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Day 2 - Dress to Kill

Pinkamena cursed to herself as she slowly wiped the blood from her face in the bathroom mirror. Her whole face felt numb as if it was about to swell up and become a puffy red mess. It had been a long time since she had to deal with tending to her scar wounds opening back up, but she still knew what to do.

Still stung like all hell.

She could hear the sounds of crickets outside, them doing a bang up job at reminding her that it was some ungodly hour of the morning. She sighed, rubbing her eyes as she softly put her hand up against the X shaped scar on her lower jaw. It was not fun, getting a screwdriver almost stabbed into your mouth. Having to come up with why she had the thing took forever to think of.

She let the water in the sink run for a bit before splashing some on her face, feeling it slowly dribble down and hit the floor. “Ah…” she let out a sigh as she got another look at herself. Was she really the same woman who bravely decided to go off with a bunch of people she didn’t really know to try and stop an eternal princess of the night?

She pulled a towel close, wiping her face dry as she took another deep breath. She could think about the dream she had in the morning, she just needed to-

Her phone buzzed loudly, getting her attention.

‘Anonymous Asked: Sleep well?’

… Of course. “What do you think?” she asked, before feeling her cuts open back up again. “You freaks really can’t move on with your life, huh? Need to cling to that one blog you followed who knows how long ago,” she said, sighing as she grabbed a washcloth and put it under the sink, getting it wet. “Alright. Let’s get some out so I can go sleep in peace.”

‘Mayburry112 Asked: You picked out your next victim already yet?’

She cringed as she put the washcloth up against the X scar. “No, I haven’t. But, I don’t doubt that Minerva is just gonna give me a bingo spinner full of new numbers and just wait for me to break,” she responded, looking through a few cabinets for any kind of cream or healing ointment. “I really don’t need to start anything. I mean, with how different things are, I can guarantee that I’d be found out almost immediately before I even got to cut someone open.”

‘DreamingRapture Asked: Do you wonder what everyone’s been upto?’

She simply shrugged as she softly applied ointment. It was less of a burning feeling that she expected. “I’m gonna find out what happened to Scootaloo, no matter what. I need to see how bad I screwed the pooch with her. Everyone else? I could give a damn. I mean, Applejack was already one hell of a drunk when I last saw her, probably drank herself to death when she finally got to see her lover’s body. I don’t wanna see what Rarity’s doing after our last…” she sighed. “Interaction.” She looked around the bathroom, reflecting on the paneling and design of the walls, reminding her she was back in the library.

“Twilight’s probably still there, in the town. Reading the same books she’s had since she moved in, hoping that one day she’ll wake up from everything and we’ll all be back there. Ready to help her with her next friendship letter,” Pinkamena looked at herself in the mirror again. “I used to be the same.”

‘SuperWhoLock4Eva! Asked: Has your ass gotten fatter or was it always naturally that size?’

Yeah, that was more than enough questions for now. “I’m heading to bed. Stop visiting long dead ask blogs for enjoyment,” she said, turning off the florescent bathroom light and walking out into the hallway.

She slowly wandered through the hallways back to her room. The sounds of the night outside were becoming muted. Sleep was slowly sinking back in as the world around her almost faded away and darkness swallowed her up.

It was like she was back in the cellars under Sugarcube Corner, the countless nights where she would just let it take her all in, getting lost in the seemingly endless maze of black corridors and hoping she would never be found again.

But then, she could see a slight blip of light in the darkness. It blinked in and out, rhythmic. She broke from her stupor and looked, hearing the slightly muffled sounds of music playing

She focused her vision more as she could see Grey, sitting near a record player, softly nodding her head along to the beat as the sounds of a sorrowful accordion filled the air. She appeared to be topless, with her hands running over her stomach. Pinkamena didn’t get it, but she knew that this wasn’t really one of those moments where she needed to.

She continued her walk back to her room, the music guiding her. She fell into her bed, eyes becoming heavy as she sunk back into slumber.


The three girls awkwardly ate their food, not saying much to each other. “Something happen last night?” Melody asked, looking at Pinkamena. “your scars didn’t look that red yesterday, did they?”

“They opened back up, had to get them all cleaned and washed. Used to happen all the time, nothing new,” Pinkamena explained, before shoveling a spoonful of cereal in her mouth.

“So that’s who I heard walking around last night,” Grey said. “Hope it’s nothing serious.”

“Like I said, it’s happened before. Nothing new, so don’t worry yourself about it.” An awkward silence filled the air. “So… how’d you get on probation or community service or whatever?”

