• Published 7th Feb 2021
  • 1,432 Views, 158 Comments

Coda - Krickis

Despite a successful career and good friends, Fluttershy is plagued by past failures and trauma.

  • ...

2 – White Noise

Chapter Two
White Noise

Not every night was a great performance. Sure, the audience always seemed happy, but there were off nights. Fluttershy heard the same show four or five times a week, she could tell the difference between a good night and a bad one.

And true, there was some comfort in knowing that most fans couldn’t really tell. Most of them didn’t go to a concert for a sonic masterpiece of sound, they went for an entertaining night, and that could happen even on off nights.

Even so, the mood was sour when the band walked backstage. No one said anything, no one congratulated each other on a great show. It hadn’t been awful. There were no major equipment malfunctions, the crowd didn’t throw things at them, nothing nearly so drastic.

But it wasn’t what their fans deserved, and they all knew it.

Rainbow sunk into a chair, so Fluttershy passed her a bottle of water. Wordlessly, she opened it and chugged it down. Fluttershy passed out waters to the rest of the band, some of whom mumbled a thank you, some of whom just fumed silently.

Eventually, as it usually was, Rainbow broke the silence. “Well, that sucked.”

“Yeah…” Lemon Zest said. “I lost time on the first song and it really threw me off all night.”

“I overshot my solo,” Windfall offered.

“I kicked ass,” Gilda said with a shrug. “But not as much as usual.”

Fluttershy smiled, even if she didn’t really feel like it. “It was an off night. Tomorrow will be better.”

“Wait, tomorrow?” Lemon Zest’s head snapped towards Fluttershy. “I thought we had the night off tomorrow?”

“Nope, that’s the next night,” Windfall reminded her.

“Urgh!” Lemon Zest buried her head in her hands.

“And… we have a radio spot,” Fluttershy said. “Tomorrow before the show, a half-hour interview and an acoustic performance.”

“So we have to get there extra early…” Lemon Zest groaned.

“Can’t we just do it over the phone?” Rainbow asked.

“A performance over the phone?” Fluttershy said with slight irritation creeping into her voice. “Come on, Dash, they deserve better than that.”

“Fine by me,” Windfall said. “I wasn’t really in the mood to hang around late tonight anyway.”

“VIPs coming in,” the bassist of the support band told them. They all nodded and picked themselves up. The least they could do was be on their best behavior for the fans that cared enough to buy backstage passes.

People filed in, and the band wound up getting pulled in different directions. Fluttershy wished they had alcohol. She didn’t want to get drunk, but she was in a bad mood and wanted something to take the edge off it. Otherwise, the night felt like white noise; just a static of annoyance that grated on Fluttershy and made her want to just tune everything out.

Well, there were other options besides alcohol. Fluttershy saw a girl with a bottle of beer that she must have brought from the front. She had a fade haircut and masculine clothes that gave Fluttershy a pretty good guess she might be interested in girls. She walked over and said, “Hi there. Did you enjoy the show?”

The other girl gave her a big smile. “Hey! Yeah, it kicked ass!”

Fluttershy smiled back. “That’s great.” She pointed out the beer bottle. “Lucky, I’ve been stuck back here all night with nothing but water to drink.”

“Oh, what? Last time I was backstage they had an open bar.”

“Yeah, we had some issues.”

The girl held out the bottle. “Here, take it.”

Fluttershy smiled and accepted it, then took a swig. It was only one beer, and not even a whole bottle. That hardly counted on the no alcohol backstage rule. “Thank you.”

When she tried to hand the bottle back, the other girl held out her hand in refusal. “Hey, I had a few already. That one’s all yours.”

“You’re too nice.” Fluttershy took a sip and leaned back. “To tell you the truth, it wasn’t a great show. I shouldn’t say that, but they made a few mistakes.”

“I guess you’d know, huh?”

It occurred to Fluttershy that she hadn’t introduced herself, and yet this girl knew who she was. Ever since the Coda album came out, that happened once in a while. Not often, but here and there.

