• Published 22nd Dec 2020
  • 2,131 Views, 46 Comments

Why Me, Though? - Jake The Army Guy

Staying in Ponyville for Hearth's Warming, Gallus' pleasant misery is ruined in the best way.

  • ...

Why NOT you?

“What do you think of this one?” Sandbar said, holding up a reddish-orange scarf and draping one end around his neck.

“It’s fine,” Gallus said, inspecting his talons. They were getting a bit sharp. He decided to file them down again once he got back to the dorms.

Sandbar blinked. “That’s what you said about the last three.”

“Yeah, and they were all fine.”

“Oh, I see,” Sandbar said. He once more flashed that doofus smile of his and dove back into the rack of scarves.

Gallus sighed and turned his head to look around the street, flicking his leonine tail to dislodge a bit of snow. It wasn’t what he would even consider “snowing.” It was just tiny little flakes lazily drifting down and settling on Market Street, Ponyville’s open-air shopping strip. Located in the heart of the town, he and Sandbar were on the northern side of the market, where clothing, baubles, and all sorts of random knick-knacks and crafted goods could be bought.

For Hearth’s Warming Eve, there were a surprising number of ponies mulling around, perusing shops and chatting with friends and family. Even more surprising to Gallus, almost none of them seemed stressed or frantic in any way. He would have thought anyone shopping “the day before” would be running around like a sighted field mouse, desperately trying to find a gift for some loved one they saw once or twice a year and had completely forgotten about. Then again, based on his past two years in Equestria, ponies didn’t really operate like that. Here, if you were family, you were family, and were always a welcome sight. Back in Griffonstone, if you were family, you were an obligation, one to be given the barest illusion of tolerance by others. Which is why he more and more wished to never return home. In Equestria, he could at least be that.

“Okay, how about this one?” Sandbar asked. “This one really vibes with me, I think!”

With a sigh, Gallus turned and glanced at Sandbar. The faintest bit of heat cut through the soft, frigid wind as he saw his closest friend wearing that dang surfer-dude smile, holding a deep viridian scarf against his neck. Tiny bands of navy blue ran through it at seemingly random intervals. Feathers ruffled a bit, he returned his eyes to the street. “It’s... I don’t know, it’s fine, I guess.”

For a few moments, the only sounds to be heard were the light whispers of conversation from around the street, and the cold, gentle breeze. Then a hoof laid on his shoulder, causing him to twitch and look back at Sandbar, now standing next to him with concern in his eyes. “Dude, are you okay? Like, I don’t want to be harsh or anything, but ever since we left the dorms, you’ve been a bit... well, grumpy.”

“Gee, I wonder why?” Gallus said with a roll of his eyes, taking just a big enough step to get beyond the reach of his hoof. “It’s almost like someone dragged me out of my room just to stand in the freezing open market to look at fabric.”

“Hey, it’s not just for scarves,” Sandbar said. “I also want to pick up one last gift for Corral!”

“You told me you already bought her five presents.”

“Yeah, but I really want her to remember this Hearth’s Warming.”

“Isn’t she like three?”

“I know. It’s her formative years!” Sandbar said. “Also, didn’t Professor Fluttershy once tell us that griffons aren’t as sensitive to cold as ponies are?”

“We aren’t, but that doesn’t mean we like it,” Gallus said, fidgeting with the fluffy vest Ocellus had made for him. He let out a sigh. “Look, dude, I don’t know anything about scarves, or what your baby sister would want for Hearth’s Warming. I’m just gonna head back to the dorms, all right? I’ll be there at your place for dinner tomorrow like I said.” He turned and spread his wings, but before he could take wing, Sandbar gently tugged on his tail, causing him to let out a little squeak. He whirled around to glare at him, but any chiding or harsh words died on his tongue and a faint heat graced his cheeks upon seeing what almost looked like hurt in those sparkling green eyes.

“Please don’t go,” Sandbar said gently. “I’m... I’m sorry if I did something to tick you off. Is that why you’re so eager to leave?”

“What? No! It’s...” Gallus let out something between a growl and a sigh, running a claw through his blue-and-yellow crest feathers. “Look, I know that for you ponies, Hearth’s Warming Eve is all about family and stuff. You sit around a fire, wear ugly sweaters, sing cheesy songs, and all that sappy nonsense. I know it's a big deal for you, you've told me a bajillion times. I just... don’t want you to miss out on that because of me, okay?”

