• Published 11th Mar 2012
  • 25,454 Views, 568 Comments

Trixie's Gettin' Back On Her Hooves - Shadow Raikou

Accidentally stumbling upon a homeless Trixie, Twilight must help her get back on her hooves.

  • ...

Chapter 10: Checkmate Part 1- Endgame

“I am not finished yet
On that much you can bet.
Not even close.
Now I know what to do.
To get to you
I will go through those you love most.”


“Well, Rainbow Dash…” Spitfire said, as the young Pegasus ended her audition for the Wonderbolts.

“Yes?!” asked Rainbow Dash, with baited breath. Still…she swore something was off about Spitfire’s eyes…something seemed wrong…missing. But who cared! It was the moment she’d waited for her entire life!

“You did not make the cut, not even close.”

Rainbow Dash’s face fell. “W-what?”

Spitfire actually snickered. “Yep, worst tryout we have ever seen.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes teared up. “B-but…”

“In fact, it was so horrible, we will likely reject all future applications from you, sorry!”
“Trixie, you think you’ve won?
You think I am so easily undone?
Did you forget I am master of your fate?
You are about to see.
How little you know of me.
As I prepare for checkmate.”
“And here is my greatest design!” said Rarity, proudly, showing Fancypants an amazingly beautiful dress. The dress of her dreams.

Fancypants looked it over carefully. “Hmm…”

“Yes?” asked Rarity, craving his opinion. He was the one who’s word could make or break her designs with his sway in Canterlot, and he was her friend after all. Still…his eyes just seemed off…something was wrong about them.

“Well…I do not love it…”

Rarity’s face fell. “You…you don’t like it?”

“I would not say I hate it…but it just seems amateurish and…not good. Not good at all.”
“I will admit it may come at a price.
I will know what to be precise,
When you have nothing left at all!
What it takes to close my snare,
Is something I no longer care!
So long as you take the fall!”
“What…what do you mean?” asked Fluttershy, watching her animals be taken away from her home by animal control.

“Sorry, miss, but we have decided that you are a very poor caretaker,” said the animal control officer. Her eyes…they made Fluttershy feel scared. “These animals would be better off with someone who can take care of them properly.”

“No…don’t take them away!” Fluttershy screamed, tears in her eyes as she held desperately onto Angel’s cage. “I’d never neglect my friends! Give me another chance!”
“Yes, I’ve realized now!
It doesn’t matter how,
I reduce you to that state!
It’s all I want, my pet!
And what I want, I get!
So long as I can say checkmate!”
“What…what do you mean foreclosed?!” asked Applejack, in complete shock.

“Sorry, lady, I do not make the laws, I just carry them out,” said the official looking pony. Applejack shivered when she looked in her eyes. “You didn’t pay up, so Sweet Apple Acres is being foreclosed on, simple as that.”

Applejack sunk to her flanks, tears in her eyes. “No…this…this can’t be happenin‘…”

“Oh, and we’ve already got two bidders, they said their names are the Flim Flam Brothers,” said another official pony with the first. He didn’t have the same eyes…
“No matter who must be hurt!
No matter how much force I must exert!
So long as it ends with me in control,
It will be worth it in the end!
Victory is just around the bend!
I can feel it in my soul!”
“N-no…” said Pinkie, hair straight as an arrow as she watched the Cakes put closed signs up on Sugar Cube Corner, both crying. Pumpkin and Pound hung off her crying their eyes out.

“How could this happen?” asked Pinkie, tears running down her face.

“Sorry, Pinkie…we just could not keep up with that new business that moved in…” said Mrs. Cake…Pinkie didn’t like how her eyes looked.

“Looks like you’ll have to move back to the rock farm with Ma and Pa Pie,” Mr. Cake said with a sigh…his eyes looked normal.

“No…I…I don’t want to leave my friends!”
Twilight watched all of this, helpless to stop any of it.
Checker gave a demented chuckle to herself, leaving Twilight’s dream and turning around. “That is the last dream for tonight,” she said, giving a maniac smile. “The best way to make someone’s worst nightmare come true is to bring their worst fear to life, then let their minds do the rest,” she stated, then looked to her followers. “Come, Helping Hoof, Diamond Dogs,” she said in that deranged monotone. “I think tomorrow, this town gets to meet Checker Monarch in the flesh.”

“Tomorrow I make my final play…
Yes, tomorrow is the day…
I have set the date…
All the pieces fall into place…
And when it ends with your disgrace…
It will be. Check. And. Mate…” Checker sung slowly as she trotted off, Helping Hoof and the Diamond Dogs following behind.
Wait. “This isn’t real,” said Twilight, noticing something. “Spitfire is a friend of Rainbow Dash, and I know her, there’s no way she’d be that cruel. Animal control wouldn’t take all of Fluttershy’s animals, she’s a licensed animal care specialist and respected by the local vets, she‘s done nothing wrong. Fancypants isn’t a fashion critic, and he found that simple dress Rarity made me charming. Sweet Apple Acres doesn’t even owe a mortgage. It was given to the Apples by Princess Celestia herself. Not to mention she and Fluttershy would’ve both gotten warnings first. And competition in Ponyville isn’t heavy enough for Sugar Cube Corner to be run out of business, there is no new business in town. This is a dream,” she stated, everything freezing and becoming a perfectly normal day as she took control over it.
Twilight stood in the kitchen, cooking up breakfast. She normally just made something quick, but she felt after the day she’d had yesterday, Trixie deserved a big breakfast. She was proud of her friend, the showmare had certainly came a long way since it all started.

“Good morning, Twilight Sparkle,” said Trixie, in a rather pleasant tone.

Twilight smiled, turning to see Trixie, who looked rather happy. “Morning Trixie, making breakfast.”

Trixie nodded, then gave a blink. “Wait…this place has a kitchen?” she asked, having not actually noticed before now.

“And a lab,” Spike said, eating some gems for breakfast.

“A laboratory?” asked Trixie, blinking again, then giving Twilight a look.

“Yeah, in the basement,” Twilight stated cheerily as she flipped a pancake.

Trixie shook it off. “Trixie understands…So, to Sugar Cube Corner today?”

Twilight nodded. “With Pinkie Pie. But that’s not for an hour or so….” she said, then looked thoughtful. “Hey Trixie…could you maybe teach me that firework spell you know?”

Trixie blinked in shock. “You…you want Trixie to teach you?”

Twilight nodded with a smile. “Most of what I can do is stuff I’ve learned. All having Magic as my special talent means is I’ve got larger magic reserves and can learn more spells and more powerful spells than most unicorns, it doesn’t mean I instantly know every spell. And half my training with Celestia was conditioning my horn to be able to handle my magic, which took a lot longer than it would for most.”

