• Published 9th Jan 2021
  • 777 Views, 25 Comments

The Spark of Something New - Pip232

Twilight calls her friends to her old castle to discuss the fate of a would-be assassin

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4: Only In Equestria

“There you have it,” Twilight gently stroked Star Spark’s mane, the little foal teetering between being awake and asleep in her hold, “just when he decided to do the right thing, this happened.”

Silence reigned for a minute as the other ponies present took it all in, but Applejack was the first to break it. “You did what you had to do, Twilight. You had no way of knowing this would happen, and you had no way of knowing what would happen when you fought Tirek. This ain’t your fault.”

“I know,” Twilight didn’t sound like she believed herself, “but that doesn’t make me feel any less responsible.”

“So what’s going to happen to him, Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked. “You already said you’re not giving him back to his old parents. You planning on dropping him off at the orphanage?”

A conflicted look crossed her face. “No. To be honest, I don’t think I could bring myself to just discard him like that, and given how this happened, I couldn’t do that with a clean conscience.”

Fluttershy walked around her friends to get a better view. “That spell he had? I thought it was gone?”

“It is, and that’s another problem.” Twilight rubbed her head with her wing, not risking using her hoof while her other leg still held the cause of all the fuss. “There’s never been a documented case of an enhancement spell being removed before now. I’m worried it could cause complications in his body if he’s not under the constant care of a skilled magic-user.”

Her answer made Fluttershy realize all the issues that would cause. “You’d have to explain that to whoever might adopt him-”

“making him being adopted by pegasi or earth ponies a bad fit and probably dissuade any other potential parents.” Twilight finished.

Pinkie grinned, her bright, pearly teeth showing. “Then maybe you should adopt him yourself! You’re more skilled with magic than anyone else in Equestria, and you’re already experienced from raising Spike.”

Rarity had a look of distaste when Pinkie made her suggestion. “You’re heart’s in the right place, darling, but I can hardly think of a worse idea.”

Applejack remembered having to look after Apple Bloom while trying to work the farm until her little sister got old enough to care for herself. That had been an ordeal, she couldn’t imagine running an entire kingdom while doing it. “Yeah, Rarity’s right, you’re busy enough handling Equestria without having to look after a foal on top of everything else. What about other ponies we know, like Starlight, Sunburst, or heck, even Trixie?”

Before any more points could be made, Twilight spoke up. “Starlight and Sunburst are busy with the School of Friendship, and when she’s not counseling Trixie doesn’t even have a fixed address. Besides, I’m not going to ask another pony to clean up after my mess.”

She held Star Spark a little closer, glad that he was fast asleep again.

Applejack had a mild look of skepticism. “Twi, Ah need to to be real honest with me right now. You said you were Celestia’s retirement plan; is he yours?”

“No.” Twilight answered firmly, feeling an accusation in Applejack’s question. She felt Star Spark settle down in her grip and glanced at him. “I wanted to give him the kind of family he should’ve had the first time. I won’t make him do anything he doesn’t want to do.”

“And you think you can find the time for him along with everything else?” Applejack asked.

Twilight nodded. “I’d have Spike to help me, and it’s the same basic principle as when we helped Pinkie with her foal.”

“Yeah! I gotcha covered, it’s just like with the Cake Twins or Little Cheese when I was helping with the bakery and planning parties and throwing parties and bringinggreatbigsmilestoEquestria!” Pinkie cheered, sucking in air her excitement had deprived her of.

Rarity sighed and rubbed her forehead. “Only in Equesrtria could a pony attempt regicide against the reigning monarch and wind up their adopted child for it.”

While Fluttershy enjoyed Pinkie’s enthusiasm, a worry continued to nag at her. “And Spike is okay with this? Especially given what happened.”

“Spike was on the fence about it, but I explained why sending him away wouldn’t be a good idea, and how the foal he found under that armor wasn't the same pony who attacked us. He wasn't thrilled, but I’m hoping he’ll warm up to him over time."

