• Published 29th Dec 2020
  • 465 Views, 5 Comments

Rock Solid Sisters - Wolftamer54

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Chapter 2: Of Dreams and Incest

Limestone grunted as she struggled against a stone slab, attempting to force the rock into a cart. The massive mineral was teetering precariously on the edge, just a nudge from either falling into place or back onto her. Gritting her teeth, and bracing her front hooves against the ground, she put all of her effort into one final exertion, the muscles in her back legs straining hard as steel. Finally, torturously, the rock reached tipping point and fell backwards into the bed of the cart with a mighty slam. As the pressure suddenly left her body, Limestone had a chance to breathe, and wince as the aching soreness took the place of the burning pain.

“That’s going to hurt tomorrow,” she thought to herself, her trademark glare cemented on her face.

Watching the scene silently from afar, purple eyes wide with concern, was Marble. Limestone caught sight of her younger sister staring at her and became irritated (well, more than she was already).

“What are you looking at? Afraid I was going to get crushed? You could’ve helped me. Or at least been working on your own chores,” she snapped.

Marble squeaked and quickly turned back to her own task, sorting between the different types of rocks in the field.

Seeing her meek sister’s reaction, Limestone felt bad for losing her temper. After all, it wasn’t Marble’s fault she had so much stress. And she was still here, still working, still helping. Giving a deep sigh, Limestone knew she needed to suck up her pride and look out for her sister. Getting rid of her scowl, she trotted across the rough, flinty ground over to where Marble was working. Trying to use the softest tone possible, she reached out to her sister with a hoof.

“Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell. You didn’t deserve that,” she said, bringing Marble around to face her. They looked into each other’s eyes, yellow meeting purple. “I’ll make it up to you later, I promise.” Marble raised an eyebrow in question.


“Oh don’t give me that look, you know what I mean. But we’ve got to finish all this first,” Limestone said, gesturing to the field around them with a hoof. “With mom and dad out on their business trip, we’re in charge of the farm. And that means no slacking off.”

“Mhmm,” Marble nodded.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl, lengthening the hours of the day and thus the hours of work.

“Curse Celestia, can’t she turn down the sun just a little bit?” Limestone thought bitterly as it’s rays beat relentlessly down on her. Throughout the day, both she and Marble had continued to strain against the stones, moving them around and sorting some for shipment. The heat simmered in waves off the hard ground, only adding to their exhaustion. And despite their constant work, still more remained to be done. The expanses of the rock farm were quite impressive considering its management by a single family. And especially when only two workers remained, the desolate fields felt even more silent and empty. Nonetheless, Limestone and Marble remained undaunted in their tasks. Growing up on the farm had hardened their bodies, and perhaps a bit of their personalities as well.

As they sorted a pile of quartz into the correct bin, Limestone noticed the sun was finally beginning to set. The sky was streaked with splashes of purple and orange, and they had a completely unobstructed view due to the flat land in every direction. While Marble was checking over the stones to make sure they were all in place, Limestone put away the cart and unhitched herself from the harness. As the air cooled off around them, and their sweat-soaked bodies were given some reprieve, the two sisters made their way back to the farmhouse.

Though Marble went straight inside, Limestone made a quick detour around the side of the house. This was where a water spigot was located, along with a collection of buckets. Hefting one of these and placing it beneath the spout, Limestone pushed the lever up and down, causing a stream of water to gush out. Once the bucket was full enough, she stopped her pumping on the lever and grabbed the bucket’s handle in her mouth. With that, she went back inside to join Marble.

The farmhouse was simply furnished, frugal and even primitive by the standards of most ponies. The thatched roof and wooden walls seemed straight out of medieval times. Yet it was not without its comforts and charm. There were still chairs by a hearth, pictures of Pies past adorned the walls, and a large wooden dining table. Despite the sparse adornments, its inhabitants still were more than happy to return.

