princess Twilight. Now if you will excuse me..."

Minwu bowed and left the meeting room, and the rest of the group did soon after. Finding themselves near the entrance of the base with several people, our heroes stopped in their tracks.

"What do we do now?" asked Twilight.

"I know!" said a young man. "Go to Poft and ask Cid! He must know a way!"

"Oh my gosh!" said Cadence. "I completely forgot about him! I was so worried about you all, that I didn't even stop to think about Cid or everyone else in Poft."

"We know..." said Guy. "After all, friends most important thing."

"I know, Guy," she said sweetly. "Still, Cid has an airship of his own, so must know about that thing's weakness, right?"

"He must!" Firion answered.

"But what about the King?" asked Fluttershy.

"Minwu said he would take care of him, and I'm sure he'll be busy with everyone else here," said Maria.

"You're right. Best let him do his work."

"Gather around everybody," said Twilight. "Let's get to Poft immediately without having to walk."

"'Without having to walk?'" asked Guy. "What that mean?"

Twilight attempted to show the brown-haired giant and his friends what she meant by flaring up her horn. However, she found out that she couldn't perform her spell.

"Oh, no!" she gasped.

"What is it?" asked Firion.

"I can't do my teleportation spell!"

"'Teleportation spell...?'" the youth asked. He then had a realization. "Come to think of it, you said that you could have used on the Crystal Ponies earlier, right?"

"Yes," she replied solemnly, "but like I said I can't risk teleporting them back to Equestria, otherwise the imperials would bring them back."

Some of the townsfolk, however, were not satisfied with her answer.

"Why didn't you do that earlier?!" said one man. "

"I was under pressure alright!" she yelled, surprising everyone present. "The only thing I could think of was a large protective barrier, but I collapsed due to the emotional stress of everything that's happened until that point, and I was exhausted earlier from the panic attack I had at the weapon shop!"

"Alright, I'm sorry, Twilight!" Firion replied. He calmed down as did the Princess of Friendship. "I apologize. I shouldn't have pressed you on that."

"No, it's alright..." said Twilight. "Also, even if I had teleported everyone somewhere else, who knows what would've happened to us?"

Everyone instantly understood what the purple alicorn said, as their village was not the only place the Empire had attacked, for if she were to teleport them to anywhere else in the world, the monsters and the imperial army would either capture or kill them without mercy. It was truly a miracle that only the rebel base was unharmed during the Dreadnought's assault, but for how long?

"There's no other option, then," said Firion. "We'll get to Poft as we usually do."

And it was agreed that they would speak with the pilot Cid once more. So they left the village of Altair and set out Paloom once more.


Twilight, Spike, and Fluttershy gasped in horror upon seeing the devastated village.

Is this...? Twilight thought. Is this what they're capable of...?

The two winged ponies flew around town and observed what their friends had seen: smoking craters, ruined buildings, and a few weeping townspeople.

They paid their fee for the ferry to Poft and went across the ocean once more.


Although it was the same as Paloom, Twilight and the others were still horrified by the site they had seen. They quickly went inside the pub and found Cid and his friend, sitting at the same table as before.

"Cid! Are you all right?!"

"I believe so, yes... But the rest of the town..."

"We saw. Everything was destroyed."

"Is there anyway we can stop the Dreadnought?"

"There is one way."

"There is?!"

"Please, tell us."

"From what I've learned, that ship runs on the same fuel as my airship: Sunfire."


"Yep. Sunfire. Can't be controlled so easily; get too much flame and it might blow up in your face!"

The group flinched; Fluttershy especially. "That's pretty d-d-dangerous..."

"How can we obtain this 'Sunfire?'" Firion asked.

"That, I don't know. But I'm pretty sure the royal family knows more about it than anyone else."

Twilight had a look of annoyance on her face, knowing what Cid was implying. She again attempted a teleportation spell for a quick trip back, only to find it was still not working. The lavender alicorn growled, knowing it was futile to make another attempt; it was decided that they should spend the night in order for Twilight to recuperate.

The next morning...

Twilight awoke to find her sister-in-law lowering her head in shame.


Cadence looked at Twilight and pulled her into another hug.

"Are we all ready?"

"Yes," they all replied.

Firion acknowledged their answer, put on his cape and led the group back to Altair, fighting off several monsters along the way.


Our heroes returned to the base and met with Hilda once more. They could see that the king's current state as well as that of Altair was weighing heavily on her mind.

"Your Highness," said Firion. "We just came back from Poft. How is your father...?"

Hilda put on her bravest face. "Thanks to Minwu, my father is feeling much better these days."

The others weren't convinced, but they decided not to pressure the princess and changed the subject.

"Princess Hilda," said Twilight. "Cid told us that the Empire is using Sunfire as the Dreadnought's fuel, just like his own airship. What is it, really?"

