• Published 23rd Dec 2020
  • 866 Views, 18 Comments

Fire in the Frost - applezombi

During an involuntary break from her Wonderbolts duties, Spitfire volunteers to bodyguard a mysterious stranger.

  • ...

Chapter 2

“So I’m gonna be foalsitting?” Spitfire asked Princess Twilight skeptically as she followed the princess through the crystalline halls of the castle.

“Not foalsitting,” the princess corrected her sternly. “Witness protection.”

“Sure, sure. Dash made it sound like foalsitting.” Spitfire laughed. The princess sighed with exasperation as they reached a large staircase heading down. “Woah. Is this witness of yours in your dungeon?”

“Dungeon?” Princess Twilight yelped. “N-no, I don’t have a dungeon! Why would I have a dungeon? This is the Castle of Friendship!”

“Relax, princess, I was just teasing,” Spitfire smirked.

Princess Twilight rolled her eyes as her horn lit, the magenta glow lighting the darkness descending below. “Just because we’re going to the basement doesn’t mean I have a dungeon,” she scolded. “We’re going to the library.”

“I thought your library was upstairs.” Spitfire was pretty sure she’d seen it as they’d walked past.

“That’s the upstairs library. This is the basement library,” Twilight colored a bit as she spoke. “Um, Spitfire. Rainbow says you’re trustworthy. But the basement library is where I keep my more… sensitive texts. I have to tell you that everything here is technically a state secret.”

“Yeah, Dash already told me as much,” Spitfire shrugged, though inwardly she was curious. What sort of secrets would the Princess of Friendship have? “Don’t worry, I can keep a secret.”

“I believe you,” Princess Twilight smiled gently. “But still, I hope you’ll understand that a lot of the stuff that’s going on is need-to-know.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Spitfire saluted.

“Great.” Princess Twilight beamed. “Now, the, uh, witness you’ll be guarding might be a little odd…”

They reached the bottom of the stairs, which ended in a heavy wooden door. Princess Twilight lit her horn, pushing the door open with her magic. Inside was a well-lit library, with rows of ancient looking books.

“Oh good, you made it,” came a voice from inside. Spitfire nearly jumped in surprise. She hadn’t expected anypony to be inside. “We’re almost ready to bring her through.”

The speaker was a unicorn, with an orange coat and red and orange streaked hair. She looked vaguely familiar, but Spitfire couldn’t remember from where. She waved as the two of them entered the library.

The unicorn was standing next to one of the oddest contraptions Spitfire had ever seen. It was a large oval mirror, surrounded with all sorts of gizmos and gadgets. A closed book sat on a stand next to the mirror, hooked up to the contraption with some sort of cord. The machine looked inert, but Spitfire eyed it nervously.

“Sunset! It’s so good to see you!” Princess Twilight rushed over and hugged the unicorn tightly. “Everything is set up?” Princess Twilight glanced at the machine with concern. “But the portal’s not turned on.”

“Portal?” Spitfire couldn’t help but ask. Both other mares glanced at her.

“Um, need-to-know,” Princess Twilight said awkwardly. “Sunset Shimmer, this is Spitfire. She’s going to be our guard for Adagio.”

“Spitfire?” Sunset’s face cocked to the side. “The Wonderbolt?”

“Yes, but she’s helping us out for a few days,” Princess Twilight said impatiently, before Spitfire could answer. “Why’d you turn the portal off after you came through?”

“I’m just trying to be careful,” Sunset said defensively. “Trixie has the other journal, she said she’s contact me as soon as they were ready to bring Adagio through.”

“You gave the journal to Trixie?!” Princess Twilight’s wings flared out in distress. Sunset laughed nervously.

“It’s fine. She’s getting a lot better, really!” Sunset said nervously. Princess Twilight’s eyes narrowed.

“Um,” Spitfire cut in. She didn’t want to feel like a third wheel any more. “I know there’s a lot of secrets bouncing around here, but I could at least use a little clue about what’s going on.”