Rarity thought for a moment, before finally speaking up. “Have you considered how you’re going to tell the public? The captain of the royal guard disappears and suddenly the princess is adopting a foal who’s nearly identical to him, it’s going to be pretty obvious what happened.”

“I have, and they’re not going to know.” The princess looked like she’d eaten something bitter. “Besides myself, you five and Spike are the only ones who know the truth, and it’s going to stay that way. The official story will be that the intruder managed to get past his barrier and attack, undoing his enhancement spell and resulting in his tragically irreversible condition and that adopting him is my way of saying thanks for saving my life.”

“You’ve certainly put a lot of thought into this.” Rarity saw her distress while she was talking. “Twilight, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Twilight pursed her lips in contemplation, “by doing this I’m lying to all of Equestria, including creatures I consider my friends. Celestia did the same thing and that’s not something I’m comfortable with, but at the same time telling what actually happened isn’t any better.”

She took in a deep breath before letting it out. “I didn’t just call you all here to tell you I was going to be adopting, but to ask you if I’m doing the right thing by withholding the truth from everyone.”

Silence again blanketed the room as those present considered what she’d said, and debated the pros and cons of both options. Twilight wasn’t at all surprised when Applejack broke it. “Ah dunno, Twi. If you lie, the worst thing that can happen is that the truth comes out, then you’ll be in more trouble than a grass snake found in a chicken coop."

“I think it’s the only sensible option.” Rarity pulled her shawl closer to herself as she glanced at the farm mare. “If the truth comes out it will only damage Twilight, the royal guard, and quite possibly make the poor foal’s life harder if every creature knows his past incarnation attempted regicide against her. Besides, Twilight only shared this secret with us and Spike, her most trusted confidantes. Unless one of us shares it then there’s no risk of her secret being revealed, right, Applejack?”

An indignant look crossed her face as she rolled her eyes. “Hey, Ah ain’t gonna go blabbing it around town. Ah know how to keep a secret.” After a moment of pause, Applejack huffed in defeat. “But you’re right, Rares, Ah don’t really see an upside to telling the truth here.”

Rarity’s satisfied smile only seemed to irk her, but before they could say anything more, Pinkie’s excitement finally burst. “Ooh, I’m gonna hafta throw you two a Happy Re-Birthday and a Happy Adoption party!” Pinkie quietly exclaimed, her whispers barely containing her enthusiasm. “It’ll be just like when we had Li’l Cheese!"

Her excitement seemed to dispel any tension in the air, and Twilight felt a renewed sense of optimism that she hadn’t felt before this happened. “I know it’ll be hard work, but I’ll take it one step at a time, and I know that all of you would be good role models for him.”

She felt the bundle she was cradling shift around and looked to see Star Spark sleepily looking at her. “Hi there, sweetie. I guess I should’ve known better than to think you’d be asleep for long.”

Applejack chuckled. “Just you wait. Give the little rascal a few months and he’ll have you and Spike running around more than us during cider-making season.”

Twilight used her magic to pull the blanket a bit tighter around him. “Compared to raising a dragon or foalsitting an alicorn, he shouldn’t be too bad. For now, I need to get this stuff moved to Canterlot, choose a new captain, prepare an announcement for the rest of Equestria, and introduce him to the rest of my family,” her voice held a sense of nervous anticipation at the last item on that list. “But that can all wait until tomorrow. Right now I need to lower the sun and get some sleep of my own.”

Twilight focused and the light in the room began to fade, evening turning to dusk as she gently set Star Spark in his crib and gave him a kiss on the head. “Sleep well, Star Spark, we have a busy few days ahead of us.”

Author's Note:

Only one chapter remains! After having a particularly rough week at work I'm glad to be doing something I enjoy, even if it's just publishing chapters. Hope you enjoy and I'll see you lovely lot tomorrow!