Trixie nodded slowly. She knew unicorns typically had more magic reserves than they could safely use. It was the same principle as how muscles were typically far stronger than they typically appeared because they could damage themselves otherwise. Put too much stress on the horn with a powerful spell for too long of a period and it could crack, or even break. Thankfully, as with muscles, most had built in limitations to prevent this. Still, many unicorns neglected that part of training and hurt themselves.

“Alright…Trixie shall teach you…”
“My, that was a wonderful vacation,” said an elderly unicorn mare as she arrived at her home in Hoofington. She was dark blue in color with a long white mane and tail, having vibrant purple eyes. Her Cutie Mark was of comedy and tragedy theater masks, comedy overlapping tragedy. She wasn’t nearly as old as Granny Smith, but still her age showed somewhat. She still seemed to be in very good physical condition and took good care of herself. She had various Zebra trinkets on her, as well as two suitcases.

“Zebrafica is always lovely this time of year, the locals are so inviting,” she remarked, smiling widely as she unlocked the door. Walking in, she found a scroll laying on the floor. “Hmm, what’s this?” she asked, lifting it up with a cheery yellow aura and opening it. She then gasped reading it, slowly tears of joy forming in her eyes. “Trixie…”
“M-Miss Monarch?” asked Helping Hoof, trembling before the demented mare.

“Yes, Helping Hoof?” asked Checker, getting her mane and tail back in order, but keeping the same monotone she’d had since the night before. She was also wearing business pants that matched the rest of her outfit, to look more professional.

“T-The board of directors replied to your letter,” the stallion replied, floating the letter over to her.

“’Dear Miss Monarch;

We have examined your proposal and find your idea another stroke of brilliance. We will be in Ponyville tomorrow for your presentation, but we’re sure you’ve chosen wisely.

Monarch Incorporated Board of Directors,’” Checker read, giving another deranged smirk. “Perfect…” she stated, turning around and looking in a mirror held up by Rover. She seemed to focus, managing to give what appeared for all intents to be a genuine smile. “How do I look?” she asked, her voice sounding almost perfectly normal, but still with a coldness if one listened closely.

“P-perfect, Miss Monarch…” Helping Hoof replied, giving a shudder. If there was one thing that had always scared him about Checker was how she could hide her true nature under a façade when she wanted to, naturally a manipulator wouldn’t be a manipulator if she couldn’t. Even now while unhinged as she was, she could do it and it disturbed him. “T-The meeting with Mayor Mare is all set up.”
Twilight concentrated, setting off a few small scale fireworks around her. “Good job, Twilight, not perfect, but good for a first try,” Trixie said, giving a genuine smile. “Now, watch Trixie!” she announced, in her normal dramatic fashion, which she was using a bit more frequently now. Twilight didn’t think she was hiding anything anymore, it felt like Trixie seemed to enjoy being dramatic now instead of just using it as a shell.

“The key to good fireworks is letting the spell grow in one spot, then letting out all at once!” Trixie announced, setting off several. When they settled, she gave a dramatic bow. The two were outside of Ponyville, so as not to disturb anyone. Thankfully the rain had let up for now.

Twilight nodded, concentrating and getting a fairly good sized firework blast.

Trixie gave some applause and motioned for Twilight to bow. “Masterfully done, Twilight Sparkle, you’re a natural.”

“Thanks…you’re a good teacher,” the purple unicorn replied, giving a theater like bow. “I mean it.”

“You flatter Trixie,” Trixie replied, feigning shyness, but clearly appreciative.

Twilight smiled. It felt good to see Trixie genuinely happy.
“I think I’ve seen quite enough, Miss Monarch,” said Mayor Mare, looking over the diagrams the businessmare had supplied. “It’s just like your letter said, this would bring a lot of money to Ponyville,” she stated, putting a stamp of approval on the papers for the presentation the next day. It’d already been set up, all this meeting was to do was finalize it.

Checker had Helping Hoof pack up. “A pleasure doing business with you, Mayor Mare,” she said, giving a small bow and shaking the Mayor‘s hoof. “I am sure this will be wonderful for Ponyville.” Checker then left with her assistant.

Mayor Mare noticed something a little off in the mare’s voice, but didn’t find anything particularly wrong with her otherwise. Though she wondered why the mare wore sunglasses on a cloudy day.
Trixie and Twilight walked through town towards Sugar Cube Corner, Spike now riding on Twilight‘s back. A few ponies still glared at the unicorn, but some complimented her on the show and most were civil. “Well, Trixie still has work to do, but she’s pleased to see she’s made progress with the townsfolk,” she stated, having a spring in her step that was missing before.

“Well, you most certainly earned it, Trixie,” Twilight replied with a bright smile.

Trixie nodded. “Trixie knows…It was not easy…and Trixie couldn’t have done it alone…Thank you…” she said, looking genuinely timid as she said it, though awkward would be a better term. She was clearly not used to showing her emotions genuinely.

Spike smiled, looking over at the mare. “Hey, what are friends for?”

Trixie nodded. “Trixie knows that well now. She just sincerely wishes it hadn‘t taken so long to get it through her thick skull.”

Twilight looked up, seeing a rainbow haired Pegasus practicing some stunts. “Hey there Rainbow!”

Rainbow Dash looked down and saluted to them. “Hey girls,” she said, flying down and landing next to them. Twilight noticed bags under Rainbow’s eyes, and she looked a little uncertain. That worried Twilight a little.
Checker watched from an ally, her demented eyes watching events. She gave a crazed smirk and carefully moved a small disk underneath Rainbow Dash with telekinesis.
“…Is something wrong, Rainbow Dash?” asked Trixie, with a rather concerned expression.

“Nah…everything’s fine, just fine…” said Rainbow, avoiding eye contact. “Hey…Do you think my stunts are good? I mean of course I know they’re awesome, but I want a second opinion.”

Twilight frowned, her dream from the night before coming to her mind. “You’re amazing, Rainbow Dash. You won the Best Young Fliers Competition, can clear the sky in ten seconds flat, and saved three of the Wonderbolts and Rarity from falling to their doom by performing a supposedly impossible Sonic Rainboom. I can’t think of a lot of other pegasi who can say that.”

“Why do you even ask, Rainbow?” Trixie asked in a concerned tone. She honestly wasn’t surprised that Rainbow had done all of that anymore. “Was there ever any doubt?” she stated, her tone praising and a friendly smile on her face.

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Oh, no reason,” the Pegasus replied, seeming a bit reassured and in better spirits.

