• Published 25th Dec 2020
  • 720 Views, 1 Comments

Krampus: A Beyond My Grave Story - AnnEldest

The story of the giving spirit has become quite popular and is a stain upon the Heartwarming holiday. However, when belief is forgotten, and the Heartwarming spirit dies, a much darker ancient spirit will come. And he only comes will one gift.

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The Tale Begins

It was Hearth's Warming Eve, and the snow fell in a light drizzle. The cold was followed by a light breeze that blanketed the land. The large city of Rainbow Seige laid in an ocean of shopping crowds and markets. It was almost Hearts Warming and all of the land was raised in celebration. Most families were embracing the holiday the way it was intended to, by stressful shopping and ungrateful children. Yes, most families were stained by the holiday weight of supplying their loved ones with useless gifts; this was the way of modern Hearts Warming.

Dizzy the Bow Rider was among the dragons that stressed over the days that led up to the holiday. His family was not on his mind, instead, he fell victim to the endless search for presents that would settle his kid’s bottomless desire. Despite this, he was an honest creature with a deep love for his family.

His wife, Wither Shy, was among the most beautiful of all the dragons. With her bright yellow scales and neon pink spikes, her appearance was envied by all who saw her. She had a shy timid nature and tended to the animals. Many thought it strange as Dizzy was quite the opposite. His nature was wild and outgoing. Many described him as unpredictable and even chaotic.

His three children, Lightstar, Jackapple, and Thorn, were simple children that spent the year waiting for the one day to come. Lightstar was smart and quite sassy as she took her place as the oldest child. Second, in line was Jackapple who was a hard worker and famous for her strength. The littlest was Thorn, and he was the light dreamer. Little Thorn spent the holidays reading about the spirits that were told in songs of old. The cheer of Hearth’s Warming fuels the dragon that ran his optimism throughout the entire year.

Beyond their home, lied the great store that wore the title of Walmart. This store was modest and mediocre at best during the year. However, during the jolly holiday, the store was the center of the Rainbow Seige. Every creature and their mother would rush and trample anything in their path as they flooded the store.

The Bow Rider and his wife were among the group that poured into the unwilling store on the day of Hearth’s Warming Eve. He trampled over adults and children alike. Others behind him only mirrored his set of actions. In fact, it was such a massacre that many considered it illegal and immoral to bring children anywhere near the store.

Wither Shy and Dizzy frantically dragged things off of the shelves as they raced to beat everyone else to the great deals that coated the store. Hearth’s warming songs set the delightful tone that greeted the hurting customers. After hours of fighting in the arena for their lives, the couple was just barely able to spend hundreds of dollars and make it out of the store alive.

Back at their delightful house sat a lowly little dragon that carefully wrote in a small paper pad. The book was titled ‘Dreamer’ and inside laid the dragon's hopes and dreams. He wrote softly as he read his dreams out loud. It was said that if you sent your dreams to the great spirit of Hearth’s Warming, then it would hear them and possibly grant them as a gift. He smiled to himself as he read the words of encouragement that he had written. It spoke of good wishes for his two sisters and his parents. His mother spent her recent days stressing over the little things in life and let most things get to her. His sister Lightstar spent her time obsessing over her test scores and cared little about friends or even family. She preferred to stay on her own and throw entertainment to the side. His other sister worked hard at her job on the fields and was rarely home. When she was home, she only went into her dungeon and either slept the day away or used it to stress over future projects. His father was perhaps the only sensible one as his only destruction was his archery career that made him famous in the city.

Thorn set his book down as he took a deep breath. He had so many dreams this year, and a part of him started to doubt if anyone would grant them. His doubts weren’t helped by his parent’s grand entrance of loud shouts. He ran downstairs to see his parents with a load of bags that were filled with treats and decorations.

His mother hung many family pictures that presented a loving family that dearly loved each other. She sighed as she struggled to get the picture as straight as she possibly could. She turned to see Lightstar walk by and drowned in her book.

“Lightstar,” Wither Shy’s light calm voice called out. “Could you help me put up the rest of the decorations please?”

