• Published 19th Dec 2020
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My Little Pony: Sparkling Harmony: Season Two - Captain_Cosmos

Sparkler and her friends are back for new adventures!

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Episode 61: Unsteady Yule Tides Pt 2

Sparkler gulped as she looked around the ballroom. Everywhere she looked she saw what were undoubtedly Nobles. Nobles that as far as she knew had a boiling hatred for her. There’s a lot more of them then I thought… She could feel her cool slipping slowly away. Her eyes fell on the refreshments table, which was filled with food for the Yule Ball guests. But in her eyes, they were also projectiles, projectiles that could easily be inbound for her at any moment. And without my magic I can’t stop them…

Twilight, who was enjoying the cupcake from the Refreshments table, glanced over and saw the dreaded look on Sparkler’s face. “Sparkler?” She asked. “You ok?”

Sparkler jumped a little when she heard Twilight’s voice. Which told Twilight all she needed to know. She wrapped a wing around Sparkle and held her close. “Hey, it’s ok.” She cooed. “It’s alright.”

Sparkler took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. After that, she nodded. “Yeah. Ok.” She said.

“Are you sure you’re ok?” Twilight asked. “If you want we could go and do something else tonight.” She offered.

At that, Sparkler shook her head. “No, no I’m fine. We don’t need to leave.” She assured Twilight. “Let’s just enjoy tonight.” She said.

Twilight looked at her marefriend with concern, before she nodded. “Alright. But if you feel like you can’t do this then we can go hang out at Donut Joe’s or something.” She said.

Sparkler cursed herself for being jumpy. Here she was at a sophisticated social event and she was acting like a frightened child. Pull yourself together. You’re here for one reason and one reason only. To have a nice evening with Twilight. Forget the Nobles, forget the refreshments table, just focus on Twilight. She told herself. She knew how important tonight was for Twilight and she was determined to not ruin it for her.

Meanwhile, Fletcher and Omega continued to roam the Ballroom, watching, waiting. Along the way they picked up several of the Nobles saying in hushed voices.

“Princess Twilight’s suitor is the imposter?”

“The imposter is here?”

“Are the princesses insane?”

“Why would they allow that imposter in here?”

“And did you see her bulging womb? Is she pregnant?”

Omega grimaced as she heard the chatter. She honest to Faust could not fathom why the Nobles obsessed over the new Alicorn. Sure she came out of nowhere but the Nobles could very easily have ignored her. However. There was one thing that was concerning her more than the nobles who talked, it was the one that wasn’t talking. Silver-Mane. She hadn’t overheard anything from the head of the Anti-Sparkler club since he arrived. And it told her that something was up. She activated the mind link between her and Fletcher.

Omega to Alpha, you getting the same uneasy vibes from Silver-Mane?

The fact that we haven’t picked up any chatter from him despite him undoubtedly noticing Sparkler? He’s plotting something.

Should we warn the Captain?

Captain’s already aware.

I meant Captain Sentry.

Right…I’ll give him the heads up.

Over by the refreshments table, Chief Quill was snacking on a donut when he heard Captain Sentry call to him. “Chief.” Quill turned and saw Flash approach.

“Captain Sentry, shouldn’t you be guarding your VIP guest?” Quill asked.

“I had to take a moment to report to Celestia.” Flash replied.

“Captain.” Both stallions heard a new voice say. They turned to see Fletcher approaching.

“Commander.” Flash responded. “What’s up?”

“The Nobles. My partner and I have been picking up chatter, and it’s nothing good. They even noticed Sparkler was pregnant.” Fletcher reported.

Quill groaned. “And if I know the Nobles, and unfortunately I do. They’ll find SOME way to drag her children into it.” He said.

“I’d be more worried about Silver-Mane himself. He hasn’t said ANYTHING since he undoubtedly saw Sparkler.” Fletcher said.

“Nothing?” Both Quill and Flash asked.

“Not a thing.” Fletcher replied. “He’s planning something. I can feel it.”

“Alright…keep a close eye on him.” Flash ordered.

Fletcher saluted and walked back onto patrol. Flash and Quill glanced at each other. “We can charge him for attacking an Alicorn if he does. Right?” Flash asked.

“For his sake, he better not.” Quill replied. He glanced over at where Silver-Mane was, and then glanced at where Sparkler was with her marefriend. All of a sudden, the music changed to a more funky and upbeat tone and he noticed Twilight and Sparkler hit the dance floor. His breath hitched in his throat. “Captain, they’re on the dance floor. In the crowd.”