That was a nice surprise for the night. It wasn’t often she had her own fans, after all. “Yeah, well, you notice things night after night. I wish you could’ve seen them on a better night.”

“I don’t mind, this has pretty much made my night right here.”

Fluttershy couldn’t help but grin. She really wasn’t used to having her own fans. “This might be a little forward of me, but are you doing anything after this?”

“Nah, I’m wide open. I called out of work tomorrow and everything. I wanted to, you know, be ready for whatever happened tonight.”

Oh, so she had come here planning on hooking up. That made things even simpler. “That’s good to know. Wish I could call out tomorrow.”

“On to the next town, ey?”

“Yeah. Early departure too.”

“Oh, lame. Well hey, we’ll just have to make the most of tonight then.” She looked around and then grinned sheepishly. “You wanna maybe just head out, since you have to be off early and all?”

It was like this woman was tailor-made for this evening. “I’d like that a lot. Do you have a car? I can pay for a cab if not.”

“Yeah, I have a car, no worries.”

The two them started walking, then Fluttershy grabbed her by the shoulder. “Not that way, we can leave through the back so we don’t have to wade through the crowd.”

“Oh, cool. Private exit, huh?”

Fluttershy giggled. “Yeah.”

It was good that they had another way out, there seemed to be a crowd forming near the front. Fluttershy idly wondered why, but she figured it was probably just where Rainbow was. Wherever she went, the crowd followed.

“So, hey, I hope this doesn’t sound weird or anything, but I’m really glad I ran into you.”

Fluttershy smiled and began wondering if she should ask for a name. “Me too.”

“I, uh, I still think about you a lot, actually.”

That was a weird thing to say. Fluttershy stopped walking and turned to face her, no longer sure she should get in a car with this woman. “Really?”

“Yeah, I mean…” She stopped as well and blushed a little. “Not like, in a weird way, you know? Just like oh hey, wonder how Fluttershy’s doing.”

That was pretty weird. Fluttershy decided whatever happened, she was not getting in a car with someone who was starting to sound like a stalker. “Oh. Well, I’m flattered.”

“That was the wrong thing to say, wasn’t it? I’m sorry, I just…” She turned away and shoved her hands in her pockets. “Please don’t think I’m a weirdo, I really just meant, you know, last time was really cool.”

Fluttershy scrunched up her face. “Last time?”

The other woman stared at Fluttershy for a moment. “You, er, you don’t remember me, huh?”

Fluttershy blinked, trying to remember if she had seen this woman somewhere before. “I, uhm, no, I don’t. Have we met before?”

“Yeah, last year, Bitchette came through and I met you at the bar. You got me backstage, and then we went back to the hotel and slept together.”

Fluttershy didn’t usually drink out at the bar, but if she was, she’d probably been pretty drunk by the time she even met this woman. She couldn’t find any words to say, so she said nothing.

“It… it was my first time. And then when I told you that afterwards, you got all worried that you’d done something wrong, and we wound up staying up all night talking.”

Fluttershy facepalmed. “We went down to the pool. It was closed, but we hopped the fence.”

“Yeah.” Being remembered didn’t really seem to lift her spirits. “I guess for you it was just another night, huh?”

“No, it was a really nice night. I do remember that, I just…”

“Didn’t remember me.” She smiled at Fluttershy. “Hey, no, I get it. I mean, I really should’ve known. I asked if we could keep in touch, and I gave you my number, but you never called. I mean, I guess I knew, you know? I just wanted to think, like, you were busy. And then when you came up and said hi, I thought, you know, it was because you remembered me.”

“I was busy. I’m so sorry for not recognizing you, but let me make it up to you.”

“I… I think I’m just gonna go, actually.” The other woman gave her an authentic smile. “It was nice seeing you again, really. Take care of yourself, and uh, good luck finding someone to spend the night with.”

“Wait, please…” Fluttershy felt like such an idiot. She couldn’t even ask her to wait by name.

