• Published 1st Apr 2021
  • 3,455 Views, 57 Comments

As the Sun Sets, Twilight Covers. - Pickleless

Celestia converses with Sunset through the journal, shortly after she runs away.

  • ...

I hate you

Sunset Shimmer, are you there?

I'm sorry.

The user of this journal studied under the princess as well. This pony seemed to have researched subjects I have yet to come across. There's even a bit of dark magic in here. Did Celestia used to teach that but no longer does? This journal doesn't look that old. Seeing them show their work and cite sources will be a great help. I'm sure I'll be able to impress the Princess with what I can learn from this.

Where did you find this?


Hello! Sorry, I didn't know this was still being used by someone else. How are you writing in this without having the book on you?

Where did you find this?


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to invade your privacy.

You're not answering my question.

I'm Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's most faithful student! I found this book in her room. She told me to make myself comfortable, and that I was free to look around while she handled a problem.

Put this book away.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to invade your privacy.



Are you there? I could use your help.


I could really use your help, please.

Who's there?

Twilight Sparkle.

What do you want from me?

Celestia asked me to make friends. I have trouble getting along with the other students here. Could we be friends?

Are you fucking serious.


Well no wonder you don't have friends, you're too much like Celestia.

She's not that bad, is she?

If you're being asked to make friends you're a few steps away from getting banned from the country. Smile, do what she says, stop asking her for things you want.

I don't think Celestia would ban me.

She exiled me.

No s-

Why did she do that?

Look, I don't know, why don't you ask Celestia?

Why do you think she exiled you?

Because she did?


Well then, I will be your friend.


Why not?

I don't want any friends.

I don't have any friends.

I'm a bad pony to make friends with.


Because I'm a bad pony.


Wait, are you crying? there are tear marks on the page. You can't seriously be crying.

Holy shit, okay, I'll be your friend, stop crying.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

Not like I have anything better to do anyway.

I will always make time for you.

Cool. Great. Awesome.

Could you tell me about yourself?


Because you are my friend, Sunset.

I was Celestia's student she picked up from an orphanage because I was powerful. I thought she adopted me, I was wrong. When Mi Amore Cadenza was made an alicorn and got adopted by Celestia, I knew I was being replaced. I demanded she'd make me an alicorn so she would adopt me. Now I'm banished and stealing lunch money from kids for a daily meal. In other words, I'm an exile and a thief, go away. Stop crying, stop crying so much dammit! Wait, can you just turn on the waterworks by will? What the fuck is wrong with you?

I'm so sorry.

Whatever, it's not your fault.

I'm so sorry.

Okay okay stop crying already.


Can you actually manually stop crying?

It takes practice.

Can you teach me to do that?

Why do you want to know?

I need to look tough, everyone will just gang up on me if I start crying.


You're trying really hard to not cry right now, aren't you?

That is a possibility, indeed.

I did a slow clap in real life for you.

A slow clap?

Holy shit Twilight, okay. Nevermind, you do need me, you are way too lame.

I'm glad I could become friends with someone as cool as you.

Yeah yeah, whatever, I know I'm just some school project for you to a get a good grade on friendship for.


What do you need from me to prove I sincerely want to be your friend?

I don't know, any legit reason for wanting to talk to me? You have none.

From reading your journal, I noticed you learned most of the same stuff as me, so I thought we could be friends. It is hard to find somepony who shares the same interests as me. Other students don't like studying and learning as a hobby. You do, I would love to talk to you about, everything really.

Okay, you've been asking about me nonstop, what about yourself?

Well, I like to read. I would love to give you a list of hobbies but being Celestia's student has eaten up a lot of my free time.

Ah, so you don't have any friends because you're a loser.

Actually, yes, that is quite accurate.


You know what? You're way too depressing.

I could say the same to you Sunset.

I never gave you my name.


I found a box with little trinkets relating to you. A picture of you, your school ID, some drawings you made. Celestia had them tucked away in a closet.

So you're way too afraid to make friends, to the point where you avoid others and call yourself a loser, but when it comes to Celestia you just rifle through her shit without a care in the world?

She's a spacey old mare too busy with court, she won't notice.

...Did you just call Celestia a spacey old mare?

From my own observations Celestia is rather clueless at times. Between you and me? I notice Celestia making a fool of herself quite frequently, even if nopony else does.

I take everything back, you're awesome.

Thank you for giving me a chance Sunset. You don't know how much this means to me.

Hey, I think we both have our griefs with Celestia, we can help each other get over them.

In complete honesty I am very sick of Celestia.

Me too sister, don't worry though, I got your back.

I promise I'll be there for you too.

Thanks Twilight.

You're are very, very welcome Sunset.