• Published 24th Jan 2021
  • 1,286 Views, 5 Comments

The Moment Our Eyes Met - SweetCarol

On the eve of her wedding, Apple Bloom remembers when her feelings for her fiance changed overnight, which left her immensely confused.

  • ...

Chapter 1

"Excuse me, excuse me, sorry, the bride's sibs passing by!" Applejack said as she rushed through the crowd with her older brother, accidentally stepping on some hooves as she passed to get to the castle as quickly as possible.

They wanted to arrive in Canterlot 1 day before to be there for their little sister, but several unexpected happenings happened and they only had 1 hour to talk to her before the wedding ceremony started.

"I hope we didn't come too late, Apple Bloom would be so upset with us." Big Mac said breathlessly.

"Nah, I was informed that the ceremony would only start at two." She said, looking around the entrance, which was beautifully decorated with flowers and white ribbons. They'd admire and notice that it was one of the most beautiful wedding decorations their eyes had ever seen, if they weren't so focused on wanting to see Apple Bloom.

The orange pony smiled when she saw one of her best friends talking to one of her apprentices, Yona.

"Rarity, did you see where Apple Bloom is?" She asked.

Rarity turned to one of her best friends and was amazed to see how she was doing, that was certainly not clothes worthy of wearing at a wedding.

"Heavens darling, are you going to dress like that at your own sister's wedding?" She asked astonished, observing Applejack from top to bottom.

"No, the dress is here in the bag, but that doesn't matter now, where's my sister?" She asked.

"In the groom's room." Rarity replied, pointing in the right direction. "But they're obviously separated, they say it's bad luck for the couple to see each other before the wedding."

"Thank you very much!" Applejack thanked her, frantically shaking her hoof. "See you later!"

They ran into one of the castle's towers and when she opened the door, Applejack came across something that made her eyes start to water.

Apple Bloom was admiring herself in the mirror, but when she heard the sound of the door opening, she turned towards it.

Her white dress shone, but not as much as her eyes, she felt that no one was as happy on her special day as she was. Her red mane was braided, adorned with crystals and a white bow.

"Isn't she the most beautiful bride in the world, big brother?" She said, while drying the few tears that welled up in her eyes.

On the other hand, Big Mac burst into tears of emotion when he finally saw Apple Bloom in her wedding dress. The three came together in a short collective hug and she kissed their cheeks.

"So how are ya feeling on your big day?" Applejack asked, as she handed her brother a handkerchief. "Don't forget that if you need anything, anything at all, don't hesitate to tell us, now we are here for you." Applejack assured her.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac agreed.

"I don't think I need anything thanks. And just I'm a little nervous, but I'm couldn't be more happy!" She replied, with a smile that never left her face.

"I bet the groom is, too. He can consider himself lucky to be about to marry the best lil' sis of all!"

"Actually, I'm the lucky one to be marrying him. It seems like yesterday when our eyes met and we felt something different that we never felt before for each other." Apple Bloom said, looking fondly at one of the photos they took together in a heart-shaped frame over the drawer.

1 year ago...

It was a sunny day in Ponyville, the sun was shining brightly and the sky was a beautiful shade of blue with no sign of rain.

Apple Bloom slept soundly, until the sound of the alarm clock started to bother her ears and woke her up, bringing her from dreamland.

She got up, picked up the pillow and repeatedly tapped the clock with it until it stopped beeping.

"Apple Bloom, again?" Scootaloo complained, upon entering the room and seeing the broken alarm clock again.

"Sorry, force of habit!" She babbled, still groggy from sleep and turned to the other side of her body. "Five more minutes and then I'll wake up!"

"What day do you think it's today?" Scootaloo asked ironically.

"Day of school, right?" She replied, lifting her head and then rested it again on the pillow.

"No, today's the school trip for the youngest students and you're the only teacher who will chaperone them!" She explained, which made Apple Bloom's eyes widen and realize that she had confused the dates for the first time in her life in so many years as a teacher.

Scootaloo watched and laughed at his best friend's haste. She couldn't go to school because she was taking care of Sweetie Belle, who woke up on the day before sneezing and with a lot of fever.

The red-haired pony improvised a bun in her hair without her bow , took her purse and was about to leave when she was warned by Sweetie Belle.

"Hey, you forgot your reading glasses!" She screamed, her voice sounding strange because her nostrils were clogged and then sneezed.

"It's fine Belle, I don't need them." Apple Bloom replied.

"Yes you do, you don't want to have any more vision problems, do you?" She said, certain that her best friend had no other choice.

"OK fine!" She snorted, putting on her glasses, and only with them was she allowed to leave the house, after a collective hug between the three.

Last year, Apple Bloom started having trouble reading and had an eye exam, where she was diagnosed with presbyopia, which made her feel older than she already did, despite everyone saying she was still 27.

Arriving at the school, all the students were waiting for her inside. But she was surprised to see Spike there, the last time she asked her older sister for him when they were both shooting the breeze, she was informed that he had made yet another "important royal affairs trip".

It was the first time in several years that she had the chance to notice him and he had changed a lot. A feeling of heat filled her chest and she started to feel lighter than air.

"Oh, he's handsome!" She said to herself mentally, then was astonished and confused by what she had just thought. "Oh my God what am I doing?"

"Always on time, huh?" The dragon said wryly, which made her make a fleeting grimace.

"Don't bother me!" She said bluntly. "After all, what are you doing here? Aren't'cha supposed to be on Canterlot doing some royal bullshit or something?"

Surprised, but at the same time attracted by her audacity, Spike smiled and knelt to match her height. Apple Bloom tried as hard as she could to not demonstrate the effect he had on her.

"Someone's salty today, is that how you talk to the Royal Advisor of Equestria?"

"Ugh I don't give a damn, for me you're still the same stupid dragon as ever!" She said, pressing her hoof to his forehead and shoved his head back.

Upon falling to the ground, the dragon burst out laughing, as did all the little students in the kindergarten part of the School of Friendship.

"Stop laughing!" Apple Bloom snarled. "This is serious!"

"Look who's talking, the most serious pony in the world who pushed me to the ground." He retaliated, making her want to punch him right there, but she stopped herself from being in the workspace.

"Hey, teacher!" He said, pointing back.

"What?" Apple Bloom turned and her eyes widened when she noticed her students all gaping, because she had never shown that kind of behavior... in front of them of course.

"Oh!" She laughed nervously. "So kids, let's start with the roll to see if everyone is here okay?"

"And to answer your question, it's my month off and the princess has allowed me to chaperone the students too. It looks like you're gonna have to put up with me for the entire school trip!" He explained and winked at her.

Apple Bloom brought the clipboard closer to her face, so that no one would notice the growing blush on her cheeks, but she was sure someone had noticed.

"You'll pay for this!" She mumbled between her clenched teeth.

Why did he have to be such a cute idiot?