Grey let out a loud huff before looking aside. “It’s not like I intentionally did anything wrong. I was helping a friend-”

“A ‘friend’,” Melody did air quotes before being glared down by Grey.

“I was helping them with doing some valet work for tips. They drive up to me in a truck and say they need my help with something. Next thing I know, I’m an accomplice to car jacking,” Grey sighed. “Of course, it just so happened to be Applejack’s truck and we crash the damn thing.”

“Did no one believe that you had no idea that your friend was gonna steal the truck?”

Grey simply motioned to her skin. “What do you think?” She checked her phone before getting up. “Come on, Mel. Let’s get going, don’t wanna be late.”

Melody smiled, getting up and quickly kissing her on the cheek. “Hey, at least you get to be this place’s ‘caretaker’ as punishment. Not that bad a job, right?”

Grey rolled her eyes as they headed out of the kitchen. “See ya later, Diane.” The door slammed shut and once again, Pinkamena was along.

At least, for a good minute or two.

She looked up from her bowl as she saw Minerva with a cup of coffee in her hand. “Hangover?” she asked, flashing a smile. She was wearing more casual wear, with her wearing a light t-shirt that depicted an image of a man’s head with butterfly wings on either side of him. She noticed Pinkamena eyeing it before looking at her for context. “You probably wouldn’t get it. Just supporting a crew that I like, you know? Anyways, how’s being alive for over twenty four hours feel? Good, bad, disappointed, hype?”

Pinkamena simply drank from her cup of milk. “I don’t have much to say to you. I know I won’t get anything out of it. It isn’t fun having to deal with a tank and then fight monsters,” she scoffed. “I’m not like the people here. I don’t have years and years of action and adventure under my belt.”

Minerva smiled, moving a chair next to Pinkamena and sitting down, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “That’s the fun thing about the Reaper’s Game. You don’t have to be like the elements of harmony of this world. You just need to have a pin and your body’ll move to the beat, if you catch my drift. You still have to put in the effort, of course.”

“And if I don’t want to take part in this?”

Minerva shrugged, before taking a sip from her mug. “Well, if this isn’t to your liking you have options. I could just send you back to your room and never tell you anything about the people you Fucked over,” she put a real emphasis on the ‘fuck’, “ and let you eternally rot knowing you can never know…. I could also put you someplace else, if you like.”

“Like where, exactly?”

Minerva smiled. “Well, there’s this great little town I know that I could send you to instead. It’s on the ocean, got a nice baseball stadium… but, the thing is there’s a good chance you’d be hunted down and killed there!” She said, putting her hands up in a surprise motion. “People that kill, such as yourself, get put on a ranked list. Anyone kills the ranked member, they take their place. Based on your body count, I’d put you… right around number 3. So, you know… any random asshole with a weapon they won online could kill you at any moment. And like you said, you don’t have years of action and adventure under your belt, right?”

Pinkamena took a long chug of her drink. “… I’ll stick with this stupid game for now. So, when’s the next mission?” She looked as her phone vibrated.

‘Look decent for once. Fail, and face erasure. - The Reapers’

“I’ll go easy on you today, after all, yesterday was rather hellish, huh?” Minerva said, getting up and heading to leave.

“You the one behind the questions I got last night?” Pinkamena asked, not looking back.

“Hm? What do you mean?”

“... never mind.” Pinkamena heard the door slam shut and sighed. Maybe she could head back to bed for a bit and just sleep for an extra hour or two.


‘How is your morning going, listeners? I hope it’s going alright. Weather calls for things to be nice and clear, with no signs of storms for miles. While I’m cooped up in the booth for most of the day, I hope that all of you outside are having fun and looking fresh! But enough from me, let’s get some music playing from the top of the trash pile, shall we?’

Ponyville already looked to have recovered from the events of yesterday. Most people were going about their business, talking to people next to them or on their phone, rushing to get to their jobs or children to school.

Pinkamena walked past the people running by, thankful not many were really giving her that much of a look, even with the scars. Her hands stuffed in her pockets, she made her way through the market square and headed towards the shopping district.

She was hoping that this town was still the same layout wise as hers, with the clothing stores being more near the Town Hall. Everything still felt so surreal to her, from being back among other people, to Minerva and the people she seemed to be working with, to being paired up with the person that killed her… she was starting to get why she got those questions last night.

