• Published 22nd Jan 2021
  • 1,462 Views, 23 Comments

Cyborg Dragon: Origin Story - Kitsune_Kenshi

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Author's Note:

A/N: Hey there readers! Did you guys enjoyed this? Here's a tip, Equestria's time comparing to Earth's different, so a year in Equestria equals ten years on Earth. So brace yourselves. Spike was trained by Genji for ten years before returning to Equestria using the portal created by Winston.

By the way, this is inspired by this anime short:

"SPIKE!!!" Twilight's eyes widened in horror as the fire ball engulfed the spot where she was standing before, with someone in it. It happened so fast, Tirek found his way out of Tartarus, Discord's betrayal, her friends' capture, and now... Twilight hated to accept the real fact, the fact that she just witnessed the horrible death of her 'son'.....

(A Few Minutes Earlier)

Twilight teleported herself back into her tree house, with Spike, her 'son' on her back. Tirek is making his way towards Ponyville, she's the last hope of Equestria. Bonded with three Princesses' magic, Twilight knew it's only the matter of time before the Centaur sense her magic, but before that, she must make sure Spike's safety.

"Spike, get into the underground bunker, and DO NOT come out unless I say so." Twilight said as she placed the little drake into the underground bunker using her magic, but Spike was nearly smashed onto the ground due to Twilight's overpowered magic, which were unstable.

"Twi! What about you?" Spike asked, concerned for his 'mother'.

"I... I'll hold off Tirek as long as possible." Twilight said with determination.

"But-" Spike protested, but was greeted by Twilight's stern gaze.

"No buts! Go!" She then shut the underground bunker's doors and locked it, she then whispered softly, "Spike, if I don't make it back, take care of yourself..." Then she looked to the direction of Tirek and walked towards it with determination of death.

"Look what we got here? *Sniff* I smell magic... STRONG magic from you! Now I know what the princesses did to their magic." Tirek said with a devious smirk, "Give it to me nicely, then nopony gets hurt."

"You can say that all you want, but if you want it, come and get it." Twilight said firmly before engulfing her horn in a bright purple aura and releasing a strong magic beam at the Centaur.

"Hard way it is." Tirek rolled his neck and clenched his fist together, before firing a fireball at the incoming beam, creating an explosion at the Princess, which Twilight dodged and fired another beam.

Tirek, using his magic, grabbed the incoming beam and turned it into a small ball of magic, before swallowing it.

"Hmm... tastier than I thought," he laughed, "all of them are MINE!" He then charged a huge magic ball and shot it towards Twilight like a laser cannon, it sliced everything clean off, Twilight barely made it through his ruthless attack.

Twilight snarled as she charged more magic into her horn, forming a huge ball of destructive energy, it contained all her anger, hatred, and sadness towards the Centaur. Tirek, too, charged his attack as the two unleashed their ultimate attacks. With a bright and colored explosion, a huge mushroom cloud, and a crater that's the size of Ponyville. When the smoke cleared, two figures, each on the other side of the crater. Tirek is taking heavy breath, while sweating hard, but Twilight on the other hoof, is too weak to even stand. Seeing his chance, Tirek laughed deviously while charging his horns.

"Now Princess, you may go to Tartarus to join your mentor..." he smirked before unleashing the massive fireball at Twilight. Time seemed to slow down, as the underground bunker's doors were blasted open, Spike came out and saw the situation Twilight is in. Without a second thought, he sprinted over to his mother, the distant between him and Twilight was huge, but somehow, Spike managed to ran next to Twilight within a few second, fast enough for his trail to turn into purple mirage, he released a huge dragon roar, before pushing Twilight put of the way. Twilight wanted to yell and pull him away, but it was too late. Spike was engulfed by the fire ball, a short scream of agony came out before it ended.



(A week later)

Tirek was defeated, and peace was restored once again. But not everything is being restored, the pain of losing her son is way too far. Spike's funeral is held at his birth place, Canterlot. However, that day was a sunny day, which madd it hard to morn. Twilight blamed herself, blamed Faust for the disrespect, but this own't help receiving Spike... He is gone...

But Princess Celestia, knew something isn't right, she lived a long life, she saw too much deaths, but sh halos encountered many unnatural events. And Spike's death isn't as easy as she thought, plus they couldn't find even a small piece of his corpse, its like... He vanished into the thin air.

Little does they know, Spike's death marked the end of his normal life, and the beginning of a unique life...



