• Published 11th Jan 2021
  • 406 Views, 13 Comments

LEGO Equestria Girls: Side Stories - Chronicler06

These are a bunch of various short stories that take place alongside the main LEGO Equestria Girls stories.

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Passing the Torch

Passing the Torch

It was the middle of another peacefully typical day in Canterlot City as Rarity and Applejack calmly made their way along the sidewalk. They were walking through one of the central districts of the city, and all around them was everyday city activity as vehicles drove by on the roads and pedestrians walked by.

Rarity let out a relaxed sigh as she looked up at the mostly clear sky and noted, “Such a lovely day, is it not?”

“It sure is,” agreed Applejack as she adjusted her hat. “Ah just wish we could enjoy it with the rest of our friends.”

“Indeed, though it seems many of them are simply not going to be available today,” Rarity stated with disappointment. “We already know Sunset is away in Ninjago City for that advanced combat training she had been so enthusiastic to partake in, and Spike informed me that Twilight will likely be spending all day working on some final adjustments to her latest invention.”

“What about the others?” asked Applejack. “What reasons have they got?”

“Rainbow Dash is currently occupied with her day job at the airport on flight control,” answered Rarity, “and Fluttershy is out responding to a call about a family of raccoons that were discovered in the backroom of some small business establishment.” She then turned away and muttered under her breath, “Thank goodness it was not my boutique that suffered such an infestation.”

“And Pinkie Pie?” asked Applejack.

“For some reason, she never responded to any of my texts,” replied Rarity, “which is why we are heading over to her place of residence before we settle on any plans for today.” She gestured up ahead towards a building located on the corner of an intersection that had a red and pink awning along the top of the windows and corner doorway of the ground floor and a sign over the doorway that read “Surgarcube Corner”.

“Makes sense to me,” remarked Applejack with a shrug as the two girls arrived at the intersection and waited to cross the street. Once the appropriate traffic signal was given, they walked across the street and entered the building through the main entrance.

The inside of the building resembled a typical café, with tables and chairs set up near the windows and stools in front of the countertop that wrapped around the central service area. There were a few people seated at some of the tables, a certain minifig with grey skin and blond hair picking up a muffin, and serving that muffin to her from behind the counter was Mrs. Cake, the co-owner of this bakery and café who Pinkie Pie worked for.

“Good day, Mrs. Cake,” greeted Rarity as she and Applejack walked over to the counter. “We were wondering if Pinkie Pie was available to spend some time with us.”

Mrs. Cake smiled at the two girls and contently replied, “Oh, she’s upstairs in her apartment.” She then apprehensively added, “Though I’m not so sure if she really has any time to spare today.”

“Why not?” asked Applejack in confusion.

“She recently got a request to plan a party for a high-ranking official who works for the LEGO Team,” explained Mrs. Cake, “and you know how serious she can be sometimes when it comes to party planning.”

“We sure do,” muttered Applejack as she rolled her eyes.

“Did she happen to mention who exactly this high-ranking official was?” asked Rarity.

“Not that I’ve heard of,” replied Mrs. Cake. “All she told me is that it was a huge deal for the top people in the LEGO Team before she ran off upstairs.”

Rarity paused for a moment before she spoke up, “In that case, I’m sure she won’t mind sparing a few seconds to satisfy my curiosity.” She then turned away and began walking towards the doorway that led to the building’s stairwell.

Applejack turned to follow Rarity and raised an eyebrow as she asked uneasily, “Uh, you sure that’s such a good idea?”

“We are members of the LEGO Team, are we not?” retorted Rarity. “Any significant event involving our superiors should be a matter of concern to us.” As she opened the door to the stairwell, she glanced back and gave a sly smile as she added, “Besides, as a savvy businesswoman, I simply cannot pass up an opportunity to make connections with potential wealthy clients.”

“Figures you’d have a selfish reason,” grumbled Applejack under her breath as she followed Rarity into the stairwell.

The two girls climbed the stairway, passed the Cake family’s apartment on the second floor, and soon reached the third and highest floor, where Pinkie Pie’s apartment was located. Once they arrived at the pink doorway atop the stairwell, Rarity gently knocked on the door.

Crash! Honk! Clang! Toot! Ding!