Plopping down onto a chair at the table, Limestone poured herself a cup of water from the bucket she had filled and guzzled it down. Marble simply melted into her chair, too tired to even drink. The pair remained like that for a while, simply enjoying the sensation of not having to do something. The lifting of responsibility for the rest of the day allowed for a more optimistic mood. Even just a few precious seconds of relaxation were treasured moments. And they still had plenty of ways to spend them.

Once they had rested to a desired extent, each pony embarked upon their own task. While Marble went outside, Limestone retreated into the kitchen. There, she began rummaging through cupboards and drawers, pulling out various ingredients and tools. These even included more of the farm’s own rocks, though in much smaller quantities and of the designated food variety rather than construction materials. To an outsider, it might seem like she was preparing for a masonry job, but to Limestone, it was a time-tested culinary practice.

As she began preparing the meal, mixing together dishes of rock stew and powdered rock cakes, she scowled at some of the memories associated with her talents. In years past, before hope and optimism were beaten out of her by time and work, Limestone might have even dreamed to strike out from the farm and share her family’s traditions in the world. Create a niche for rock-based meals. And judging from the endless sweets enjoyed by the rest of Equestrian society, they could certainly use the change of pace. Some minerals in their diet could have helped.

And yet, any attempts to share these culinary creations ended poorly. She remembered only too well how the Apples had reacted to her dishes, the sight of their disappointed faces and all-to-clear disgust permanently etched into her mind. And as much as Limestone could put on an angry face and claim she didn’t care what others thought, she knew she would never find success with her recipes if they were received by the rest of the population in a similar way.

Now munching angrily on a small slab, Limestone tried to banish her thoughts and focus on the task at hoof. She could worry about the world later, right now it was just about making a meal for herself and her sister. And after working in the fields all day, she knew Marble would appreciate something more than just a slapped-together excuse for food.

Meanwhile, Marble was also pursuing her own activities. Having made her way into a shed sticking out of the side of the house, she was sitting in a patch of hay and entirely focused on an object sitting on the workbench in front of her. Slivers of rock sat bunched up in piles around it, unintentionally wreathing the larger piece that they had come from. More and more bits joined their fellows as Marble worked. She held a hammer in her mouth, the clawed end towards the rock. As carefully as she could, she brought the tool down again and again, carefully chipping away at the stone to create shapes and forms from the hardened material. What was once coarse and undefined became sharp, curved, and hard-edged. Once a rough shape had been made, she would switch to a chisel and smooth it out, creating an odd dichotomy between the refined portions of the stone and those that had not yet been touched.

From both the size of the stone and the piles of debris surrounding it, it was obviously a project that she had been working on for some time. Having been taught both patience and a way with rocks since a young age, Marble fully applied both skills in her work. One of the hardest, most unyielding materials could still become something beautiful if one was dedicated enough. She smiled inwardly as it reminded her of Limestone’s metaphor from earlier in the day. Faust, it reminded her of Limestone herself. About as rough as possible on the outside, but much more to her than meets the eye.

And it was certainly Limestone of whom Marble thought about as she continued to work away. As much as she wanted to have more to life than just the farm, she couldn’t deny the attachment she had to her sister. Maybe not a romantic one, it certainly went beyond the generally accepted realms of sibling relationship. And Marble could still say with confidence that she loved her sister, as rough around the edges as Limestone was. And it was those exact sentiments she was carving into the stone, hoping to create a sculpture that would reflect her feelings for her sister.

“Hey Marble! Dinner’s ready, come back inside!” Limestone hollered from the farmhouse door.

“Speak of the devil,” Marble thought, putting down her tools and moving away. Without the pony in the way any longer, the last rays of sunlight poured into the shed and perfectly illuminated the sculpture. A large stone heart was being carved from the rock, with half of a lime and two rocks in the center of the heart.

No longer focused on her art project, Marble trotted over to the spigot to wash off. Once she was more sanitary and presentable, she went to join Limestone at the table once more.