Genji Shimada never really thought about his life, at least not until that incident involving his broth nearly killing him. He remembered that sorrow look in Hanzo's eyes before he left him in the ruins of fire. Why?

Why bother live again when you're suffering so much? What is the purpose of this new life? Now he's just a thing between man and machine. At least that's what he thought before he met Zenyatta. After years of mediating and rethinking his life, Genji came to accepting himself. Lots of events had been went on, Overwatch was banded by the United Nations, which Winston activated the Recall two years ago, and now back in action.

Staring at the night sky at the top of the HQ building, Genji went on mediating again, he couldn't help but chuckle mentally at the memories; nearly getting sliced in half by his brother, repaired into a cyborg by Doctor Angela Zieglar, joining Blackwatch, fall of Overwatch, meeting Zenyatta, rethink his life, and the Recall. He can hardly believe that those happened two years ago, felt like just happened yesterday.

His train of thought were cut off when he heard some noise from the bushes in the garden, as if someone whimpering in pain. Genji raised his eyebrow, using his visor he scanned that bush. To his surprise, he found a living being in that bush, however, that being is dying. Genji immediately sprang into action, hoping from the roof onto teh ground, dashed into the bush and turned on the flashlight on his helmet.'

Much to his shock, he found himself looking at a creature he'd never seen before, Genji assumed it's a he due to the the tone of his voice, purple scaled covered body, pointed spines on his head all the way too his tail, and that eye... Genji's head rang as the correct term of this creature popped in his mind.

It's a dragon.

No time to wonder how the hell is a mythical being doing here, Genji frowned when he saw teh dragon's condition. It reminded him of... Himself on that night, when his brother struck him down. This dragon's badly burned, his legs and left arm were missing, his left eye is badly damaged, most likely blinded, and he's bleeding out.

He immediately grabbed the dragon and dash dint the HQ, towards the medical bay. He knocked on the door of Angela Zieglar rapidly, earning a groan of irritation.The door of the medical bay opens, revealing a really tired and angry looking Mercy.

"You better give me a-"

"No time to talk! I found this creature, he's badly injured, situation critical! He's bleeding out." Genji cut of Angela by shoving the dragon onto the surgery table. Angela's tired looking eyes widened in surprise as she looked at the dying creature.

"Genji? What-"

"HURRY UP!!!" Angela was taken back by his outburst, Genji never yelled at her before, plus that little crush they have on each other and the fact that she saved Genji, but she quickly recovered and began the surgery.

(15 minutes later)

"How's the dragon?" Genji asked as Angela finished checking the dragon. The Doctor sighed while taking off her mask.

"I managed to stop the bleeding, but h lost half of his organs, h was hit directly by something with high temperature, his scales were able to resist some of the heat. Aside form the strange appearance, his internal organs and body structure is a bit similar to a human's. But he won't live long like this; remember the day we found you?" Angela said while looking at Genji straight in the eyes, gaining a nod form the cyborg ninja.

"You mean..." He began.

"Yes, becoming a cyborg is his only option to live." Angela said, Genji slowly nodded, that's a second Genji lying on the surgery table, they're gonna have lot to explain...

(Two Days Later)

Now almost every agents had heard about this dragon that Genji found, though some of them were curious, they knew better than setting off Angela. Tracer always came around the medical bay after training or during her break time to visit the unique patient, she stated that this dragon looked a bit like the western dragons, unlike the Shimada dragons. To their surprise, when Hanzo came in, he stated that he sensed great dragon spirit coming from the small dragon.

"Me and Genji's dragon spirit isn't as strong as this one," Hanzo said, "if we're at a 70 percent of dragon spirit, then this little one here is nearly 98.5 percent."

"You mean, this one can use the same dragon power as the Shimada?" Angela asked.

"Yes, but it's far more than just controlling the dragon," Hanzo said with a serious expression, "If this little dragon can use up to 98 percent of his power, then he could destroy the planet or teh world itself."

The room got quiet afterwards.

"He could be dangerous, but we can make a switch of his role." Genji said.

"Him? Joining Overwatch?" Angela guessed.

"It's the only way for him not to be used by Talons or destroying mankind." Genji said, suddenly, thy heard groans coming from the surgery table, they give each other glances before going to greet this unique little creature.



(A Year Later)

A lot of events went by in this year, Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer's reformation, Storm King's invasion, and the opening of School of Friendship. Twilight is now the Princess of Equestria, however, she wasn't as all happy about this. Only if Spike could see this as well...

Tears rolled down her cheeks as the memories rushed into her head, Spike's horrible death, the pain... She tried hard to resist the urge of braking down.