Both Rarity and Applejack flinched from that sudden cacophony of various sound effects from within the apartment.

“Who is it?” called out Pinkie Pie’s voice from the other side of the door.

“It’s Rarity and Applejack, darling,” responded Rarity. “We were just curious what you were up to, since you failed to respond to any of my texts.”

“Go ahead and open the door,” Pinkie called back. “I’d get it myself, but I’m a little tied up at the moment.”

Rarity and Applejack glanced at each other apprehensively before Rarity reached forward and opened the door. Inside the apartment, all of the living room furniture had been shoved aside, and in the middle of the apartment was a large pile of various party supplies, such as packs of streamers and confetti, balloons of many shapes and sizes, horns and kazoos and other noise-makers, boxes of cake mix in several different flavors, and of course the party cannon. And partially buried at the edge of this pile was Pinkie Pie, whose head and arms were all that was exposed.

“Oh dear,” muttered Rarity worriedly. “I sincerely hope our arrival didn’t startle you into accidentally bringing this, erm… mishap upon yourself.”

“Aw, don’t feel so bad,” assured Pinkie positively as she struggled to untangle herself from under the pile. “This is what I get for leaving everything so dangerously balanced in my rush to get everything done.” She grunted as she pressed her arms against the surrounding supplies one more time until she finally popped out and tumbled along the floor, while the loose pile further collapsed and scattered outward.

Crash! Clang! Ding! Honk! Toot!

While Pinkie Pie stood up and brushed herself off, Applejack rubbed the back of her head and asked, “So what kind of party are ya plannin’ for this time, Pinkie?”

Pinkie smiled and replied, “The higher-ups in LEGO management have asked me to plan a retirement party for Jørgen Studworth.”

Rarity gasped in astonishment and asked, “The Jørgen Studworth? As in, the chairman and chief executive officer of the LEGO Company, responsible for organizing the manufacturing and distribution of Lego parts and accessories to every region of the Lego World and beyond?”

“Yup! That’s the guy!” confirmed Pinkie cheerfully before she turned her attention to the pile of party supplies and began quickly reorganizing some of those items.

“Uh, forgive me for bein’ a li’l ignorant,” Applejack spoke up, “but why exactly is Jørgen Studworth such a big name in the high ranks of LEGO businesses?”

“Because without Mister Studworth, the Lego World as we know it today might never have been possible,” explained Rarity. “You see, a few decades ago when a younger Kjeld Playwell — much like his father and grandfather before him — was solely in charge of virtually all aspects of ruling the Lego World, he made quite a few financial blunders that brought about a serious risk of economic collapse, and that old Board of Directors he had hired to assist in running much of the business only made things even worse by the time he finally sacked them all.”

“Ah certainly remember that part of the history,” noted Applejack. “So where does Jørgen fit in to all of those troubled times?”

“Kjeld learned the hard way that he couldn’t simply delegate a group of experts to oversee company operations,” continued Rarity. “He had to hire the right people for the appropriate responsibilities. Celestia and Luna, for example, excelled in establishing good relations with people, so they were ideal founding members for the LEGO Team as we know it today. In the case of Jørgen Studworth, he had a lot of experience in managing troubled companies and turning them around into thriving businesses. Virtually all business aspects of the LEGO Company back then were practically falling apart, and he was brought in to do what accountants and book-keepers do best. The transactions and refinancing he was able to pull off to save the company and thus the global economy as a whole made him nothing short of a miracle worker.”

“In other words, he helped save the Lego World in ways that most people would probably have a hard time appreciatin’,” noted Applejack with a smile of understanding.

“Yes, I suppose you could say that,” acknowledged Rarity with a nod. She turned to Pinkie and asked, “And you’re saying he’s now due to retire?”

“Well, technically, it’s more like he’s stepping down to more of a consultant position,” explained Pinkie as she cleaned up the last remaining items from what had once been a massive pile of party supplies on the floor, “but since it means handing over all the big responsibilities to someone else, it might as well feel like retirement for him.”

“Do you know who’s going to be taking Jørgen’s place as head of company operations?” asked Rarity.

“Eh, all I know right now is that it’s some guy named Niels,” replied Pinkie with a shrug. “I don’t know much else about him, but I absolutely intend to get to know him better, which should be easy since he’ll be at the party tomorrow.”