Lightstar looked up from her book and scoffed. “Come on Mom, you know I have to study for my exams.”

“I know but I…”

“No buts,” Lightstar spat back. “I’m not failing this.” With that, she walked off and left her angry mother behind.

“Brat!” Wither growled to herself.

“Hey dad,” Thorn called as he walked up to Dizzy. “Are we going to play monopoly tonight?”

“Can’t bud,” Dizzy grunted as he struggled to lift a heavy shelf. “I got a lot to decorate tonight.”

“I thought you were supposed to decorate last night.”

“Well I was going to but I stayed a little bit later at the range than I had expected.” Dizzy started to put more items on the shelf.

“Oh, I see,” Thorn sighed. With that, he walked off to the kitchen where Jackapple was roaming the refrigerator. “Hey sis,” He smiled. The silence was his only response. “Jack?”

“Hu?” she groaned as she buried her head in the food. “What you, want a little one?”
“Can we play Monopoly?” The little dragon pleaded.

Jackapple stuck her head out of the fridge and glanced at the pleading dragon. “Sorry bud, I’m tuckered out for the night. I’m just gonna head to bed.”

“Jack,” He whined. “I wanna play with someone.”

“Well, play by yourself,” She chuckled. “Cause I had a long day on the farm and I’m not doing anything tonight.”


“Not now Thorn, I’m really busy at the moment.”

With that, his last hope was gone, and he settled back in the kitchen. He watched the steam roll off of the freshly baked dinner. He was in charge of cooking the great feast that would serve as their bonding time. He sat and watched the food as he heard his mother and father working on the house. It was odd to him as he remembered how the week before Hearth’s Warming use to be dedicated to only family activities. The house would be decorated in the first week of the month and it was far more glamorous and bright. He couldn’t help notice how Hearth's Warming was just a little bit darker than he remembered.

The time went by as he waited for his family to come; a notion that would not come. Instead, he sat on the counter and slowly started to eat the food he had worked so hard on. After what felt like a lifetime, his father entered the kitchen.

“There you are bud,” He yawned. “What have you been doing all this time?”

“I’ve been waiting,” He growled. “I made dinner if you forgot.” His gaze was stained by the disappointment in his soul.

“Come on bud,” His dad sighed. “We decorated like we always do. We’ll just wait and eat it for breakfast.”

“Ya right,” Thorn growled. “What about spending time together like we used to, or actually being a family?”

Dizzy sighed at his son’s dismay. “I know bud, but these days are rougher than they used to be. We’re trying here.” He walked up to his son and put his claw on his head.

“Screw that,” He pouted. “I made this for all of you and you’re all just spitting it back in my face.”

Dizzy leaned back as he was surprised by the notion. “Fine bud,” He sighed. “I’ll call everyone together. We’ll eat dinner together.”

Dizzy called his wife and two daughters to the table. Wither Shy was the most willing to eat together, but his two daughters were much more of a struggle. Lightstar continued with her exam excuse and literally threw her book in his face.

“Come on!” He growled. “It’s just for an hour.”

“That’s a long hour that I could be studying dad,” She spat back.”You’re literally wishing failure on me?”

“Cut the crap,” He spat. “Now get your butt up right now and get downstairs.” His posture and demeanor showed his authority and his willingness to stand his ground.

“Haaa! I hate you!”

“Now come on dad,” Jaclapple pleaded. “I’m really tired and…”

“Does this face look like I care?”

With that, the family was called to the dinner table. Thorn sat with a large smile on his face as he passed out his dinner. His sisters only say with looks of disapproval and annoyance stained on their faces. His mother sat with another smile that somehow seemed stale.

“This looks great Thorn,” Dizzy said with a smile.

“Ehh, it looks really greasy,” Lightstar scoffed.

“It looks… alright,” Jackapple sighed.

“Well I know you worked really hard to make this,” His mother reminded everyone.

Thorn sat down and started digging into his food before anyone else. His father ate casually and enjoyed the food. His mother too ate casually but at a slower pace. His sisters both played with their food and searched through the scattered parts. Jackapple wasn’t much of a picky eater and shrugged as she dove into the food. Lightstar only sat in silence as she protested the whole dinner.