"Princess?" A voice asked, Twilight looked up, seeing the worried face of her student, Luster Dawn, "Is everything alright?"

"I... I'm fine, thanks Luster." Twilight forced a smile at her student, Luster raised an eyebrow, Twilight's smiled faded, replaced with a broken look.

"Is it about Spike?" Luster asked carefully. Her mentor quietly nodded.

While Twilight and Luster are talking and chatting, unknown by them, they were being watched from the dark corner of the ceiling above by a shadowy figure, its two glowing red eyes stared at the Princess and her student. A minute later, the red eyes looked down, then disappeared into the shadow.

Twilight suddenly froze, she sensed something that haven't been sensed for too long. Luster saw the expression on her mentor's face.

"Princess? Is..." Her words faded as she too, looked to the direction where Twilight is looking at, and her heart raced, she was terrified.

At the corner of the ceiling, she swore she saw some creature watching them, with a pair of red glowing eyes.

It cannot be... Twilight shook off the thought as she stood tall and faced the creature, "SHOW YOURSELF THIS INSTANT!" she shouted in her Royal Canterlot voice. The red eyes stared at her, then the rest of the body began to glow with strange red dots, then it hopped down from the ceiling in front of Twilight without a single sound. Twilight was taken back and surprised by the graceful landing and the fact that it's soundless.

"Who are you?" Twilight asked carefully at the strange creature, when she looked closely, her eyes widened in shock. This creature is half-robotic, his entire bodies covered in a strange-looking suit she'd never seen before. (Looked kinda like Genji's)

The creature did not answer her. Twilight's shock is replaced by anger, this creature is disrespecting her in front of her student. Her horn charged with magic as she snarled at the creature, "Whoever you are, you better get off, o else-"

"Or else what, Princess?"The creature snarked, his voice sounded familiar, while it mixed with robotic voice. (Sounds like Genji's voice) "Why are you upset? Is it because of Spike? You blame yourself, for his death."

Twilight's eyes turned to rage, "YOU DON'T DESERVE TO SAY HIS NAME!" Then she charged her magic, this magic, however, is unique, it was bonded with her by Celestia with Spike. Her eyes glowed as she spoke the enchanted words. Then fired the spell, a purple energy beam with a Alicorn Spirit formed in the beam as it charged at the creature.

"Seresutiaruu~ittinmΔ«! Watashi no teki o hakai seyo!" (Yes, it is made up by myself, meaning: Celestial WIthin Me! Destroy My Enemy!)

The creature did not flinch of show any fear, instead, he grabbed the Katana behind his back and pulled it out while shouting words that SHOCKED Twilight.

"Watashi no naka no doragon no tasogare! Teki o totsugeki seyo!" (Meaning: twilight of dragon within me! Charge my enemy!)

The energy beam shot from the katana formed a raging dragon spirit as it charged at the Alicorn Spirit, it destroyed the Alicorn spirit completely as it charged towards Twilight. The Princess's eyes widened in shock, surprise, and horror. But before the rating dragon spirit could Destry her as well, the mysterious figure suddenly seized his attack, the spirit disappeared.

Twilight's eyes were still in shock, as her friends and students stormed into teh castle, must've heard the noises coming from it earlier.

"Twilight! WHo's this dude?!" Rainbow Dash snarled, "YOU ARE IN BIG TROUBLE-" She was cut off by a ninja star flying straight at her, it changed course and sliced off few of her manes before returning to the creature's right claw, it suddenly disappeared into the robotic claw. The rest of them show in fear at the deadly creature, but it showed no sign of killing any of them.

"Only Spike, could use that Dragon spirit, bonded by Celestia... Who are you..." Twilight was loss for words, she managed to mutter out those above.

The creature suddenly disappeared in a blur of red flash that even outran Rainbow Dash, Twilight barely have time to react before a blade was set in front of her neck, barely cutting her. The creature was right next to her, he DASHED. Nopony/creature moved as Twilight was been held hostage.

"Do it then, KILL me." Twilight said with her eyes closed, she'd be joining Spike anyway. But to her surprise, the assassin creature set off his blade, and placed the blade into the holster hanging behind his thigh.

"No, I will not grant you the death you wished fort, you have your friends, students, and... Your son." The creature said. The last two words made Twilight's eyes shot open as she quickly got up and stared at the creature.

"No! My son... Is dead..." she said.

The creature looked at her, then placed his claws behind his mask, a light click was heard as the mask was unlocked, hisses of air shooting out from the breathing vines of the mask, Twilight and the others' eyes winded more, as the creature unmasked himself.