The other woman just waved and disappeared into the crowd, leaving Fluttershy alone. She felt like shit. That night had clearly meant something to the mystery woman, and it had meant something to Fluttershy too.

No, not really. It had been a great night, one she could look back on fondly as one of the best of the tour. But the woman she spent it with? That could’ve been anyone. It was just like she’d said – Fluttershy remembered the night, but not the girl.

It took a moment for Fluttershy to realize she was still holding the beer bottle. She drank what little bit was left and threw it away. The crowd still hadn’t died down, and all their chatter was feeling even more like static to her ears. She should just go.

But then she realized the crowd really hadn’t died down, so she walked over to see what was going on. As expected, Rainbow was over there, as were Lemon Zest and Gilda.

But seeing who they were struck Fluttershy harder than anything else that night possibly could.


Standing before her was Sunset Shimmer. And not just Sunset, but Twilight and the other Fluttershy too. If there was anything Fluttershy didn’t want to see this night, it was these three.

“Shy…” Sunset blinked and closed her mouth. She scratched at the back of her head as she stared at Fluttershy. “So, uh… long time no see?”

“What…” Fluttershy shook her head, her disbelief working its way into her voice. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

Sunset swallowed. “I came to see you. I… I wanted to say I’m sorry.” She glanced towards Rainbow. “Is it okay if… can we talk?”

Fluttershy frowned. She didn’t want to talk to Sunset. She wanted to have security throw her out right then and there. What right did she have to come back like this? And to make matters worse, she’d brought her along. The other Fluttershy, the perfect one. She looked so pretty with her perfect, unmarked skin and her long flowing pink hair, dressed in soft fabrics like what Fluttershy herself used to wear.

She was everything that Fluttershy could never live up to, and she was right in front of her. Well, if they were going to talk, they weren’t going to do it in front of her.

“Come on. The dressing room is over here, the two of us can talk there.”

Although it was exactly what Sunset had asked for, she still had the audacity to stop and look at the others for support. Of course she found it, because Sunset’s fucking wives were nothing short of perfect.

“Go on, we’ll be fine,” Twilight said.

“This is what we were hoping for,” the other bitch said. “Go talk to her.”

Fluttershy didn’t see what came next. Hearing her voice set her on edge and made her want to scream. At Sunset, at the other Fluttershy, at Rainbow for not getting rid of them sooner, at herself for everything she’d done wrong, Fluttershy just wanted to scream.

Instead, she walked calmly to the dressing room, trusting that Sunset could make it there on her own.

Then it was just the two of them. Fluttershy and the person who she had once wanted to give everything she had for, alone for the first time in years. She gritted her teeth as she turned to face her. “Okay, so what the hell do you want?”

Sunset didn’t seem too taken aback by the tone in her voice. “Like I said, I wanted to say I’m sorry. I… wasn’t always fair to you when we were together.”

“You think? You tried to get me to give up on the one thing I managed to do all by myself!”

“I know.” Sunset held up her hands. “And I was wrong, and I’m glad you stuck with it.”

Oh, right, because that’s what Fluttershy was missing in her life, Sunset Shimmer’s validation. “Of fucking course you’re glad!” Fluttershy threw out her hands. “You got to go off to a magical land where you’re rich and famous and have two supportive wives. Your life turned out fucking perfect once I wasn’t in it anymore!”

“Whoa, hold on.” Sunset shook her head. “It’s not like that! And things aren’t perfect for us. Yeah I know we’re lucky in a lot of ways, but it’s not like it’s been easy.”

“Oh really?” Fluttershy took a step forward and raised her voice some more. “Tell me, Sunny. Tell me all about how difficult it’s been for you, because you wouldn’t fucking believe what my life has turned into since you left me!”

Sunset’s face muscles tightened. “Okay, I was wrong about a lot of things, but you left first. I offered to stick around and wait for you, and you told me not to because you were already seeing someone.”

As if Fluttershy had ever once forgotten that mistake. “I lied, okay!?” She turned and took a step away. “I lied about seeing someone because I wanted you to move on. So yeah, I got exactly what I fucking wanted. Yay me.”

