• Published 12th Jan 2021
  • 394 Views, 1 Comments

Discord's Third Eye - Queen Zozer

This is a crackship fanfic between Discord and Tree Hugger. You have been warned.

  • ...

The Unusual Tuesday

"I told him to paint the town red, but then I came back and it was painted blue!" Discord said as he wholeheartedly chuckled as he sat in his chair.

"Oh, Discord! You always have the craziest stories," Fluttershy said as she giggled while holding a tiny purple teacup.

"I really do enjoy hearing your stories over a nice cup of tea," she said with a friendly smile on her face.

The moment after she said that, there was a ringing coming from her telephone across the room.

"Oh! I'm sorry, let me get that," Fluttershy said as she carefully set her teacup down and trotted over to the phone. She held it up to her ear.

"Hello?" Fluttershy said in the phone.

"Oh! Hi! How are you?" Fluttershy continued.

There was a quite chattering on the other line that Discord could faintly hear.

"Oh my! When did this happen?" Fluttershy said with a shocked look on her face.

"O-okay, I'll cover for you. I completely understand," Fluttershy said as she hung up the phone and cleared the end table that had the teapot and sugar cubes.

"What ever is the matter, dear?" Discord asked with a confused look on his face as he watched Fluttershy zip past him, cleaning the tea party set-up.

"Dr. Fauna needs me to cover her shift at the sanctuary again. She had an emergency come up and I can't just leave those animals by themselves," Fluttershy answered him as she hurriedly put things away.

"This is the third time that this has happened during one of our tea parties!" Discord said out loud, gesturing his hands as he spoke.

"I know, but when I had a dream to have a sanctuary, I knew that I would have responsibilities to maintain it. You understand, right?" Fluttershy asked as she stopped for a minute and looked at him.

"Yes, yes I understand. I just wish we could spend more time together," Discord said disappointed.

"Me too. But the only time that I'm ever free is during the evening," Fluttershy said as she finished packing her necessities to head out, "I'll see you next Tuesday."

As Fluttershy walked towards the front door, an idea sprung up in Discord's mind.

"Wait! You said that you were only free during the evening?" Discord asked.

"Um, yes?" Fluttershy said as she turned back around to look at Discord a bit confused.

"Then that's just it!" Discord s a id as he sprung up and playfully floated in circles around Fluttershy.

"We should have a slumber party tonight!" Discord said excitedly as he went up-close to Fluttershy’s face.

"Oh! That sounds like a wonderful idea!" Fluttershy said with glee. "I hope that doesn't impede on your schedule," Fluttershy continued.

Discord then snapped his fingers and it looked like he was wearing a three-piece suit and he was sitting in a business-type desk. He was holding a red pen as he looked at a large standing calendar in front of him. He clicked the pen repeatedly and pretended to think to himself.

"Now, let's see. I may have to move around a couple of things here and there for our Girl and Guy's Night affair. Let's see what I have here. Oh brother. I am a little busy this week," Discord said in a silly, raspy voice as he looked at the big, red bolded letters that covered the whole front of the calendar. It read "WHOLE LOTTA NOTHIN'." Fluttershy couldn't help but giggle at first before an idea sprung up on her mind. She zipped straight to the windowsill and started whispering to a small bird that acted as a messenger. She went back to Discord's desk and saw that he was still looking at the calendar despite it's lack of contents. She played along and rung the desk bell to get his attention. He looked to her in surprise and carelessly threw the whole calendar into the trash bin.

"But I think I'll be free this evening," Discord said as he happily flung his arms in the air and made his suit and desk disappear in a white flash. He coiled his body around her like a snake and looked at her in the eyes excitedly.

"I'll see you tonight then!" Fluttershy said.

"I really can't wait! I'll see you tonight!" Discord said before disappearing into thin air.

Hours later, Discord comes up to Fluttershy's front door and looks at a small checklist in his hand.