The others gasped as Twilight's eyes widened in shock as she covered her muzzle with her hooves. The assassin, his face, has a scar ran across his left eye, right eye was blind, replaced by a robotic red eye. And his right cheek has a burned mark on it. His only natural eye, was emerald.

He smiled, "Hello mother."

"S...Spike..." Twilight muttered, "Is it..."

"Yes, mom, I'm back." Spike answered, but his smile froze as Twilight gave him a raging glare, he was tackled onto the ground with Twilight on him.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Twilight shouted with hr royal canterlot voice, "YOU BETTER HAVE A GOOD BUCKING EXPLANATION OR ELSE!" Then her angry looked faded as tears rolled down, she broke down as she sobbed in Spike's arms. Spike was slightly taken back by this, getting tackled doesn't really means good things back on Earth, that's how he killed a few Talon soldiers.

"Twilight, you're filled with sorrow and pain, you blamed yourself for my death didn't you?" Spike asked quietly, Twilight's eyes widened more.


"Let's just say... I have some unique teachers." Spike said, breaking the embrace, "But know that I never blamed you for my 'death', you did your best, I did what I have to do. You hav Eno right to blame yourself or drowning yourself in shame and sorrow."

"Spikey-Wikey? You talked like a stallion for some reason." Rarity stated curiously.

"Heh, at the place where I was founded and repaired, things aren't always friendly and sunshine as here." Spike said, gaining a look from Twilight.

"Wait you said you were 'repaired', what happened?" she asked, feeling the cold metallic arms and tail. Spike frowned a bit. Twilight saw this and curled herself around Spike, like what a mother cat would do to her kitten.

"This might be a bit disgusting to talk about, that's a mental warning." Spike said, "Let's just say, after I was blasted by Tirek, the magic overloaded and ripped a hole through spaces, I fell through it, ends up in another world. That world is known as Earth, and I landed in this city called New York."

"Wait, that sounds familiar." Rainbow Dash stated.

"I found some similarities between Earth and Equestria as well, but that's for another time. I was bleeding out until I was founded by Genji Shimada, the stallion, or as the locals says, man, who brought me into the medical bay at their HQ. Later on I was saved and repaired by another woman name Angela Zieglar."

"Weird names." Applejack couldn't help but blurted out.

"Well, when I told them yours, I got. the same reaction." Spike shrugged, before getting back into his story, "Doctor Angela repaired me back, and I ended up becoming a cyborg; half-dragon half-machine. Later on I found that Genji and Angela were the agents of this international peace keeping force called Overwatch. There's some more stories, but I cannot say it all in one day. I was trained by Genji for 10 years."

"10 YEARS?!" Spike clenched his claws around his ears.

"Ugh, stop that," he groaned, earning some sheepish chuckles, "I guess the time on Earth is different than Equestria. I became an agent of Overwatch as well, but I missed you guys so much, so I told Winston about this; he's a talking gorilla scientist, so he built a portal powered by my magic. Then I came back here, I was planning a surprise, but it seems like your student here figured it out."

Luster blushed and looked away.

"So... Are you staying in Equestria?" Twilight asked, worried that Spike would have to leave again.

" I can choose when to go back," Spike said as he showed a medal with Overwatch logo on it, "this can create a portal to Earth, so it's like in between."

Twilight was about to say something, but Spike raised his claw.

"But here's one thing, I've done too much killing, taken many lives, I don't think living with ponies are my best options." he said solemnly, "Now I'm used to fighting and adventures, plus Equestria must've changed a lot when I was gone, so I'm planning to travel around Equestria. Both to seee what it had become and to destroy the evils." He said.

Spike then got up, walking towards outside, "Wait! Spike!" Twilight called after him, "When will you come back?"

Spike turned around and tossed her a token with a small button on it, "You can recall me whenever there's a danger too great for you, you friends, or your students to handle. Use this recall token."

The Cyborg dragon then turned and walk to the edge of the castle, he turned and placed his mask back on, with one last Japanese bow, he said, "We'll meet again, take care, mother." Then h was engulf in black clouds of smoke coming from nowhere. (Like Genji's in the short) It formed a small twister, when the smoke were cleared, Spike was gone, a small piece of purple feather; the one he kept on him since the day Twilight became a Princess; floated through the ai rand back to Twilight, she picked it up with her magic and smiled warmly.