“How was I supposed to know that!? I’m so sorry for believing you!”

“Do you know what my life has been like since you left?” Fluttershy spun back around and pointed at her hair. “Because this? This is nothing compared to the other ways I’ve changed without you.”

Sunset folded her arms. “I’m listening.”

Where to fucking start? “I sleep with a different girl pretty much every night because if I don’t, I don’t sleep at all. I’m up for days at a time, I drink nonstop, the only thing stopping me from trying to kill myself again is the pills I have to take every god damn day!”

Sunset stared at her for a moment, then finally said, “Again?”

Fluttershy hadn’t meant to let that slip, but now that it had, she just laughed. “Yeah, that’s right, Sunny! I tried to kill myself because that’s how much my life just fucking sucks! And half the time even with the antidepressants, I still think back on that day and wish I hadn’t thrown up those damn pills.”

“And it’s all my fault?” Sunset asked.

Fluttershy shook her head “I don’t know, but you sure as hell aren’t making it better by showing up unannounced like this! For fuck’s sake, Sunset, what did you expect? I’d just fall into your arms and you could have two of me?”

“No! I just wanted to try things over again. Not us, not like being together, just you know, as friends this time. Because I still love –”

They both stood in silence for a moment as Sunset’s words washed between them.

“You still love me?” Fluttershy asked doubtfully.

“Well… yes,” Sunset said reluctantly. “Look, it’s not like, you know, a burning love like when I thought we’d spend our lives together. But yes, I still love you. I probably always will.”

It was too much. It was just too fucking much. Sunset showed up unannounced, dragging a perfect version of Fluttershy along to flaunt in her face, and now she wanted to say she still loved her?

“I hate you, Sunset.” Fluttershy folded her arms. “You were once the best thing that ever happened to me, and now the rest of my life has to struggle to live up to that without you. I hate you so much.”

“Shy, it doesn’t have to be like that. I want us to be friends again, I want to be part of your life again.”

Sunset reached out for Fluttershy’s shoulder, but Fluttershy slapped her hand away. “Did you fucking hear me? I said I hate you! I don’t want you back in my life, Sunny, I never want to see your stupid face again! If you really love me, you’ll stay in Equestria. Far far away from me.”


Fluttershy stamped her foot. “Don’t fucking ‘Shy’ me! I’m not yours anymore, and I don’t have to put up with what you want! Just go back to your perfect little pony life. You’ve already got a better version of me waiting out there to cheer you up from the bitch I am in this world anyway.”

“It’s not like –”

“Just go!”

Sunset stood and stared for a minute, then she turned and ran. Fluttershy watched her go, and then she screamed.

She grabbed at her short hair, grabbing fist fulls of it and pulling tightly. It was at least long enough for that.

Before she even knew someone was in the room with her, she had a pair of arms around her. She looked to see Lemon Zest was hugging her, while Rainbow, Gilda, and Windfall all waited off to the side.

Fluttershy sighed. “I’m okay, Zesty.”

Lemon Zest let go, but she looked at her uncertainly. Gilda was the first to speak, however. “So that was the bitch, huh?”

“Yeah,” Fluttershy said since no one else answered. “That was Sunset.”

“You okay?” Rainbow asked.

Fluttershy sunk into a chair. “What fucking right does she have…?”

“She’s gone now,” Windfall said. “She left with those other two women, the ones that look like you and Twilight.”

Fluttershy nodded.

“So, uh, what do we wanna do now?” Lemon Zest asked.

“I don’t know…” Fluttershy stood up. “I’m going back to the hotel.”

“I’ll come with you,” Rainbow said.

“Me too,” Lemon Zest added.

Windfall nodded. “We can all go.”

“No, we can’t.” Fluttershy frowned. “Those fans paid money to spend time with you all. I’m a grown woman, and I can take care of myself.”

Gilda folded her arms. “Yeah, that’s great and all, but it’s bullshit. If you go back on your own, you’re gonna get piss drunk.”