Trixie smiled lightly, glad Rainbow had been given a confidence boost. It felt good to help a friend, and she wasn‘t afraid to admit it anymore. She then looked up and saw lightning flash once or twice in the clouds. Something seemed strange…

“I was just practicing-”

“Look out!” Trixie suddenly yelled, tackling Rainbow Dash out of the way of a lightning bolt.

Rainbow Dash stared wide-eyed at the scorched ground she had been standing on just a few seconds ago, panting from surprise.

“Rainbow Dash, are you alright?!” asked Twilight, running over, looking absolutely panicked. That wasn’t the kind of lightning Trixie had struck her with before or the shock Derpy had gotten from that lightning cloud; this was lightning like the kind that had blasted a tree in half at her slumber party. Sure, Rainbow Dash was a Pegasus, so she was resistant to lightning, but a direct hit…

Trixie looked at Rainbow Dash in concern. “Yes, are you alright?”

Rainbow Dash got up and nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine, thanks to Trixie…” she said, but looked suspiciously at the place the lightning had hit.

“Rainbow Dash…Trixie would recommend not practicing right now,” said Trixie, looking concerned at the Pegasus.

Twilight nodded, worriedly. “She’s right. The rain may have let up, but the storm is still dangerous. You‘d better get indoors.”

Rainbow Dash nodded cautiously. “Yeah, good idea…Well, see you girls later, and thanks for the save, Trix. I owe you big time!”

Trixie chuckled at the nickname. “What ever else are friends for?”

Trixie then looked to Twilight once Rainbow Dash had flown safely back to her home. “Twilight…was Rainbow Dash…not confident?”

Twilight nodded. “I think so…but that’s actually not as hard to believe as it sounds. Rainbow Dash may be a proud pony, but it wouldn’t be the first time she’s needed some reassurance about her flying abilities.” Still, Twilight couldn’t help feeling uneasy. And seeing her friend nearly hit by lightning had put her on edge.
Checker gave a maniacal chuckle, taking out a small metal disk like the one she‘d slipped under Rainbow Dash, before putting it away. “All according to plan…” she said in monotone, then snarled. “That’s what you get for not following orders before, you stupid pawn!” she growled in an alternating voice. She then slowly turned and walking back to the alley were Helping Hoof and the Diamond Dogs were waiting. “We have got work to do,” she stated in a monotone. The four hadn’t seen the act she’d just committed, but had an uneasy feeling.
“Hello, Pinkie Pie,” said Twilight, as the group walked into Sugar Cube Corner. “How are you today?”

Trixie blinked, watching Pinkie walk over, Pumpkin and Pound climbing on her like she was a jungle gym, but the pink pony didn’t seem to mind it that much, except for making sure they didn’t get hurt. “Hello…Pinkie Pie…”

“Hey girls!” said Pinkie Pie, excitably. But Twilight couldn’t help thinking something was…off. She seemed a bit darker colored, her mane a tiny bit straighter. And her enthusiasm seemed slightly more forced than usual.

Pinkie Pie then looked to Trixie. “See?! It’s just like I said! I told you you’d end up getting a job here!”

Trixie nodded, giving a confused look. “Yes…you did…so these are the foals?” she asked, looking at the twins.

“Yep! This Pound Cake and his sister Pumpkin Cake!”

“Trixie sees…and you don’t mind that Pumpkin Cake is presently sucking on your tail?” Trixie replied, tilting her head with a raised eyebrow.

Pinkie blinked, looking back at the foal presently sucking cutely on her tail.

“Nom nom nom!”

“Now Pumpkin, Mr. and Mrs. Cake told you not to do that anymore,” Pinkie admonished, rather sternly, well for Pinkie Pie. Pumpkin stopped sucking on her tail and nodded. “It’s ok, I know my tail looks like cotton candy, and tasted like it that one time,” Pinkie replied, then nuzzled the foal and set both down on a rug and gave them some building blocks to play with. “There you go! Now play nice while Pinkie is talking with her friends!”

Trixie’s jaw dropped at the sight. “Pinkie Pie is actually…responsible?”

Twilight gave a nod with a smile. “Pinkie might be out there some times, but she really is responsible when it comes to those two.”

Trixie nodded slowly. “Once more, Trixie has underestimated your ability to surprise her,” she replied, then looked to Pinkie. “Are they your baby siblings?”

Pinkie giggled, then shook her head. “Nope! My family lives far away! On a rock farm! Except for my cousin Octavia, she lives in Canterlot with her roommate! I just got really, REALLY bored on mom and dad’s farm! So they decided I might do better here! The Cakes are old family friends! So it was perfect!”

Trixie nodded slowly. “Trixie understands…she did something similar…So, what job will Trixie be doing? Making cupcakes?”

“Nope! I don’t make those when the audience can see me anymore…” Pinkie muttered, actually getting a little angry. She then muttered something involving wanting to sue someone for defamation of character.

Trixie blinked. “Yes, that makes perfect sense…” she replied, her tone deadpan. “So what shall Trixie be making then?”

Pinkie giggled. “Apple Pie!” she announced. She then took a deep breath and music began to play.

“Trixie knows how to make apple pie, no instructional musical number is needed,” Trixie replied quickly.

“Aww! Alright, fellas, no musical number this time!” Pinkie called, causing the music to suddenly cut out.

Trixie cocked her head. “Who were you…never mind, Trixie does not want to know…Lead Trixie to the kitchen!”
Trixie looked over the stove, seeming rather confused.

“Uh oh…” said Spike. “Here we go again…”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?” she asked, looking at her assistant.

“Where she doesn’t know how to do something, someone asks if she needs help, she says ‘Trixie does not need assistance!’ then something goes horribly wrong,” whispered Spike. “I’ve seen it before.”

“Pinkie Pie?” Trixie asked, looking over her shoulder.

“Yes, Trixie?” the party pony asked, hopping over.

“Trixie doesn’t know this particular model of oven, could you…maybe give her some assistance?” asked Trixie, in a friendly, but awkward fashion.

Two mares and a baby dragon’s jaws dropped simultaneously.

“T-Trixie?” asked Twilight, dumbfounded.


“Did…did you just-”

“Ask for help?” Trixie replied, giving a rather content smile. “Yes, Trixie did. Twilight. Trixie had an epiphany. She no longer cares if someone considers her weak when she’s asking for help, or being kind; Trixie merely wants to be a new mare and start her new life. On top of that, she does not desire her attempts at jobs to go horribly wrong because she refused help…again.”

Twilight smiled. Then noticed Pinkie’s jaw was still dropped and pushed it back into place.

“So will you help Trixie?”