"My name is Spike, I'm shadow, I'm the air, I'm nobody. I might be Twilight's son, but when my enemies sees me, I'm no longer a living being. This is a message to the evil ones out there, leave Twilight and her friends alone... Cuz I'm coming."

Comments ( 23 )

"Spike, get into the underground bunker, and DO NOT come out unless I say so." Twilight said as she placed the little drake into the underground bunker using her magic, but Spike was nearly smashed onto the ground due to Twilight's overpowered magic, which were unstable.

She didn't apologize for that?!

"No buts! Go!" She then shut the underground bunker's doors and locked it, she then whispered softly, "Spike, if I don't make it back, take care of yourself..." Then she looked to the direction of Tirek and walked towards it with determination of death .

This doesn't sound right! :twilightoops:

Tirek was defeated, and peace was restored once again. But not everything is being restored, the pain of losing her son is way too far. Spike's funeral is held at his birth place, Canterlot. However, that day was a sunny day, which madd it hard to morn. Twilight blamed herself, blamed Faust for the disrespect, but this own't help receiving Spike... He is gone...


Also, Twilight SHOULDN'T blame/curse Faust herself. Also, WHAT "Disrespect" did you blame Faust for. That sounds Stupid to say that. Also, What if Faust is the one that save Spike's life by teleporting him to the Overwatch Universe, Stupid!!!! :twilightangry2:

But Princess Celestia, knew something isn't right, she lived a long life, she saw too much deaths, but sh halos encountered many unnatural events. And Spike's death isn't as easy as she thought, plus they couldn't find even a small piece of his corpse, its like... He vanished into the thin air.

*She has*

Genji Shimada never really thought about his life, at least not until that incident involving his broth nearly killing him. He remembered that sorrow look in Hanzo's eyes before he left him in the ruins of fire. Why?


No time to wonder how the hell is a mythical being doing here, Genji frowned when he saw teh dragon's condition. It reminded him of... Himself on that night, when his brother struck him down. This dragon's badly burned, his legs and left arm were missing, his left eye is badly damaged, most likely blinded, and he's bleeding out.


"I managed to stop the bleeding, but h lost half of his organs, h was hit directly by something with high temperature, his scales were able to resist some of the heat. Aside form the strange appearance, his internal organs and body structure is a bit similar to a human's. But he won't live long like this; remember the day we found you?" Angela said while looking at Genji straight in the eyes, gaining a nod form the cyborg ninja.


Seriously, how can you miss that?! No offense.

Now almost every agents had heard about this dragon that Genji found, though some of them were curious, they knew better than setting off Angela. Tracer always came around the medical bay after training or during her break time to visit the unique patient, she stated that this dragon looked a bit like the western dragons, unlike the Shimada dragons. To their surprise, when Hanzo came in, he stated that he sensed great dragon spirit coming from the small dragon.

"Me and Genji's dragon spirit isn't as strong as this one," Hanzo said, "if we're at a 70 percent of dragon spirit, then this little one here is nearly 98.5 percent."

"You mean, this one can use the same dragon power as the Shimada?" Angela asked.

"Yes, but it's far more than just controlling the dragon," Hanzo said with a serious expression, "If this little dragon can use up to 98 percent of his power, then he could destroy the planet or teh world itself."

The room got quiet afterwards.


Also, WTF!!!???? HOW is he stronger than even Genji or Hanzo's Dragon Powers? And the Power to destroy the World/Planet??!! I call that BS! He is No Dragon Ball or Naruto Character??!! If Spike somehow has this Power? Why didn't he kick Tirek's Butt??!! Did he have this power before or after he is a Cyborg?

"It's the only way for him not to be used by Talons or destroying mankind." Genji said, suddenly, thy heard groans coming from the surgery table, they give each other glances before going to greet this unique little creature.

I highly doubt Spike will be that Frickin Evil to do that on the latter.

A lot of events went by in this year, Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer's reformation, Storm King's invasion, and the opening of School of Friendship. Twilight is now the Princess of Equestria, however, she wasn't as all happy about this. Only if Spike could see this as well...

Tears rolled down her cheeks as the memories rushed into her head, Spike's horrible death, the pain... She tried hard to resist the urge of braking down.

"Princess?" A voice asked, Twilight looked up, seeing the worried face of her student, Luster Dawn, "Is everything alright?"

Their is a slight error her in the Timeline. I agree that the events from Season 5-7, Movie, and Season 8 is alright.

BUT, After Season 9, and BEYOND that with Twilight looking like Celestia, have Luster Dawn as her new student, and her Friends getting Older. It's takes MORE than a single Year for all of that to happened!