“I will not!” Fluttershy said, even though she probably would.

“You’re right that we can’t all leave, though,” Rainbow said. “I’ll go, everyone else should stay here.”

“Dash, you’re the one they want to see the most,” Windfall pointed out.

“Look, I’m going with Shy,” Gilda said. “There’s too much weird shit going on tonight, and I’m done with it. I’d want to go to the hotel even if Shy wasn’t going, so it might as well be me who dips.”

“Yeah, alright.” Lemon Zest gave Fluttershy an uncertain look. “But hey, we won’t be far behind, alright?”

“Yeah, okay,” Fluttershy said. “I’ll see you all at the hotel.”

Even though she wasn’t leaving with them, Rainbow still escorted them to the door. When they reached it, she put her hands on Fluttershy’s shoulders. “Hey, so… This doesn’t have to be a big deal, you know? She’s only got as much power over you as you let her have.”

“I know, Dashie. I’m really okay, just… a little out of it. I just need to sleep it off.”

“Yeah, okay.” Rainbow pulled Fluttershy into a hug, then smiled as they pulled apart. “See you later then.”

“Yeah, and Dash? Try and enjoy the night.”

Rainbow flashed her a grin as she waved her off, then Fluttershy and Gilda left the building. Gilda put her phone in her pocket and told Fluttershy that she’d already ordered them a cab, so they made their way to the parking lot to wait for it.

Being with Gilda was both good and bad. She wouldn’t crowd Fluttershy with meaningless comments about how things were going to be okay, but on that note, she wasn’t exactly talkative in general.

And so they waited for the cab in silence, Fluttershy passing the time with her phone. She posted on the band’s social media, thanking fans for coming out to the show and reminding people about the radio show that would be coming the next day.

Thankfully, being downtown meant it didn’t take long for their ride to get there. They climbed into the back of the car, greeted their driver, and they were off.

All along the way back to the hotel, Fluttershy noticed that Gilda was stealing glances at her. She didn’t say anything though, so neither did Fluttershy. She did get the feeling that a conversation was coming, but that it would wait until they weren’t in a car with another person.

Since the driver also wasn’t talkative, they passed the entire drive in silence. They thanked him when they reached the hotel, then made their way inside.

It was in the elevator that Gilda finally spoke. “So that was fucking weird.”

Fluttershy couldn’t help but smile. She was glad that it was Gilda she was with after all. She was the only one who would be more concerned about their visitors being Equestrian than Sunset being Fluttershy’s ex. “Imagine how I felt.”

“Yeah… So like… there’s two of everyone?”

The elevator door opened and they walked down the hallway. Fluttershy went straight for her room, and Gilda followed. “Yeah, that’s the idea. What, you suddenly believe us?”

“Well I mean, shit, what am I supposed to think?” Gilda followed Fluttershy into the room, closing the door behind them. “Everyone talks about it, Limestone’s sister’s fucking been there, and now there’s god damn two of you! And don’t think I didn’t notice that suddenly Twilight’s half a foot taller.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “I don’t know why Princess Twilight’s taller.”

Princess Twilight?”

“Oh, yeah, she’s a princess. And they’re all married, so all three of them are princesses now.”

Gilda started looking through Fluttershy’s fridge and helped herself to a can of soda. She gave one to Fluttershy as well. “Jesus. So like… they’re like magic horses from another world and they’re fucking princesses? Weird shit, man…”

Fluttershy opened the soda and took a sip. “Yeah, it is. But when you and your friends use friendship magic to stop an evil demon from terrorizing your school, everything kinda becomes relevant.”

“You’re fucking with me.”

“No. Rainbow was part of it too. It’s… a long story. You want to know about it?”

“Honestly? No, I really don’t. Maybe someday I’ll have you tell me about it, but right now it’s enough to try and just wrap my head around this whole other world thing.”

Fluttershy nodded. “It’s a lot to take in.”

“So you and Rainbow never went though?”