Her train of thought was broken as she walked face first into a wall. Looking up, she could see that it wasn’t a wall, per se… rather a large number of black barbed chains, forming a barrier of sorts. She put her hand against it, feeling its rough and scratchy texture.

Looking around, she could others passing through it without issue and not even seeming to notice. “Sorry,” a voice called out. Looking, she could see a figure standing nearby wearing a crimson red hoodie and a hat that covered their face. “I’m not allowed to let you pass this way. Sorry,” the figure said, looking at her.

“And what if I really don’t want to take the long way?” Pinkamena asked, getting closer to them. “I wanna get this stupid task over with,” she explained, doing her best to sound semi-intimidating.

The figure just continued to watch her, staying in their relaxed pose. “Listen, don’t kill me over a stupid wall. I’m just another Support Reaper, couldn’t even fight you if I wanted,” they said, before pointing to another street. “You wanna get to your destination? Take the school route.” They weren’t gonna budge on this.

Pinkamena sucked in her pride and walked past them, muttering under her breath as she started her way down the new route. What the hell even was this game.

She slowly walked down the long, dirt road. It would circle around the school house and get her right where she needed to be. She just hoped everyone was already in the schoolhouse by now and there wouldn’t be any awkward interactions.

She walked the long dirt path, glancing at the trees as the sounds of nature took over the ones coming from town. It was just her, the road and the environment.

She let out a long sigh before closing her eyes, mind drifting off as she began to daydream to fill the time.


Grey tapped against the counter as she watched customers shop. After yesterday, it was nice to just have a few hours to herself that were more calm. She looked at the pin attached to her work apron and pulled it off, looking at it.

She still didn’t get how something like this was able to give her and her girlfriend powers… or what the hell this game was… or who Diane was really. God, this was a weird week, and she wasn’t even halfway through it yet!

“Yo, you still thinking about stuff too, huh?” Melody asked, leaning over as they tapped Grey’s shoulder. “Pretty cool abilities we got, huh?”

Grey shrugged, half heartedly. “Hell if I know. I mean, my heart was pounding in that fight yesterday. And with that tank too… you get what I’m saying, Mel?”

Melody nodded, pulling their glasses off and started cleaning them. “I do, I do. I always get you. I guess I just… am enjoying the moment. Always wondered what it’d be like to be able to do all that cool stuff I see Princess Twilight and her friends do,” she said before pausing. “…and it helps keep you away from your other ‘friends’, so you know. Big win there.”

Grey huffed and crossed her arms. “Oh my god, you’re not gonna let up on this, are you?”

“I’m allowed to be mad that you still hand out with the woman that got you on probation in the first place! They never even apologized or anything! That’s bullshit.”

Grey rolled her eyes as she saw a customer approach. “Newest album. Good stuff from what I’ve heard,” she said, as she scanned it.

“Oh yeah, I got that like, the other day. Good music to listen to if you wanna just peace out and build model kits for a few hours. Though, I’m more partial to their recent EPs,” Melody added as she got a bag and stamp card ready. “Four more purchases here and you’ll get 10 bucks off on the sixth. Don’t skimp on it, dude.”

“Thanks for shopping at Tower Records, hope to see ya kick it here again sometime.” They watched the customer leave, before Grey turned to Melody. “Don’t start this back up with me, Mel. I can deal with assholes on my own, ok?”

“Yeah, yeah. I worry cause I love ya,” Melody responded, before giving her a quick peck on the forehead. She looked at her phone as it buzzed. “New shipment arrived in the back. Gonna go unbox it. Be back in like… fifteen or so.” She started making her way to the back of the store, throwing on a pair of headphones.

Grey let out a quick sigh as she went back to looking at her pin. She blinked a few times as Mel’s words dawned on her. “Wait, did she make a pun-”


Pinkamena looked around at all the stores in the area, not really vibing with any of the types on hand. They were all so bright, colorful, ready for adventure and fun. They weren’t her. Of course, that might not have even mattered in the first place. Who knew whatever the hell Minerva considered decent in terms of fashion and appearance, especially with the free razor she had given her.

She passed store after store, looking through the seemingly endless patterns of tops and bottoms, shoes and socks. “This really sucks,” she muttered to herself, walking out of another store empty handed.

She stayed where she was for a few minutes, before getting ready to circle the shops again to see if there was anything that at least looked decent.

She cringed and clenched her fists as she heard the sound of a scooter’s wheels slowly come to a stop next to her. She eyed her side, before quickly looking ahead again as Scootaloo stayed next to her. “Oh, hey Pinkie. Feeling any better after you crashed through my roof?’ she asked, her voice sounding older than the last time Pinkamena could remember talking to her.