Applejack chuckled and remarked, “Well, if anyone is good at makin’ new friends, it’s definitely you, Pinkie.”

“The best of the best, and don’t you ever forget it,” agreed Pinkie with a giggle. She then gasped and excitedly added, “I should invite the rest of my friends, too! That way, we can all have a chance to get to know Niels!”

“Ah’m not so sure many of them would be willin’ to accept the invitation,” noted Applejack uneasily. “Ah mean, does Rainbow Dash seem like the kind of girl who’d wanna hang out with executive corporate folks?”

Pinkie slumped and sadly conceded, “Yeah, you’re right.”

“Not to mention,” added Rarity, “Sunset is busy training in Ninjago City, and Twilight insisted that she’s preoccupied with whatever science project she’s been up to this time.”

“An’ we all know how panicky Fluttershy gets in a crowd of strangers without an animal sight,” finished Applejack.

Pinkie glanced up at her present friends and hesitantly asked, “And you two?”

Rarity smiled and confidently replied, “Now I, on the other hand, would love to have the opportunity to mingle with such company. So yes, I shall be happy to accept your invitation.”

Applejack glanced away for a moment with a thoughtful look on her face, then shrugged as she turned back to Pinkie and replied, “Eh, Ah don’t have any important chores that need to get done tomorrow, so Ah guess Ah can spare the time to be at your party, too.”

Pinkie grinned and immediately embraced her two friends in a big hug as she cheerfully exclaimed, “Thank you so much! Even though I understand why some of our friends can’t join us, it really means a lot to me that at least both of you will be able to go to the party!”

Once Pinkie released her rather tight hug, Applejack chuckled awkwardly and remarked, “Yup. That’s what friends are for.”

“Indeed,” concurred Rarity as she brushed herself off. “Not only that, but I feel that I simply must attend what will undoubtedly be a celebration held in honor of a major transition in management of the organization that essentially controls everything in our universe. After all, Jørgen Studworth has been the main authority of the LEGO Company for as long as I can remember, so it feels as though we are about to witness a generational passing of the torch, so to speak.”

“You said it,” agreed Pinkie. “It might not be as obvious to everyone as anything going on with the Playwell family, but the business side of things going under new management is still a huge deal. All the more reason why I need to make sure this party is just right for everyone invited.” She then turned her attention away from her two friends and began reorganizing the various party supplies she had left scattered around the room.

Applejack smiled as she let out a sigh and remarked, “All this talk about the upcommin’ change in corporate leadership really makes ya think about just how much time has passed since the last time it happened. Things sure have changed a lot over the years. Ah remember back when Apple Bloom didn’t have any close friends an’ was worried if she would ever get her Creative Mark.”

“Yes, I do remember the day when Sweetie Belle told me about how she and Scootaloo first met Apple Bloom,” noted Rarity fondly with a smile and a nod. “And now, not only have they since discovered their Creative Marks, but are also currently in their final year of elementary school. It won’t be much longer before they’re finally ready to be given adult legs, and thanks to their membership in the LEGO Club, there might even come a day when we may eventually see them join the LEGO Team.”

“Those three sure have come a long way since the day they met, that’s for sure,” acknowledged Applejack as she wiped a tear of joy from her eye. She paused for a moment before she added, “Come to think of it, our own group of friends sure has come a long way since the day we were first brought together as a team.”

“Oh, absolutely,” agreed Rarity. “Why, it’s been so long that I’m actually starting to lose track of precisely how much time has passed since our very first series of adventures, courtesy of Princess Twilight Sparkle from Equestria.”

Applejack smirked and asked, “Who would’ve thought the five of us back then would ever make a good team, let alone that we’d later welcome the likes of Sunset Shimmer an’ a Shadowbolt agent by the name of Twilight Sparkle?”

“You’re telling me!” quipped Pinkie with a smile as she began quickly gathering baking utensils and cake ingredients in her kitchen. “Even I would’ve had a hard time believing all of that way back when it all started.”

“Yes, well, as nostalgic as it has been to reminisce on our past developments,” Rarity spoke up as she turned to Pinkie, “perhaps it might be best that Applejack and I depart now so that you may proceed with preparations for tomorrow’s soirée.”