Pinkie Pie nodded, giving a wide smile. “Of course! And don‘t worry! There‘s no way you can get skunked here! Or stung by bees! Or your mane get caught in a sewing machine or-”

Twilight covered Pinkie’s mouth as the pink mare continued listing off things behind it.

Mrs. Cake walked over. “You’re Trixie, right?” the mare asked.

Trixie nodded, turning to the mare. “Yes, Trixie, at your service.”

“Glad to meet you,” the mare replied. “Could you come tell the twins a story before they go to bed? We’d normally do it ourselves, but we’ve got a storyteller working with us for the day, we thought we’d take advantage of that. If it’s not too much to ask.”

Trixie gave a genuine smile. “Of course, Trixie would love to,” she replied with a dramatic bow. “Pinkie, can you handle things here until Trixie is finished?”

Pinkie nodded excitably. “Okey dokey lokey!”

Trixie walked over to the foals. “Hello, Pumpkin Cake, Pound Cake. Are you ready for a story from Trixie?!” Trixie announced, using VERY tiny controlled fireworks.

The two giggled and clapped their hooves.

“This is the tale of how the ponies of Dream Valley defeated the evil sorcerer, Grogar! Enjoy!”
“Pinkie?” asked Twilight, sounding a little concerned. “Is everything…ok?”

Pinkie looked over her shoulder as she was preparing to make the first batch of apple pies. She looked a little nervous. “Sure, Twilight, why not?”

“Pinkie, Rainbow didn’t tell us everything, but she did tell us that if your fur gets darker and your mane goes straight, something is wrong,” Twilight replied, seriously. She put a hoof on Pinkie’s shoulder. “Now what’s wrong?”

Pinkie gave a sigh. “…I just had a really, really, REALLY nasty nightmare last night…”

“Nightmare?” asked Twilight, blinking. Memories of her own entered her mind. “What…what kind of nightmare?”

“…The Cakes lost Sugar Cube Corner…another store ran them out…and I had to go back to the rock farm, away from all of you,” said Pinkie Pie, looking genuinely hurt by the nightmare. “I love my family…but I’d really miss everyone here if that happened…giggling at the ghosties didn‘t make me feel any better…”

Twilight gasped as she noticed the similarity. She then put her hoof on Pinkie’s shoulder. “Pinkie, there’s nothing for you to worry about,” she replied. “There’s no competition for Sugar Cube Corner in all of Ponyville, and besides, even if that did happen, I doubt they’d send you home to your parents! You’re an adult Pinkie, they can’t do that! And none of us would let you guys go homeless. If I took in Trixie when I didn’t even know her that well, don’t you think I’d do that for a best friend and her loved ones if it came to it?”

Pinkie Pie looked thoughtful, then smiled widely, her mane popping back out and fur returning to its true color. “Yeah! You would! Thanks Twilight, I needed that!”

Twilight chuckled, giving her friend a hug. “It’s fine, Pinkie, what kind of friend would I be if I didn‘t help?”

Pinkie Pie nodded, then looked over to Trixie, who was getting close to the end of the story. Pinkie smiled at the sight and turned on the stove, humming her unsung song to herself.

“And with the ring of the bell, the evil Grogar was banished back to his dark realm and Dream Valley was safe once more!” Trixie announced, the illusionary projection she used showing events as she spoke. The foals clapped, giggling, then yawned.

“Thank you, Trixie,” said Mrs. Cake, her and Mr. Cake picking up the foals. “You were a big help.”

Trixie gave a theatrical bow. “It was a pleasure, if you ever have need Trixie’s services again, do not hesitate to ask.”

Trixie then headed back to the kitchen. “Trixie is ready to make apple pie!”
Rainbow Dash slowly snuck back to the crater left from the lightning, keeping her eyes out for anything suspicious. She looked in the crater, which looked like lightning had struck it a few more times. Her eyes widened and she pulled out a metal disk. “…Alright, something smells fishy around here…” she said, heading off, being careful to stay under cover, just in case.
Helena sighed. “What do you mean there’s no airships to Ponyville?” she asked, slightly annoyed.

The Pegasus stallion shook his head. “Sorry, madam, the storm has all public air ships grounded. We’ve got a chariot you could take, but it’d be a rough ride, and you wouldn‘t get there until tomorrow…”

“I’ll take it,” Helena replied with a smile, levitating the stallion some bits. “Can’t be any rougher than the vacation I just got back from.”

“Yes, commercial air travel can be hectic sometimes.”

“No, the vacation itself. My guide got separated from me and well, trekking 10 miles through a Zebrafrican rainforest was pretty rough going, fun though,” Helena replied, taking her ticket. “Put that jaw back where it belongs, don’t want your face to stick that way.”
“Trixie thanks you for coming to Sugar Cube Corner today! She hopes you enjoy yourself!” announced Trixie as she floated the apple pies the group had ordered to them, who were all sitting at the table, with a flourish. She gave a bow. She was covered in flour, but looked extremely proud of herself.

“Wow, this is pretty good, Trixie,” Applejack replied after taking a bite, the others nodding in agreement. “So this is what yah wanted the apples for, Pinkie?”

Pinkie nodded. “Yep! That and to juggle!” she announced, pulling some apples out of nowhere and juggling them, getting laughs from the group.

Twilight noticed, with the exception of Rainbow and Pinkie Pie, her friends all looked a little down. And even those two had been that way earlier when she’d seen them. She shook it off, she didn’t want to ruin Trixie’s moment.

“Thank you, thank you,” Trixie said, bowing again. “And good one, Pinkie,” she said with a chuckle, no long caring the spotlight had been taken from her. She then looked rather awkward, swinging her front leg a little bit. “Um…Everypony…Trixie…Trixie would like to say, from the bottom of her heart…thank you all for all the…help you’ve given her. Trixie would still be a hobo in the streets of Canterlot without you…thank you all…Oh come on! Is it really that shocking?!” she asked, seeing all but Twilight and Spike’s jaws drop.

Twilight blinked, looking to Pinkie Pie. “Why are you surprised? You already knew that.”

Pinkie Pie giggled, putting her jaw back up with her hoof. “It was funny!”

Trixie sighed. “Seriously, was Trixie really that bad?”

“Um…no…” Applejack replied, but simultaneously having the world‘s worst poker face.

“Well, Trixie has had an epiphany. She sees now that the things she once believed made her weak, make her strong,” Trixie explained. “And Trixie honestly could not be happier…She‘s just somewhat…awkward at expressing it.”

“Well we’re happy for you, darling,” Rarity replied with a warm smile.

Trixie smiled. “Trixie is just happy she got through a job without anything going horribly…”

Without warning, thunder roared as lightning illuminated a figure standing at the door, her shadow overshadowing the now wide-eyed showpony. Checker Monarch slowly walked in, Helping Hoof holding an umbrella over her head.