“No. I was going to go with Sunset, but I was pregnant at the time and we didn’t know what it would do to Sky.” Fluttershy frowned and looked at the ground. She had learned to talk about Sky ever since her suicide attempt, but it was still hard.

“Yeah, makes sense.”

Fluttershy took a deep breath. “And then it just… didn’t seem as pressing. I don’t actually remember the next few months all that well. I got really messed up.”

“You don’t say.”

“Worse than I am now.”

“I didn’t say nothing.”

Fluttershy smiled. She finished her soda and threw out the can. “Guess I’ll never get to go now though.”

“You know, for someone who doesn’t like to talk about shit, you’re talking an awful lot.”

Fluttershy bowed her head. “Oh, sorry.”

“I mean, it’s good, right? You should talk about shit. I’m just saying, you know, say what’s on your mind.”

Although she hadn’t been intentionally dancing around the subject, it was clear that she’d been doing it without meaning to. Fluttershy frowned. “Why the fuck would she just show up like that?”

“Because she’s a moron.”

“No, she’s really smart.”

“Yeah, smart people are almost always morons. Look, I don’t know everything that happened between you two, but she clearly wanted to make up for it. She didn’t show up tonight to start shit, which means she’s just a god damn idiot.”

Fluttershy sighed. “Yeah. Yeah, she really is. A well meaning idiot…”

“Yeah, maybe.”

“And I just bitched her out. The first time we’ve seen each other in years, and I just told her to get lost.”

Gilda shrugged. “Yeah, well, sometimes it doesn’t matter if someone has good intentions. What she did was shitty. Honestly, I would’ve decked her.”

“Gilda, she’s a foot taller than me.”

“So? She’d never hit you back.”

“No. No, she wouldn’t.” Fluttershy leaned back in her chair. “I threw a glass at her once. I don’t even remember why. But I wanted to hurt her, and she… she’d never do that to me…”

“You know, I’m just gonna say it, you need to talk to your therapist about this shit. Like I’m here for you, you want me to go fuck her up, I’ll do it. But you wanna sort this shit with your head out? I’m not the one to go to for that.”

“Yeah, I know. I don’t mean to put anything on you.”

Gilda finished her soda and threw it out, the can clinking against Fluttershy’s. “It’s fine. I just don’t know what to say.”

“I wouldn’t either.”

Gilda stood up and walked over to the bed. She sat down and turned on the TV, flipping through channels until she stopped on a movie. It was an old sci-fi horror movie. Not really Fluttershy’s kind of movie, but she didn’t mind. She had seen it before, so she knew it wouldn’t scare her too much. Sunset had owned it, back when they didn’t have cable and only had DVDs to watch.

She kicked off her shoes and lay down on the bed next to Gilda, focusing on the movie. A wormlike alien was tunneling out of a man’s chest with blood splattering everywhere. She remembered the first time she had seen it, she had jumped right into Sunset’s arms.

“If you try to cuddle me, I swear I’ll kick you out of this bed,” Gilda deadpanned.

Fluttershy smirked. “Limestone is so lucky to have such a doting girlfriend.”

“Fuck off.”

There were a lot of thoughts running through Fluttershy’s head. She wasn’t sure if she had done the right thing with Sunset. She still couldn’t believe she had actually talked to Sunset again at all. Not to mention seeing her double again, who was Sunset’s wife now.

Too many thoughts, too much noise in her head. All of it demanding her attention. So Fluttershy did the only thing she could think to do: She didn’t think about any of them. She would let the world around her be the white noise to drown out the sounds she couldn’t deal with. For now, she was watching a gory space movie with a friend, and that was all.

Author's Note:

This chapter was written in part due to the (I felt) unfair perception of readers had of this event from The Open Road, where everyone seemed to be against Fluttershy. I always felt like if people just looked at it from Shy's POV they'd be more understanding of why she acted the way she did. I hope that was accomplished with this chapter.

Also because a pre-reader asked, no the mystery woman was not meant to be Amber. She's not meant to be anyone, just an unnamed character.