"Okay...so I have snacks, a sleeping bag, soft blankie, toiletries, board games, my favorite pillow, aaaaaaand, "Discord said as he pulled out the various things out of his bag and put them back in, "my very own special plushie!"

He pulled out what looked like a tiny bootleg plush of himself. He held it in his hands like a little kid before hugging it tightly, causing it to squeak adorably. He reached his lion paw out to the door out to knock before he heard an oddly familiar voice on the other side say, "It's open! You can come in!" He was confused, but he went to open the door anyway. He opened it and was met with quite a surprising sight. Fluttershy was wearing a blue, silk-like blouse as she sat on a small cushion that was atop a laid-out purple floral blanket. The floral pattern design also had a tie-dye swirl behind it. It almost looked like a portal to another dimension. But most importantly, Discord couldn't believe who Fluttershy was sitting across from.

"Oh, hey! You're finally here. Sweetness," Treehugger said as she blissfully waved to him. She was wearing cute rainbow tie-dye pajamas. Discord was shocked.

"What is she doing here?!" Discord said as he floated in the air and pointed to the green pony in question.

"I invited Treehugger over since I don't get to spend a lot of time with her either. Plus, she said that she's going to be having a huge event next week. So, that means that this will be the last night that Treehugger and I can come together. At least for a while," Fluttershy said as she smiled cutely at Treehugger.

"Besides, you can hardly call two ponies a party. This is WAY, way better," Treehugger said in a calm, provocative manner.

Discord wanted to be angry, but he just couldn't after what he had done back then. I mean, anypony would be offput by anyone trying to send them to another dimension due to jealousy. If anything, Discord felt a little bad for having done that mostly because Fluttershy motivated him to have a little remorse and learn a valuable lesson: that you can have different friends for different things. With that said, Discord at least wanted to try and deal with the fact that Treehugger was there. And maybe he could right some wrongs in the meantime. Besides, to him, she wasn't all bad.

"I suppose that's fair," Discord said as he sat down with them in a defeated tone.

"I talked to Twilight about my party since she had a slumber party some time ago. She gave me a...uh," Fluttershy said as she reached behind herself and unfurled the long checklist out on the floor, "fun-filled checklist."

They all laughed nervously to each other and they all nonverbally agreed to only do a portion of the checklist.

"We'll do...some of the things on the list," Fluttershy said, "but if anypony has any suggestions, feel free!"

"In the meantime, I'm gonna grab some snacks and set up for our first activity!" Fluttershy said as she stood up and went to the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Discord tried to break the awkward silence and spark conversation with Treehugger.

"So, uh...do you come here often?" Discord said through a fake smile. Treehugger didn't say anything and only tilted her head and looked at him curiously. After a few seconds, Discord became increasingly more wary about the reaction he was getting from her. A subtle "Oh~?" could be heard from her. Of course, Discord was not expecting that reaction. Before things became more awkward, Fluttershy came back into the living room holding two things on each of her wings. On one wing, she held a silver tray holding goat cheese, crackers, carrots, and celery. On the other wing, she was holding five horseshoes and a small metal rod. She set the horse shoes down in front of them and walked over to Tree Hugger.

"Care for some snacks, Treezy?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oooh many thanks," Tree Hugger said as she took a few crackers and goat cheese squares. Fluttershy then walked over to Discord.

"Would you like any snacks, Discord?" Fluttershy asked.

He had his hand over his stomach as it slowly twisted into knots on the inside.

"I think I'll pass, thank you," Discord said.

"O-oh. Really? You're normally always up for snacks even when you're not hungry," Fluttershy said before setting the tray down on the end table.

"I think the first thing we should do is play a game called 'Horseshoe Toss!'" Fluttershy said as she walked over to the other side of the room and put the metal rod into one of the holes in the floor boards.

"All you have to do is toss the horseshoe onto the rod," Fluttershy said as she walked back over to the two and handed them each some horseshoes.