Sandbar’s eyes went wide. “Bro, I’m not missing out on anything! Yeah, Hearth’s Warming is about family. That’s why I invited you to have dinner with my family! So you can share that with us.”

“Oh, so that’s what this is,” Gallus said, eyes narrowing a bit. “That’s why you invited me? Because you felt sorry for the ‘orphan?’”

A lot more hurt, and just a little bit of anger flashed in Sandbar’s eyes. “Gallus, you know I don’t think of you like that.”

“Then why, huh?” Gallus’ voice was rising in volume, almost in sync with the growing weight in his chest. “Why are you spending one of the most important pony holidays with me instead of your family?”

“Dude, I wanted to spend this time with you,” Sandbar said with such utter sincerity that his tone by itself nearly knocked all the wind out of his sails. “I mean, the School of Friendship is in my hometown. I can hang out with my family any time I want, but... I don’t always get to spend time with you. Besides, I know you agreed to dinner tomorrow, but you’ve been cooped up in the dorms since the others went back to their homes. Ha, ‘cooped’ up!” He very obviously cringed under the weight of Gallus’ deadpan glare. “Uh, a-anyway, I just wanted to get you out for a bit. Enjoy the season, you know?”

For some reason, Gallus simultaneously felt his body relax and his pulse quicken from the genuine care shown in those words. He looked away, suddenly finding the snow beneath his paws very interesting. “Okay, but...” his beak clacked several times as he fought to find the words, “y-you should be spending this time with those most special to you, not... not me.”

There were a few lingering moments that followed, then Gallus suddenly felt Sandbar’s hoof on the side of his beak. The contact was incredibly light, and lasted just long enough to guide Gallus’ eyes back to Sandbar’s. He swore he could hear snow on his cheeks sizzling under the flamed heat as Sandbar tossed his head to the side, dislodging his shaggy mane from those warm, glittering eyes. “Gallus... you’re just as important to me as my family, maybe even more so! I mean... you’re my friend!” The gentle bustle of the market seemed to fade into nothing as he once more flashed that darned aloof smirk of his. “I don’t care about you because I have to, but because I choose to. I care about you because I look at you, I see who you are, and I, I don’t know... like what I see.”

Feathers suddenly fluffed, Gallus took a half step back and looked to the side, terrified Sandbar would either notice the searing blush on his cheeks, or even hear the pounding of his heart. A blustering series of coughs and sputters escaped his beak before he finally regained control over his traitorous body. His mind raced to find something, anything to dismantle the actually quite soothing atmosphere between them. “Mmm... ngrh, green one...” he mumbled.

“Uh... come again?”

With a heavy sigh, Gallus finally turned back to face him, though his eyes were still cast aside. “I said you should get the green scarf. It... m-makes your eyes pop.”

Sandbar blinked, then trotted back to the rack, plucking out the green-with-blue-stripes scarf. He twirled it around his neck, then stepped before the mirror. “Hey, what do you know? You’re right! Great call, dude.” As Gallus endured another bout of flaming cheeks, Sandbar brought a section of the scarf closer to his face. “You know, when you look at it in this light, the shade of blue in those stripes almost reminds me of—”

“I’ll go see if I can find a present for Corral,” Gallus squawked, hurriedly walking to a stall the other side of the street.

Once more, Sandbar blinked. “What? What’d I say? Ah, well,” he said with a shrug, reaching into his saddlebag for his bit sack. “Heh, he’s pretty cute when he’s flustered.”

Author's Note:

So yeah, this is a Jinglemas fic for str8aura. I lucked out and got a request for a ship I've been wanting to try out for a while now. I'm not completely satisfied with how it turned out, but I am proud that I (hopefully) delivered on what str8aura was looking for.

Merry Christmas, str8aura! Stay awesome!

Comments ( 46 )

He would have thought anyone shopping “the day before” would be running around like a sighted field mouse, desperately trying to find a gift for some loved one they saw once or twice a year and had completely forgotten about.

Nah, that's just humans, Gallus. We're idiots that way.