The other mare had already taken her seat by the time Marble was inside, though had not yet started eating. As Marble took her seat across from her sister, Limestone spread her hooves out to indicate the spread before them.

“Enjoy,” she said, a rare smile on her face. Her cooking was one of the very few things she would actually take pleasure in, and Marble one of the few who she would share her happiness with.

Marble gladly took her up on the offer, and they began to eat in mostly silence. Though tough, the various rocks were also hearty and strong, providing plenty of satisfaction as they were consumed. The various other ingredients complimenting them also went down quite well. For a Pie, it was a feast that was rarely experienced, but fully enjoyed. And while not much was said, both ponies were quite content to enjoy each other’s company in silence. Marble didn’t like to talk in general, and Limestone preferred to say nothing in a situation like this rather than the overly aggressive tones she used around strangers.

Still, as the food dwindled and their mouths became free once again, some things were worth saying.

“So, did you still want me to ‘make it up to you’ after earlier?” Limestone asked, arching an eyebrow in question and flashing a suggestive smirk.

“Mhm,” Marble responded, smiling in kind as she wiped the last few crumbs off her face with a napkin.

“Alright, let’s go,” Limestone said and pushed back her chair to stand up, Marble acting in kind. Both ponies left the table and made their way through the house to their bedroom. Not too much different from the rest of the house, these were simply distinguished by the addition of beds as well as some other personal touches. Bookshelves lined with volumes and volumes of rock related subjects. From statue carving to rock science, from rock foods to the role of rocks in Equestrian society. But at the moment, neither pony was interested in these. Their desires lay in each other.

Moving to her bed, Marble lay flat on her stomach and looked silently over her shoulder at Limestone. The older Pie moved to join her, hopping up onto the bed and leaning over her sister.

“You comfortable?” she whispered tantalizingly close to Marble’s ear, her lips practically touching the sensitive organ.

“Mhmm,” Marble responded in the affirmative, her body quivering with anticipation.

Satisfied with that answer, Limestone withdrew from her position and reared back. Looming over Marble, she surveyed the pony splayed before her. Light gray fur with a darker gray mane, simple and straight. Purple eyes shining dazzlingly bright and colorful in the midst of the more dull fur. A small and meek expression that belied the strong, weathered muscle of a hard working earth pony. It was these muscles that Limestone now brought her attention to, bringing her hooves down and massaging Marble’s back. Gently at first, but more forceful and deliberate as she found the areas giving her sister the most trouble. Rubbing and squishing the worn muscles, Limestone sought to turn her sister into nothing but a puddle of happy pony goo. It seemed to be working, as Marble squeaked and sighed as all the tension and soreness was worked from her body.

“You know, I can’t do this forever. You should really find a special somepony to do this for you. If Maud can find someone who likes her, you sure can,” Limestone said.

Marble responded with a glare.

“Okay fine, that was a low blow. But still, we can’t stay like this forever. And it’s not my fault you were too late with that Apple stallion. You can’t say nothing and expect him to just fall in love with you. You never gave him a reason. And come to think of it, what reason did he ever give you? Existing? Just being a male?” Limestone shot back.

Marble just sighed, and looked off longingly into the distance. She let out a small gasp as Limestone hit a particularly sensitive spot.

“I’ve known you your whole life. We’ve both been stuck on this farm the entire time. Our sisters have moved on. So maybe we need to as well.” Limestone continued, giving one last push to crack her sister’s back. Having finished her massage, she lay down next to Marble and looked her straight in the eye. “But that’s obviously not happening today. So what do you want to do?”

Marble gave a small smile, and in the smallest, most timid of voices said: “You talk too much.”

“Well, you don’t say anything at all,” Limestone retorted with a grin.

“Sometimes… you don’t have to,” Marble said, and they leaned in together. Their lips met in silence, sliding over each other in a delicate dance. As their passion overtook them, they gave into their desires and molded into one. The world grew dark as night fell around them, yet they felt all the more alive.

Author's Note:

Same as ever. Comments and feedback are great.