• Published 4th Sep 2012
  • 16,742 Views, 1,222 Comments

My Little Behemoth: Friendship is more than Food - Kishin

Just because you're a 3-ton Changeling Behemoth doesn't mean that you can't have friends.

  • ...

Impius Lepus

"Are you in pain?"


"You don't feel different in anyway?'


Twilight huffed, "Are you going to say anything besides 'No'?"

Cyr contemplated and said, "Yes. So what next?"

"No idea. You seem healthy. Your magical output has decreased by a LOT though. I'm afraid the majority of your magic you're familiar with won't be usable from now on. I'll try to tell Luna about it, but you're going to have to keep your hooves occupied while she gets the letter," Twilight said. "Stay away from public eyes. You're suppose to be dead remember?"

Cyr thanked her and walked away through the apple fields, feeling like he had the air of a Changeling patient with a case of terminal thorax rot. His image flickered as he stubbornly attempted, and failed multiple times, to cast an disillusionment spell

Twilight returned to the farm and tried to think of something to say that would supplement Cyr's mood, when a familiar face popped out.

Applejack greeted her, "Howdy, Twi. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine AJ," Twilight answered, "Just had to tell our guest the bad news."

"How is the big feller?"

"He's healthy, and somewhat still his regular size. But he's starting to struggle using his magical abilities. I think he's kinda depressed about it. Say, you don't have anything else to do on the farm, do you?"

Applejack replied, "Not really. The big guy already took care of that."

"Well, can you keep him distracted? I'm a bit worried that he won't be acting his usual self from now on. And I can't be watching him constantly. Cadence is starting to have a little trouble with her side of the kingdom, and I think I'll probably have to go over there sometime soon. I'll be taking leave, but can you give Cyr something to do while the Princesses decide what to do?"

"Sure thang. Gotta help out our friends don't we?" AJ called out, and Twilight was starting to trot out of the farmland.

Twilight turned and smiled, "Glad we all think about him that way."

Cyr just had to ask. He wasn't one to involve himself into things without a "where" and "why".

"So....Any reason why you're dragging me near town?"

Applejack said, "Carrot Top has a vermin problem in one of her cabbage patches. Don't see why we can't help, can we? While Ah try to talk to Fluttershy about it, you'll have to guard it for her."

"Awfully nice way to treat the competition."

"She's been through a lot, that one. And you always manage to cheer 'er up."

Cyr went silent and said nothing for the rest of the trip except for a cryptic reply, "So it seems."

They arrived at a rather damp portion of the Ponyville swamplands. Hooves caked with mud, the pair trekked on until they arrived at a fenced area in the marshes. Cyr saw bobbing up and down a carrot-orange mane that he had been accustomed to see the past few days.

Hearing the wet suctioning of hooves pulling and plopping themselves through mud, the owner of the mane rose her head and directed herself towards her arriving friends.

Carrot Top welcomed, "Hiya! Small world, huh? I can never seem to get away from you guys!"

"Ready to go to Fluttershy's, CT? Got somepony to keep an eye on things!" Applejack said. "Right, big guy?"

Cyr whispered to Applejack, "You really haven't told me what I'm supposed to do when we got here."

"Relax. Carrot Top and Ah will be back in a jiffy. CT says it might be a rabbit infestation, but Ah can't really be sure," Applejack replied. Her and Carrot Top started their journey to Fluttershy's cottage, leaving Cyr in the marshes.

Some time later, Carrot Top admitted her doubt, "You sure he can handle it?"

Applejack smiled and added, "Ah'm sure."

Not much to do around here except listen to the frogs sing and the marshes bubble

Cyr sighed and got up from a rare patch of dry soil that was sieged upon by hoof-deep water and oil-like sludge surrounding Cyr.

Why she picked a swamp for raising vegetables, I'll never know.

Suffering from boredom's grasp, Cyr started to inspect rows of cabbage patches. They were decently healthy, except for some he encountered.

The rotting brown balls, which managed to camoflauge themselves into the muddy waters perfectly, were clothed with wilting leaves and exposed roots that were visible from the ground up. The heads of cabbages' natural yellowish/green had faded, and instead cast a deathly infusion of brown with specks of purple. Foreboding its fate, one of the cabbages had a neatly scribbled sign (if there ever was such a contradiction that Cyr would consider true...) declaring:

"Varmints ate this; Use as fertilizer"

'Tis a pity. Something born for life, marked for death.

