• Published 31st Jan 2021
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Forbidden Places - Starscribe

A group of clandestine explorers stumble into Equestria, emerging from the portal in strange new bodies. Riches and fame await them, if only they can find a safe way home before the magic becomes permanent. It's not as easy as it sounds.

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Chapter 78: Vesper

It didn't matter how hurt she was, and how badly she probably needed it; Vesper couldn't sleep. The moon was high, and with it her anxiety.

The rescue was successful—Kaelynn was free, and a terrible pony who had caused harm to so many wouldn’t be able to hurt anypony else again. It was the kind of results she might've called a "huge success".

But now Equestria knew about them. They were no longer hidden, and their reveal had hardly been positive. Everything Twilight said about the stupidity of their plan, not asking for help—it was all true.

We should've listened to the changeling information on where Kaelynn was being held, and ignored all her instructions for how to rescue her.

Vesper paced back and forth at the edge of the hospital room, beside a single wide window open to the sky. She could probably remove her bandages and escape that way, vanish into the city and flee the legal consequences of what she'd done. She could probably even reach the portal through to Poland and leave Equestria behind.

Blake might suggest escape, if it gets bad enough. What do I tell him then?

"Canterlot is beautiful, isn't it?" said a voice from behind her. So quiet that she almost missed it—the pony obviously didn't want to wake the sleeping injured. Even Ryan was sleeping now.

She didn't turn around, just stared out over the city of cliffs, nodding her appreciation. "There are places like this where I came from, or there used to be."

Princess Luna could try to be subtle and quiet all she liked, her wings would still cast a shadow. Even with her eyes closed, Vesper would've sensed the power there. Like standing beside a campfire, radiating heat that penetrated deep into Vesper's mind.

How could I dream of escaping from her? "Were you just testing us? Waiting to save Kaelynn yourself if Morningtide was ever going to do anything real to her? We fucked that one up."

The princess didn't answer for a long time. Long enough that Vesper could see a little group of ponies moving over the streets far below. She squinted, and her eyes adjusted. They were bats, laughing and singing some raucous song as they passed between buildings on the single street still brightly lit. Night district, right. I really need to check that out.

"I did not lie to you," Princess Luna said. "I could not find her, and you did." She lowered her voice to a throaty whisper. "The creatures of today are too gentle, too unaccustomed to pain. Sometimes a blade is the only solution to evil spreading in your midst.

"The seapony male, Tellin Shell, suffered a life of mistreatment no creature should experience. I fear if that had gone on much longer, he would have been transformed from a victim to an instrument of that same evil. All this accomplished with a minimum of casualties. The staff of House Shimmer will recover. Perhaps in Morningtide's absence, her long-vanished scion will return to take her place in Equestria at last."

Vesper turned, looking up at the strange princess. She expected something more mundane than the vision she saw in dreams—in that space, any creature could look however they wanted. Mastering that magic would not require Luna to look like much.

She was wrong, though. Her mane lifted to an unseen wind—but not unfelt. It was the warmth of another place, somewhere familiar. Through it, she could see the stars of a cloudless night, swirling galaxies, and other things only a fine telescope should have let her see.

"Does that mean we aren't going to be punished?" she asked, cautiously.

Luna shrugged absently. "Equestria has a long history of brave creatures doing what is right, even when it isn't wise. If it were up to me, I would not censure you. But you should understand... your faces are known now, to some of the most powerful families in the nation. Even if Twilight agrees, I would leave this city, and stay away until they find somepony to blame for Morningtide's disappearance. They are all eager to have her gone, they just won't say so out loud."

"We're here from another world," Vesper said. Not that Luna didn't already know—but the more they spoke, the more that part seemed forgotten. "My friends think we both have a lot to benefit from an exchange. Your magic, our technology, cultures... they think it should be shared."

"Do you?"

At least she didn't have to stand there awkwardly, confused about it. Vesper had been thinking about it for weeks. "If it was done right. It could go badly… but it could also help both of us in ways we can't even imagine yet. More to our benefit than yours, if I'm being honest."

Luna looked away, back into the night. "That decision isn't mine to make either. Pieces have been in motion since before you were born—even Princess Twilight has little say in it. Magic is like water, it flows. First a trickle forms a stream, then a river, and finally a canyon is carved."

Luna gestured with a wing, gently pushing Vesper around. "You should sleep now, my little pony. Tomorrow is your judgement—face it on your hooves."

Vesper didn't imagine she'd be able to obey that command—sleeping during the day wasn't just a choice anymore, it was an inevitability. But when she did crawl into the uncomfortable hospital bed, she found consciousness fled from her almost at once. She did not see the gates of deeper slumber that night.

Another shame—she did want to speak to Pale Light, and tell him how her misadventures had gone. But it could probably wait one night.

Princess Luna was right. When the sun came up, a pair of royal guards in bright armor arrived in the hospital, with instructions to bring them to the throne room.

Too bad Vesper didn't have anything nicer to wear. They barely gave her time to change old bandages for fresh ones before they were dragged off, and down the hall through the maze-like castle.

She did her best to memorize where they went, but it was a largely futile effort. Her anxiety was overpowering, and she could think of little else. All around them were artifacts of unbelievably ancient date, scowling rulers of a culture that wasn't theirs.