“Right. Gotta get back to them.” Flash replied as he walked off towards the dance floor.

Quill watched him go and shook his head. “All this trouble because one pony refuses to wear a crown.” He commented as he walked away from the refreshments table.

Elsewhere in the Yule Ball, Fleur and Fancypants sat at a table not far from the table Sparkler and Twilight had claimed. Fleur watched as they hit the dance floor, and took a deep breath. “I don’t like this.” She said.

“Pardon?” Fancypants asked his wife.

“Sparkler being in a room full of Nobles. Nobles who can very easily harass her should Twilight leave her alone for any reason.” Fleur responded.

“That should be where Captain Sentry comes in though.” Fancy said.

“Captain Sentry is a Pegasus. Honey, you know the Nobles aren’t pushovers.”

“But they’re in the same room as the princesses. Even if Twilight were to disappear for a few moments, Celestia and Luna, and Cadance for that matter, are still around should they need to step in.” Fancy reasoned.

“And if not…I’ll be able to.” Fleur replied under her breath.

Fancy raised an eyebrow. “You’re willing to take such a big risk?” He asked.

“Yeah.” Fleur responded with a nod. “I wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing I didn’t do something when I could’ve.” She reasoned.

Fancy wrapped a foreleg around his wife. “You know what it’ll mean if you do it.” He said.

Fleur nodded. “I know.”

Out on the dance floor, Twilight was busting a move to the song while Sparkler watched, and was trying not to laugh. “Twi? What are you doing?” She asked.

“I’m dancing.” Twilight replied. “What’re you doing?” She asked in return.

Sparkler snickered. “Ok, no offense, but…there’s room to improve your dancing.” She said, choosing her words carefully. “A LOT of room.”

“What?” Twilight asked. “You don’t like my dancing?”

“I mean, it’s you…but I wouldn’t necessarily—“ Sparkler began before being cut off.

“It looks like a five year old dancing. At best.” Chimed in Flash Sentry, who joined them.

Sparkler facehoofed while Twilight laughed. “Oh come on. It can’t be that bad.” She said.

“It’s pretty bad.” Sparkler deadpanned.

Twilight huffed. “You’re both mean.” She pouted.

“Not as bad as the Nobles.” Flash replied with a chuckled.

Twilight was about to comment on that, before she felt her belly growling and felt the need to do her business. “…Ok, maybe I shouldn’t have moved like that after eating a hay burger. I need to go. Flash keep an eye on her.” Twilight told Flash while she dashed away.

Sparkler giggled. “Yeah that should be a good indicator that there’s room for improvement.” She called out shaking her head.

Flash giggled as well. “You CAN teach her how to dance right?” He asked Sparkler.

“Of course I can.” Sparkler responded. “If I can teach a parrot with two left claws to dance. Twilight shouldn’t be a problem.” She reasoned.

“Good. Because I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched her dance. It would be nice that the next time she doesn’t suck.” Flash commented.

Both of them laughed, until Sparkler’s stomach growled. She blushed. “Ugh. I hate being pregnant. I’m always hungry.” She complained.

Flash chuckled, before the music changed to a slow song. Ponies around them began pairing up and slow dancing. Sparkler and Flash glanced at each other. “I say we get off the dance floor and quell that hunger.” He said quickly.

“Yep. Sounds good.” Sparkler responded as they hurried off the dance floor, before somepony got the wrong idea. They proceeded to the refreshments table, where Flash helped Sparkler put together a simple salad.

“Do you want to wait til Twilight gets back to eat?” Flash asked.

“To avoid anypony getting the wrong idea. Yeah.” Sparkler responded. Suddenly conscious about the fact that ponies might mistake her and Flash for a couple.

“Well, if it isn’t Equestria’s newest Alicorn. I trust you are enjoying tonight?” Came a new voice. One that Sparkler did not recognize, but Flash did.

Sparkler glanced to her side and saw one of the Nobles. She took a deep breath, and smiled. “I am. And just who might you be?” She asked the Noble.

Flash gulped. Nervous that this was going to end badly.

“Silver-Mane is the name.” Silver-Mane introduced himself. “And consider yourself lucky. We do not usually allow ruffian imposters into these events.” He commented as he sipped his tea.

Sparkler stopped smiling on the spot. “And what’s that supposed to mean?” She asked.

“Sparkler…” Flash warned.