Plus, Without Spike in the later Seasons. WHO can help Twilight with Sunset, The Dazzlings, and Starlight in the Time Loop. Or even help Ember or Thorax become Leaders. No Offense! But, I don't think you thought this though with a Season 5-9 Timeline without Spike involved.

It cannot be... Twilight shook off the thought as she stood tall and faced the creature, "SHOW YOURSELF THIS INSTANT!" she shouted in her Royal Canterlot voice. The red eyes stared at her, then the rest of the body began to glow with strange red dots, then it hopped down from the ceiling in front of Twilight without a single sound. Twilight was taken back and surprised by the graceful landing and the fact that it's soundless.

"Who are you?" Twilight asked carefully at the strange creature, when she looked closely, her eyes widened in shock. This creature is half-robotic, his entire bodies covered in a strange-looking suit she'd never seen before. (Looked kinda like Genji's)

The creature did not answer her. Twilight's shock is replaced by anger, this creature is disrespecting her in front of her student. Her horn charged with magic as she snarled at the creature, "Whoever you are, you better get off, o else-"

"Or else what, Princess?"The creature snarked, his voice sounded familiar, while it mixed with robotic voice. (Sounds like Genji's voice) "Why are you upset? Is it because of Spike? You blame yourself, for his death."

Twilight's eyes turned to rage, "YOU DON'T DESERVE TO SAY HIS NAME!" Then she charged her magic, this magic, however, is unique, it was bonded with her by Celestia with Spike. Her eyes glowed as she spoke the enchanted words. Then fired the spell, a purple energy beam with a Alicorn Spirit formed in the beam as it charged at the creature.

"Seresutiaruu~ittinmΔ«! Watashi no teki o hakai seyo!" (Yes, it is made up by myself, meaning: Celestial WIthin Me! Destroy My Enemy!)

The creature did not flinch of show any fear, instead, he grabbed the Katana behind his back and pulled it out while shouting words that SHOCKED Twilight.

"Watashi no naka no doragon no tasogare! Teki o totsugeki seyo!" (Meaning: twilight of dragon within me! Charge my enemy!)

The energy beam shot from the katana formed a raging dragon spirit as it charged at the Alicorn Spirit, it destroyed the Alicorn spirit completely as it charged towards Twilight. The Princess's eyes widened in shock, surprise, and horror. But before the rating dragon spirit could Destry her as well, the mysterious figure suddenly seized his attack, the spirit disappeared.

Twilight's eyes were still in shock, as her friends and students stormed into *THE* castle, must've heard the noises coming from it earlier.

"Twilight! Who's this dude?!" Rainbow Dash snarled, "YOU ARE IN BIG TROUBLE-" She was cut off by a ninja star flying straight at her, it changed course and sliced off few of her manes before returning to the creature's right claw, it suddenly disappeared into the robotic claw. The rest of them show in fear at the deadly creature, but it showed no sign of killing any of them.

"Only Spike, could use that Dragon spirit, bonded by Celestia... Who are you..." Twilight was loss for words, she managed to mutter out those above.

The creature suddenly disappeared in a blur of red flash that even outran Rainbow Dash, Twilight barely have time to react before a blade was set in front of her neck, barely cutting her. The creature was right next to her, he DASHED. Nopony/creature moved as Twilight was been held hostage.

"Do it then, KILL me." Twilight said with her eyes closed, she'd be joining Spike anyway. But to her surprise, the assassin creature set off his blade, and placed the blade into the holster hanging behind his thigh.

"No, I will not grant you the death you wished *FOR*, you have your friends, students, and... Your son." The creature said. The last two words made Twilight's eyes shot open as she quickly got up and stared at the creature.

"No! My son... Is dead..." she said.

The creature looked at her, then placed his claws behind his mask, a light click was heard as the mask was unlocked, hisses of air shooting out from the breathing vines of the mask, Twilight and the others' eyes winded more, as the creature unmasked himself.

The others gasped as twilight's eyes widened in shock as she covered her muzzle with her hooves. The assassin, his face, has a scar ran across his left eye, right eye was blind, replaced by a robotic red eye. And his right cheek has a burned mark on it. His only natural eye, was emerald.

He smiled, "Hello mother."

"S...Spike..." Twilight muttered, "Is it..."

This part. Has so many wrong here. Despite having some misspelling that shouldn't be their in the first place. How can you misspell *The, He, For*, and other Simple Words?