Why I have such sympathy for a single head of cabbage, I'll never know....

This might be because of utter boredom, but I still can't believe I'm going to do this for, what? A bunch of plants that are going to be consumed anyway?...

Cyr imbued the plant with some of his love. With a few seconds of saturation, Cyr stepped away and viewed the greenish hue, and some of their size and leaves, returning. He continued this for a couple more of the ill-fated cabbages until he reached one that was being attacked by a mass of white fur.

"Um...You mind not doing that?" Cyr requested. He knocked over the animal with a light push from his hoof to reveal that the rabid blur of mass was in fact a bunny rabbit.

The animal gave him an annoyed scorn, as if Cyr had interrupted him in a task that would be considered imperative.

"Look, I've been working the past couple of minutes trying to fix what you wrought unto the cabbage patches. Can you please stay away from here now on?"

The bunny stuck out a tongue and blew a raspberry. That cheeky....

"I want to be nice about it. I really do. But your attitude isn't helping. These plants aren't your own."

The bunny shook a paw at him. No, wait. One of his individual digits positioned in the middle of his paw was poking out of the closed appendage. He returned to his feast.

"I'll ignore what you just did, and your brash impetuousness, if you walk away right now. Or I WILL use force," warned Cyr.

Come on, you insignificant mammalian pest. I dare you....

The bunny rabbit stared at Cyr. And he stared back. After an intense 5 minutes of complete eye-to-eye, nose-to-nose, hate-driven staring, the bunny started to back off.

"That's more like it-oof!"

A partially-consumed, rotten vegetable was thrown at Cyr's head, staining his brow, cheek, mane-frill, and fangs with bacterial-infested juices that stank to high heaven.

At that certain moment, Cyr's veneer of patience, carefully maintained after centuries of mental and physical barrages, broke.....into trillions of dissolving shards. That were then incinerated into oblivion by his incurred rage.

Deciding to conserve his almost diminished supply of love, Cyr decided it to be far wiser, and satisfying, to physically enact what he was going to do to the little beast without his weakened forms of Changeling magic.

With a speed that contrasted with his sluggish manner of trotting and his tank of a body, Cyr swung a hoof into the bunny's body, shooting it across the field into the swamp.


Invigorated by his success, Cyr nearly hadn't noticed the sea of white fur that rushed out of the shadows of the swamp, led by the kicked-at bunny rabbit. And noticing the similar characterisitcs of the army of rabbits (some even had eyepatches, beards, and tribal tattoos), Cyr observed that the probabiliy they were the kin of the abused bunny were very, VERY high.

Cyr chittered a swear, and bellowed, "If you think your family of inbred yodels and hicks for rodents will conquer me, than I surely was not given the name 'Cyrilius' at birth!"

It was official. Cyr was no longer sure that he was born with his namesake. And he didn't even believe his reality as a Behemoth was possible any more. Why you may ask? Because none of this should be happening, ESPECIALLY this.

Cyr wished he had wings again. The feeling of having the knowledge you could escape all your earthly troubles with just a tuft of membrane grown on your back carapace and a wing flap-rate of 300 movements per second was extremely comforting. Cyr would have given anything right now (A limb, a heart, or a lung) to get some wings right now, since he was being chased by a horde of bunny rabbits, that are actually omnivorous.

I bet all the ponies here already know that rabbits especially favor the nutrients and crunch of bug chitin. Curse their hypocritical allowance to let potentially carnivorous animal species live amongst them!

And I don't even think they'll believe me if I told them that they like eating bug species, especially Changelings. Even with the teeth marks and chunks on my carapace that I believe are missing right about now.

He looked behind him. The horde was gaining on him. They already tasted his flesh, and now they wanted more.

Panicking enough to actually run into and through trees, Cyr sprinted out of the swamp and headed towards Fluttershy's cottage, which was fairly close the swampland, thankfully.

Well look at the bright side, Cyr. They won't be eating those cabbages for a while now....they have you as the main course.