“Obviously it means you are just pretending to be an Alicorn. Not a true Alicorn.” Silver-Mane replied.

Elsewhere, Fletcher, Omega, and Chief Quill all saw Silver-Mane and Sparkler facing each other. They all grumbled under their breath, and prepared to step in if they needed to.

Meanwhile, Sparkler’s eyes widened as her anger started rising. “And what makes you say that? I AM an Alicorn.” She told Silver-Mane.

“Are you? Then where is your crown?” Silver-Mane asked. “Alicorns are supposed to be Royalty. Why are you not wearing your regalia?”

“Leave her alone Silver-Mane.” Flash warned.

“What? I’m just having a conversation.” Silver-Mane defended. “If you are an Alicorn than where is your Royal regalia?” He asked Sparkler.

“I don’t HAVE any regalia.” Sparkler responded. “I declined being a princess.” She told him.

“Then why are you not descended back to whatever you were before you ascended then?” Silver-Mane asked.

“Ok I think this conversation is over.” Flash told them as he tried to pull Sparkler away, but she shrugged him off.

“I didn’t ascend to Alicornhood. I was born an Alicorn.” She grumbled.

At that, Silver-Mane growled and lit his horn, suddenly picking Sparkler up in his magic. “Wrong answer you Falsicorn!” He roared. He then sent Sparkler flying into the refreshments table.

It was all a blur, one moment Sparkler was standing on her hooves, the next she was flying. She landed on the refreshments table and the next thing she knew, she was lying on the ground, covered in food and punch. She grunted as she landed on the floor. Wincing as she landed on her belly.

Flash, Fletcher, Omega, and Quill gasped. Flash growled. “Hey! I said leave her alone!” He yelled as he tried to shove Silver-Mane away.

Silver-Mane just growled and sent a shockwave that blasted Flash, as well as Fletcher, Omega, and Quill back. “Do not tell me what to do.” He told Flash. He turned his attention back to Sparkler, who was trying to get up. He lit his horn and lifted Sparkler up in his magic again. “And as for you.” He growled as he started walking to the entrance, dragging her behind him.

Quill got up off the ground and shook his head. He saw Silver-Mane dragging Sparkler away and he growled. “Let her go!” He roared as he took off in a sprint.

Silver-Mane brought Sparkler to the entrance, and glared at her. “Listen here you imposter, one is not born an Alicorn. The only way to become one is to Ascend. And you are most certainly NOT worthy!” He used his magic to literally throw Sparkler out onto the streets leading to the castle.

Sparkler, thinking fast, used her wings to soften the blow, but she still hit the ground harder than she hoped. She grunted at the impact and rolled on the ground a few times before coming to a stop. “And stay out!” She heard Silver-Mane shout at her.

Sparkler’s head stopped spinning after a few seconds. She picked herself off the ground, and looked at herself, tears quickly started forming as she saw herself a mess. Covered in food and soaked in punch. Her mind raced. No…no, it happened again. She backed up a few steps, before she turned and ran, away from the castle. Crying as she ran away…from the bullies.

Back at the Yule Ball, Flappy saw the whole thing go down, and was flailing his wings, trying SO hard to rocket himself towards the pony that just threw Sparkler out of the Ball, only to be held back by Mina.

“Squawk! Mina let me go! Squawk!” Flappy shouted in his rage. “Squawk! That pathetic piece of trash is gonna pay for that! Squawk!”

“Flappy! Calm down!” Mina responded. Flapping her wings as hard as she could while keeping a grip on Flappy’s claws to stop him. “There are more important things to worry about!” She pleaded with him.

Flappy growled and landed on the beam. “Squawk! That Tartarus forsaken jerk just threw my best friend out of a public event just because she refused to wear a stupid crown! Squawk!” He roared. “Squawk! And you’re telling me to calm down?! Squawk!”

“Trust me Flappy, I’m furious as well. But the princesses will deal with Silver-Mane, you need to focus on Sparkler.” Mina told him. “You need to go tell Twilight something happened, then find Sparkler.” She said.

Flappy huffed and puffed for a few moments, before sighing. “Squawk! You’re right. Squawk!” He admitted. “Squawk! Sparkler’s probably a mess right now. Squawk!” He flapped his wings and flew straight for the lady’s room, where Twilight still was. “Squawk! Twilight! Get your flanks out here! Things went south BIG TIME! Squawk!” He shouted once he was at the door.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Well, we all saw this coming with Sparker and Silver-Mane's first meeting. Hehe.


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