"Er...Treehugger why don't you go first?" Discord said putting up his fake smile again. She only giggled at his weirdness, which made him more uneasy somehow. She went ahead and threw the horseshoe at the metal rod. It hit the rod perfectly and it spun around before hitting the ground.

"Nice one, Treehugger!" Fluttershy said with glee as she gave her a high-hoof.

Fluttershy went up next and tried to throw it, but it only landed two feet away from her.

"Aww. It's alright, Flutters," Treehugger said as she gently pat Fluttershy's head. She puffed up her cheeks in embarrassment and chuckled to play it off.

"You're up next, man," Treehugger said as she looked up at Discord.

"Oh! Right, yes," Discord said nervously. He tried his best to concentrate, but he couldn't help but look at the both of them. They both smiled at him in an attempt to encourage him, but it only made him start sweating. His sweat caused his hands to get sticky, so as he he tried to reel back his arm ready to toss, the horseshoe ended up dragging his entire body along with it. His deer antler got snagged on the metal rod and he spun around it before gently flopping onto the floor. Treehugger and Fluttershy only looked at each other and smiled sheepishly.

"Why don't we try something else?" Fluttershy said.

"What do you have in mind?" Treehugger said.

"Oh! I know! You'll love this one!" Fluttershy said before heading off into the closet across the room looking for something. Treehugger decided to walk over to Discord to check on him.

"Hey, you doing alright, man?" Treehugger asked as she brought her face lower to be level with his.

"Oh, pfff," Discord said putting up a smile to cover up, "I'm dandy."

"You sure? I feel like something's harshing your flow, you know?" Treehugger said.

He tried to stand back up, but his head seemed to stay latched to the floor. His deer antler was still snagged on the metal rod.

"Oh here let me help you," Treehugger said, reaching her hoof out to help him.

"Oh no no no. It's fine. I got it. I can assure you that my flow is totally," Discord said as he tried to pull himself out forcefully and repeatedly, but it just wouldn't budge, "un-harshed." He yanked himself out one last time and he rolled away towards the bookshelf and crashed into it. A variety of books fell on him and he collapsed under the weight of them. Treehugger went over to him and cleared the books away to see his face. Discord shook himself out of his dizziness and looked up at her.

"You big goofball," Treehugger giggled as she gently patted his cheek with her hoof. He chuckled to himself embarssingly. Discord snapped his fingers to put everything back the way it was.

"Okay, you two. I found our next game," Fluttershy said cheerfully as she came back with a rolled-up white mat. She unfurled the white mat and it had large colored dots all in different rows.

"This is Twister! All you have to do is spin the wheel," she spun the wheel to demonstrate, "and what ever it lands on, you have to put your hoof there."

"I love this game! It really helps me clear my mind and body so that I can properly absorb as much cosmic energy as I can," Treehugger said as she looked down at the mat.

Back at the Gala, Discord was always fed up with hearing Treehugger's hippie nonsense. But now, things were different now that he learned a lesson from his jealousy. Everything was supposed to be cool between the three. So, why did Discord feel so weird all of a sudden?

They all stood around the mat before Discord reached down to spin the wheel. They kept playing until Treehugger was directly over Fluttershy who was directly over Discord. Both Fluttershy and Discord were about to crumble and their faces were in close proximity to each other. Meanwhile, Treehugger was able to contort her body and maintain a perfect balance over the two of them. Eventually, Fluttershy crumbled, causing Discord to fall down with her. She rolled over to his side and laughed. In the heat of the moment, Treehugger intentionally flopped onto both of them, giving them both a tight warm hug. Fluttershy hugged her back, but Discord only laid there on the floor confused. As a reaction to this, Discord teleported out from underneath them and caused Fluttershy and Tree Hugger to cling on to each other as they flopped onto the floor. Discord began sweating profusely again as he looked at the both of them.

"I feel a lot of disrupted energy coming from you, dude. Are you sure you're feeling alright?" Treehugger said as she let go of Fluttershy.