Very cute, Jake! I'm not much of a Gallbar shipper myself, but I see the appeal, and you did a good job with it. :twilightsmile:

Heheh, that was indeed a very nice sweet story. :3

Very cute story that makes my cold, egoistical heart feel very warm. Congratulations, you have done a great job with your writing.

It's great although I feel a bit short mostly because it looks like it eneded up at the midpoint and there's a lot that can be covered

Still a great cute fic with a very cute ship.

Niiice :3

Jake the Army Guy

I know him... That can't be...

Either way, this wasn't bad. Slow pining's always a win in my book, and I know what it's like to be insecure about your stories. You don't need that as much; you're a perfectly good writer.

Better than what mine's turning out to be, anyway.


Yeah, I really wish I had done more with it, as it's more of a scene than a story, but life has been hectic AF between the holidays, finals, and the friggin' world ending. Still, I'm at least somewhat happy with the outcome.


D'aw, thanks y'all!


I know him... That can't be...

Something something abandon all hope...

This was so cute! I love seeing Gallus get flustered by kindness, and this delivered in a big way. My only (Hearthswarming) wish is that there was more to read!


completly understandable it was great in it's own merit; just hope to see more in the future...when posible of course hehehe

This was just beyond cute and now I’m already picturing the whole flustered questioning of “shit I think I like my best friend”


When I was pitching the idea to my friend, after Sandbar said what he did, I simply wrote: [flustered homosexual catbird noises]

I loved it!!! I want more!

Jake, you writing wholesome dudes in love was just what I needed this holiday season. This was absolutely sappy, and honestly? With that author's note and the way this left off, you clearly left enough room for a sequel. Quality MLM cuties crushing on each other can only go so far... so c'mon. Let them confess and stick the 'boy' and 'friend' together. I've been in both the place of Sandbar and grumpy why-me-over-others Gallus before on a lot of friend stuff, so it was so sweet seeing their dynamic here.

Was the scarf shopping a reference to Meteor Mirage's works with this pairing by chance?

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted Dec 26th, 2020


Heh, thanks, my dude! While I am a ride-or-die crew member on the S.S. YonaBar, I also adore it when Mr. Grumpy Birb hooks up with Mr. Himbo-in-Training. And I'm not sure who "Meteor Mirage" is, but if they write good GallBar, I shall have to look them up!


Thank you for your opinion. I shall consider it thoughtfully.


Heh, thanks, my dude! While I am a ride-or-die crew member on the S.S. YonaBar, I also adore it when Mr. Grumpy Birb hooks up with Mr. Himbo-in-Training.

I'm partial to both, though may I introduce you to my personal favorite:
GalBarYona snuggle puddle. The golden ticket into happy endings for all and patrician taste. I'm dying for someone to write this and dying in its absence.

And I'm not sure who "Meteor Mirage" is, but if they write good GallBar, I shall have to look them up!

EFriends and Family Day, or What Happens When You Ignore Half of an Event Name
After Twilight Sparkle reopens her School of Friendship she decides, as an act of diplomacy, to hold another Friends and Family Day to prove her school is different this time. Sadly, not everything goes according to plan with the attendees.
Meteor_Mirage · 2.8k words  ·  239  11 · 8.9k views

Allow me to introduce you to this lovely drama trilogy. It's absolutely heartfelt stuff with cute teen dudes having a gay old time.

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted Dec 26th, 2020


Eh, not a big fan of poly relationships, but I can see how it would be cute.


I'm actually a bit honored that you commented on my story. I've seen you floating about the site like a sort of necrotic mist, flitting about and poisoning comment sections with contrarian snipes, telling people they suck because they like things you don't, and how you're objectively right and they are obviously idiots for having alternate opinions. You're like a modern day Reality Check, in a way. A living anti-joke that seeks to ruin someone's day like a year-round Grinch. I consider it a badge of honor for you to try and ruin my fun and/or day.

So thank you! This is the best Christmas gift I could have asked for! And whatever snide, acidic reply you leave is just the cherry on top. Bless you, friend! :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted Dec 26th, 2020

I just think it’s a solid resolution, and that’s coming from someone who doesn’t usually poly ship either.
People are allowed to like multiple ships. Also, the description makes it clear this was a gift. The ship was specifically requested by the person it is gifted too. You’re being extremely rude to do this in the comments of a lighthearted gift fic of all things.

