• Published 23rd Jan 2021
  • 4,729 Views, 50 Comments

This Pony's too Soft, This Pony's too Firm - Silver Butcher

Spike's bed isn't the most comfirtable thing and in an attempt to find a better place to sleep he ends up sleep walking and using his friends as beds to find the most comfortable one.

  • ...

This Pony's just Right

The Sun had just freshly set, the last remnants of the day disappeared as the moon began rising, Twilight watched it from her doorstep as she waited for the last of her friends to arrive for her sleepover. She Spotted Fluttershy approaching, the last of her friends, and waved her in, waiting patiently for her yellow friend to enter before closing and locking the door, she turned and was instantly greeted with Pinkie blowing into a noisemaker.

"Sleepover Party!" the pink mare cheered loudly, earning some amusement from her friends in the process.

"Alright girls," Twilight said happily as she looked at all her friends "Let's get this party started," as the main 6 began moving to the party area Twilight had set up Rarity looked around.

"Will Spike be joining us?" She asked, earning a head shake from Twilight.

"We just finished a 3-day book bender, he made us some of his nacho's but he went to bed a few minutes before Rainbow arrived," After a quick bout of whispers from her Friends Applejack spoke up.

"Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I'll be going to bed during the slumber part of our party, now come on girls let's have some fun," With a cheer, Pinkie pulled a record player out and started playing some tunes, as their party got started the music etched it's way threw the halls of the castle until the dim echo of noise drafted into Spike's room as he tossed and turned on his bed, he was fast asleep but was filled with sharp motion as he desperately tried to find comfort in his old mattress, after a while, he ended up sitting up straight, his eyes still closed as he got out of bed, he stumbled to his door and pushed it open with ease, having failed to close it properly when he had dragged his exhausted body to bed.

"Too firm," He muttered in his sleep as he began clumsily making his way to the source of the dim noise echoing through the castle halls, It didn't take very long for him to find the source of the noise or for he himself to be found by Rainbow dash, casually munching on some of the provided snacks.

"Oh hey, look who decided to join the party," She said waving at him before going back to her snacks, she was just about to go grab a cup of punch when something pulled on her before she could properly react a sudden wait was on her back and she very quickly found Spike curled on her back "Hey!" She said very loudly and very irritable as she reared up on her back hooves, Spike slid a little before firmly grabbing at the base of her wings, "Oh you are asking for a world of-"

"Why is Spike sleeping on your back?" Pinkie asked as she cut off the music "That's so cute!"

"I didn't consent to this, get him off!" Rainbow snapped back as she tried to shake him off. Rainbow leaned forward, ready to start bucking to fling him off when Fluttershy interrupted.

"Wait," she said in a soft tone as she approached and lightly nudged Spike's head, Spike mumbled something and snuggled against Rainbow's back in response, "He's asleep, he might be sleepwalking if you start bucking he might dig his claws in the hang on.

"Oh, that's just cheating," Rainbow said angrily as she stared at Spike.

"Just try laying down, once he's let go Twilight or Rarity can just levitate him back to bed," Rainbow didn't respond but instead started grumbling irritable and she lay on the floor, Spike let go of her wings after a moment and started patting her back, after a few pat's he moved his weight around and flopped onto his feet clumsily before sleepily declaring with a whine.

"Too firm," before stumbling around blindly away from Rainbow.

"Darn right I'm firm," Rainbow muttered before blinking in confusion "Why does that matter?"

"Oh he must be looking for a comfy place to sleep," Fluttershy said as she made her way to Spike.

"Don't feel too bad," Rarity said as Fluttershy got in front of Spike and stood at the ready, as soon as Spike bumped into her he climbed onto her back and curled into a ball, Fluttershy lightly blushing as he did so. "You just a little too muscular to be a good bed,"

"Why would I feel bad about that?" Rainbow demanded, "If anything Spike isn't firm enough for my back!" before Rarity could reply Spike started patting around Fluttershy's back before flopping off it clumsily with a yawn before once again declaring with a whine.

"Too soft." Before continuing his blind stumble around the room.