Hilda stood up and explained all she knew. "Sunfire is the symbol of Kashuan. Its light illuminates the castle's ground floor even today. I have heard stories about the flame from Scott and Gordon. For instance, no ordinary torch can carry it."

Firion's eyes lit up. "Perhaps the Sunfire can destroy their ship!"

"It has to," said Cadence hopefully.

Maria and Guy nodded in agreement.

"It must!" Hilda agreed. "Please go to Kashuan at once. Cid will provide you with transportation. But..."

"But...?" asked Spike.

"I wonder how the flame can be brought back?"

"Hmm..." Twilight thought.

"Why don't we," said Maria, "ask Minwu and the king for more details... That is, if they're willing to answer, given the circumstances..."

"I believe so, yes," said Hilda.

The party went into the king's chamber and found Minwu looking downcast.

"I fear I cannot help him," he said.


"As you know, the King had suffered a strike from an arrow to his back. But now, the assault on Altair and the destruction it wrought has taken a toll and his emotional state. His body may heal, but his spirit may not."

The King sat up with what little strength he had left and looked upon our heroes.

"Your Majesty," said Twilight. "Cid told us about Sunfire, the source of his airship's engine. He even said the Empire uses it for their airship's fuel too. Do you two know anything that can help us?"

The king and the white wizard nodded.

"Allow me to start," said Minwu. "Every three years, a ritual of fire is held. The Sunfire is transferred to Egil's Torch so its altar can be purified."

"Egil's Torch?"

"Yes, it is locked away on the highest floor of Kashuan Keep."

The bedridden king spoke next. "Scott sealed the gates of the castle to protect the flame, in case his army was defeated. You will need the Goddess's Bell to open the doors again."

"The Goddess's Bell?" asked Fluttershy. "Where can we find that?"

"Only the royal family of Kashuan knows."

"Then that means," said Twilight.

"Yes, Gordon should know, but we do not know where he disappeared to," Minwu added, shaking his head in disappointment. "However, someone close to both Scott and Gordon may know where it is."

The group immediately knew the answer. They thanked the king and Minwu for their help and went back into the strategy room.

"Princess Hilda," said Twilight. "Can you tell us about the Goddess's Bell?"

"Yes," the human princess responded. "Scott and Gordon have mentioned that before. Kashuan's doors only respond to the voice of a family member or to the sound of a magical bell. The bell is supposedly hidden deep within a cave in the snowlands. You do not intend to go there, I hope."

"We have to if we're gonna stop the Empire."

"Oh, if Gordon were only here, you wouldn't have to risk your lives like this! I wonder where he has gone..."

The Equestrians couldn't help but worry about the princess's emotional state. Some of them wanted to blame Gordon for his apparent cowardice, while others believed him to be greatly scarred by the Empire's actions.

"Well, regret is pointless now. I can only pray for your safe return," Hilda said with her hand on her heart. "Josef knows the snowfields as he does his own garden. He may have some good advice to offer."

A ray of hope shined in the heroes' souls.

"Well, what now?" asked Spike.

"If Gordon won't help us, we're going to find the Goddess's Bell ourselves," Twilight answered.

They all agreed and journeyed to the north once more, to visit their old acquaintance.

"I never thought we'd be back here again."

"Neither did I," said Cadence.

"Me neither," Fluttershy added.

"Same here," said Spike.

Their human friends thought the same thing. They went into a familiar house and met with a familiar human.


The man turned his head and to his delight saw he had visitors.

"Well, isn't this a surprise?" he said.

"We need your help."

"Gladly," Josef said immediately. "You saved my daughter's life, and I intend to fully repay your kindness."

"We need your snowcraft."

Josef replied, "You want to go north and retrieve the Goddess's Bell, I see."

They nodded.

"Very well. My snowcraft is hidden in the cave behind Semitt Falls. Let's get going."

And so, with a new ally among their ranks, the party set out for the cave behind Semitt Falls once again.

As our heroes returned to the cavern, they noticed something they hadn't before: a rock. Josef moved it aside, revealing a secret passage. They went through the passage and found his snowcraft.

"Shall we, then?" asked Josef.

"Yes," Firion answered.

Everyone immediately left the cave and journeyed all the way north of Salamand. Using Josef's snowcraft, they were able to travel through the snowfields and battled several yetis along the way, until they finally reached their destination.

For Twilight and Fluttershy, setting foot into the cave brought back memories of how cold the Ice Cavern was in the Light Warriors' world. Nevertheless, our heroes trudged on as they made a right turn and went up a long flight of stairs and explored the snow-filled first floor, finding treasure chests containing a modest amount of gil. They then went down another level and waded through the water finding only a single door; they went through the door only to walk straight into a trap!

How many times are we gonna find ourselves walking into a trap room? an annoyed Twilight thought.

