• Member Since 14th Oct, 2019
  • offline last seen 10 minutes ago


I write stories mainly featuring small horses having sex with one another, and that is probably all you really need to know about me.

Comments ( 14 )

Man you LOVE Pistachio.

Hey, if no one else is going to use that character tag, I'm just going to own it. Plus, he's cute.

Besides all that, part of the contest prompt was using an original pairing that hasn't been used much or at all on the site before. Since hardly anyone else writes Pistachio, I figured I could pair him with pretty much anyone and be safe.

Lol yeah, it looks like you wrote this super quickly. How long does it normally take you to write a story?

Hard to say, really. I don't usually time myself, and a lot of my stuff is written in intervals of free time stretched across days or weeks. I'd say on average for a 6000 word piece? Maybe thirty minutes to plan the story out, 5 or 6 hours of actual writing time, and then another thirty to sixty minutes of proofreading and touch ups. Plus whatever time it takes to find a picture, write the summary, etc. Add more time in if I decide I want to rewrite or change something after my first read through.

Conversely, this took a little under two hours from start to finish. This is more or less stream of conscious writing, with no rereads or going back to rework things.

Love your Pistachio fics. Such a cute character that came so late in the shows run.

Thanks. And yeah, it's a shame he was only in the one special, would have like to see him pop up later as part of Rarity's fashion team along Coco and Sassy, even as just a cameo.

Well this was a very fun read loved seeing Pistachio and Tunderlane being shipped together they do seem to be appreciating each other's company. I hope you will write a sequel with those to again soon.

Maybe. I think I'll be taking a break from Pistachio for a while, but I do have a story planned that will include Thunderlane in it. Hopefully it will be coming out by the end of January.

Is it the same Pistachio form your other story?

Pretty much the same character as in "A Fashionable Nut" (which i literally just realized i used the same title for this chapter, to give you an idea of how fast I banged this out). In general I try to keep character personalities and histories consistent through my stories, but some of my earlier stuff doesn't really fit in with whatever passes for my 'canon', such as it is. "Pistachio Nuts" is a victim of that, since I wrote him as a virgin who barely even knew what a blowjob is in that, which doesn't really fit with how I write him now.

One of these days I might go through my stories and create an actual canon world with the ones that fit. Maybe even develop an endgame for all my fornicating little ponies. Who knows?

Still reading, but this jumped out to me: "I happen to be the Pistachio Nut himself: designer, tailor, and fashion pony extrodonaire!"

The word you're looking for is 'extraordinaire'. ;)

Edited after finishing my read: Fun stuff, good work!

Fixed. Thanks for catching that typo. Glad you liked the story.

Well, those two sure didn't waste any time.

Not entirely my kind of story but nice enough. For a so called "rushjob" it's really quite good.

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