"Oh, I wanna know what kind of bed I am!" Pinkie said as she bounced happily to Spike only to be interrupted by Rarity.

"Now, now darling," She said with confidence in her voice, "I think we all know Spike would prefer me as a bed out of anyone else, watch and learn," Pinkie grumbled about not getting to be the next Bed pony while Rarity picked Spike up in her magic and set him on her back, she stood proud and with confidence as she curled into a ball and began patting at her,

"And behold as he declares me-" Rarity cut off as Spike flopped off of her and once again gave a whine.

"Too soft," He said, the look on Rarity's face making Pinkie laugh.

"Too soft!" Rarity demanded in shock "How am I too soft? I should be just right!" as Rarity complained the completion was rigged Pinkie was the first to try a different approach and rolled on to her belly, once Spike came into contact with her He recoiled into a ball on her belly and she started chucking as he patted her.

"Oh, no, this was a bad idea, it tickles!" Pinkie started laughing until Spike flopped of her and once again whined

"Way Too soft" he muttered with mild irritation in his tone as Pinkie cheered.

"Yes! I win softest Pony!" as Pinkie cheered Spike started wondering and Applejack looked at Twilight, who looked just as confused as she did.

"When did this become a competition?" Twilight asked in a bemused tone.

"The second he touched Rainbow," Applejack replied with a sigh "Alright guess I'm up,"

"Try not to be too soft," Rainbow said with a laugh as Applejack walked over to Spike and picked him up by the scruff of his neck, She set him down and lay next to him, Spike curled up and ended up looking like a dog as she snuggled against Applejack.

"Too firm?" Applejack asked as Spike started patting at her side, Spike rolled offer her with a whine and gave his decree

"Way to firm," He muttered.

"What!" Rainbow demanded "Hold up, get you scaly butt back here, I am way firmer that Applejack,"

"Spike has spoken, I win Firmest Pony," Applejack replied as she intercepted Rainbow, "Now then Twi, think it's your turn," Twilight made her way to Spike and spread out her wings as he climbed onto her back and curled into a ball, he gave her several pats and she waited for him to climb off, but after a moment she heard soft breathing and looked back at him. Spike was curled into a ball and sucking on the end of his tale, fast asleep on her back.

"I do believe," Fluttershy said as she gave Spike a once over "That this Pony's just right," she chuckled before adding in a whisper, "Guess you should look into replacing his bed with one that feels more like your back Twilight," Twilight looked back at Spike and sighed.

"Well, I guess I win best pony," She said with a chuckle before giving a yawn, "Oh well, I'm feeling pretty beat myself, you girls have fun, I think I'm gonna follow Spike's example and get some sleep,"

"Nighty night Spike," Fluttershy said softly to the dragon "And good night to you to Twilight,"

"You two have fun," Rainbow said before turning to Applejack "And as soon as he wakes up we're gonna have him re-judge who's the firmest,"

"I refuse to part take in that," Applejack replied bluntly "Also yall have a good rest," She added before going back to arguing with Rainbow.

"If at any point you need me to take him off your hooves I'm sure adding a Pillow to my back would make me just right," Rarity said with confidence before tapping her chin "and maybe a blanket? Or would that just make me feel softer?" as Rarity pondered the way of getting Spike to comfortably sleep on her back Pinkie bounded over with a smile.

"Night," She sang out "And if Spike gets too cramped on your back, then he can always sleep on me, the softest pony,"

"Good night girls," Twilight said with a wave before making her way out of the party room and into the next room over that had been set up for them all to sleep in, she chose one of the beds and got comfy before lighting her horn and partially covering herself and Spike before pulling a pillow to her and resting her head on it, she pulled in her wings and gave one last yawn before slipping into restful slumber with her number one assistant snuggling against her back.

Comments ( 50 )
Comment posted by twidash1993 deleted Jan 23rd, 2021

A nice fluffy one-shot :twilightsmile:

Awww that was funny and adorable story 😊

That was both adorable & hilarious, especially AJ's & Rainbow's reactions at Spike's judgement! :rainbowlaugh:

Adorable and wholesome.