“...Just doing some clothes shopping, Scoots,’” she finally got out, before walking ahead of her. She gritted her teeth as Scootaloo followed. “You know, I’m not feeling so hot at the moment. You mind just leaving me be for now?” she asked, trying to keep from just bolting off.

“Clothes… clothes… you tried asking Rarity for some?” Scoots asked, flashing a grin at her. Apparently she didn’t hear her request. “I’m sure she’d give to you for a lower price.”

“Rarity is a grown woman, she’s busy,” Pinkamena explained, pace speeding up by by bit. She could see a store ahead, and headed towards it. She just hoped Scoot would get the message. “Listen, Scootaloo. I don’t mean to be mean, but can you please just give me space? Like I said, I’m not feeling so hot and have to get something important done. Also, I’m not your Pinkie Pie. I just want to get this done with, get what I’m saying?”

Scootaloo nodded, before looking at the store she was going into. “Oh, alright. Think I get it. Best of luck, I guess. Especially here,” she said, before getting back on her scooter and riding off.

Pinkamena watched her riding off, cursing under her breath. Minerva was probably enjoying watching her squirm and suffer like this. She shook her head, before walking into the shop. “What the hell kind of name is ‘Jupiter of the monkey’?” she asked herself, before looking at her mission for the day again. “No more wandering. Let’s get this done and over with.”

Somehow, this was the only store that seemed to have clothes that matched her measurements and unique size.

In the changing room, she looked at herself. She had been able to find a pair of pink sweatpants that looked too comfy to pass up, along side a nice blue crop top and a clear, plastic top that just… spoke to her. She modeled herself a bit, looking at her front and back. “Yeah. Yeah, this is some decent stuff,” she said, smiling.

It then dawned on her that she didn’t have any money. “Well… shit. How am I supposed to-”

Her phone buzzed as she looked. A notification said that she had just recieved a rather large looking amount of cash.

‘We can talk after you make your purchase’ - M.

Her smile turned to a scowl. “Of course it was,” she said as she changed back to her old clothes and headed for the counter.

After making her purchase, she headed back out. She could see Minerva sitting on a bench nearby as she regretfully made her approach. “You need to look at clothes I bought or what?”

Minerva simply snapped her fingers as Pinkamena was back in her new outfit in a flash. She looked her over a few times, before pushing her specs back up. “I suppose that can work, though I see you didn’t appreciate my gift from yesterday.”

“I wash, I rinse, I clean. I’m allowed to chose what I do and do not shave,” Pinkamena responded. “And besides, that wasn’t part of today’s mission. Are we done now? Can I go?”

Minerva leaned forwards in her seat. “The game works differently around these parts. Your teammates have other responsibilities to attend to. Can’t have a game just be you,” she said, thinking on her words. “I’ll have to look into this, but for now… let’s throw one last challenge your way before this day is done, alright?” She flashed a grin as she snapped again, before getting up and walking off. “Don’t half-ass this!”

Pinkamena looked around, not really sure of what to do. At least, until she saw Rainbow Dash approaching her. “Of course, of course…” she muttered.

“Hey Pinkamena. You get your mission for today done as well?” Dash asked, eyeing her up. “Nice threads.”

“Thanks, and yeah. I did. You alone for the day too?”

Dash nodded. “Yeah… everyone had stuff to get done, so I thought I should be the one to do it, ya know?”

Pinkamena nodded, looking around. Something felt off. “… Hey, I don’t think today’s mission is over yet. I was told there’d be one last challenge.”

Rainbow Dash nodded at this, before looking around as well. “Yeah, I hear ya. Would be disappointed if it just ended before getting to fight at Noise,” she said, cracking her knuckles. “Wanna team up for whatever comes our way?”

Pinkamena knew there was only gonna be one accepted answer here. “Yeah, sure. Why not? Helps us deal with whatever the task is-”

“Good, cause here it comes!” Rainbow said, with Pinkamena looking and seeing a symbol charging right at them. They braced for impact.



Are you Ready?

“Aw yeah, let’s show em who’s awesome!”

A giant scorpion stared the two down, a giant stinger resting on its back . “Heh, that’s the best they can throw at us? This’ll be easy!” Rainbow said, sliding around the thing as she charged up her energy.

Pinkamena simply rolled her eyes at this, a knife appearing in her hand. She needed to study the thing before she could consider striking.