But for one, WHY is Cyborg Spike being a Ass to Twilight, and her Friends?! I know he is acting like Genji to Hanzo in the Overwatch Short. But, the problem is, Spike is NOT like Genji! Sure, Genji is his master. But, don't be a carbon copy of him. And instead of TELLING/SHOWING Twilight his True self. He acted like a total Dick, and provoke her to attack him??!!

It makes TOTAL Sense for the Ninja Brother Rivals. But, Why would a Kid/Teen like Spike Provoke his Mom ( Twilight) to attack him, and nearly kill her??!! That was Totally Unnecessary for Everyone over here.

He could have showed his face, the MOMENT he showed up. Then, we don't have the Unnecessary fighting. And another thing:

"Yes, mom, I'm back." Spike answered, but his smile froze as Twilight gave him a raging glare, he was tackled onto the ground with Twilight on him.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Twilight shouted with *HER* royal canterlot voice, "YOU BETTER HAVE A GOOD BUCKING EXPLANATION OR ELSE!" Then her angry looked faded as tears rolled down, she broke down as she sobbed in Spike's arms.

"Twilight, you're filled with sorrow and pain, you blamed yourself *FOR* my death didn't you?" Spike asked quietly, Twilight's eyes widened more.


"Let's just say... I have some unique teachers." Spike said, breaking the embrace, "But know that I never blamed you for my 'death', you did your best, I did what I have to do. You *HAVE NO* right to blame yourself or drowning yourself in shame and sorrow."

This is bad as well. And this is Twilight's attitude this time. Why the heck is she demand, and even threatening Spike to "Explain Himself"? And what is with " Or Else"? Or else, WHAT? Bitch!!! Spike is Powerful enough to kick your weak ass. So, DON'T talk back to him! 😑

And STOP using the God Damn "Royal Canterlot Voice" already. Do you want to BREAK Spike's Robotic and sensitive ears, and make him Deaf? Don't you have a "Inside Voice"? Geez, you are acting like Luna!!! :facehoof:

Your NOT acting like a very good mother for treating Spike like that. And once Spike reveal himself. You DIDN'T apologize for trying to attack him. And just Yelled at him??!!

And Considering that you also insult Faust. Do you want Faust to take Spike back to Overwatch. Because your just a Angry, Violent, Ungrateful, Child Abusing Bitch?

Twilight :twilightoops:

Me: I don't think so! 😈

And STOP blaming yourself for Spike's "Death". It is Tirek's ( And technically Discord's Fault for helping Tirek) Fault to begin with. And why isn't he executed for "murdering" Spike for Justice?

"Weird names." Applejack couldn't help but blurted out.

Hypocrite!!! Considering the fact that your name is a Cereal Box!

Disclaimer, don't own this picture:


"10 YEARS?!" Spike clenched his claws around his ears.

"Ugh, stop that," he groaned, earning some sheepish chuckles, "I guess the time on Earth is different than Equestria. I became an agent of Overwatch as well, but I missed you guys so much, so I told Winston about this; he's a talking gorilla scientist, so he built a portal chichis powered by my magic. Then I came back here, I was planning a surprise, but it seems like your student here figured it out."

WHY didn't he react when Twilight tackles him, and use her Royal Canterlot Voice on his FRICKIN Face??!! And what is a chichis??? What is Goku's Wife got to do with this?

And Spike? When you say "Surprise"? You mean acting like a Total Dick/Ass by insulting Twilight, Provoke her to attack you, and almost killing your "Mother", and her/your Friends??!! Then that was a Terrible, and Unnecessary Surprise.

"But here's one thing, I've done too much killing, taken many lives, I don't think living with ponies are my best options." he said solemnly, "Now I'm used to fighting and adventures, plus Equestria must've changed a lot when I was gone, so I'm planning to travel around Equestria. Both to seee what it had become and to destroy the evils." He said.

Really, Spike? Really??!! You not a FRICKIN Murderer! Your a Hero/Anti Hero that saves innocent lives, while killing Terrorist and Criminal Scum. And IF those "Lives" are taken are Terrorists or Criminals. Then STOP being a Emo like Batman. And be proud you stop Evil Permanently! Plus, after all these years. Your abandoning you mother and friends, over you stupid moral of "I'm still a Hero, save and protect Innocents. But I Kill Bad Guys, and I'm a 'danger' to Ponies".