The other two mares gaped at her for a moment, then blushed.

“Um, yeah, sorry, Spitfire,” Princess Twilight said. “Um, okay. Well, this here,” she pointed to the odd contraption surrounding the mirror. “This is a portal to another world. I’ve made some friends there, and they asked for my help with something.”

“Yeah,” Sunset glanced nervously between Spitfire and the princess. “I guess the most important thing is this. There’s this girl, Adagio Dazzle. She’s a bit of a ha…” Princess Twilight cleared her throat, and Sunset blushed. “Hoofful. But she’s in danger, and she needs a safe place to crash for a few days. Maybe even a few weeks. So we thought, what better place than another world?”

“Normally I’d ask the girls to help watch over her,” Princess Twilight sighed. “But they’re all out of town visiting family for the holiday.”

“What about you?” Spitfire asked curiously. Princess Twilight looked nervous.

“Adagio and I have a history,” she said softly, as Sunset Shimmer cringed. “I had to take away her magic in the other world. She was making poor choices with it, and it was the only way to keep the others in that world safe. So if somepony else can be her guard, that would probably be best.” She paused, turning a concerned look on Spitfire. “Um, are you sure you’re okay with this? You don’t have other Hearth’s Warming plans?”

Spitfire was used to questions like that, but it still didn’t help the little dagger of hurt that spiked her heart. She shook her head. “No. I got nothing.” She was well used to the shocked, pitying looks that crossed their faces, and spoke up quickly, before they could start apologizing or something else embarrassing. “So I’m not really foalsitting, I’m a prison guard?”

“N-no, not at all!” Twilight Sparkle waved her hooves frantically. “Adagio is a victim in all of this. She’s not under arrest or anything, and she agreed to hide out here.” She sighed. “And she has agreed to behave herself.”

“Whatever that means.” Sunset muttered, rolling her eyes.

“So your job will be to keep Adagio safe for a few weeks. Sunset and I will be through the portal, trying to resolve the…” the princess glanced at the portal. “…the issues on the other side. I’ve arranged for you two to stay at the palace, if you like. Also I have a line of credit at all the local businesses, so if you need any food or treats, they can just charge it to the castle.”

“So just sit tight for a few days while hanging out with some kind of reformed criminal?” The idea was a mixed one for Spitfire. On the one hand, staying put in one spot was never really her style. On the other hand, this Adagio character sounded interesting, in a mysterious and edgy sort of way.

“’Reformed’ might be a stretch,” Sunset snorted with amusement. “You should have seen when we…”

But Spitfire never got to find out what she would say. The book, sitting on the stand built into the portal contraption began to glow and vibrate. All three mares glanced at it, and Sunset walked over.

“It’s showtime, I guess,” Sunset said, reaching up with a hoof to open the book.

Suddenly the mirror began to glow, rippling with a swirling purple light. Spitfire’s eyes widened with surprise. In her years as a Wonderbolt, she’d seen tons of strange magical things, but this was her first time looking at a portal from another world. She stared at the portal, somehow expecting to see through it into this strange new world the others kept talking about, but though it was clearly active, it remained opaque.

“Something’s coming through,” Twilight whispered, stepping back to give the portal some space. Indeed, the swirling of the portal increased in speed, spinning about with bright flashes of light. Suddenly it shined bright enough that Spitfire wished she’d brought her signature shades. She covered her eyes with one hoof and shied back from the light.

A unicorn pony stepped out, with yellow fur and one of the most spectacular manes Spitfire had ever seen. A voluminous curly orange mane spilled about her neck and shoulders, matched by an almost equally poofy tail that would have put even Dash’s friend Pinkie Pie to shame. Her eyes were like sparkling rubies, filled with surprise and not a little wonder. She was standing on her hind hooves, her forehooves dangling awkwardly in the air. She gave a mild squeak of surprise before landing on her hooves.

“W-what is going on here?” she demanded, her voice full of casual authority. “I’m a pony? Why am I a pony?!”