Rainbow smirked as she let her energy out, charging into the thing with a powerful looking kick and sending it flying. “Come on, it’s open!”

Pinkamena felt herself get an adrenaline boost as she ran in close, getting in a few slashes at the thing. Her eyes widened as she watched the stinger start to swing around in the air, blasting off a thick purple smoke. “Dash, back up!” she shouted as she jumped back, watching her get covered in the stuff. “You alright?!”

Dash slowly trudged out, coughing. Her jacket was coated in purple dust as she began to cough and cough. “Yeah, ack, I’m fine… just give me a minute…” she said, charging up again.

The scorpion was back on its feet as it scuttled at them, firing its stinger at Pinkamena as she quickly slid out of the way. She was gonna have to take the heat from this thing for a bit while Dash recovered. She watched as Dash charged into the thing again, unable to send it flying this time. “Let me handle this!” she called out to her.

She watched as the scorpion fired at her again, side stepping as she charged in and slashed and slashed. Her body felt so alive when she was able to get so upclose personal. She could see the stance of the Noise weaken as they got closer to bringing it down.

“Pinakmena, I got an idea! Get on my back!” Dash called out, bending over. She was looking better and the smile on her face showed she was in full Rainbow Dash mode at the moment.

Pinkamena bolted over, jumping on her back as quickly rose up into the air. The scorpion held its tail back, aiming to fire at them.

It fired at them, Rainbow boosting Pinkamena into the air above the tail. “Now!” she called out, charging at the thing and launching it at her.

Pinkamena unleashed a full flurry of slashes and swipes at the thing, cutting right through it it. She could feel her energy in the pin running out, as she charged up for the finishing blow.

She cut clean through the scorpion, slicing it into two as light burst from its pieces, before evaporating into nothing as she landed on the ground.

Noise Erased!


The two collapsed to the ground, panting. They were both exhausted from that fight. Poison was one hell of a draining effect. “Heh, not bad. You really are another Pinkie, you followed my plan instantly…” Rainbow Dash said, slowly getting herself back up.

Pinkamena just continued to huff. She took Dash’s hand as she helped her to her feet. Looking, she could see a pin in place of where the Noise had been. They walked over, looking at the thing. “Here. Take it,” she said as she tossed it over to Dash. “with a plan like that, you deserve it.”

Rainbow snatched it up, looking at the pin she was wearing as it started to glow. A quick flash and it had changed. “Oh yeah, I’m getting even cooler thanks to this game! This. Is. Awesome!” she said, laughing. She put the Noise pin in her jacket’s pocket, laughing. “Well, I gotta get going. I’ll see ya later, Pinkamena. We should do this again sometime.”

“Yeah… yeah… see ya.” Pinkamena replied, before sighing and started making her way back to the library.

Minerva watched from a distance, smiling at the results. “Interesting. Perhaps, it’d be best to bring more players into the mix,” she said, laughing as she walked off.


“Yo, Diane,” Grey called out to her as she walked in, holding a bag of fast food with her. “Picked up stuff for tonight, if that’s alright,” she said, plopping the bag down on the kitchen table.

Pinkamena shrugged as she went through it. “I mean, sure. Melody out getting stuff?”

“Nah. She’s sleeping back at her own place tonight. She likes to alternate,” Grey explained, pulling out a basket of chicken. “I’m gonna be in the tv room. Hope the mission went well,” she said, before walking off.

Looking through the rest of the bag, Pinkamena pulled out a medium thing of fries and a rather small looking cheeseburger. “Hmph. Gotten smaller since the last time I got anything from that place,” she said, before sitting down with her meal.

Her phone buzzed. She grumbled.

‘Gattogirl asked: Like the new outfit?’

“I mean… yeah. It’s been a while since I got to buy myself any new clothes. After I a while with Scoot, I stopped going out regularly. I stuck to the basement mostly and wore whatever I could find on hand. Only really got clothes to make sure Scoots looked decent, really.”

‘Anonymous asked: How was working with RD?’

She took a bit bite from her burger and chewed loudly.

‘Anonymous asked: thoughts on Grey and Melody?’

“They’re alright. Grey’s any other moody girl with issues, and Melody is a gay nerd… still should probably ask Grey if she has a sister or something. Think she might’ve been the last person I killed, and also she was the one that basically killed me. So, yeah. That’s real fun.”

‘Dreamingrapture asked: Were you always this carefree about body hair?’