The mare lowered her sunglasses, staring right at Trixie, who froze up like a deer in the headlights.

Rarity gave a gasp, remembering how Trixie had reacted to Checker’s name previously.

“Trixie? My what are the odds?” asked Checker in a completely polite tone. But everyone at the table could sense something…missing from her voice. And they didn’t like it.

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes. “Just who are you?”

Trixie shook off her shock and glared daggers. “Checkmate…it has been awhile…not long enough.”

“Trixie…who is this?” asked Applejack, not liking the mood this mare had brought with her one bit.

“My name is-”

“Checkmate Monarch,” Trixie interrupted, earning a subtle glare from her sister, but averted her eyes as to not look into her sister‘s. “Trixie‘s older sister.”

“Sister?!” Rarity exclaimed in shock. “But if your sister is one of the richest ponies in Manehatten, why-”

Trixie narrowed her eyes at Checker. “Because Trixie did go to her family for help when she needed it the most…and was denied. That is why she said her last name was Midsummer, not Monarch.”

Checker feigned regret. “Dear sister, I am…sorry. That was most unkind of me. I swear, I have seen the error of my ways,” she replied, though it was painfully transparent to all in the room.

“What are you really doing here, Checkmate?” Trixie asked, bitterly, snorting hot air through her nose.

“Oh, just a few things,” Checker said, looking at the group. “I am actually planning a project right here in Ponyville. I just got back from meeting with Filthy Rich about making it a joint venture.”

“Trixie bets you and his daughter got along splendidly,” Trixie replied with a heavy doss of sarcasm. The CMC had told her of Diamond Tiara’s bullying.

“Yes, wonderful little filly, reminds me of myself at that age,” Checker replied, giving a smirk that didn’t look cold or unhinged…just unnatural. “But you most certainly hold a grudge, little sister. What would father say if he were here?”

“The same thing he said when Trixie came begging for your help! ‘A pony who accepts help is weak! A pony who doesn’t make something of themselves is a nopony!’ Well Trixie is sick of it!” Trixie screamed, glaring daggers at her sibling, while everyone stared wide eyed. “Checkmate, Trixie would most enjoy it if you’d get the hay out of her life and stay out!” she yelled, getting to her hooves and staring down her sister.

“My my, temper temper,” Checker replied, doing her best to look hurt. To her surprise nopony was fooled. “And after all the time I spent searching for you to offer you a job because I felt bad about throwing you out,” she replied, but Trixie didn’t look convinced one bit. Checker floated a business card over to Trixie. “Call me if you’re still interested.”

Trixie blew up the card with a miniature fireworks style explosion. Checker snarled and glared, causing Trixie to take a step back in fear and begin sweating.

Twilight and the others stood in front of Trixie, Fluttershy standing right in front of Trixie and looking right back into her eyes with a stern look on her face. “I would suggest you get out of here, Miss Monarch,” Fluttershy said, glaring daggers at the mare.

Checker glared back as intensely as she could manage. Fluttershy didn’t budge an inch and returned her glare with equal intensity.

Trixie felt like she was watching a scene out of a wizard’s duel as the two glared into each others eyes, and swore the storm intensified as it happened. She’d never seen someone stare down Checker like this.

Checker finally turned and walked out in a huff, seeming surprised her intimidation tactic had failed against the Pegasus. She actually seemed a little shaken herself.

Trixie gave a relieved sigh. “Thank you all…”

That’s when Trixie finally noticed the pony standing at the door. “Hired Hoof?” she asked, blinking in surprise. “Is that you?” She walked up to him with an awkward smile.

Helping Hoof shrunk at her gaze. “Actually…I-it’s Helping Hoof now, I got my Cute Mark,” he said, turning his flank to show it. It was tradition to permit foals to change their name when they earned their Cutie Mark, not everypony got a special talent that matched their name after all.

Trixie examined the Cutie Mark. She looked…uncertain. “My…that’s an…interesting Cutie Mark…”

“It’s alright…Not like I was allowed to choose my Cutie Mark…” Helping Hoof said, sounding as if it was painful for him to say.

“Trixie knows…So…how is Iron Hoof doing?” asked Trixie, trying to sound friendly.

“Same as always…” Helping Hoof replied, a bitter tone to his voice.

Trixie sighed sympathetically. “Trixie knows the feeling…So…you are working for Checker now?”

“Yes…it’s about as pleasant as you’d expect…” Helping Hoof replied, looking like a beaten dog.

“Helping Hoof! Come along! Now!” yelled Checker from outside.

Trixie frowned. “Traded one tyrant for another…Well…it was nice to see you again…”

Helping Hoof nodded, giving a small smile. “…It was…” he said, heading out after his boss.

Trixie looked back at her friends, noting their confused expressions. “That was Helping Hoof. He was a colt that lived in the same neighborhood as Checker and Trixie growing up,” she explained, thinking back to her youth. “He was always so submissive, timid. Of course Checker called it weak…We didn’t see each other except when our father’s talked about business…we weren‘t friends, the closest we came to each other was talking about how our lives were going…but if things had been different, maybe we could have been…”

“What do yah mean?” Applejack asked, looking curious.

“It was his father and Trixie’s sister that really kept us from being friends, us listening to them anyway. His father, Iron Hoof was…very strict. He forbid Helping Hoof from doing anything except continue the family’s business history. His father worked in big business, and so did his father, and his…Helping Hoof once snuck out to theater classes…it continued for a year until Iron Hoof figured it out and forced Helping Hoof, then named Hired Hoof, to quit and continue being raised in the manner his father desired,” the mare explained, sorrow in her tone.

Rainbow Dash shuddered. “Stallion’s name suits him…” she muttered.

Trixie nodded. “Very much so. Compared to Iron Hoof, Trixie’s father was Princess Cadence…The saddest part is Trixie believes he genuinely thought he was doing the right thing for his son…” Trixie replied, with a sad look. “Helping Hoof died a little inside when his father made him do that…while he was studying theater, he was the happiest Trixie had ever seen him…Trixie thinks his father forcing that destiny on him was why when Trixie left as a teenager, Helping Hoof was still a blank flank….He still seemed so miserable even today…”

Twilight nodded sadly. It was true; a foal who was forced to do something they didn’t want to typically took longer to earn their Cutie Mark than one who was allowed to follow their dreams. “And your sister?”