"Yes yes yes! I'm perfectly fine! All of my energy is one field! My vibes are all in a row! All that good stuff!" Discord said as he jumbled his words, sweating more.

"I...have to agree with Treehugger. You've been off ever since we started this slumber party. I'm worried, too," Fluttershy said as she looked up at him.

"Gasp! I have an idea. We should all head up to Fluttershy's room. I have one thing that I want to set up to help us all achieve peace of mind," Treehugger said as she rummaged through her saddle bag walking up to Fluttershy's bedroom. The other two lagged behind her and watched as she set up a circle of cushions surrounding a single incense stick and fairy lights around the room. After she had put up the last hanging blanket, they all couldn't help but notice that the room looked a lot more cozy.

"Have a seat everypony," Treehugger said as she gestured for the two to take a seat and join the circle.

"What are we going to do?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"This is a meditating ritual exercise that will help open what's called 'The Mind's Eye,'" Treehugger answered.

"The what?" Discord huffed in confusion.

"It's like a third eye, but it's the only eye that can see into your future by reading your soul," Treehugger said.

"Ah yes. Everything you just said made total karmic sense," Discord said.

"And what is that smell? It's smells like skunk and-"
"Fruit?" Fluttershy finished.

"It'll help you relax. Now, everypony join hooves," Treehugger said reaching her hooves out to her side. Fluttershy held her hoof, but Discord hesitated. Treehugger only looked at him and smiled, gesturing for him to take her hoof.

"Oh boy," Discord grumbled as he went to take hold of both Treehugger's and Fluttershy's hooves.

"Now, close your eyes and breathe in," Treehugger said breathing in deeply and then exhaling, "and out."

"Now try to clear your mind and let the cosmic energy just wash all over you," she continued, "and open the portal within your own mind to unlock the secrets of the universe."

"Ohoho, trust me. The secrets of the universe are not all that amazing," Discord said in a facetious tone.

"Discord!" Fluttershy said, telling him to concentrate.

"Ugh, alright fine fine. Whatever," Discord said under his breath closing his eyes again.

"Open up the portal within your own subconscious and sink into the void of your own thoughts," Treehugger continued, "let out all of that negative energy within you and feel yourself become enlightened."

Everyone seemed to be able to relax except for Discord. Fluttershy was even starting to get sleepy and Treehugger only continued meditating with everyone else. Discord was holding his breathe, as if literally keeping in all of his negative energy inside him. He eventually gasped for air and started coughing as a result.

"Argh! I can't do this anymore!" Discord yelled as he stood up and walked out of the door.

"D-discord!" Fluttershy said as she reached out her hoof towards him, but she was too drowsy to stand up. Treehugger only put up her hoof to stop Fluttershy.

"Mmm okay. I'll leave it up to you," Fluttershy yawned as she walked to her bed, "I think I'm gonna lay down for a bit. I feel really....drowsy for...some...reason..."

As Fluttershy finished her sentence she flopped under the covers of her bed and immediately passed out. Treehugger blew out the incense and walked over to the door. Discord was sitting down with his back against the wall and he was massaging his temples.

"I just...don't get it," Discord mumbled to himself.

"What do you not get?" Treehugger went up to him and asked.

Slightly spooked, Discord reeled back from her as if avoiding a plague.

"What do you want?" Discord asked angrily.

"I want to know what's been bugging you?" Treehugger asked as she sat in front of him, ready to listen.

"It's just...I wasn't expecting for you to be here. I don't hate you or anything, but it still feels weird when you're being friendly to me," Discord sighed, "and don't tell her this, but...I wanted to have this slumber party with Fluttershy because...she means a lot to me."

"Well, yeah. You two are friends after all," Treehugger interjected.

"Yes, well...I think you misunderstand. She really means a lot to me," Discord said, "but now everything just feels weird with you here."

"Why do you feel weird?" Treehugger asked, "we're all getting along right?"

"Well, I mean...er...yes? I...don't know. I thought you would just hate my guts after our last encounter. I knew you wouldn't forget about it that easily," Discord said.