Also, Rarity's rating should have been 'Marshmallow'.

Very cute story.


We need a cute tag.
May not be a genre, but we need one just so we can search for stories like these alot easier.

The boi knows what he wants. This was extremely cute and well written for being as short as it is. Great work

Now that is just cute

Love me some good ol wholesomeness.

This is one of the most adawwable comedies I have ever read featuring Spike. I wonder what type of bed I would be? I think I’d be too firm. Am I the only one that relates this to Goldilocks with the bowls of oatmeal / porridge?

"You two have fun," Rainbow said before turning to Applejack "And as soon as he wakes up we're gonna have him re-judge who's the firmest,"

Considering that I highly doubt Spike is going to remember any of this in the morning, that's probably going to make for an awkward conversation...

"Spike! Finally, you're awake! Now get over here so we can figure out who's really the firmest pony, me or AJ!"

" . . . yeah, I don't know what this is about, but I'm out."


Good story. Much adorbs. :twilightsmile:

This was so adorable :twilightsmile:
It was pretty obvious Twilight would be 'just right'. Mommy Twilight ftw :twilightblush:

Adorable. And of course Spike would go for the back he's been sleeping on all his life: Twimom.

Rarity: OW!
Spike: This pony is too hot.

I loved this story, it was soo funny

This pony's too thicc

Cute as a yay'ing Fluttershy :yay:

Hey, I was going to say that! :rainbowwild:

This story had such a nostalgic feeling.

Congrats gettung featured. Nice humor :pinkiesmile:

I related it to Goldilocks and her porridge

"You two have fun," Rainbow said before turning to Applejack "And as soon as he wakes up we're gonna have him re-judge who's the firmest,"

Boy, they really are made for each other

Love the story it's nice to read something wholesome every now and then:twilightsmile:

One of these Ponies are Thirsty!

"I do believe," Fluttershy said as she gave Spike a one over "That this Pony's just right," she chuckled before adding in a whisper, "Guess you should look into replacing his bed with one that feels more like your back Twilight," Twilight looked back at Spike and sighed.

Well, he has been riding on her back since he was young. Twilight's back probably what familiar to him the most.

This story was made even better to me by the fact that when I finished, there just happened to be a mattress ad at the bottom :rainbowlaugh:.

such a beautiful piece of art uwu

This was very cute

Very cute. Could definitely use an editing pass, but that doesn't take away from the wholesomeness. Figures the back he's been riding on his whole life is 'just right.' :twilightsmile:

Cute little story

I'd love to see a sequel where Spike tries to sleep on other mares.

Then there the Other Being version.
Young Six

Shining and some of the Young 6 aren't mares, I do like the idea though

Now this is just superbly adorable and super wholesome as heck! A sleepwalking Spike that wants the perfect place to sleep on and the Mane 6 just having a little competition over some silly stuff ahh it's so good! I hope ya didn't mind, but I simply had to make a reading of this super cuddly fic of yours!

Audio Linky!: https://youtu.be/WV3pav5MOQc

(I don't mean to offend anyone with this comment in any way!)

Cute and cuddly, boys! Cute and cuddly.

Most excellent.

Very creative and fluffy story! Liked it a lot. :raritywink:

P. S. You wrote this on your phone? :twilightangry2: Some editing is required.

grumbling irritable

Rainbow dash

She said very loudly and very irritable

dig his claws in the hang on

the completion was rigged

part take in that

This is literally the biggest compliment I have ever been given

This is just absolutely adorable I love it so much

This pony is too thicc

I liked this. Though I'll admit, my first thought regarding Pinkie would have been "too springy" - I get the feeling from the way she usually moves that trying to do what Spike did here would be like trying to sleep on a rubber sheet stretched to maximum.

to be fair he was on her belly, not her back

Short, simple, and ever so sweet. :heart:

This will certainly make an even more interesting story to tell once Spike comes of age...

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

I would love to read a sequel like that, it will be very funny

I do declare this story is adorable

I still consider this to be my biggest achievement on Fimfiction

Adorable and funny. This was an enjoyable read :twilightsmile:

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