Trixie growled, looking furious. “Trixie’s sister is nothing but a bully,” she explained. “Always has been always will be…She told Trixie being kind, forming bonds with others…that they made a pony weak…and Trixie believed her until you six showed Trixie the light. Because of that, Trixie never sought a bond with Helping Hoof…Maybe if Trixie had, we could‘ve helped one another more…”

“She scared me…” Fluttershy stated lowly. “No offense…but…something was just…missing.” The others nodded in agreement.

“So you felt it too?” asked the showpony. Though she didn’t think Fluttershy had looked too scared. “Checker…she is just missing compassion, empathy. She can fool other ponies, but Trixie knows her too well. Trixie thinks perhaps you six notice it more than an ordinary pony would, probably due to the amount of empathy you have for one another…But she’s fooled ponies all her life, and when she lets the real her shine through those eyes, she can strike such fear into a pony…It’s best you just forget you ever saw her and not associate with her if you can…”

Twilight nodded slowly. “…She came into the library a few days ago to look at a book…I had no idea she was your sister.”

“…She’s hardly Trixie’s sister anymore, she and father disowned Trixie,” Trixie replied, a few tears in her eyes, but also anger. “And Trixie doesn’t give a flying feather what they think about her anymore, Trixie is her own mare and she will continue to be such.”

The group all covered their mouths in shock at the mare’s foul language, but then nodded. “Understood…” Rarity said, coming over and hugging her. The rest of the group came and did the same, Trixie hugging them back without hesitation.
Checker looked at her chessboard, which had Trixie’s king nearly in checkmate. “Time for me to make my coup de grace,” she said, her face becoming unhinged as she smirked. “Helping Hoof?” she asked, looking back, her voice monotone.

Helping Hoof slowly approached. “Y-yes? Miss Monarch?”

“You are the bait,” Checker replied, looking Helping Hoof over with demented eyes, like a predator looking at prey. “It is about all you’re good for after all.”

Helping Hoof looked crushed at that. “…”

“Is that a problem?! You worthless bla-”

“No…Miss Monarch…I’ll do it…”
“So you left home to escape Checker?” asked Twilight, looking concerned after the rest of the group left. It was now after dark.

Trixie nodded sadly, even as she counted the bits she‘d been paid by the cakes. “Yes…Trixie felt like she was just Checker’s toy, her puppet…Every good thing that happened in her life; Checker found a way to twist it into something awful…Trixie finally realized she could only be her own mare by leaving home, so she did…Becoming a traveling showpony just came naturally…”

Twilight nodded slowly, sitting down next to her. Pinkie, who was cleaning tables, came over and hugged Trixie when she heard that, giving her a sympathetic smile that Trixie returned, then went back to her work. “It must have been painful to finally go home and have them treat you that way…”

Trixie nodded, a tear going down her cheek. “Trixie used to be terrified of Checker…she still is scared of her, but has grown up a bit…Twilight…Trixie…Trixie thinks…Sorry, Trixie is not good at this…Trixie…I think you have been more of a sister to me than Checker ever has…”

Twilight gave her kind smile. “I’m glad I could be there for you…And I understand how you feel…I may have had an awesome big brother…but I‘ve always wanted a sister my age.”

Trixie gave a smile back, then yawned. “This day has been rather exhausting…Trixie thinks she’ll go back and go to bed, if that‘s alright…”

Twilight nodded, giving a smile. “Alright, me and Spike will be there in a little bit, we’re going to help Pinkie close up.”
Trixie trotted home, an umbrella held overhead with telekinesis as it rained, but it was presently a soft drizzle. She still was uncertain about how she felt. Seeing her sister had been a shock, an unpleasant one, though seeing Helping Hoof had been a pleasant surprise. Maybe, if he was staying in Ponyville a little bit, they could be the friends they should‘ve been when they were foals…

“Trixie!” called a voice.

Trixie blinked, looking over and seeing Helping Hoof standing under a tree with an umbrella of his own. “Oh! Hello Helping Hoof!” she called. She trotted over. “What are you doing out here?”

Helping Hoof looked nervous, a bit on edge, but gave a smile. “Oh, I’m just on break, decided to look around. Didn’t expect to run into you.”

Trixie smiled back. “Well, it’s good to run into you…Helping Hoof…look, Trixie…Trixie is sorry she was so distant to you as foals…She wishes she hadn‘t…maybe we could‘ve been friends…”

Helping Hoof looked away to hide his face. It hurt to hear that… “Oh…that’s fine…” he said, looking back at her. “Water under the bridge…”
“So you’re Checker’s personal assistant?” asked Trixie, curiously after playing catch up for about ten minutes, though most of it had been Trixie’s adventures at Helping Hoof’s insistence. Still…it felt good. Even if Helping Hoof seemed preoccupied.

“Personal assistant isn’t quite the word, but yes…” said Helping Hoof. He then looked over and saw Checker standing in the rain nearby with a deranged smirk. Helping Hoof sighed sadly, looking down at the ground. “Trixie…”

“Yes, Helping Hoof?”

“…I’m…I’m sorry…”

“What?” asked Trixie, before the Diamond Dogs’ arms burst out of the ground and grabbed her legs, covering her mouth before she could scream. Helping Hoof just stared at the ground, looking defeated.
“Hey Twilight!” called Rainbow Dash, entering Sugar Cube Corner and walking over as Twilight cleaned a table, Spike helping Pinkie wash dishes in the other room.

“Yes, Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked, looking back at her.

“I have something here, can you tell me what you think?” Rainbow Dash asked, taking out the metal piece she’d found in the hole and put it down on the table.

Twilight picked it up with telekinesis and looked it over. “Hmm…” she produced glasses and put them on, then scanned the object with a spell as she examined it. “…I think it’s a magic lightning rod,” she explained, looking it over. “It’s a piece of metal with a special spell put on it that attracts lightning when it‘s magic is triggered by being embedded into something, like the ground or a roof. One is protecting the library, you can by full sized ones from a pony in Canterlot I know. Though one like this would’ve melted by the time this storm is over, it’s not durable enough to survive lightning strikes for long periods.”

Rainbow Dash looked dead serious. “I found that in the crater that lightning that almost hit me caused.”

Twilight gasped, looking at it. “What? You…you don‘t think…”

“Someone put it there on purpose?” asked Rainbow. She knew the idea wasn’t likely, the idea of somepony trying to intentionally hit another with lightning (of the dangerous type) was unheard of, but sometimes it paid to be careful. “I’m not paranoid, but it doesn’t make sense for it to be in the middle of the road like that…I’m not saying someone was trying to get me struck by lightning, but I think something fishy is going on around here.”