Haven't you HEARD about the Police/Cops, or Soldiers that take down, and kill Real Bad Guys. πŸ™„

The Cyborg dragon then turned and walk to the edge of the castle, he turned and placed his mask back on, with one last Japanese bow, he said, "We'll meet again, take care, mother." Then *HE* was engulf in black clouds of smoke coming from nowhere. (Like Genji's in the short) It formed a small twister, when the smoke were cleared, Spike was gone, a small piece of purple feather; the one he kept on him since the day Twilight became a Princess; floated through the ai rand back to Twilight, she picked it up with her magic and smiled warmly.

"My name is Spike, I'm shadow, I'm the air, I'm nobody. I might be Twilight's son, but when my enemies sees me, I'm no longer a living being. This is a message to the evil ones out there, leave Twilight and her friends alone... Cuz I'm coming."

Transformers Reference?

Okay, other then having misspellings that shouldn't be their. And having personal problems and mistakes in this, and my other Long Comment. And you again made a Guilt Ridden Twilight and her Friends to UNPROVOKED Attacking a Displaced Spike.

And instead of showing his face, or reveal himself earlier. Spike made the situation worse by being a jerk/dick to Twilight and her Friends for NO Reason. And show his OP Powers like a Prideful, Egotistical, and Emo-Like Protagonist to the Poor Main Six.

And Neither Spike, or especially the Main Six DIDN'T Apologize for attacking each other??!!

I may Love Overwatch, just like TF2. But, these Personal Issues ruined this Story for me. And I have to leave a Dislike. Sorry!

Wait, all of Equestria? Spike's friends I can understand, but an entire nation? That seems like a bit much to me.

Well Spike is technically, a national hero

Thanks for the criticism, long as it's not rude, I'm free to improve.

By the way, how long have you played Overwatch? I started playing it a few weeks ago.

awesome story mate keep it up:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:


Seriously, I did use Cursing/Profanity, because I was upset/angry. But, that wasn't rude for you? Despite, it wasn't my intention to insult you anyway. But instead, don't like what happened in the story, along with some misspelling.

Alright then, if you don't like it, I cant force you, it's your choice, but thanks anyway for the criticism. The idea just came up in a blink I didn't really put too much thought in it.


Sadly, I don't own it. I read Wiki, and watch YouTube Videos of it. I'm more of a TF2 and Rainbow Six: Seige Fan. And I kinda like Apex Legends as well. But Fornite?

TF2, Overwatch, Rainbow Six: Seige, Call Of Duty Series/Warzone, Apex Legends: 😎 πŸ‘

Fornite or PUBG ( PlayerUnknown's Battle Ground): πŸ˜‘ 😐


I just don't like having a Displaced Spike and a Guilt Ridden Main Six to attack each other for No Reason, and it's highly unnecessary. And after that. No Apology from both sides??!! Just more Anger and Threats on "Where have you been, or Else!".

INSTEAD of, "We're so Sorry we attacked you!! I'm a Worst Mom/Friend to not recognize you, then threaten and hurt you!"

And then one of them we'll say to Spike: "Wait, Spike?! WHY didn't you say it's you in the first place? And why did you Provoke us to attack you and acting Emo-Like and even Hurt Us?! I thought were your Friends/Family??!!"


Well, years of fighting Talons and other enemies wiped out Spike's innocence, it just his fighter instinct, but your statement made sense, my bad, I kinda rushed it cuz the idea came so suddenly. :twilightsheepish:


You like Miltary Stuff like Tanks, Planes/Jets, and Ships, right?

I do as well. So, have you heard of Halo Wars 1 and 2? Or the Drone Tanks from the Arkham Knight's Militia?

Yeah I know Halo. I played World of Tanks, but it wasn't really realistic so I tried War Thunder. GG

loved this story. best regards, darkbroney666


More into the World Of Tanks anyway. With War Planes, and War Ships. And War Thunder is good too. And IF you know Halo. You seen Halo Wars 1 and 2?

And you forgot to ask me, if you know about the Arkham Knight's Militia Drone Tanks?

Arkham Knight's Militia Drone Tanks? Eh, no so much




Here is the Drone Tanks themselves. Disclaimer: Don't own them, of course. They are from Batman: Arkham Knight by Rocksteady Studios :


Twin Rattlers:




There are more Drones from Aerial Units, and a Super Tank (Cloudburst Tank/Arkham Knight's Personal Tank) filled with Scarecrow's Super Fear Toxin:


So, what did you think?

Pretty futuristic and cool 😎


DC Comics and the Batman: Arkham Games have some little Futuristic Technology in them. :moustache: πŸ‘

lol still love this story, i reread it every few months after rewatching the video.

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