• Published 3rd Jan 2021
  • 1,314 Views, 23 Comments

American Fox - madhat886

Naruto and Sunset have ended up in late 1800's America. There Naruto is found by Theodore Roosevelt and became his ward. And Sunset ended up becoming the daughter of Barbie Norton.

  • ...

Chapter 4


Naruto waited at the docks of New York City with one of the newer recruits of Spookhouse. They waited for the arrival of a ship coming from England with three members of the counterpart of Spookhouse, Torchwood. The city is rapidly growing and changing with all of the new inventions being made using items and knowledge from other worlds. The other countries are doing their best to catch up by reversing their ways in dealing with people from other worlds. But the United States was already doing that long before Spookhouse was formed, thanks to Empress Barbie.

"Isn't the ship here yet?" Letho Gulet ask as he and Naruto waited in one of the bars that lined the docks.

"The ship should dock within an hour," Naruto said as he and Letho shared a booth eating lunch.

Letho Gulet was originally Letho of Gulet before he joined Spookhouse. He's a Witcher from the school of the viper. Witchers are people who have undergone extensive training, ruthless mental and physical conditioning, and mysterious rituals in preparation for becoming an itinerant monster slayer for hire. Taken in as children, Witchers-to-be are subjected to intense alchemical processes, consumption of mutagenic compounds and training from hell, to make them dangerous and highly versatile against their vast array of opponents, many of which possess superhuman sped, strength or other deadly powers. Most of the recruits die from either training or the process that changes them into Witchers.

According to Letho his world has many different kinds of creatures and monsters from other worlds all living together. Thanks to different worlds coming together in his world and when it ended left many races and other creatures stuck on his world. Which seems to be happening in this world just at a slower pace. Many worlds are being connected to this one by portals that allow people and objects to travel to this one. And there's no way to tell how long it will last. Or if that’s even what’s happening in this world.

"Ah the food's here," Letho said as the one of the workers of the inn came over to them with their order.

"Now where's Anne?" Naruto ask looking around for her.

"She ran off somewhere," Letho said digging into his meal.

"Knowing her she'll be trying to find an off worlder," Naruto said.

"Her trying to find an off worlder herself?" Letho ask.

"Well she wants to prove that she can find her own off worlder," Naruto said.

"Oh yeah women around here aren't really expected to be able to handle themselves," Letho said.

"In some places. Out west women are more independent thanks to Empress Barbie," Naruto said.

"She's going to get herself in trouble one of these days," Letho said.

"Well she just wants to show she can do the job," Naruto said. Spookhouse is one of the few government agency's that hire women to do more then just desk work. "And she has a natch in finding things."

"A deck of cards called Duel Monsters, some strange mirror like disks called CDs, a toy gun that can only fire water, and books about a girl falling in love with a vampire, Letho said listing off some of the items she has found.

"Well she works in collecting people and items found by others, giving them the reward money. She likes to look around where she travels seeing if anyone has something that came from another world," Naruto said.

"She just wants to be like you going to places and finding people and objects from other worlds," Letho said.

"True but she isn't trained enough yet," Naruto said as some missions he barely came back alive. So new agents like Anne are train for at least 6 months and have on the job training before they can do field work.

"She isn't really skilled in fighting," Letho said. Since he's already a skilled monster hunter he didn't need that much training.

"Well not melee but she is trained in using a gun," Naruto reminded Letho.

"Those would have made things alot easier back in my world," Letho said before seeing Anne entering the bar. "There she is now."

"I'm back," Anne said as she came up to them dragging a large trunk with her.

"What did you find this time?" Letho ask.

"I found something," Anne said grinning.

"Why does that trunk have air holes?" Naruto ask.

"Did you find an animal?" Letho ask.

"Yes but we can't show him here," Anne said.

"Alright," Naruto said wondering what she found this time.

"Sit down and order something we still have awhile before the boat comes in," Letho said.

"Alright," Anne said as she place the trunk near her keeping a close eye on it. Making the two men wonder what's inside of it.

"And we better just load that into the back of the car," Naruto said.

"Alright he's sleeping anyways," Anne said. Both Naruto and Letho shared a look as they are wondering what's in the trunk.


Later -

Ms. Poppin walk down the gangplank followed by two younger women, a blond and a redhead. The first is Ms. Liddell who carried her luggage following her nanny closely behind. She wore a sensible blue cotton dress with a white apron like front on it. She wore her long dirty blonde hair long reaching down her back. She's calm and held her emotions tightly as if she's scared of releasing them. The second was Ms. Longstockings who's getting the stares, as she's carrying the rest of the luggage for her party. The amount of luggage she's carrying looks to be more suited for a fullgrown adult man then a young woman who is barely into her womanhood. She wore her fiery red hair in braids that are so tightly wound that they stick out sideways from her head. She's dress in a long sleeved red knee length dress with the sleeves rolled up underneath a blue apron with a large yellow pocket in the front. She wore large blue boots, a pair of mismatch color socks one purple and the other strip yellow and red.

"So this is New York?" Ms. Liddell said as she looks over the docks of the city.

"And there are those cars!" Ms. Longstockings said seeing the new transports that have been appearing back in England. (1)

"Don't stare," Ms. Poppins said wanting to make a good impression.

"Yes mam," Ms. Longstockings said.

"Now where is our escort," Ms. Poppins said.

"There to the right," Ms. Liddell said spotting the young man with blonde hair she has seen in the newspapers.

Ms. Poppins led her two charges to the waiting group who are waiting near a car. The car in question is more like a small bus in another world. Two people can sit in the front while the rest sat in the back.

"Had a fun trip?" Naruto ask them holding out his hand.

"It went well," Ms. Poppins said as she took his hand and gave a shake.

"Need help?" Letho ask as Ms. Longstockings walk up to them with a mass of luggage on her.

"Nope," she answers as she easily loads all of the luggage onto the car.

"Your group isn't the only one with odd people," Ms. Liddell said to Letho causing him to feel uneasy. As there's something off about her.

"It will take us about an hour to get to the base," Naruto said as he hope onto the driver seat and Letho ridding shotgun.

"We just have to take in the sights," Ms. Liddell said as their mission isn't just to exchange information but also to get information about how fast the Americans are advancing.

"Just behave yourselves," Ms. Poppins said as she enters the car along with the others. This trip would be interesting to say the least.


Author's Note:

1 - Cars back in the early 1900's were a rare sight.

First appearances of fictions in this chapter -

Anne of Green Gables