Twilight looked back at it, nodding slowly, feeling a chill down her spine. “…Yeah…”
Trixie was thrown to the ground rather hard, she feared she may have bruised a rib. “…What…what happened?” she asked, shaking her head and getting up with a groan. She looked around the rocky cave, a glowing gem in the rock ceiling lighting the section of the cave up. She could tell she was underground, but not where. “H-hello?” she asked, trembling slightly from fear. “Has Trixie been kidnapped by crazed fancolts again?”

“Hello, Trixie,” said a voice. “Glad you could make it.”

Checker stepped out of the darkness, still looking perfectly normal. “I told my employees to pick you up, I suppose to a Diamond Dog that means ‘kidnap you‘, my sincere apologies, little sister.”

Trixie growled, horn glowing as she snorted air through her nostrils. “Checker! What’s going on?!”

Checker sighed, shaking her head. “I am very sorry for the inconvenience, but this was the only way I could get you to come talk to me…you seemed so angry…” she said, acting genuinely hurt.

Trixie snarled. ”About what?!” she said, not taking her guard down. She didn’t fall for it, she knew Checker’s tricks.

“Oh, just a little…proposal, I had,” said Checker, floating over a scale model of Ponyville, but now it included a large mall on it’s outskirts. Trixie didn’t particularly recognize the location of the large building, but something about it seemed familiar. “This is the Ponyville Mall, my newest project. Ponyville is in the shadow of Canterlot, and a lot closer than the nearest mall in Manehatten, making it the perfect place for such a project. It will bring a massive amount of business to Ponyville, as well as perhaps change the perspective of some of the elite about the town.”

“And earn you a lot of money?” asked Trixie, glaring as she looked at the model. What was her sister’s game? Sure, money, Checker loved money, but that couldn’t be the only thing.

“Yes, that is naturally the most important part,” said Checker, giving a cold chuckle. “But you see, there is a small problem…several, actually.”

Trixie narrowed her eyes. “And what are they?” A chill went down her spine.

“Well, that is where it applies to you, dear sister,” said Checker, before her face and voice suddenly got completely emotionless. “There is the matter of competition in the area.”

Trixie’s eyes widened and she took a trot back at the sudden change in her sister. She’d seen Checker without the mask of pleasantries she wore in public, but this was different. “C-competition?”

“Over here we have Sweet Apple Acres,” stated Checker, looking at the model of the farm. “Largest supplier of apples in Equestria, and regular seller of apple-based food to Ponyville. Cannot have them taking money from my grocery stores, so it has to go,” she stated, picking up that section of the map and shattering it to bits without a second thought.

Trixie’s face fell in horror as she watched her friend’s farm be crushed.

“And Sugar Cube Corner, local restaurant,” Checker continued, giving a small, unhinged smirk. “My mall will have tons of restaurants and a food court, I cannot have rivals in the area, can I?” she asked, ripping the model of Sugar Cube Corner out and throwing it to the ground with enough force to smash it to bits. Her hair began to be messed up.

“Library, the mall has plenty of bookstores. Why would ponies pay money when they can check out the same book for free? That has to go.” The library was thrown to the ground and crushed under Checker’s hoof.

“Fluttershy’s cabin? We have pet stores, can’t have someone just outside of Ponyville giving pets away, little weakling’s got to go!” And Fluttershy’s cabin was sent sailing across the room and smashed to bits against the wall.

“Carousal Boutique?! Can’t have a dress shop owned by a generous pony when we’ll be selling all the clothing ponies could want! Bye Rarity! Never liked your designs anyway!” And Rarity’s Boutique was hurled inches from Trixie‘s head and smashed against the wall behind her.

Trixie staggered back, tears streaming down her face as she realized what she was really seeing. “No…please no…”

“And Rainbow Dash’s cloud castle?!” asked Checker, snapping to look at Trixie, her sunglasses flying off to reveal her completely deranged eyes beneath, a completely demented smirk plain to see, ruined mane in her face. She then gave a dark chuckle. “…I shall think of something,” she said, returning to her uniform tone as Rainbow Dash’s house practically imploded in her telekinetic grasp. “It will all be simple, sure, most of it will be under hoofed, but that’s the dog-eat-dog world.”

Trixie staggered up against the wall, staring at her sister with terrified eyes.

“And that’s only the start of things,” Checker stated, walking around Trixie at a distance like a predator stalking its prey. “Trixie, do you remember the accident Rainbow Dash had today?”

Trixie gasped, remembering how close Rainbow Dash had come to being struck by lightning. She looked up at her sibling in shock. “Y-you…y-you did that?”

Checker gave a slow chuckle. “It was simple, only took me two seconds to arrange with the right item. And I can hurt any of your friends just as easily any time I want to, but you might not be there to save them next time. Especially once they have lost their homes.”

Trixie snarled in fury and leapt at her sister in a rage, only to find herself grabbed by her sister’s telekinesis, being painfully forced down to the ground, resisting as much as possible. Checker gave an animalistic snarl at her sister’s resistance and her horn glowed brighter as she forced Trixie to bow down before her with her telekinesis, but clearly struggled to do so. “Rover! Fido! Spot! Hold her down!” The Diamond Dogs rushed in and held the mare down, receiving a bag of gems in return. Checker staggered back, panting and holding a hoof to her head. She then looked back to Trixie with a sinister chuckle. “That‘s better,” Checker spat, a slight bit of venom in her tone.

Trixie struggled heavily, looking up at her sister with furious eyes. She tried to use her telekinesis and throw the Diamond Dogs away, but Checker simply overpowered her with her own telekinesis. “H-how did-”

Checker staggered a bit, once more holding her head and panting this time. “Now now, do not talk while big sister is speaking,” Checker continued with no emotion at all as she glared into Trixie‘s eyes, causing her sister to begin sweating and trembling in fear at her gaze. She finally looked away after about five minutes of letting her sister sweat, allowing Trixie to catch her breath. “Here is my proposal; you leave Ponyville, never to return, never to even look this way again, spend the rest of your life living off of scraps in the middle of nowhere, and I do not ruin your friends lives,” she stated. “Or, option b, you tell the Royal Guard about my little scheme, while I play the poor little wounded gazelle…and I sue the cutie mark off of you, and anyone else who supports you, for libel! Sure, your friends have connections, but without evidence, they can’t help you one bit! And you know if you tell the authorities, your friends will support you, and play right into my hooves! I did it all the time when we were foals, Trixie! I can do it again!…How does that sound?”

Trixie was sunk to the ground, ceasing her resistance of the Diamond Dogs. It was true…Checker knew how to cause trouble and make herself appear the victim, it was a favorite trick of hers as a foal. And she had lawyers, it came with being a owner of a company. “No…” she said, trying to find anyway out, ANY way…but nothing came! Everything was hitting her so fast she just couldn’t think!