"I don't hate your guts. I never hate anyone. And...yeah trying to send me to another dimension is kind of unforgettable, but," Treehugger continued as she held his lion paw in her hoof, "but you know what I saw in you back at the Gala?"

"Hm?" Discord sadly mumbled.

"I saw a hurt and lost creature who only wanted to be appreciated for who they are. So, I understand why you acted the way you did," Treehugger said bringing her hoof to his cheek.

"My chakras were cleared out long ago, dude. So I forgive you," Treehugger said gently rubbing his cheek and bringing her face closer to his, "now you need to forgive yourself."

"I just feel confused right now. I feel like doing that to you would mean that you wouldn't want to be friends. And that I would let Fluttershy down and--"

Before Discord could finish, Treehugger pressed her lips against his. She hugged around him, letting him feel her soft, warm pajamas. He was shocked by what was happening and wasn't expecting the night to end like this. But in a way, he kind of...liked it. He could feel the texture of her pajamas on his body. It was hoofmade from pure cotton that she had grown herself. He hugged her tighter, putting more pressure into the kiss. He felt...funny. As if his mind was finally clearing. A rush of emotions filled him to the brim and it felt like his mind was reaching a higher level of consciousness. He felt liberated. He finally let his mind be free of the burden of guilt as he seemingly dissociated from reality. He was euphoric. And as their lips separated, he could feel Treehugger's mind metaphysically intertwining with his. But something was...missing.

"We should head to bed," Treehugger said looking into Discord's eyes. Her eyes shimmered like amethyst.

Still in a daze, Discord shook himself out of it, only now realizing what just happened.

"Wh-wh-what?" Discord stuttered, "but we brought our sleeping bags."

"Oh trust me. Fluttershy won't mind," Treehugger replied.

They both went back into the room and saw that Fluttershy was sound asleep. She had the covers curled around her body and shivered a bit.

"Are you absolutely sure this is--"

"It'll be fine. Just don't wake her," Treehugger said in a calm tone.

They both got under the covers, with Discord in between the two. Treehugger said nothing and only clung onto Discord's side nuzzling him. Discord was still somewhat offput, but got comfortable anyways.

"What is happening right now? How did this night lead up to this?" Discord thought to himself.

Suddenly, Fluttershy rolled over and snuggled up to Discord's side while she was still asleep. She sighed calmly as her body started to warm up. Discord could now feel the warmth of two ponies. One pony who he has deeply cared about for a really long time and the other is a hippie who unintentionally made him feel jealous way back then. And now...they were both cuddling him as they fell asleep. Discord only thought to himself what he had done in order to get to this point in his life. However, as much as he wanted to stay up thinking about it, whatever was in that incense was making him drowsy. His mind was too numb to think about how and why he got into this position. In a matter of minutes, he drifted off to sleep. A part of him wanted this to be clearly explained to him before he got into anything serious. Another part of him didn't care and wanted it to last forever.

Comments ( 1 )

This is a very sweet story! :heart: It was nice to see Fluttershy and Discord interact in the beginning, and seeing him and Treehugger kiss is actually kind of nice. The kiss itself was well-written...I like the idea of Discord's mind being cleared thanks to Treehugger's gesture. And the tension he feels during the slumber party up to that point is palpable.

There were also several parts that made me laugh—especially where Discord's calendar said "Whole Lotta Nothin'", and the part where he attempts to play horseshoes, but it doesn't go well at all. :rainbowlaugh:

I have to admit...this pairing is interesting, but you've written it fairly well here. The kiss does come pretty quickly, but they're still not...completely serious, I suppose? So it feels fine. And seeing the three of them all snuggle up to sleep is a cute image.

And dare I detect hints of Fluttercord? Does this mean that after a serious conversation and figuring things out, Discord might have two marefriends? 🤔I wouldn't mind seeing the story between these three expanded, but I feel like you ended in a pretty good place.

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