• Published 20th Jan 2021
  • 274 Views, 1 Comments

Regency of the sun - Lunasau

The lunar civil war has ended and Luna has been banished to the moon, but all is not well in Equestria. In the shadows lurk new enimies and, with Celestia gone, only the Regents can restore order and, possibly, harmony to Equestria.

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Chapter 2: Ras Kibiri

A noble stallion walked into the hall filled with his fellow nobleponies, he had a dark brown coat, with thin grey stripes and his black and white spiraled horn being the only things showing that he was not a unicorn, and stood taller than most of the other nobles who he now looked over with his steely grey eyes. He spotted one of them coming towards him, an elegant unicorn mare, whose brilliant white coat alone would have struck many speechless all of which was enhanced by the way the beautifully made white dress hugged her curvaceous form as she walked. He immediately recognized her by her unusually brilliant, almost glowing, pink eyes and her horn, which spiraled much like his beloved princess's and was much longer than the average unicorn. As she approached he grabbed his hat off of his head with one hoof and bowed exactly deep enough for someone of his position when addressing his fellow duke or duchess.

"Oh there's no need to do such things Ras Kibiri, there is no need for formalities between old friends is there?" she said with a bright smile as she looked up at Kibiri.

Kibiri then rose back up out of the bow and smiled back at her and, in a deep voice with an accent that betrayed an unease with the Equestrian language, "well, of course, duchess Fleur-de-lis, but as you know I am still, how do you say, adjusting to the customs of Equestrian nobility".

Fleur's smile grew wider at that "well I believe I have the perfect solution for that" as she said that she motioned for two other noble ponies to come over to her. "Well allow me to introduce you to Duke Golden Light, the Duke of Vanhoover" Fleur said as she motioned towards the taller of the two ponies.

His coat was a golden color, his eyes a matching shade, that exuded radiance. His mane was currently held back by a tophat with tufts of white sticking out from under it. This combined with his lack of a horn or wings showed that he was one of the few earth pony nobles in Equestria. He reached out his left hoof and Kibiri shook it as Fleur began to introduce the second Stallion "and let me also introduce Sir Blueblood of the golden compass".

Sir Blueblood stood out amongst his peers through his diminutive height and the brown coloring of his coat, which contrasted the many brighter, more vibrant shades of his fellow nobles. His horn also stood out as it had the tell-tale chips, scratches, and jaggedness that came from battlefields. Blueblood reached out his hoof to Kibiri who took his in turn.

"And last but most certainly not least let me introduce my old friend, Ras Kibiri of New Ethiponia and Negus Negast of all Etheponian's" Fluer said in her grandiose fashion while pointing towards Kibiri.

Golden Light was the first to speak, his accent sounding slightly unnatural and forced, "Tis good to finally meet you, my good sir, I have heard many tales of you, Celestia's most loyal protector I hear they call you".

Kibiri shook his head "no-no, I cannot accept that title when there are Stallions like Hurricane to protect the Princess, I am but a...", he paused trying to think of the word in this language, "but a loyal servant". Then his steely grey eyes met Blueblood's shy blue eyes, and he saw it written as clear as day across the stallion's face that he was not used to occasions such as this. Kibiri then, to alleviate his anxiety, asked Blueblood "So I am guessing you were knighted in the war Sir Blueblood, how did that occur if I might ask?"

Blueblood's face turned a bright scarlet and he took a minute to compose himself before saying "It that obvious huh" his accent clearly showed a countryside origin with the enunciation or lack thereof. As he saw them all nod he sighed "well as you could probably tell I was born to a mining family in the old country, I was four when the wendigos came twenty years ago and I barely remember what life was like". He paused and took another breath, his voice gaining more confidence with each word, "My father was one of the first to follow Princess Platinum and settle here in Canterville after the concord, I grew up hearing tales of daring heroes fighting to protect us as we founded our new home out here, and then I met her, Princess Celestia". At that his eyes shone in the same way everyone does when they recall their first meeting with Celestia, soon enough however he shook out of it and continued "I had just turned 18 and she needed ponies to join the scouts during the crystal war, and I signed up right away, thanks to my talent I soon found myself the as the head of a scouting mission".

He then paused for a second and looked at each of the people around him slightly embarrassed "Oh I'm sorry for rambling you just wanted to know how I became a knight right?" Everyone nodded and so with renewed vigor he carried on "Well it wasn't until the civil war that I earned my knighthood, I was assigned to scout for the main army defending the capital during the first siege. The people inside the city were starving and with the lunar forces at the gates, there was no possibility of a sortie. The other officers were panicking and none of them could come up with a plan, that was when I had an idea and ran to get a map of the cities pipe network. Aurora had the most advanced pipe network in Equestria, a marvel of engineering, and when I found the maps I was looking for my theory was proven correct". Blueblood paused slightly to take a breath before he continued "The pipes led to a disintegrator outside of the city which had an emergency maintenance tunnel connected to the pipes. So I informed the other officers about this and led them through the sewers where we eventually came out of the maintenance pipe at the disintegration unit. This allowed a large section of the Loyalist forces trapped in Aurora to flank and surround a large portion of the Lunarian army forcing the sane ones to surrender and killing the rest".