“... I mean, not at first no. I think it was after the gala when I got more lassiez-fare with it all. Started to worry less about how people would respond to my natural features, I guess. Rarity didn’t seem to mind…” she thought on that. It had been a while since she had seen her Rarity. Yet she could still imagine her touch easily without issue. She had no idea if it was because she missed her or if it was due to deep scarring and trauma.

Probably a mix of both, if she was being honest with herself.

She picked up her phone, browsing the RNS for a bit. “Any Social Media that has an ask function is a disaster,” she muttered to herself, looking at a few ‘aesthetic’ photos before shoving the phone in her pocket and walking towards the bathroom. She needed a shower.


Grey sighed as she pulled her hair tie out. Another day done, who knows how many left before she no longer needed to worry about something like her parole officer and could finally be free of all that stress.

She tossed her top off and looked at herself in her bedroom mirror. Had she put on more weight? Mel would always say she wasn’t, but she knew she was. “Grah…” she muttered, before walking over to her closet. Lighter clothes and pajama pants always made her feel at least a bit less self-conscious about every single thing she did.

As she got changed, she could see her pin glint at her from the clothes she had discarded. She still didn’t get how any of this worked. She was just born a normal girl like most people in this town, but she had been able to use ice yesterday like it was nothing.

Diane was a weird one too. It was surreal, sharing a place with someone who had broke in, but she seemed to be… alright, at least. Willing to give her space and not make things unnecessarily awkward.

Her phone buzzed and she scooped it up, answering. “Yo, this is Grey.”

“Ey, Grey,” a butch voice said from the other side. “How’s it going for you tonight?”

“You know how it is, Cinder,” Grey responded, flopping back into bed. “Work’s alright, life’s stressful, music’s good. You?”

“Bout the same for me, I guess. Life near the bay goes on as usual. Not the same without you,” Cinder explained. Grey simply rolled her eyes at this. “How about I come down this weekend or the next, huh?”

“I mean, if you want to. But, I got things I’ve gotta deal with still. Mel would absolutely lay into you if she saw you get within 500 yards, especially since my parole isn’t over yet.”

Cinder let out a long groan. “How many times is she gonna keep getting on your ass about that? The past is in the past, right? And like, I promised I’d do better. You forgive me for getting you in that mess, right?”

“... yeah, totally. Listen, Cinder. I’ve actually got a ton of stuff to deal with this week and weekend, so let’s talk about meeting up next weekend or something, ok?”

“Yeah. Yeah, fine. I guess that’ll do. You can always tell me if I’m being an issue or anything, aight?”

“I know, you tell me every time. Night, Cinder.”

“Night, Grey.”

Grey hung up and pinched the bridge of her nose. “God, I can do with another week without her making things harder,”she said, putting her phone aside. She sniffed the air, sitting up.

She made her way to the living room section of the tree, seeing Pinkamena sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn next to her. “…Is this gonna be ice breakers or something?”

Pinkamena shook her head. “Nah, not really a fan of those. Just thought I’d make myself some, and am willing to share if you’re interested,” she said, watching her.

Grey simply sat herself down next to her, grabbing a handful. “Thanks. And… sorry for attacking you with the golf club.”

“Why does this place even have those? You don’t look like the type of girl to go golfing as a hobby.”

“Twilight gave it to me cause she thought that golf would be a good way to help pass the time when I wasn’t working. I hate golf,” Grey said, the two laughing.

The night was able to close on a thankfully calm note.


The radio station’s recording room’s lights buzzed and hummed while Minerva flipped through a list of index cards. “Let’s see… let’s see…” She would pull a card out, look through it and then quickly put it back. “No no, these will never do,” she said, putting the cards back in a desk and pulling out a new set.

She began to eagerly flip through it, eyeing up the various details that flew by. “Oh… oh yes, this will do. This will do nicely,” she said, pulling two cards out. “Tomorrow’s mission, I’ll make sure it kicks things up. What happens when we add a defeated number 6, and a long rested number 1?” she asked allowed, a grin crossing her face. “Why, a deadly killer7~!”

As the night came to an end, the sky filled up with shooting stars as it began to change colors.


Day 2 - Dress to Kill - END

Author's Note:

Hey there again, back with another chapter for this fic, but this time two to make up for not having a regular schedule. Still not fully sure where there's such a large number of dislikes on this fic, but hey, here's hoping people that read this stuff like it!

Also, play Neo Twewy, it's a sick ass game and I love it so much.