“Relax, Rarity,” assured Pinkie as she poured something white into the empty mixing bowl in front of her. “I’m totally capable of multitasking.” She then glanced at the now empty bag she was holding and her smile suddenly fell as she muttered, “Whoops... I was supposed to use that much flour, not sugar.” She then casually tossed the empty sugar bag away as she smiled again and blissfully remarked, “Oh well! I’ll just make a super-sized batch to bake a ginormous cake!”

“Yeah, Ah think Ah’ll side with Rarity on this one,” noted Applejack with concern. She then smiled and added, “Besides, we can always get ready for the party in our own ways. Ah think Ah’ll bring along some of mah family’s apple-based home cooking to share with everyone.”

“Oh, that’s a splendid idea, Applejack,” agreed Rarity with delight. “Most certainly, I should return to my boutique and determine which dress would be most appropriate for tomorrow. I think I shall even prepare a gift for Mister Studworth to wish him well in his pseudo-retirement.”

“That sounds like a great idea!” agreed Pinkie with enthusiasm as she hauled a large sack of flour over her shoulder, causing her to wobble around with unsteady balance due to the immense weight. “How about you go ahead and take care of that stuff while I deal with all this other stuff?” she suggested as she hefted the sack over the table, only for it to suddenly tear open and dump all that flour into a pile big enough to completely bury the mixing bowl full of sugar.

“Can’t argue with that, seein’ as ya got your work cut out for ya,” stated Applejack with concern in her voice.

“Yes, I suppose we should depart at once and leave you to it,” concurred Rarity as she turned away and began walking towards the door out of the apartment.

As Rarity opened the door, Applejack followed after her, but paused to glance back at Pinkie and contently said, “Well, Ah guess we’ll see ya at the party tomorrow.”

“Oh, that reminds me,” Rarity spoke up as she stuck her head back through the doorway into the apartment. “Do you happen to know where we shall meet for tomorrow’s celebration?”

“Canterlot City’s LEGO Team Headquarters building,” answered Pinkie as she swiftly pulled out several mixing bowls and began scooping away at the huge pile of flour. “We all know how to get there, and I’ll put up posters on the entrance door to give instructions on which room we’ll be in.”

“Much appreciated,” thanked Rarity before she turned forward and began making her way down the stairwell.

“Same here,” added Applejack with a smile. “See ya tomorrow!”

“Bye, Rarity! Bye, Applejack!” Pinkie called out cheerfully as she continued salvaging her baking disaster. “Have a nice day!”

Applejack shut the door and followed Rarity down the stairs. They both reached the bottom floor and headed out the front door of Surgarcube Corner, then they parted ways to return to their respective homes. Even though most of their friends were unable or uninterested in attending tomorrow’s gathering of LEGO Company executives, Rarity and Applejack knew that no matter what they would bring with them, all that really mattered was that Pinkie Pie would appreciate having at least some of her friends being there to enjoy her party.

Author's Note:

It seems I'm especially slow with chapters that involve lots of dialogue with hardly any action, as I had hoped to have this relatively shorter side story completed last week. Good thing I never had any plans to actually show either of the two characters that were mentioned, as it saved me the extra effort of trying to figure out how to describe them (pretty much all you need to know is that they're rather friendly businessmen who are great at managing the operations of a company the spans practically an entire universe). Yes, as you might have suspected, just like Kjeld is inspired by the current generation of the family that owns the actual Lego company, Jørgen and Niels are inspired by the real-life CEOs of said company (former and current, respectively, and yes, just like with the name "Playwell", the last names used in this chapter are also completely made up). Also, I'm relieved I was able to figure out this time how to prevent the new formatting issues I ran into last time (extra spaces not only between paragraphs, but also double spaces appearing randomly between words) by copying from the original Word document to a WordPad file, remove the extra spaces between paragraphs whenever I have the time to do so, and then copying from that to here. (While it does prevent any extra spaces while preparing to post the chapter, it does unfortunately remove all formatting like bold and italics, so I'll have to manually reapply them before I can publish a new chapter. Thankfully, that's a lot less time-consuming than removing spaces between every single paragraph, so I can deal with it.) Finally, I can say this is the last side story to take place prior to the upcoming tenth main story, so the next update will be the start of that new story, which I hope to have ready to post by the beginning of next month.