“Come on honey,” Dizzy pleaded. “Dig in, there’s plenty to go around.”

“I’m not that hungry,” She groaned.

“Well at least try it will you?” Dizzy groaned as he gave her a stern look.

Lightstar stared him down as she took a bite of the mush in front of her. She chewed slowly as she nearly managed to swallow it down. “Happy?” she groaned.

“Well, what do you think?” Thorn asked.

“As I said, it was greasy.”

“Star!” Dizzy growled.

“What? He asked.”

“You could try and be nice.”

“And you could have just left me to study.”

Thorn stabbed his plate lightly as he slouched back in his seat. “Why do you care so much about your stupid books?” He taunted. “You should just marry them.”

“Listen you little turd, these books are going to give a future. You wouldn’t know about that because the only book you care about is your stupid diary.”

“Shut up!” He screamed. “It’s not stupid!”

“Oh please Hearth’s Warming Spirit,” She mocked in a high-pitched voice. “Please come and gives us friendship and rainbows and all the stupid crap for babies.”

“I said shut up!”

“That’s enough, Star,” Dizzy growled.

“She’s just a mad dad because she doesn't have any friends because she’s a loser,” Thorn stood up from the table and leaned towards his sister.

“Shut your mouth Thorn,” Jackapple groaned as she nudged him.


“Yes, you.” She assured him. “Lightstar is right. Some of us had better things to do than sit here and eat this garbage.”

“Jack,” Dizzy sighed. “The food is delicious. Not shut up and eat before I come over there and smack you.”

“Dizzy!” Wither Shy gasped as she stood up. “You will not lay a claw on her.”

“You’re right,” He scoffed. “Not if she sits down and behaves.”

“No, you won’t do it period.”

“Wither!” He growled. “Why do you always have to come between my authority every time I try to deal with them?”

“Your authority?” She mocked.

“Yes, you always do this and it’s really starting to make me mad.”

“Oh, I’m sorry I don’t always agree with how harsh you are on these girls.”

“Harsh!” He scoffed as he leaned closer to her.

“Yes, you always defend him without even thinking about them.”

“I’m not defending him, I was just trying to be nice alright!” The conglomerate of voice seemed to shake the very walls.

“Just trying to be nice?” Thorn gasped. “Screw you dad!”

“Thorn shut your mouth,” Dizzy groaned. “I’m standing up for you.”

“You didn’t want to do this either?”

Dizzy sighed as he gave his son a pleading look. “Look I was tired too bud, but I was just…” Thorn jumped out of his chair and out of the room. “Thorn!” Dizzy called out.

“Let him go,” Wither pleaded as she picked up her plate and walked over to the trash can.

“Ya,” Lightstar chuckled. “He’s got daydreaming to get to while the rest of us have actual lives to attend.

The night sky settled heavily over the house as Thorn sat once again staring at his book of dreams. His eyes were full of tears as his heart was filled with anger and hatred. He growled as he slowly raised the book closer to his face. He read the page over and over to himself as he repeated the same line.

“I wish we were a family again.”

After a few minutes of staring at the page, he was startled by the sounds of shouting. He could hear his parents fighting over the incident that had happened. He groaned as he heard them shout about the family as a whole and whose fault it was. He looked down at the ground as his thoughts froze. Finally, as if an explosion went off in his head. He shot out of his bed and opened his window. He violently ripped and tore out his pages and threw them out the window. His heart, tears, and hopes went with every page that was carried off by the wind.

He went to close the window just before a strike of lightning split the sky above him. He froze as the bolt seemed to freeze for a moment. After it left a large single cloud seemed to start to cover the night sky. Like a stain flushing over a white cloth, the dark clouds flushed over the night and brought with it a rain of hail, sleet, lightning, and strong winds.

Thorn slowly closed the window as he watched the night transform.

Author's Note:

The story begins. now what shall happen next? Find out next time.

Till Next Time!!!:pinkiehappy:

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