They did battle with monsters from the bomb family (identified as grenades) and escaped the trap room.

After traversing through the next levels, the party went through the maze until they found a group of large beavers swimming in the water.

"Guy speak beaver."

"You can talk to them?" asked Fluttershy.

"Guy always speak beaver. Guy also knows what animals say."

The yellow pegasus gasped in delight. "I can understand them, too!"

"Is... is that true, Twilight?" asked a bewildered Firion.

"Mm-hmm," she confirmed. "Fluttershy's special talent is communicating with various animals."

Guy and Fluttershy went to the beavers' leader and asked him for help.

"Mm-hmm... Oh, are you sure?"

The beaver chattered. Fluttershy's eyes widened in horror.

"What did it say?"

"He says the Goddess's Bell is up ahead, right over there," said the yellow pegasus.

"But there big monster guarding it."


The party went through the wall and made their way through a grassy section of the hidden room, and discovered the Goddess's Bell's guardian, a giant brown turtle in a blue shell known as an Adamantoise. They all went into their fighting stances, ready to do battle.

Twilight and Cadence cast powerful spells upon the creature: Fire and Blizzard. As they could see the ice magic was most effective against the giant reptile. This only made the creature angrier, and despite their best efforts to protect themselves, the two alicorns were overwhelmed by the beast's assault and lost consciousness. Spike and Fluttershy gasped.

"Twilight!! Cadence!!" they both said in unison.

Acknowledging its defeat, the Adamantoise roared one last time and collapsed, never to breathe again. Before they could get their hands/claws/hooves on their prize, the group quickly rushed to their comrades.

"Twilight! Princess Cadence!" said Spike.

"Please wake up...!" Fluttershy cried.

No response.

"Please... you can't...!"

Firion curled his fingers and put his hand on Twilight's jawbone and felt a pulse; it was still beating.

"She's alive," he confirmed.

"So's Cadence," said Maria, kneeling for the Princess of Love.

Everyone else let out a sigh of relief.

And with that, our heroes opened the chest and acquired the Goddess's Bell. The minute they did so, the wall collapsed revealing a secret stairway. Their task complete, they took the stairs and found themselves near the entrance. Before they could leave, however, a familiar general blocked the way to the entrance.

"Borghen!" Josef shouted.

"Damn you all! You've already obtained the Goddess's Bell! You've ruined me! The Emperor will not tolerate failure. I can't go back now. Well, if I'm going down, you're coming with me!"

The wicked traitor laughed. His joy was short-lived as Josef walked up to him and landed a single punch to the man's face, knocking him down quickly.

"Well, that was brief," said Spike.

Just as they prepared to leave, however, Borghen chuckled weakly.

"I may have lost, but don't think you've won!"

"What do you mean?" Firion asked.

"I've booby-trapped this cave... Just a little parting gift from me to you!"

He laughed one last time, declaring "I'll be waiting for you in Hell! Urngah!!!"

As Borghen lay motionless, the cave began to rumble. At that moment, a large boulder crashed though the wall, threatening to crush our heroes! They ran down the stairs as fast they could until Josef made a decision... He put himself in front of the large rock and stopped it with his bare hands as long as he could.

"Go! Now!!" he yelled, his voice strained.

"No! We not leave you!" Guy shouted.

"Please Josef!!" said Fluttershy.

"I said GO!!"

With Firion carrying the unconscious Twilight and Guy carrying Cadence, they were unable to do anything as they successfully escaped the rolling stone.

"It's up to you now... Firion... Princess Twilight. My sweet Nelly... Farewell..." he uttered, closing his eyes and accepting his fate.

Unable to hold his ground any longer, Josef was pushed further into the wall by the boulder and crushed to death.

"Josef!!" Firion shouted.

"Oh, no..." said Maria with tears running down her cheeks.

The party rushed over to their fallen friend, and as soon as they reached him, they knew he was no longer moving.

"No..." said Fluttershy.

Spike embraced his pegasus friend which she returned as they teared up at the loss of their new human friend.

The others shut their eyes and placed their hands on their hearts, praying for their companion.

They continued onward sadly. Just then, the two alicorns opened their eyes slowly.

"Wh... what happened?" asked Twilight.

The others silently averted their gaze. They noticed there were one teammate short.

"Wh-Where's Josef? And Borghen?" questioned Cadence.

"We defeated Borghen, but..."

"Josef gone..." said Guy.

"G-Gone? But how? And why?"

"After we beat him, th-that monster tried to crush us all with a boulder... and... Josef caught with his bare hands and... and..."

Fluttershy couldn't finish without bursting into tears. Twilight realized the implications of her friend's words and teared up as well, and so did Cadence.

"Oh, no..."

"How will we ever tell his family...?"

They all pondered this as they went outside, rode the snowcraft and left the snow cave behind with heavy hearts.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long.