“You know I warned you this might happen, Adagio,” Sunset chided. “You knew it was a possibility. Didn’t you listen to me?”

“I’ve had a bit more on my mind, Sunset,” the mare sneered, before glancing about the room. “A library? Of course it’s a library. I thought I’d be seeing your ‘majestic castle’, Princess.”

“We’re in my castle!” Princess Twilight protested. “And who are you to judge me for having a library in my castle! I don’t see you having a castle!”

Spitfire snickered at that.

“Besides, what else would you have in a castle besides a royal library?” Princess Twilight continued. Adagio glanced about, looking down at her hooves with distaste before taking a few experimental steps. It looked clumsy at first, but she soon appeared to get the hang of moving, imbuing her walk with a sensual sort of roll as she stepped about the library. It drew Spitfire’s eyes to her flanks, where she saw Adagio’s cutie mark; a topaz colored gemstone in front of some sort of musical symbol that Spitfire didn’t recognize.

“Oh, if I had a castle?” Adagio cooed. “Twilight, I’ve had castles before. I don’t have to imagine, I just have to remember. And yes, maybe some of them had libraries, but also luxurious baths, galleries, banquet halls.” She sighed with pleasure. “Oh, and an entire wing for our harems.”

Both the Princess and Sunset went crimson, sputtering with embarrassment. Spitfire cackled with amusement. She liked this Adagio, but it was probably best to deflect attention away from the Princess before Twilight’s own embarrassment consumed her.

“Sorry to interrupt,” she stepped forward finally, holding out a hoof. “Hi. I’m Spitfire. Princess Twilight’s asked me to look after you while you’re visiting this side of the portal.”

“Spitfire, hm?” Adagio glanced at the offered hoof, and slowly reached out with her own. “That’s a rather passionate name, isn’t it?” Her eyes were half lidded, and her smile full of a thousand promises. Spitfire laughed again.

“So do you always flirt in order to get to know new ponies?” Spitfire grinned confidently. She quite enjoyed the sudden surprise she saw in Adagio’s eyes, before it was once again hidden behind her usual smokey look.

“Oh princess? I approve of this one. Feel free to scurry on about your friendship mission. I think this Spitfire will do nicely for my…” she breathed the last word. “…escort.”

Princess Twilight’s mouth opened in indignation, a sharp retort ready behind her eyes, but Sunset shook her head.

“Twilight…” she warned, and the princess sighed.

“You behave, Adagio Dazzle,” Princess Twilight shook her hoof at Adagio. “We’re letting you hide over here as a courtesy. If you make problems, I’m sure there’s still room in the Canterlot dungeons.”

“Oh, is that a threat?” Adagio purred. “Or an invitation? Because if you need to chain me up, or restrain me, I’d be happy to…”

Princess Twilight’s scream of frustration cut off suddenly as Sunset Shimmer shoved her through the portal.

“Maybe you should get her out of here,” Sunset looked flushed herself. “Just close the door on your way out.” She then stepped through the portal herself.

“So…” Adagio dragged the word out almost musically. “Want to see how much trouble we can get into in Twilight’s castle?”

Spitfire raised her eyebrows. “I thought you promised the princess you’d be on your best behavior.”

Adagio’s laugh was low and throaty. “Oh, I did. But you don’t know me very well.” She began to saunter out of the library, her tail swishing with the slow sway of her walk. “My best behavior isn’t very wholesome.”

Spitfire thought her cheeks would be sore later from all the grinning. “To be fair, there’s not much mischief we can get into in a librarian’s castle. Let’s head out anyways.” She moved towards the library door, pulling it open with one hoof.

“You’re just trying to clear me out of the castle,” Adagio pouted.

“Maybe. But I’m pretty sure Dash told me Princess Twilight doesn’t keep any booze on the premises, so…”

“Ugh. Very well,” Adagio sighed, but there was a sparkle in her eyes. “I’ll allow you to lure me away from this boring castle.”

“Great!” Spitfire led the way up the stairs.