There was only one consolation; they were together. Kaelynn was here, Ryan and Blake weren't at each other's throats. Most importantly, Vesper had Blake to lean on whenever she felt nervous. So right now.

"This is worse than getting arrested in the Philippines," she whispered. "Who brought the bribe in their socks this time?"

Blake chuckled.

"Don't think they'll take American money here," Ryan said.

"I hope you're not seriously thinking about trying." Kaelynn glowered at her, stern. "We're already gonna look bad enough."

Vesper stuck her tongue out. "Course not. Nice wings, by the way. Do they work?"

The seapony was taken aback, enough that she slowed in the hall. Their escort gave her a pointed gesture, and she hurried to catch up.

"I'm honestly not sure," she said. "Probably. Feels like they should. Maybe you can teach me."

"With Janet complaining every minute, I'm sure," Vesper said. But she trailed off, frowning. She actually remembered those weeks fondly. Traveling through an alien world on their airship, learning how to fly. All they needed was a few solar panels, a projector, and a minifridge of snacks, and they'd be ready.

They reached a set of double doors, flanked by more uniformed guards. Like the ones who brought them here, none of these ponies were even armed. They just wore shiny armor, looking threatening. But some of them are unicorns. They're always armed.

Equestria was such a wonderfully strange place. Hopefully they would let her stay.

The throne room was every bit as awesome as that name implied. Huge stained-glass windows let in a shower of multicolored light. The guards marched them through too fast for her to get a proper view of everything. She saw the shapes of familiar ponies—the princesses, the Elements, and scenes she'd heard about in conversations with the natives.

So not unlike the American capital in that way—history was on display here. But this was a monarchy, and the ponies had clearly spared no expense. The ceiling was stories high, filled with spectacular crystal chandeliers. And at the far end of the hall there was a throne, more impressive than anything since the ancient Xerxes and his mountain of slaves.

There was gold, gemstones, and flowing water into a fountain of living plants and probably fish too. And standing atop it was Princess Twilight Sparkle.

If Princess Luna was a torch, this was a magical bonfire. Vesper didn't doubt that even a human brought here would sense her power. Incredible, intimidating... yet somehow not destructive.

There were seats along the wall, raised wooden benches for an audience. But not a single one of them was occupied today. Their judgement was not to be made before the Equestrian public, it seemed.

They stopped at the base of the throne. "Bow before your princess," instructed their escort. But they'd already started doing exactly that. It was one thing to be a proud foreigner, refusing to submit to the customs of another nation. That was how you ended up with a long time in jail, begging for the embassy to come to your rescue.

But her friends made a career out of breaking laws. That meant equal parts not getting caught, not causing trouble they didn't have to, and acting as humble and contrite as they could when they were caught.

Vesper would've bowed anyway. That kind of power just demanded respect, in a way nothing in her own world ever could.

"I hope your last few days as my guests have been... restful," she said, as soon as they were standing again. With a faint flash of her horn, she vanished from the upper seat, reappearing on the lower one, much closer to them. "Guards, seal the hall."

They saluted, then trotted back the way they'd come. Vesper could detect just a hint of disappointment. There was obviously curiosity here—they wanted to know about this mysterious case, and they wouldn't get the chance. Not this time, anyway.

"Yes, thank you," Vesper said. "I feel much better." She stretched with one wing, straining against her bandages. The damn thing picked a bad time to start itching...

The others muttered similar gratitude, except Kaelynn. She looked distracted, her eyes lingering on the little pool. What had she seen?

"I'll dispense with the formalities," the princess continued. "We all know why you're here. The judgement is already entered, and there's nopony here to perform for. Is that okay?"

"We don't get to defend ourselves?" Blake asked. His tone remained deferential, and he didn't make eye contact. But his words were still uncompromising.

The princess chuckled. "I learned everything I needed to know. Our conversations have been interview enough—with you, and the victims of House Shimmer. As well as yours."

Blake fell silent.

"It is obvious you broke the law. Taking justice into your own hooves, breaking into the house of a noble of Canterlot. Several creatures were injured in that attack, with burns that required magical healing to treat.

"But there were mitigating factors as well. Your friend, foalnapped. You didn't attack indiscriminately, as you could have. Most importantly, Morningtide's death was at her own hooves. I could never release murderers back into Equestria, no matter why they decided to kill. But you didn't."

Vesper could feel the sword hanging over this. All this was the beginning of justification—Twilight was about to bring the hammer down.

"Even if what you did is not well known to other creatures, I can't just release you into Equestria without punishment. Seapony Kaelynn, you have done nothing wrong, and know that this punishment is not yours."

"I don't care," she said. "Whatever they get, I get. They did it for me."

The princess nodded once, respectfully. "I am not... surprised, you feel that way." She turned her attention on Blake and Ryan. "I am not unaware of your origins, creatures. Equestria has decided not to contact the nations that normally represent you. The Kirin are not responsible for you, nor will they be able to rehabilitate you. The same is true of King Thorax. Do you both agree?"

Blake and Ryan nodded. Ryan's relief was visible.

The princess vanished in another flash of light. She reappeared atop the throne, with a scroll levitating beside her.

"This is the judgement of Equestria! For your crimes, Thestral Vesper, Kirin Blake, and Changeling Ryan, will be hereby sentenced to:

"Two weeks of community service."

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