As he finished his story Ras Kiribi picked up where he left off "and it was that victory that brought the war to a, how do you say, stalemate". As those words sunk in with the small crowd that had gathered around to hear Bluebloods tale, how Blueblood, through his own intelligence, turned the civil war around and probably saved Equestria, the sound of hooves walking onto the grand stage at the front of the building could be heard. Everyone turned to see who the speaker for this event would be, according to the letter it would have to be someone important for them to be able to tell the gathered nobles about the future of Equestria. What many had expected to see was Celestia in all her regal splendor, they expected her to come down and embrace them all in her warmth and reassure them, as a mother to her children, that everything would be just fine. Instead what they saw were three ponies walking up on stage, all of which were easily recognizable to the assembled nobles, as the Hero's of the Concord and the founders of their nation.

Platinum, Hurricane, and Pudding head, three of the most respected figures in Equestria, stood before the gathered nobles in their most regal attire. As a harsh silence fell across the nobles of the room Princess Platinum took the opportunity to speak "Hello my fellow noble ponies, I know we are probably not the ponies you were expecting but there is much to be discussed". She quickly threw a glance around the room locking eyes with the most influential of the noble ponies, including Ras Kiribi, before continuing "As many of you know Princess Celestia has seemingly vanished after banishing her sister to only she knows where". Many of the nobles simply stood there shocked, one of them even cried out, they had known about Celestia's disappearance but none of them wanted to believe it, none of them thought it could be true, how could she, glorious, radiant, Celestia, mother to us all, simply abandon us?

Kiribi simply stood there the shock of it all set in, he wanted to cry, how could this have happened to lose even one princess to this civil war was tragic but to lose both and especially to lose his sun, his goddess, was too much. His heart raged like the sea at storm as he stood there simply unable to even say anything. Yet he knew he had to be strong, as strong as the great mountains of his people's old homeland, unbending, unbreaking, and a beacon of light to all who looked his way. This was because, as he looked around his fellow noble ponies he saw the same looks on their faces, the despair that could break a pony in two. He saw Golden Light had taken off his hat and was using it to cover his eyes, tears most likely wetting the expensive material, and he saw Fleur fall to her haunches in shock, the corners of her eyes leaking tears onto the floor. The only other pony to remain stoic through all of this was Blueblood who maintained a soldier's discipline as he directed his attention to the occupants of the stage, or more specifically on Princess Platinum. Kiribi finally decided to ask the question they were all wondering "If I may, I believe we are all wondering the same thing, amongst our grief, what does this mean for Equestria, what will our nation do without a leader".

Platinum turned to him and looked into his steely gray eyes, her own lavender eyes shining with determination, as she said "That is exactly why we called you all here". She then turned to address the entire room, speaking with confidence, strength, and grace, "Equestria is a fledgling nation surrounded by threats both internal and external, we cannot be leaderless at this most pivotal moment in our history and with the princesses gone we need ponies to lead us out of these troubled times". She glanced to her sides and saw both Hurricane and Puddinghead standing at her side offering her all of their support. Her voice became even more impassioned as she continued "And so we three have stepped up to lead Equestria, to rebuild this great nation, and to bring Equestria out of her darkest hour as her Regents".

With that there was a long pause as those words sunk in, all of the noble ponies looking over the three ponies who were now their supposed "Regents". Many of the noble ponies looked more shocked than anything else, as they looked at them with trepidation evident in their expressions. Kiribi looked at them judging each one as he recalled what he knew about each of them. His eyes locked with Hurricane who, despite his stoicism, looked uncharacteristically worried. So with that one look, Kiribi decided what he had to do and began beating his hooves on the ground. All the other noble ponies turned to look at him but soon more started to join in. It started with Blueblood who quickly joined in almost as soon as Kiribi started and Golden Light who began just moments after, then Fleur who had gotten herself up and was smiling towards Kiribi, and soon it was an uproarious sound of approval as all of the nobles in the room began stomping their hooves against the ground in applause. Soon enough a cheer went out among the crowd, as they all began to feel renewed with hope and patriotic vigor, and soon they were all chanting in one voice "LONG LIVE THE REGENTS, LONG LIVE EQUESTRIA".

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