“And then there is the last option, little sister,” Checker said, getting in Trixie’s face with a maniacal smirk on her own. “You continue being the hard worker, getting bits…then when I destroy their homes, their lives, you cut town, and start again somewhere else, abandoning your so called friends to rot. Sure, they‘ll lose everything, but you can have whatever life you want, isn‘t that what you wanted?! Survival of the fittest, right?!”

Trixie glared at her sister suddenly. “That’s the choice you would take, right Checkmate?”

Checker smirked dementedly. “As a matter of fact, I would strongly recommend that option.”

Trixie looked down in disbelief, in despair. What options did she have? What could she do?…What could she do? She tried to think, but nothing came. No matter what she tried to think of, she couldn’t come up with a way out. If she tried to tell anyone, Checker would just make her, and her friends, pay for it. She did nothing, her friends would pay the price. And she’d become no different than Checker. What else could she do? Wasn’t there a better option? She felt…helpless…

Checker circled Trixie like a shark. “You see, Trixie, that’s the problem with being ‘nice’, nice ponies give a flying feather what happens to someone else. A problem I don’t have! That’s why I’ll always win!” Checker screamed, voice alternating once more and she looked circled Trixie like a shark who smelled blood in the water. “So what will it be? Betray those you love the most?! Ruin your lives and theirs?! Or be the sweet little mare who sacrifices everything for somepony else?!…Your choice, sister.”

Trixie looked up at her sister, finally making the only choice she dared to make…the only right choice to make “…Don’t hurt them…Take me away from here, take everything I have…just don’t hurt my friends…” she muttered, doing her best not to cry, not to let her sister see her cry and give her the satisfaction of that.

Checker gave a deranged laugh. She floated a quill and scroll over to Trixie. “Write them a note saying you took my gracious offer and are leaving town.”

Trixie looked up with a snarl and took the quill in her telekinesis.

‘Dear friends;
Trixie has reconsidered her sister’s gracious offer. Unfortunately, she has to leave tonight, the job offer is limited…Trixie is sorry she can‘t say farewell in person…Trixie can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done for her. She’ll write you again someday…Thank you…Goodbye…
Trixie Lulamoon Midsummer.’

Trixie glared at her sister. “There…” she said, rolling up what bits she had on hoof in it. “They won’t believe Trixie just up and left without repaying them.”

Checker handed the message over to Rover to take to the library. “Now, sister, come, you have got a chariot to catch.”

Trixie was grabbed by Spot and Fido, but didn’t resist one bit. As she was lead off, Checker following her, Trixie looked to Helping Hoof, who couldn’t bare to look at her. “…You too, Helping Hoof?” she asked, sorrow heavy in her voice as she looked at him betrayal plain on her face as he did his best the avoid her gaze.
Trixie was thrown face first into a mud puddle by Fido, Checker looking down at her. “Here we are, Trixie. Your new home. I hope you enjoy it,” she said, ignoring the pouring rain.

Trixie looked around. It was hard to tell at night, under the rain…but it looked like a desert, nothing in sight by sand and cacti. “I will,” she replied defiantly, not wanting to give her demented sister any satisfaction whatsoever.

Checker narrowed her eyes. “I believe this shall be the last time we see each other. Farewell, little sister,” she spat coldly, slowly turning and walking away, giving a crazed smirk as she did.

Helping Hoof looked down at Trixie with shame on his face. “Trixie…I…”

Trixie looked up at him, hurt clear in her face. “Helping Hoof…from Checker…but from you? Why?” she pleaded, betrayal in her eyes. “We may not have been friends, but…I thought maybe we could be.”

Helping Hoof cringed. He slowly turned and showed his Cutie Mark. “This Cutie Mark…” he muttered, then tore it off, revealing it to be nothing more than a sticker covering blank fur. “Is fake…I never earned my Cutie Mark…” he said, shame clear in his eyes as Trixie gave a gasp. “…I…My father was so ashamed of me…called me worthless, made me feel worthless…Then Checker…she…she said she could help me…she bought me these fake Cutie Marks and gave me a job, helped convince everypony I‘d earned both…helped me make my father proud…but…let’s face it, he was right…what worth does a full grown stallion without a Cutie Mark have? No one else would hire me…And if I betray her, she’ll ruin me…”

Trixie looked up at him with a serious look. “And that makes it right to help her ruin others?”

Helping Hoof snapped around. “What choice do I have?! What good would it do?! You see what Checker is capable of! I can’t do anything to stop her! So why should I ruin myself when it won’t do anypony any good?!…At least this way my father is proud of me…”

Trixie growled. “If that‘s all that matters to you…then maybe Checker was right…maybe you are weak…” she said, genuine hurt in her voice.

Helping Hoof lowered his head in shame, looking like a broken stallion. “…Goodbye Trixie…I…I’ve made the deal with the draconequus, now I have to pay the price…I don’t deserve anything else but what Checker puts me through…I’m so sorry…”

Helping Hoof slowly walked away, leaving Trixie alone in the rain as she watched him in a mix of betrayal and pity.

Trixie watched the chariot fly away into the storm…and finally broke down crying when she was sure her sister couldn‘t see…
Checker fixed her hair and opened her chessboard. “Well that was a successful venture,” she said. “Now I can concentrate on the mall.”

Helping Hoof looked up from applying a new sticker. “What? You’re still going through with it?” he asked, shock in his face.

“Of course, why not? I have already set everything up,” Checker replied coldly, looking at him out of the corner of her eye.

“But…but you told Trixie-”

“I told Trixie I would not ruin her friends if she did this, and I will not. But I was not lying about them being in the way. It is just good business to crush the competition, even if you have to be under hoofed to do so. After that, what they do is their own business,” Checker replied, in a cold, emotionless, logical tone. She glared into his eyes, making him shrink back “Is that a problem? You worthless blank flank?”

Helping Hoof could tell from the look in her eyes business was half of it. He could tell it was spite, spite that they’d helped her sister when she didn’t want them too. Spite that they’d dared defy her…and maybe spite to Trixie too, for not following the ideas Checker had forced into her mind…He trembled at her gaze. “…N-no, Miss Monarch…”

Checker smirked, turning back to her chessboard.
“Now I have won.
Trixie has been undone.
Reduced to a sorry state.
She is how she should be.
And as for me?
I say…” Checker sung, giving a still demented smirk.
“Checkmate!” she finished, crushing Trixie’s piece under her own.
Helping Hoof turned and looked out the window of the chariot, a tear running down his cheek, guilt clear in his eyes as the impact of what had just happened hit him in full. He could only think of one thing, one thought ran through his mind;

‘What have I done?’