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted Dec 26th, 2020

You sound as ridiculous as DakariKingMykan with your bizarre dogma talk. People are allowed to do nice things for one another.

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted Dec 26th, 2020

It’s shipping. There’s no research and citation filled argument to have. You don’t like the thing because you have your personal preferences. Congratulations, so do other people.

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted Dec 26th, 2020

The vast majority of the stories on this site contain material that deviates from canon because people like to have fun with their personal ideas. There is literally nothing wrong with someone wanting something else.

Last time I checked, Fluttershy and your OC weren’t canon either.

Maybe you should find something better to do than harass people over inoffensive preferences no one tricked you into reading.

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted Dec 26th, 2020

Pretty sure the only dreck here is you, at this point. Go have a nice holiday with some folks. Sip some eggnog and chillax, or at least read some stuff you actually like.

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted Dec 26th, 2020

This was really cute! The site needs more GallBar. I hope the recipient enjoyed this fic as much as I did! :twilightsmile:


Against my better judgement, I'll respond one last time.

no response to what i said?

What... kind of response were you looking for? And respond to what? You basically said, "I hate this ship, and so should you." Did... did you actually want me to logically debate that incredibly subjective opinion? Why? I mean, I really dislike AppleDash, but I don't berate people who like it. Actually I did used to do that, randomly parachute into other people's stories and bitch and moan about them not having the same opinions as me, but I stopped because I realized that I was being an annoying asshole.

just gonna ad-hom at me like someone without an argument?

Thirty minutes earlier...

you're some fairweather fuckboi

who wants to play both ends against the middle

I'm sorry, did I miss the memo where shipping became a zero sum game? Are ships now like cutie marks? You get one and that's it? No, wait, a cutie mark doesn't mean you can only like one thing, so... I don't even know what a better analogy would be, and I don't care to look into it.

Well, I only responded because I've had a bit to drink and my self-restraint is a bit shit at the moment. Be well.


the recipient coulda asked for something not garbage

Yeah, I know. They could have asked for you not to say anything.

Comment posted by SparklingVynegar deleted Dec 26th, 2020
Comment posted by spoonlol deleted Dec 26th, 2020

A short but very cute one being best bird and turtle horse. It’s also nice to see Sandbar being nice big brother, we don’t get to see that too often


Nice one dude, that guys being an ass

OH, this is it, THIS is the Gallbar goodness I was hoping for in these holidays! :raritystarry: It really doesn't come across like you've never written for this ship before--the characterization and the dynamic is just immaculate. Sandbar being so sweet, dorky, and somewhat oblivious, but not to the point where he can't comfort Gallus, the way he's so unknowingly romantic to him, and even the subtle drops of Sandbar's surfer speech are just perfect. And Gallus not-so-secretly pining hard for Sandbar and trying but failing not to be such an adorable blushy mess is also PERFECT to melt my heart. You showed exactly why I find this ship so irresistibly cute. I loved this all so much!! :pinkiehappy:

I don't really know as much about the School of Friendship characters as I do the main 6 etc, so I have no background to really comment on how accurate the characterisation is, but it was nice to see some decent writing and a good punchline. Then again, look who the author is. Have a good one.


D'aww! Dreit, Your Majesty. :pinkiecrazy:

I'd make a joke of "They seem like good friends" but I haven't read pony fics in months and this was just nice.


Well, I'm glad you liked it! :pinkiehappy:

Believe me I did.

Damn, no sloppy makeout session in the market. What a shame.:ajsleepy:

For real tho, this was great! Really liked the way you wrote Sandbar here. He’s a bit oblivious, but he ain’t a dummy. I have every confidence that those boys will smooch eventually. Nice, short, and sweet. A nice treat before bed. Thanks for writing this, dude!


D'aww, thank you! :twilightblush:

And yeah, Sandbar is most definitely going home tonight and researching how to kiss someone with a beak. :pinkiecrazy:

This fic feels like a mug of hot chocolate coming in from the snow. Very sweet, very cute, very Christmas.


Heh, yeah. That was kind of the intent. Life prevented me from really delving deep into their relationship. SO my goal in the end was a short little fluffy romance piece, a wholesome little nugget of cute to warm the heart.

Thank you so much foe reading, and I am genuinely giddy that you enjoyed it! :pinkiehappy:

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